Importance Of Checklists In Clinical Settings

Identification of Assessment tools


A checklist refers to an algorithmic listing of various actions that should be performed in a clinical setting, with the goal of ensuring that no vital step is forgotten. The first step for Mr. Brown to be assessed is on screening stage that requires the health professionals to evaluate his needs against a checklist. Without any doubt, Mr. Brown needs a checklist, owing to the fact that he desires to leave the nursing home, to be getting the medical care at his home. Checklists play significant roles in achieving successes towards a patient’s safety movement. These include providing a sense of confidence that the healthcare has undertaken all the right steps, it aids in reducing medical mistakes, and providing technical solutions for various technical problems (Los et al., 2015). Additionally, for those seeking healthcare dissertation help, employing checklists can offer a structured approach to ensure comprehensive evaluation and documentation.


Records of incidents and accidents

Health care records on incidents and accidents should be made immediately, and by any practical means. In addition, they must be kept safely, especially for the need of making a checklist. Recording of incidents and accidents are considered to be legal requirement, as they aid in telling the enforcing authorities for safety, as well as occupational health on about the occurrence of serious incidents or accidents (Kuhar et al., 2018). In this regard, they aid in identifying where and the manner in which risks arise, and whether there is need for them to be investigated. Mr. Brown’s health professionals need to ensure that they record incidents and accidents that he might have faced.


The health professionals need to conduct clinical observations on Mr. Brown as a significant assessment tool. This would aid in spotting a significant change in his health condition quickly, and also accurately. Notably, observations assist health professionals in determining the next necessary steps needed for the healthcare of a patient (Batalden et al., 2016).

Diagram of the assessment tools

assessment tools

Legislation, policy and code of practice

Legislation: Nursing and residential care home regulations

The nursing and residential care home regulations purpose to provide sufficient care to individuals, who are unable to live by themselves independently, and as such, they may not be in need of services, or care provided in nursing homes. These regulations are designed with the aim of fostering personal independence on the residents and provide a home-like environment in the nursing homes. Mr. Brown is placed under these regulations as he is living in a nursing home (Duffy, 2018).

Policy: Risk assessment

Health risk assessment tool is vital in assessing the risks, which a patient may be having and also, which may affect the health of the patient in a negative way. Of significance, the health professionals should conduct a significant risk assessment for Mr. Brown, in order to always take note of any factor that may affect their patient, and also be detrimental to his health (Lahey & Fierlbeck, 2016).

Code of practice: General social care council codes of practices

The General social care council codes require that social care workers should be obligated towards protecting the rights of their patients and also promoting the interests of their users, as well as carers (Lahey & Fierlbeck, 2016). In this regard, the social care workers would uphold the interest of the public, in the provision of social care services, and also be accountable to promoting quality work and improvement of skills to all social care workers.

Diagram illustrating the care plan for Mr. Brown

Diagram illustrating

Planning support for individuals

Social worker

In enhancing planning support, a social worker will purpose to enhance patient advocacy, thereby, standing up for the Mr. Brown’s rights, and ensuring that he gets a culturally appropriate health care. Moreover, a social worker would ensure that Mr. Brown provides patient education, in order for his to have better outcomes. Thirdly, a social worker should ensure that the moral beliefs, values, as well as religious obligations of Mr. Brown are taken into consideration (Masters, 2018). This planning support would definitely improve the health of Mr. Brown.

Speech therapist

Speech therapists assist in providing life-changing treatments, support, as well as care for individuals who have difficulties with communication. In other words, they help patients, who for either physical or even psychological reasons, they have problems to do with speaking or communicating (Freund et al., 2015). Mr. Brown needs a speech therapist, owing to the fact that he has problems with communication.


Mr. Brown needs a physiotherapist, to aid in his treatment, as well as rehabilitation, as he suffers from physical problems that are caused by ageing (Masters, 2018). It is evident that he is of age, and as such, the need of a physiotherapist is vital for his well-being.

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  • Batalden, M., Batalden, P., Margolis, P., Seid, M., Armstrong, G., Opipari-Arrigan, L., & Hartung, H. (2016). Coproduction of healthcare service. BMJ Qual Saf, 25(7), 509-517.
  • Duffy, E. G. (2018). Healthcare Policy: Implications For Advanced Nursing Practice. Advanced Practice Nursing Roles: Core Concepts for Professional Development, 165.
  • Freund, T., Everett, C., Griffiths, P., Hudon, C., Naccarella, L., & Laurant, M. (2015). Skill mix, roles and remuneration in the primary care workforce: who are the healthcare professionals in the primary care teams across the world?. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(3), 727-743.
  • Kos, M., Dziewa, A., Drop, B., Furtak-Niczyporuk, M., & Warchoł-Sławińska, E. (2015). Is there a relationship between hospital care quality assessemnt and the patient’s place of residence?. Polish Journal of Public Health, 125(2), 77-82.
  • Kuhar, D., Pollock, D., Yokoe, D., Howell, M., & Chopra, V. (2018). Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee (HICPAC).
  • Lahey, W., & Fierlbeck, K. (2016). Legislating collaborative self-regulation in Canada: A comparative policy analysis. Journal of interprofessional care, 30(2), 211-216.
  • Masters, K. (2018). Role development in professional nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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