Healthier Families, Healthier Futures: Unpacking the Aims and Objectives of the Change4Life Campaign


The campaign Change4life make sure that parents are provided with the vital support and tools they need to make healthy lifestyle choices for the families. Modern life tends to be a lot busier and less active marked with a sedentary lifestyle with more reliance on fast food and convenience. The campaign comes with innovative ideas that help families with a new proposition to help their kids stay healthy with better recipes and understanding the nutritional content of their food through the use of games (, 2020). The essay works on providing a possible overview through which it identifies the campaign being focused on. The essay also identifies the aims and objective of the campaign while and sending the target audience and expected time frame. The context of the campaign is additionally evaluated, which comprises how this campaign relates to the recent relevant research and what evidence-based on underpinning the intervention of campaign can be decided. The theoretical understanding of the camp is provided suitable examples and possible similarities. Moreover, for those exploring related topics, healthcare dissertation help can provide additional insights. Finally, evaluation of the campaign is provided with the aspects of strength and weakness of the campaign supported by suitable recommendation and conclusion

Campaign overview

Identify the campaign

Change4Life is England's first national social advertising effort to lessen stoutness. In planning it, the Department of Health and its offices drew on scholarly and business segment skill, conduct change hypothesis and proof from other fruitful conduct change battles, and authorised a considerable and progressing project of exploration among the intended interest groups (, 2020).


Purpose aim and objectives of the campaign

The campaign is powered through social media and aims on developing the following objectives:

Make a cultural development where everybody has their impact, assisting with making essential changes to those practices that can prompt individuals getting overweight and hefty (, 2020)

Make a division model that would permit assets to be focused to those people most needing assistance (for example whose mentalities and practices place their kids most in danger of abundance weight gain) (The Mail, 2020)

Give knowledge into why those people hold the perspectives and act as they do

Make an interchanges crusade to change those mentalities

Give 'items, (for example, handbooks, polls, divider diagrams and web content) that individuals could use to assist them with changing their practices

Sign individuals to administrations, (for example, breastfeeding bistros, went with strolls, free swimming and cookery classes)

Unite an alliance of neighbourhood, non-administrative and business area associations to utilise their impact to change conduct (, 2020)

To affect long haul conduct, the program's objectives were to create 1.5 million reactions from in danger families, with 200,000 of those respondents changing over into a client relationship the board (CRM) program to help conduct change (, 2020).

Who initiated the campaign?

The campaign was launched in the year 2009 as part of national ambition, set out in governments healthy weight healthy lives initiative (, 2020). The government in ages local authorities charity is business organisation are the major stakeholders of this campaign

Target audience:

The families with young kids of 11 years old, susceptible to unhealthy weight gain

Pregnant mothers

Breastfeeding mothers

Time frame and funding

A three-year promoting technique to drive, urges, energise and bolster individuals through each phase of the conduct change venture. The funding was undertaken by the government of England and NGOs (, 2020)

Collaborative elements

National retailers

Household-name brands


Commercial brands

Government departments

Media and mode of evaluation

Social media was used, with a web-based application to track the calories consumed by people. The number of times the web-based application was installed, coupled with increasing rates of healthy body weight can be termed as a proper mode of evaluation.

Context of campaign

How does the campaign relate to increasing rates of obesity?

The prime concentration of social media marketing is on the following families (, 2020):

1.4 million families with children under the age of 2 years

1.6 million families with children within the age range of 2 to 10 years

Pregnant individuals

People from ethnic minorities

Consumer research

Healthy weight and healthy life matters, and the program were developed to provide insight towards the behaviour and attitude of families with young children, especially below 11 years about diet and physical activities. The aspect of physical activity and diet underpinned the local survey in developing the social media marketing plan. The research comprises the following (, 2020):

Reviewing the current research, based on evidence

Quantitative segmentation with bespoke survey

Proposition research to tackle the obesity-related issue

Relation of the campaign to recent legislation

“All Our Health” is UK based legislation, a resource that helps the health professional to prevent health and promote wellbeing as part of the daily practice (GOV.UK. 2020). An interactive learning version of this issue is available to increase the skill and confidence of healthcare professional embedded in the prevention of day-to-day practice. The legislation understands the importance of child obesity and has rightly developed a plan for action with the areas of focus as follows (GOV.UK. 2020):

Improving the existing nutritional content of drink and food consumed by the young children

Straining the information given out the parents about those products consumed by the children

Changing the way and healthy food and drinks are promoted.

Hence, the chosen legislation, works as per the existing context of the campaign, supporting the norms of healthy eating among the children, by educating the parents. The knowledge pertaining to obesity and healthy eating habits among the children is an appropriate way to ensure a better range of awareness among the parents (GOV.UK. 2020). Hence, it can be conclusively stated, and it is important to state that the current legislation supports the chosen campaign.

The theoretical underpinning of Change4Life

Primary the intervention for obesity prevention makes use of behaviour change theoretical framework to understand the possible causes of weight gain and guide the research subjects towards healthy eating and physical activity (Baker, Graham and Davies, 2015). Addressing the failure of short-term behaviour intervention on over wearing intergenerational population challenges of obesity emerges as a major concern. Hence it can be conclusively stated that Change4life campaign words on changing the behaviour of both the parents and kids to the better living condition of health. Investigation of lay theories of obesity provides a better understanding of why obesity rates continue to raise at the same time government plans and make stringent policies to curb the same. For instance, it is important to understand whether people think self-regulated the behaviour such as a strong and healthy diet coupled with timely exercise can work on keeping a check on sudden weight gain among the young children (Livingston et al. 2013). People harbouring the incremental theory of obesity adopt qualitatively different stages that can be used for losing weight compared to the ones, making use of another theoretical approach to lose weight (Baker, Graham and Davies, 2015). Mental theorist helps the research subject to be more committed towards learning and persistent in facing adversity than people who think their intellectual abilities are stagnant. The incremental theory is much open to imbibe flexibility and help the people to change lifestyle by embracing a new diet or implementing a new routine for exercise (Baker, Graham and Davies, 2015).

Furthermore, the critical dimension that different these theories are a degree of which the personal attribute responsibility or blame the obese individuals. Obesity is considered as sinful behaviour, usually a manifestation of toxic food practice or industry manipulation. The casual theories state that obesity is an individual sin. However, current studies provide a basic understanding of the perspective explaining the cause of obesity and the probable ways that can be implemented to get rid of it. Hofmann (2016), suggested that obesity is largely caused due to poor choices of food like eating a lot of food with sugar content and fat. Hence it can be conclusively stated that rising rates of obesity among children is a reflection of more and more people making worst decisions about their health especially the parents you failed to provide the children with the much-needed knowledge about food and nutrition. Both the parents and kids need to understand that obesity is not an individual problem. The problem starts from an early age and off and goes undetected if there is a lack of suitable knowledge (Livingston et al. 2013). The current scenario in the UK provides a clear understanding that parents exhibit limited knowledge about healthy eating and portion control.

The similarity of the campaign to the theories

The campaign understands the importance of changing behaviour among the young parents and children alike. The campaign understands the importance of changing the eating behaviour among the children and sedentary lifestyle to address the issues of obesity (Cumbria Crack, 2020). Following are the steps undertaken by the campaign to implement the theoretical approach of obesity for better health outcomes.

Eating habits:

Numerous guardians have given up command over food decisions to their kids – permitting kids to choose what goes in the store streetcar, what they eat and when they eat it – so as to keep away from columns

Guardians regularly organise topping youngsters off over taking care of them the correct nourishments (Cumbria Crack, 2020)

Eating has become a lifestyle in numerous family units and is utilised in sincerely complex manners, for instance as a prize for good conduct and as pacification

Numerous guardians come up short on the information, abilities and certainty to cook without any preparation and depend on accommodation food

Adapting procedures to manage fastidiousness can make disorderly, undesirable family eating times (, 2020).


Most guardians accept their youngsters are as of now dynamic (confounding 'being boisterous' with 'being dynamic') and accept that schools are as of now doing what's necessary to ensure kids are dynamic (Cumbria Crack. 2020)

Stationary movement (for instance sitting in front of the TV and playing PC games) is empowered by guardians since it opens up their own time and they may come up short on the motivation or inspiration to be progressively dynamic

Guardians frequently trust it is excessively risky for their kids to play outside

A few moms come up short on the certainty to participate in physical movement with their youngsters (Cumbria Crack. 2020)

Guardians constantly use vehicles for short excursions since they trust it is progressively helpful and they join status to vehicle use (, 2020)

Evaluation of campaign

Effectiveness and impact of the campaign

Recognising the increasing rates of obesity among the UK population, the government launched a new TV campaign under Change 4Life scheme. Similar health care intervention in France leads to a drop of 2.6 % in overweight children within a span of 7 years (, 2013). Hence clearly there is a scope of success and decent science support the same that public on board is happy to search initiatives. There remains no doubt that campaign such as Change4life raise the knowledge pertaining to a health concern. However the intervention undertaken to educate people and change the food labels and mark the genetically modified ingredients on the food contents take more time than expected, this may emerge as a prime weakness (, 2013).

Change4Life intends to guarantee guardians have the basic help and devices they have to settle on more beneficial options for their families. The campaign realises that advanced life can mean people are significantly busier, not so much dynamic, but rather more dependent on comfort and cheap food than previously (, 2020).

However, that is the place Change4Life comes in, helping families with fun plans to assist kids with remaining solid, regardless of whether with simple plans for occupied weeknights, incredible sugar trades, Disney-propelled games to get kids going or help in understanding nourishment marks. Change4Life was propelled in 2009 as a feature of a national desire set out in the administration's Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives (2008) (, 2018)

Its motivation has been to rouse a social development, through which government, the NHS, neighbourhood specialists, organisations, a noble cause, schools, families and network pioneers would all be able to have an impact in improving kids' weight control plans and physical activity levels (, 2018). The campaign has a wide effort to a few geological zones, including guardians from various states. The campaign attempts to persuade and motivate millions of additional individuals to make and continue changes that will improve their wellbeing. It's a major undertaking. That is the reason our national associations are vital. Together, we can convey progressively powerful battles and guarantee our general wellbeing messages contact the individuals who will truly profit by them (, 2018)

Strength and weakness

The strength of the current campaign remains in the social media intervention that implements stringent policies for ensuring better health outcomes among the targeted population. Furthermore, it can be conclusively stated that the campaign is just a small picture of the larger part underpinning interest and education of the people to understand their mode of drinking and eating patterns.

Alternative approach

Educating the parents about the children’s food habit is not adequate enough to address the issues. The campaign needs to understand the importance of addressing the possible health issues that comes with obesity among the targeted demographic group, irrespective of age. Provide uniform access to health care by reducing the prevalence and impact of the possible risk factors linked to obesity (Wrieden and Levy, 2016). Finding the campaign to make sure to respect rights and protect from the harm of the person with obesity-related health issues. The obesity-related health intervention needs to be addressed as per the demands of the people. Hence, it can be conclusively stated it is important to understand the efficacy of the stated programs and policies that can be implemented for ensuring better health outcomes. The policies can work on providing a better understanding of the policies. There remains a gap between policy and campaign, and not many schools successfully implemented the campaign due to several resources. The gap in implementation further made difficult due to the lack of stringent policies and cooperation from the parents. The government made literally no endeavours to curb the sale of food that contribute to weight gain (Fullick et al. 2016).

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Conclusion and recommendation

Policy in regards to the related issue is to provide equal health access for resolving obesity health issues. In addition to that, it needs to be noted that obesity issues should be treated no different than physical health issues. People need to have an empathetic nature and proactive attitude while dealing with patients with obesity and health problems (Meredith and Wagstaff, 2016). Hence, it can be clearly concluded the obesity, and related health aspect needs to be answered in a severe manner. The research needs to concentrate on answering the wider issues such as understanding the underlying problems with people. The aspect of stigma is one of the primary causes that make the affected people reluctant to seek care services. The aspect of open-mindedness needs to be incorporated for removing the possibilities of stigma.

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Reference list and Bibliography

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