Health promotional intervention


Health promotion is the process of enabling the people to increase control over and to improve the health and wellbeing of them through taking corrective actions, treatment and care from the health and social care professionals.

The study focuses on acknowledging the needs and personal preferences of the individuals, who are suffering from obesity as well as develop an intervention planning for supporting the people and maximising their wellbeing so that they can live a normal life like others.

Health promotional intervention is one of the effective ways to support the social communities and promote good health and wellbeing in the societies, where the people can get proper intervention process and support from the health and social care professionals in order to live healthy life (Eldredge et al., 2016). The aim of the report is to develop the intervention process in case of obese people, where proper need assessment of the whole population further helps the health and social care professionals to identify the needs and preferences of the people, suffering from obesity and develop proper intervention process to mitigate the issue of obesity. Through this study, it is possible to review the existing model of Health Belief in order to analyse the preventive ways to intervene in the process and develop proper care plan to support the people who are suffering from obesity and give them proper treatment and quality care so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, those seeking guidance on similar topics might consider healthcare dissertation help to strengthen their understanding and approach.


Rationale of the research

The rationale of choosing the topic is to

Take care of the people and provide them proper support and treatment so that the issue of obesity can be resolved well

Reduce the overall obesity rate in the country

Reduce the diseases of hearth diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, gout, gallstones, osteoarthritis as well as depression, lung disease, insomnia from sleep and dementia

Develop the health promotional activities and intervention process for the benefits of the individuals, suffering from obesity

The rationale of the research is to identify the health needs of the obese people and develop effective health promotional activities to support the people, suffering from obesity. In this

regard, the issue of obesity across the world is increasing at a rapid rate and it is increasing both women and men for which it needs to take initiative by the health care organisations and the government to take care of the people and provide them proper support and treatment so that the issue of obesity can be resolved well. For the diseases of obesity, the people are also suffering from hearth diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, gout, gallstones, osteoarthritis as well as depression, lung disease, insomnia from sleep and dementia. There are other critical disease which are colon cancer, heart attack, fungal rashes and infection and endometrial cancer which are also originated or the disease of obesity (Sharma, 2016). Hereby, it is a concern among all the health and social care professionals as well as the government to take care of the people, which are suffering from obesity through developing the health promotional activities and intervention process so that the intervention can be developed well and the care professionals can help the people and support them with effective treatment and quality care.

Need assessment

Need assessment is effective to identify the systematic gap between the practice ad treatment and the personal needs and preferences of the individuals. Through the need assessment, it is possible for the health care professionals to identify the actual health needs and personal preferences of the individuals so that it is possible for them to develop effective health intervention planning in near future in order to support the people and give them better treatment and quality care (Edelman, Mandle and Kudzma, 2017).

The needs of the patients are such as,

Developing a healthy lifestyle

Increasing the social activities in the social communities

Improving their engagement with others

Reducing the chances of heart attack, high blood pressure

Developing proper dietary chart for better life

Calculating BMI rate of the individuals

Maximising wellbeing for living a healthy life style

Through the need assessment of the obese people, it comes to know that, the people requires proper support and care from the health and social care professionals where they can get proper support and treatment to improve their health and wellbeing. The people need proper dietary plan and improve the habit of healthy eating so that they can reduce the chance of obesity and lie a normal life like others (Fertman, and Allensworth, 2016). Moreover, another preference of the people is to improve the daily activities and getting involvement with the social activities positively so that the issue of depression, insomnia from sleep and anxiety can be removed and they can live a healthy life style. Additionally, calculating the BMI rate of the individuals is necessary under the need assessment technique, where the BMI rate is between 20.0 to 30, it indicates that the person is suffering from overweight and if the BMI rate is above 30, it indicates that the individuals is suffering from obesity.

Aims and objectives of the intervention

The aim of the health intervention process is to develop proper planning for the people, who are suffering from obesity and implement it strategically so that the individuals can get proper support and care from the health care professionals.

The objectives of the health care intervention are such as,

To develop proper care plan for the obese people

To reduce the chance of heart attack and depression

To reduce the overall percentage of population who are suffering from obesity

To improve healthy eating habits among the people so that they become educated and concerned about their eating habits and dietary plan for reducing the issue of obesity

The above mentioned objectives are such as, developing proper care plan for the obese people and reducing the chance of health attack and depression as well as improving the health and wellbeing of the obese individuals, healthy eating habits among the people, so that they become educated and concerned about their eating habits and dietary plan for reducing the issue of obesity and reducing the overall percentage of people suffering from obesity in the country. Through proper intervention planning, it is possible for the health and social care professionals to develop effective actions to support the individuals, suffering from obesity as well as help them to improve their life style so that they can lead a healthy life style (Levin-Zamir et al., 2019).

Theories of intervention

Health belief model is one of the effective theories under the health promotion and intervention process, where there are some key components which are perceived suspect ability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, cause to action and self efficacy. Under the perceived susceptibility, the individuals the perceived the threats of such diseases and in the perceived severity, the people believe the consequences for which they will suffer and cannot live a healthy life style (Dehjan et al., 2019). Under the perceived benefits, the people come to know about the treatment and intervention process and the benefits of such intervention which further motivates the people to take active part in the intervention process in order to improve their health and wellbeing so that they can live a healthy lifestyle. For implementing the health belief model,

It is necessary for the health care professionals to raise concerned among the people about the consequences of obesity so that it is possible to increase awareness about reducing the chances of obesity due to such consequences in the society.

Conveying the message if consequences to the social communities is impotent as per the model, where the health and social care professionals can share the negative factors that are associated with the diseases of obesity. In this present case, the care professionals need to convey the message about the consequences of obesity to the people which are the chances of heart attack and cancer, gallstones, depression, insomnia from sleep, anxiety, lack of daily activities and osteoarthritis (Bartels et al., 2015).

After that, it is necessary to communicate the target population, who are suffering from the disease of obesity and it is highly recommended in the health intervention model, as communication helps to acknowledge actual health needs and personal preferences of the individuals and accordingly the care professionals can develop effective care plan for the people in long run so that they can overcome the issue of obesity.

Providing proper assistance to the people with effective treatment and quality care is also appropriate as per the health promotion model, where the individuals are well acknowledged about the perceived benefits of the care plan and intervention process where inclusion of proper treatment, exercise and support to the people are beneficial to take proper action and help them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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As per the model,

The health care professionals raise awareness among the people about the consequences of obesity

Create urgency about taking actions for reducing the consequences

Develop effective intervention care plan for the people to reduce the issue of obesity in order to maximise their health and wellbeing

Approaches applied in the intervention process

There are several approaches which are important to develop proper intervention process in care to treat the people, suffering from obesity. In order to reduce the issue of overweight, it is necessary to develop weight management plan for the people through dietary planning and exercise. It is necessary for the individuals to have proper diet plan so that calorie management can be possible of the individual. In this regard, every person should get proper dietary chart in order to consume the appropriate calorie in their daily lives. In addition to these, the people should get proper information about the food habit which can improve the health condition and wellbeing of the individuals. In this regard, proper food habit is necessary for the people to be used to with their daily lives. Low calorie diet including 500 to 1000 calories a day less than the individual burns and the very low calorie diet by in taking only 400 to 800 calories a day and featured with high protein and low fat liquids are important for the people where the health and social professionals including the general physician and dietician are efficient to develop proper diet chart according to the BMI rate of the individuals (Witten, 2016).

Apart from that, daily exercise is necessary which can improve the health condition and raise the chances of activities which the people can perform in their daily lives. Exercise can reduce the chances of heart attack, insomnia from sleep and improve the daily activities among the people. Hereby, proper support with exercise for the people is another intervention planning through which the people can overcome the issue of obesity. In this regard, the activities such as,

Reducing time spending in watching television

Riding a bike

Taking stairs instead of elevator

These are the major exercise through which, it is possible for the individuals to reduce their weight and mitigate other consequences associated with the diseases of obesity.

Behaviour modifications is another health intervention planning, where the health and social care professionals can modify the behaviour of the individuals through,

Setting realistic weight loss goal

Recording the dietary plan and weight reduction activities

Rewarding specific actions such as exercising for long time and eating less of a certain food type

Adopting healthy food habit

Apart from that, there is medication through which he individual can get support from the care professionals where the medications such as Beta-methyl-phenylethylamine (Fastin), Orlistat (Xenical), Sibutramine (Meridia), and Phentermine are effective to increase the metabolism rate and reduce the chance of obesity among the individuals. There is also surgical weight loss procedure for target weight loss, where there are some people who have BMI rate at 40 and they need surgery urgently for weight loss (Okop, Levitt, and Puoane, 2019).


It is necessary for the health and social care professionals to tale active part and inanities in supporting the people, suffering from obesity. It is necessary to assess the health needs and personal preferences of the individuals. In this context, the health belief Model is effective to intervene in the process of health promotion ad support the individuals successfully. Through the Health belief model, the care professionals share the information about the consequences of the issue of obesity for which the individual’s perceive belief is increased well. After need assessment and conveying the message of consequences of obesity, the care professionals try to communicate with the people for acknowledging their daily life style, age, sex and personal habits so that proper care plan can be developed. This further helps to empower the patient s in the care plan and develop proper intervention planning successfully (Dias et al., 2016).

In this context, sharing proper information and rising concerned in the society are the major rationale of the care professionals where through the intervention process, they try to support6 the individuals and deliver effective support and quality care to them so that they can overcome their issues. After communicating the process of care ad conveying the message of consequences of obesity, the care professionals try to build trust and loyalty as well as provide the possible treatment procedure of obesity which is changing behaviour, exercise, dietary plan, surgery and medications. With the proper consent of the patients, the care professionals try to intervene in the process and support the individuals efficiently in order to reduce their weight and stay healthy with maximisation of health and wellbeing among the individuals.


It can be concluded that, the health promotional campaign is effective for the individuals, to take proper actions for the individuals, where they can get appropriate support to live a normal life and maximise their health and wellbeing in near future. The Health Belief model is effective in the health promotion and intervention, where the care professionals raise concerned about the consequences of obesity among the people and provides proper support and acre to the people so that they can stay a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the prevention technique includes medications, exercise, healthy eating habit, dietary planning and surgery through which the organisations can maximise the health and wellbeing among the individuals, who are suffering from obesity as well as reduce the consequences of obesity.

Take a deeper dive into Health Promotion Strategies And Approaches with our additional resources.

Reference List

Bartels, S.J., Pratt, S.I., Aschbrenner, K.A., Barre, L.K., Naslund, J.A., Wolfe, R., Xie, H., McHugo, G.J., Jimenez, D.E., Jue, K. and Feldman, J., 2015. Pragmatic replication trial of health promotion coaching for obesity in serious mental illness and maintenance of outcomes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(4), pp.344-352.

Dehjan, Z., Mahmoodi, M., Javadzade, H. and Reisi, M., 2019. Comparison of Health Promoting Lifestyle Predictors in High School Students with and without Overweight and Obesity: An Application of Health Promotion Model. International Journal of Pediatrics.

Dias, J.D., Mekaro, M.S., Lu, C., Otsuka, J.L., Fonseca, L.M.M. and Zem-Mascarenhas, S.H., 2016. Serious game development as a strategy for health promotion and tackling childhood obesity. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 24.

Edelman, C.L., Mandle, C.L. and Kudzma, E.C., 2017. Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. London: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Eldredge, L.K.B., Markham, C.M., Ruiter, R.A., Fernández, M.E., Kok, G. and Parcel, G.S., 2016. Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Fertman, C.I. and Allensworth, D.D. eds., 2016. Health promotion programs: from theory to practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Levin-Zamir, D., Nutbeam, D., Sorensen, K., Rowlands, G., Van den Broucke, S. and Pelikan, J., 2019. Brief report on the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) position statement on health literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world. Panorama Inforegio (English Edition), 5, p.206.

Okop, K.J., Levitt, N. and Puoane, T., 2019. Weight underestimation and body size dissatisfaction among black African adults with obesity: implications for health promotion. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 11(1), p.8.

Sharma, M., 2016. Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. London: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Witten, K., 2016. Geographies of obesity: environmental understandings of the obesity epidemic. London: Routledge.

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