Importance of Collaboration in Healthcare


Collaboration and communication in managing professional environment are important in health and social care in order to offer quality service to the service users (Bailey et al. 2018). This essay is going to discuss how multiagency work in collocation and coordination with each other in order to promote the wellbeing and health of the service users. According to National Health service [NHS], collaboration as well as communication is important for improving the care delivery process and overall health assessment of patient in order to promote their health as wellbeing [NHS, 2019] It will also discuss the importance of working in the team in the health and social care context when it comes to supporting the adults suffering from the mental illness and severe learning difficulties. Additionally, students seeking healthcare dissertation help will find that teamwork enhances outcomes in these scenarios. This essay is going to reflect on roles of health and social care practitioners in forming effective interaction and communication with adults suffering from learning difficulties and mental illness. Moreover, this essay will also recommend the ways to transfer good practices will be transferred to others while working to support adults with mental difficulties.

How multi-agency working can support the well-being of adults with learning difficulties & mental health. Suggest how this might benefit staff

According to Jasper et al. (2016), multi-agency working in health and social care context is the process in which health professions, health and social care staffs work in a collaborative manner in order to deal with the complex and manifold needs of services users. National Institute of Care and Excellence [NICE] states that in case vulnerable adults with learning difficulties and mental illness, multi-agency working is highly appropriate in order to meet their complex needs. Through different ways, multi-agency working can improve the overall learning process and mental health of eth adults with learning disabilities and mental illness. Communication with vulnerable adults is one of the most important processes in promoting the wellbeing and health of these adults (Bailey et al. 2018). The multidimensional teams of health and social care staffs and health care professionals focus on conducting the speech, language and communication therapy, which assist the adults with disabilities to improve their interacting skill and communication ability. According to the guidelines set by National Health Service [NHS], multiagency working assists the health and social care staffs to work in a collaborative manner with the local health and social care authorities and the psychological council in order to execute the manifold and complex needs of adult people [NHS, 2019]. In this aspect, the multi-disciplinary team will work together on assisting the adults with learning and mental disability to assist them in making decisions, understanding instructions and learning new skills. Based on the guidelines set by Clinical Commissioning Group [CCG] and the Learning Disability Partnership Boards (the healthcare authority under Department of Health), focuses on the support that multiagency working process can be provided to the adults with learning and mental disabilities [NICE, 2019]. Based on this guideline, the multi-agency team will work in a synergistic manner to assist the adults in order to learn new skills, such as decisions making skill, problem-solving skill, analysing skill and judgemental skill. This skill will improve the knowledge of the disabled and mentally ill adults in order to execute, understand and interpret each instruction. According to Pycroft and Gough (2019), in order to promote the health and wellbeing of adults, the multi-agency team need to support them to take up proper education as well as employment opportunities. In order to improve the leaning skill of these adults, the multi-agency staffs need to work in a synergistic manner for involving these adults with learning and mental disabilities into social activities. According to the National Health Service and National Institute of Care and Excellence [NICE], collaborative working process of the multi-agency team is able to provide the proper support to adults suffering from learning and mental disabilities with proper accommodation, education, positive learning environment and emotional support. Through involving these adults into every day challenging tasks, such as a game, intellectual jobs and introductory program within the society, multi-agency staffs can improve the existing skill and develop new skill within the adults.


With supporting the adults suffering from mental illness and learning disabilities, multi-agency staffs are not only promoting the health and wellbeing of the adults but also develop their own skills and proficiency. As stated by Thomson et al. (2016). working in a team with proper collaboration in order to provide proper support to adults with learning disabilities, staffs can also evaluate their own strength and weakness. According to the guidelines set by NICE, multi-agency staffs are more efficient in handling complex and critical needs of vulnerable adults as compared to other staffs which are associated with the single team working. The multi-agency working process assists the staffs to understand how to adapt their skill and professional stranded as per the needs of their team and organisation. Moreover, this process also assists the staffs to develop their analysing skill, decision-making ability and critical thinking skill.

Importance of effective team working while supporting adults with mental and learning disabilities:

Interdisciplinary teamwork in health and social care context is important to better execute, analyse and understand the complex based critical needs of services users (Cameron, 2016). Team working is associated with involvement of more people who work with one common goal. National Institute of Care and Excellence [NICE] states that team working assist the health progressions to achieve highly standardised and appropriate decisions in order to deal with the critical issues of service users [NICE, 2019]. While it comes to supporting the adults with learning disabilities and mental illness, the teamwork through eth multi-agency working is one of the most important process which will assist the health professions and the health and social, care staffs to set perfect treatment proves or solutions. The multidisciplinary working process allows doctors, nurse, health professionals and health and social care staffs to work together that assists them to improve the level of decision making and communication process in order to execute the needs of adults suffering from learning and mental disabilities. According to Noga et al. (2016.), team working assists the health care staffs and, doctors and health professionals to have shared decision-making process. Through this process, they can involve the adults with learning disabilities and their family members to share the preference, needs, previous health issues and types of learning difficulties of the adult. According to the National Health Service, multi-agency staffs work in a team to discuss setting and implementing the appropriate protocol and procedure in order to support the adults with learning and psychological disabilities. Apart from supporting the adults with mental and learning disabilities, teamwork is important in case of decentralized healthcare process in order to maintain bonding and interaction with all level of health staffs. Extended communication and sting interaction are the important benefits of teamwork, while it comes to support vulnerable adults with learning and mental disabilities (Cameron, 2016). Multiagency work assists the health professional to improve the overall communication process with the entire nurse and health and social care staffs and the service users. Through working in a team with the nurse, service users, family members, the health professional can ask questions rot eh patient execute her actual issues and make perfect recommendation for solving these issues. In the case of adults with learning and mental destabilise, teamwork allow the health professional to communicate with senior doctors and health care authority about implementing highly appropriate tools and protocol to improve skill and knowledge of adults. Moreover, team working is not confined to synergistic working with doctors, nurse bad health and social care staffs rather it is associated with involving service users and their family members into an overall care process. In this aspect, teamwork assists the healthcare authority to form the synergetic working environment in which both service providers and the service user work in a collaborative manner in order to understand issues, preference and decisions of the service users.

As stated by Bailey et al. (2018), team working assist doctors, nurses and health and social care staffs to form song therapeutic relationship with the adults suffering from learning and mental disability. Multi-agency working allows the health and social care to work in coordination with the adults and their family member. In this process, the health professional and healthcare staffs are able to understand the areas of improvement for adults who have learning difficulties. Through working in a team with these adults, the health and social care staffs can understand what types of learning skill need to be developed within them in order to promote their health and wellbeing. Team working is also important for making a positive working relationship with colleagues. As stated by Clarke and Forster (2015), in health social care context, teamwork assists the staffs and professional to maintain strong and positive relationships with one another. Through the synergistic working process, doctors, nurse and staffs can share their ideas, thoughts and decision regarding health and wellbeing of service users. In the case of adults with learning and mental disabilities, team working assist health professional and staffs to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with these services users and their family members. Teamwork also eliminates the chances of controversies and conflict within people in the organisation, through effective team working process, health professionals can work in coordination with eh adults with learning disabilities which assist them, to share the type of learning disabilities they suffer and the issues they face in their social and personal lives. Moreover, teamwork not only improves the relation among the doctors, nurse the service users, but also improve the relationship between healthcare staffs with the community, by supporting the needs and right of community people. In this aspect one of the most important models for describing team working in health ad social care is Belbin’s Theory of team roles. Based on this model, it can be stated that, in health and social care each team member will perform different roles such as coordinator, resource investigator, monitor, implementor specialist, team worker and evaluator. Through performing these manifold activities, team members in the multidisciplinary team in health and social context will improve their professional standard in order to establish the high quality care and supportive system towards the service users.

Belbin’s Theory of Team work

Based on this model, it can be stated that, all the team he team members in the health and social car team will have different activities to perform. They need to make synergistic working process in order to deal with ever-changing health neds of patients. moreover, with changing healthcare context in the modern world, team working is highly recommended and essential for all health and social care staffs as well as health professionals in order to implement new and innovative treatment and care system.

Role of health social care practitioners in ensuring proper communication while working with adults suffering from mental illness and learning disability:

Health and social practitioner are responsible to for conducting effective and transparent communication processes while working with adults with learning and mental disability (Körner et al. 2016). Communication is one of the most important in working with vulnerable adults which allows the health and social care practitioners to understand the critical and complex needs of adults. National Institute of Care and Excellence [NICE] sets guidelines for conducting effective communication while working with adults suffering from mental and learning disabilities. For maintaining effective communication, health and social care practitioners would use the simple language that everyone can understand (Meuter et al. 2015). Through using simple and understandable words, the health and social care practitioners can build trust and confidence in the care process. By using the non-medical words and language, the healthcare practitioner can improve the patients' outcomes. Simple and understandable language assists adults with learning and mental disabilities to improve their skill and knowledge. Healthcare professionals can use the simple language in order to assist them, to understand all instruction and advice of the health care professions (Vermeir et al. 2015). For conducting effective communication health and social care practitioners need to form precise and clear interaction with the service providers as well as service users (Jasper et al. 2016). In terms of supporting adults with learning and mental disability, healthcare practitioners need to assure that, all instruction and statements that are made for the adults are completely understood by them. Moreover, each instruction and statement used in the communication process in order to deal with adults with learning disabilities would be free from any complex words or punctuation. In the case of adults with mental disabilities, the written communication process can be used, in which healthcare practitioners would use clear and transparent information that can easily be understood by service users (Meuter et al. 2015). Precise and clear communication process assists healthcare professions to support adults with learning disabilities in developing their skill and knowledge. Moreover, through using the simple and clear instruction, health and social care practitioner can improve the cognitive skill and decision-making ability to redeem their cognitive ability (Baylor et al. 2019).

Using non-verbal sign, health and social care practitioners can support the adults with learning disabilities and mental illness in understanding the instruction and advice of health professionals, nurse and doctors (Robinson and Payton, 2016). While dealing with adults with a severe psychological illness such as dementia, healthcare practitioners can make effective communication through using the appropriate non-verbal signs, including facial expression, perfect gesture and posture. Through using the non-verbal signs, health and social care practitioner can improve the knowledge, understanding and skill of the adults (Barrett, 2015). Moreover, in the case of the adults with learning and psychological disabilities, the practitioner can use perfect signs and behaviour in order to make a positive transition in the mentality, activities and behaviour of service users. Using the Teach-Back Method, the practitioner can explain different information to adults with learning disabilities accurately and clearly. As stated by Fox and Reeves (2015), Teach-Back process assists the practitioner to improve the learning ability and skill of adults by improving their knowledge, analysing ability and interpretation skill. Through using this process in the communication system, health and social care practitioner can easily develop a new skill and shape existing skill within adults. Moreover, adults who suffer from learning disabilities and mental illness can be educated with proper health education, social information, community information and socio-economic information, in order to develop their personal point of view. Through using the Teach-Back process, practitioners can use simple and effective communication with adults which support them by setting up a proper routine, improving time management skill and improving their analysing skill (Dinh et al. 2016). Through this type of effective communication system, practitioners can educate the adults with learning disabilities in a better manner in order to make their professional and personal development which assist them to get bright employment opportunities in the near future.

Using technology into communication process assists the health and social care practitioners to conduct clear and appropriate interaction with service users (Robinson and Payton, 2016). While it comes to support eh adults with learning and mental disabilities, the practitioner can use technology in order to provide the massages and information in precise and clear format within seconds. By using emails and instant messages, the practitioner can inform adults and their family members about their learning needs, and mental status. Through using technology into communication process health and social care practitioner are able to maintain transparent and timely communication with adults and their family members which not only save the time but also reduce the chances of any errors in sending information to the service users. Listening to and empathizing with service user is important for conducting effective communication with them. In terms of supporting the adults with learning disabilities and mental illness, the practitioner would not only provide their own instruction advice during communication but also, they would listen to the viewpoint and preference of service users. This type of communication assists the practitioner to build health and friendly relationship with service users. For example, health professionals as well as nurses can spent time with patient in order to discuss the treatment process, current health status and overall improvement of patient’s health. Moreover, nurses can encourage the patients to express their issues and problems that they face during treatment process. Through effective communication, nurses can interact with patient regarding any type of violence, abuse and harassment on patients by the other health and social care staffs.

How good practices can be transferred to the other while supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental illness:

While working with adults suffering from learning disabilities and mental illness, health care practitioner is responsible not only for promoting health and wellbeing of these adults but also they are liable to transfer the good practices, healthy habits and moral values in the community (Burgess et al. 2016). Through supporting these audits, health and social care practitioners emphasize on improving the perception of community about people with a learning disability and mental illness. With maintaining strong communication with adults suffering from learning disabilities practitioner understand the social, mental, emotional and physical factors that have a potential impact on these service users. This information assists the practitioner to work on improving social values and perspectives in order to support the vulnerable adults in the community. In addition to this through providing proper education and health literacy to the mentally disabled adults, health and social care staffs improve their understanding about society, neighbours and the surrounding world (Ambrose-Miller and Ashcroft, 2016). Through making a positive transition of behaviour and activities of adults, the practitioner can spread the message of positive thoughts and good practices in the entire community. Through providing proper emotional, physical and spiritual support to adults in the community that suffer from learning disabilities and mental illness, the practitioner assists the community people to change their point of view about these adults. Through this process, practitioners can improve the overall perception of the entire community in terms of assisting and supporting adults with learning disabilities. Through promoting health and wellbeing in adults with mental illness and learning disabilities can assist them to join into several social activities and function. This activity would inspire the other people in the community who have children or adults with learning disabilities in their family to support them effective manner. As stead by Greenhalgh et al. (2017), through promoting the importance of support and care towards adults who suffer from learning disabilities and mental illness, practitioner and health professional can improve the social approaches about these adults. Through conducting health awareness campaign with special reference to the vulnerable adults, the practitioner can assist the society people to understand the importance of supportive care and for the vulnerable adults. Moreover through conducting the health literacy program in the community the health and social care practitioner can improve their understanding and thoughts of community people about eth activities and behaviour of adults with learning disabilities and mental illness. As stated by Pickles et al. (2016), health care practitioners can maintain effective communication with eh society through social media and media conference in order to spread the positive attitude, mentality and behaviour towards the adults with a learning disability. In this aspect the health professionals and health care authority can conduct the official campaign which would work in coordination with national and regional health care community in order to spread the good practices and activities within community. Through promoting health and wellbeing of adults suffering from learning disabilities, it would be possible for the health and social care practitioners to improve the overall concept and perspectives of society about these vulnerable adults. For example, NHs professionals can conduct the awareness campaign in their locality in association with the local and national health care committee. Through this campaign NHS professionals can draw the attention of community people on importance of special care and support to vulnerable adults in order to promote their safety, health and wellbeing. Moreover, another important example of good communication in healthcare is partnership working of health professionals with nurses, patients and their families. Through partnership working it would be possible for the health professionals to make transparent interaction with the patients and their family members in order to discuss their health status, required treatment and health needs.

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From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that multi-agency work is important in dealing with adults with learning disabilities and mental illness. Through working in a team, doctors, nurses and healthcare staffs can execute and understand the complex and critical needs of service users. Team working assists health care staffs and professionals to provide a high-quality care process and support. Through effective communication, it is possible for practitioners and professional to support adults with learning needs and mental illness. Moreover, through supporting the adults, a health practitioner can spread good practices into the community in order to make moral and ethical development of society.

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