An Evidence-based practice plays an essential role in the health and social care services. Such practices ensure that patients and related members are provided with optimum care that in turn results in satisfactory outcome for both the patient and the service provider. In terms of answering different practice questions, strong evidence is required. Further, in order to have access to such an evidence-based critical research it is necessarily to carry out such practices. In this report the concerned topic is the ‘Impact of funding in order to be able to safeguard the adults’. ‘Adult safeguarding’ literally means to provide every individual with an abuse free and harm free services that protects his or her right to live safely. In other words the aim of this approach is to ensure that an individual is free from fear and is able to demand for their own choices and rights (Hart, 2018). In this context each organization is bound to pay attention to the safeguarding principles. It is a responsibility of the professionals to identify the regulating factors of the safeguarding process so that a sensitive support can be given to the adult individuals. This report in particular deals with the impact of funding on adult safeguarding offers. The study focuses on the importance of research for carrying out an evidence-based practice on the concerned topic further. Moreover, it tries to evaluate the existing information and depending on that the report is likely to produce a proposal for a project. A reflective account for the proposed project is also included as an objective of the overall research.
In order to carry out an effective evidence-based practice within a health care structure, it is truly essential to find out the suitable evidence. Such evidence supports the evaluation and also leaves a room for the development of new practices (Willison et al. 2020). Thorough research is the best way to identify the best as well as necessary evidence for a specific research topic. The service providers can go for qualitative research and quantitative research. The main purpose of conducting a research is nothing but to find considerable documentation in order to enhance the practice. The amount of affirmative information gathered during a research enables the clinicians to emulate their job practices, this effectively justifies that conducting a research is very fruitful for the caregivers. In other words, the research process aims at developing essential knowledge. The findings as research evidence are likely to reflect into the clinical practices. As mentioned above two research methods are available there for the caregivers to choose from. Both the methods are responsible for generating fair knowledge for the further practice. In this type of research processes a set of practice questions are prepared regarding the concerned topic. Then a research is conducted in order to find appropriate answers for those questions. Qualitative methods include participants’ views and various stories; this approach enables the practitioners to understand the whole matter of a concerned patient (Hadi and Closs, 2016). Another research method is quantitative, which is of greater importance and more accepted. Following the research, the evidence that is collected is analysed before their application to a clinical practice.
As an efficient researcher an individual needs to have some necessary skills. A job of a medical researcher demands great observational skill along with a few others namely critical thinking, data collecting and analysing, decision making and impactful communication (Hart, 2018). In the healthcare industry research skills are highly in demand, as these skills enable a researcher to search correct data, collect them and evaluate them effectively. Such relevant information is very critical for the topic being studied. In other words an effective research conduct helps the clinicians to get the answers to the queries. As stated by Boswell and Cannon, (2018) research skills are even important for adapting to the changing work environment, new technologies and so on.
Some essential skills required to conduct a research are as follows:
Report making or documentation
Extraction of evidence off the internet
Analysis of gathered information
Proper scheduling and planning
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In the research context, more specifically to review a literature several distinct skills are needful. This skill is mainly identified as the capability of searching and accessing existing documents on a particular topic. The primary requirement is the ability to study the content and analyse effectively (Messum et al. 2017). Some other wishful skills are as follows:
Data evaluation to understand the worthiness of the content for a chosen topic
Recording a logical narrative in the context of the overall findings.
The job of a practitioner demands several skills related to reviewing a literature in order to contribute to an evidence-based practice. As a practitioner I have understood the importance of carrying out a research on a concerned topic. Literature reviews have proved to be an essential part of the research process (Ryan, 2016). Throughout the job duration I have recognized the skills that are required and skills that I own at present in order to conduct an effective literature review. In my own experience it has been found that identification of the subject of the research as well as reading the sources have not been an issue. Moreover, it has been observed that analyzing the content effectively is an easy job for me that enhance the right and relevant knowledge. As opined by Sousa and Rocha, (2019) understanding the importance of the evidence is a prime necessity that can also be fairly conducted. In my opinion identification and analysis of the source is not the only important skill but collection of the information provided in such sources also is needed (Guettermanet al. 2018). I have also found myself able to handle the process of data collection and keeping records efficiently. Furthermore, the skills like critical thinking and evaluation, productive use of the internet have also been developed through various practical experiences. Aggregation of factual information is the only thing that seems to be difficult in most of the cases. Moreover, the identification of the extent to which the content is relevant becomes critical. All these difficulties often impact the reviewing process to some extent.
In the field of healthcare and support services, the Ethical Principles needs to be taken in consideration regarding research work. It is the duty of the clinicians to safeguard each patient’s health (Sohalet al. 2020). Along with this a healthcare providing organization is bound to promote the rights of the patients and ensure their well-being. Moreover, progress in the medical field indirectly depends on effective research conduct. Such researches are subjected to various ethical principles (Petillion et al. 2017). Several skills, more precisely capabilities are required to conduct an ethical research that has positive impacts on the work of a practitioner. The clinicians need to have a thorough knowledge about their duty in compliance with the ethical principles. The skills required to conduct such a research, are as follows:
Sensitive approach to participants, so that generation of new knowledge never harms his or her rights and individual interest.
Protection of information, the confidential information if any is there in the research content has to be protected and kept private.
Critical knowledge about ethical norms, these regulations cannot be overlooked while conducting a research.
Environment friendly conduct, so that minimal or no harm is caused to the environment.
Some other mandatory and basic skills include:
Carefulness : In order to have credible results
Openness: Open to new knowledge
Legality: Most important for a practitioner to combine the research outcome with the practice process.
Adult safeguarding has been a concern for the organizations that are likely to provide the best healthcare services. As mentioned earlier safeguarding promotes abuse free protection and special care to the adults. Moreover, it focuses on the services at individual level. Creating awareness has also become an essential part of this responsibility. It has been seen that in order to achieve the aims of adult safeguarding, a healthcare centre needs to meet multiple demands. Such demands include a good multi-agency structure, Strong infrastructure, responsible and efficient professionals. As stated by, McGarry et al. (2019) safeguarding reaches its optimum effectiveness only when cost-effective services are offered to the care seekers. NHS has been found to ensure that the services given to the adults comply with the Care Act requirements. As evidence the set of guidelines prepared by the experts of National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) can be indicated. There are certain regulations that are needed to be followed by the clinical practitioners (NICE, 2020). With the help of these guidelines they recognize the need of funding for a particular treatment and essentials for ethical care offering. Gentry and Badrinath (2017), opined that effective safeguarding can only be justified by an organization with high professional practitioners, staff and well-equipped healthcare framework. A proper training for practitioners requires experts and funds. Not only the workforce but also the technology that is effective for a care centre demand for uninterrupted investment. On the contrary, Donnelly et al. (2017) argued that not all sufficiently funded healthcare organizations have successfully implemented the safeguarding principles. It has been observed that healthcare organizations with poor technological facilities fail to meet safeguarding requirements. Safeguarding can also be offered to lower-class communities. It has been observed that a fair amount of the fund is utilized by many organizations to offer cashless treatments, low-cost or free medical check-ups with similar care facilities to such communities. In the United Kingdom it has been seen that the local authorities have also become more inclined towards fundraising in order to make effective input in health and social care.
As discussed above in every healthcare centre budget has a crucial role to play in deciding the quality of services to be provided. A care centre with sufficient funding has been found to be capable of hiring efficient clinicians, medical staff that automatically results in client satisfaction. Costly machinery and equipment are more likely to provide satisfactory support to the patients. According to the safeguarding principles patients and his family members are free to ask for their rights and demand for certain services (Donnelly et al. 2017). In some cases these demands often remain unattended by the management due to unavailability of sufficient technological and knowledge support. In other words, pricey infrastructure eventually leads to a fruitful safeguarding outcome. Funding has also been found to impact the services of various healthcare organizations of the UK to a great extent. Some professional clinicians are often found to charge high remuneration against their services. Such trained professionals are more acceptable for the renowned healthcare organizations in the UK. The funding has reflected in the special service provided by several healthcare centres in the UK (Graham et al. 2016). Widely accepted health and social care services offered by the NHS have made the board the best in the context of patient oriented care, safe and effective treatment. The government of the UK has also been found to allocate a fair amount to deliver social care for every individual.
The healthcare facility in the UK is primarily operated by the NHS that is dedicated to provide the best public healthcare services. The UK holds the 18th place in the healthcare index. It has been seen that a major amount of the GDP has been invested in the healthcare department in the UK (, 2020). In the context of adult safeguarding, it has been found that many healthcare organizations of the nation have considered safeguarding practices to be essential. For example, it has been seen that the NHS through sufficient funding has incorporated safeguarding as an integral part of healthcare. The body has paid special attention to improvement and innovation. Impactful actions against the clinicians and other clinical staff have been formulated in several UK healthcare centres. As seen in the case of the King’s College Hospital, funding by the NHS has encouraged the organization to opt for a special workforce monitoring the safeguarding of the patients (, 2020).The Care Act given by the government covers extensive issues regarding the safeguarding of adults through health and social care. The implementation of the act can only work successfully if local authorities are funded fully (, 2020). It has been seen that adequate funding has enhanced the clinical services and that in turn met the needs of the care seekers.
Evidence based practice has innumerable benefits while taking decisions regarding patient treatment and while conducting various research related to it (). Through this process it enables a practitioner to discover the best evidence regarding different treatment options as per the patient’s requirements. In the primary level, using an EBP in research conduction helps in integrating one's individual expertise in the clinical field, patient preferences and the most relevant evidence of clinical questions (Norcross and Wampold, 2018). It was often seen that many nurses were unwilling to practice EBP either due to limited knowledge in the system or due to lack of authority in changing current scenarios. Secondly, EBP in a research benefits the individuals by leading to the highest quality of patient care and treatments during the research and after the outcomes and even reduces the cost of healthcare mechanisms (, 2020). Thirdly, EBP helps in role satisfaction of the researcher by increasing the empowerment of the healthcare service providers and in reduction of any complications caused during the whole procedure. EBP also enhances the research conduction through building clinical proficiency along with the knowledge of varied diseases and their mode of actions and physiopathology.
Improvement in the funding structure for adult safeguarding can be taken into consideration for the research proposal due to its vivid aims and objectives revolving around the topic in concern.
Aim: The aim of the research is to assert the needs of funding in order to safeguard adults effectively and the various impacts caused by the financial backup.
· To prevent and reduce adult abuse and neglect with better care and support strategies.
· To build a safeguarding personal through better funding that would enable adults in making choices regarding a better livelihood.
· To promote the outcomes of the research conduction to the adult communities stating the experience of the overall process.
· To raise awareness against abuse and discrimination towards adults through promotions, seminars and conferences.
· To include professionals, community members and other staff in identifying and responding to the importance of funding on safeguarding of adults.
To state the role of multi-agency framework and clarify the interface between the quality of service provided and safeguarding
It has been seen that with the ongoing numbers of crime increment, a person’s right to live freely and safely have been hampered especially after substantially turning into adults. According to, (2020) this includes facing negligence and abuse, all sorts of ill treatment and deprivation of legal rights. An adult can be stated as anybody who has crossed 18 years of age and above. There have been various government issued laws and regulations mentioned under different acts that look after the measures to be taken even in the healthcare setting in order to fight against this injustice. This includes arrangements of enquiry panels at all strata by the care settings, setting up of Safeguarding Adult Boards, working towards cooperation with each other for life protection and so on. Despite such measures, certain loopholes have been encountered in systems due to the laid back financial backup processes. As influenced by Bell (2014), with very limited financial statements and interrupted remuneration process, smooth conduction of these measures havebeen quite impossible to continue. Similarly, if funding could be done in an uninterrupted way, the safeguarding of adult liberty along with abuses including both mental and physical could be easily handled. Modern slaveries like domestic servitude, exploitation both criminally and sexually, forced labours, organ removals are some of the examples of adult sufferings (Kotiswaran and Kotiswaran, 2017). Therefore, a healthcare system needs to be extremely sensitive and careful while dealing with patients who have been exposed to such conditions. These require special counselling groups of professionals and provide best of healthcare services due to the delicacy of the subject matter. With more fineness requires more funding and thus its impact on the whole process become innumerable.
The lack of connectedness between the satisfaction level and the performance quality of the serve providers and the financial viability of the organizations become an important element to be considered for the future operational quality of the care settings due to their dependency on the economic factors (, 2020). As per the literature review conducted, it was seen that often organizations such as NICE, King’s College Hospital and others showed greater affinity in up gradation of new technologies despite of high price due to increased longevity of the service and better outcome in the long run (, 2020). Along with such progress, facilities in the organizations improve automatically attracting more patients but this whole process depends on the funding structure. In congruence with Ellis (2018), without proper access to enough funds organizations become incapable of acquiring such benefits due to their incapability to insert innovation in EBP. Thus, financial viability plays an important role in the organization’s service outcomes.
Various ways in which literature review influences the EBP and the social care practices include different factors and components. Literature review acts as a model of change and can help in guiding implementations in the current research processes and the present scenarios (, 2020). It can therefore be considered as a receptive mode that brings in the transition on the EBP processes. This nature of change influences during the practice. Availability of plenty of resources helps in gaining some proper guidance in the field of social care services (, 2020). Through prior training based on the reviews, the staff could be trained well with necessary skills. With better activities, more stakeholders collaborate and participate resulting in enforced commitments by a broader section. During the processes, the system itself often helps in supporting the evidence. This led to verifiable changes that permitted thriving of evidence based health and social care practices in the present and upcoming days.
Healthcare outcomes may often become complex due to the underlying varied causes with respect to the interaction between the treatment procedures and the healthcare systems. Research can reduce this complexity through prior identification of superior intercession and arbitration and thereby contribute in a very positive way. Elucidative demonstrations of healthcare research outcomes have left a vivid impact on the concerned topic (, 2020). Not only improvement in the care setting infrastructure but also improving the overall treatment and care procedures in the workforce have been of considerable importance. In order to improve service delivery, participation and understanding the process by the public cannot be ignored and this becomes critical in certain cases. With the recent research, the public have been inclusive with the whole care cycle to make them more aware and letting them become a part of the healthcare systems. Clinical research participation in healthcare settings helps in allowing early assessment of new technologies useful for medications or different surgical processes. To become accustomed with any new skills, it requires some prior clinical trials and thus, through repeated usage helps in incorporating any improvements needed throughout the system and the procedures. According to Miljkovic et al. (2016), training and quality assessment conducted during recent researches on the current practices helps in rapid improvement in the statistical data of curability of patients. In this regard, recent researches have also shown drastic improvement in the treatment procedures by healthcare providers who practice in research-active environments when compared to others. For example, recent research also helps in building up multi-disciplinary alliances through additional collaborative instructions.
Personal research process enables in building up of high level skills and improving knowledge required in the workplace. It helps in assessment and analysis of any outcomes either individually or in a team on the basis of personal experiences. As opinionated by Colbert et al. (2016), personal research processes have shown to increment the instrumental impacts in the workplace. This encourages an alteration and construction of settings and management systems in an entirely different pattern if needed. Similarly, conceptual impacts also contribute to intellectual handling of circumstances in the workplace to settle down any rising issues. Through a clear and lucid concept, efficiency and accuracy, it can be considered to be expanding for enabling higher capacity building in the workplace environment through which each and everybody obtains knowledge and skills thereby improving the jobs competently. It also helps in manoeuvring multiple clients and working through collaborations (, 2020). Developing a good attitude towards the workplace helps in better handling of undesirable events regarding patient care and communication. Personal research process facilitates connectivity which permits easier accomplishment of client requirements.
Research proposal innovation contribution and impacts: Throughout the journey, innovation and improvement had various impacts on the field of evidence based healthcare and the service delivery. It helped in productivity improvement and amplification of assistance along with healthcare recognition among the service seekers. This made me identify the reliable clients becomes upgraded during the research journey due to up gradation of the service mechanism (Colbert et al. 2016). With new technologies, innovation was not very difficult and thereby had positive impacts in the care services. Some negative impacts were also faced by me throughout the journey. It included reluctance among the staff in adopting and switching to a new process. Challenges: Challenges I faced during this journey included constant urge in process improvement. Analyzing the innovative policies has not always been successful or even if some of the sketched plans showed success, the rates were subsequently low and the cost quite high. Also, very few nurses were willing to adopt the EBP processes due to some underlying intricacies of the healthcare chain and different aspects of the regulatory bodies. Using new technologies were also sometimes not budget friendly and therefore their installation could not be done for optimal outcomes. Criticizing the process failure in case of innovation led to untrustworthy viewpoints among the staff. Recommendations: In order to make innovation more acceptable to the service care providers, the designs were made according to the need of the present day circumstances and untouched areas of difficulties. I had seen that with the rising number of adult abuses, certain healthcare service providers remained unsuccessful in assessing those clients due to certain gaps in the EBP. These areas of previously untouched spaces were primarily chosen for innovation as recommendatory steps to the above mentioned challenges. I tried implementing new designs during the research journey specifically in my areas of specialization and with preciseness to make the innovation fruitful and fail proof, enabling it to contribute for better service delivery and safe keeping practices. In order to remove the reluctance among the staff in using EBP, I tried explaining them the process very elaborately to make them feel more familiarity towards the usage of the process and make it more benevolent. Strength and weaknesses: Throughout the journey different circumstances made me understand the various skills I possess and at the same time let me know my strengths and weaknesses. I have been a rapid and efficient learner in the entire project and also have a good leadership skill in order to conduct the research. Good power of communication along with compassionate characters enhanced the research activities quite smoothly. At the same time certain weaknesses brought few hurdles while research conduction and thus made me acknowledge the need to rectify them in order to lead a process uninterrupted. Weaknesses involved my fastidious nature of precision that resulted in excessive manual works and repeated proof readings. Other than that I showed some additional curiosities regarding the innovations that were incorporated in the project which made it a little more complicated than it would have been earlier. Therefore, the whole journey reflected various aspects of my inner self during the process and helped me in understanding the need to balance various strengths and weaknesses for an effective outcome.
From the above segments, it can be recognised that adult safeguarding needs to be carefully and tenderly processed to stop violation and breach of their confidentiality. Literature reviews have stated in depth analysis in the field of social care services and EBP referring to allusion to the topic in concern. In order to work on the development of mental and physical abuses, clarity in respect of various care processes, it is required to be incorporated through various effective training and tools implementation such as EBP and social care processes. Moreover, it has been covered in details along with certain prospects of the research proposal. The importance of funding has been intensified with a safe keeping and the protection of adult rights has been mentioned above. The purpose and process of conducting EBP showed culpability of ignorance of adult mental and physical hostilities and the vulnerable conditions that may arise due to the underlying facts. Thus, with the study of an in-depth analysis, EBP has proved to be an important aspect of a healthcare sector and that needs to be focused on.
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