Leadership and Team Development in Healthcare


Leadership is referred to the process through which an executive provides guidance, direction and influence the behaviour as well as work of employees to assist in accomplishing specific goals in the organisation. The leadership is important within an organisation to assist in maximising the work efficiency of the workers. In this assignment, the leadership roles and theories to be abided by Emmie in the healthcare field,often supported by healthcare dissertation help, is to be discussed. The stages of team development and the strategies to be followed in team development as seen in healthcare are to be explained. In the end, recommendations are to be provided to Emmie regarding the way open communication can be established between leader and team members to ensure support and effective engagement of the team in executing activity at the organisation.

Question 1

In the healthcare field, one of the key roles of leaders is to establish effective communication. As mentioned by Omura et al. (2017), effective communication establishment by the leaders is required in healthcare so that leaders can inform the workers regarding the factors and aspects to be considered while working. This is because effective information exchange through communication in healthcare by leaders leads the service providers to feel supported as well as informative to show productivity at work, in turn, allowing high-quality care to service users. As asserted by Hutchinson et al. (2015), the leaders in healthcare required to have the role of arranging effective resources for the workers. This is because resourcefulness created by leaders helps the healthcare workers to have equipments, finances, knowledge, skills and others to overcome obstacles in offering care to the service users as well as accomplishing their work-oriented goals. Thus, it informs that Emmie required having the role of being resourceful so that she can arrange required resources at work to help the healthcare workers delivery quality services and develop the ability to overcome problems. The role of the leader in healthcare is showing composure which means the leader requires to have the ability and skill to navigate within a stressful environment by not reacting impulsively (Lestari et al. 2016). This is because lack of composure in leadership makes the leaders unable to understand the way a hindered situation can be controlled making them face problem in controlling the workers, implementing innovation, maintaining creativity, direct vision for the employees and others. It leads to create a chaotic situation in the organisation hindering care services as well as deteriorating the health of the service users (Mancilla et al. 2015). Thus, Emmie as a leader in healthcare require playing the role where she is able to control her own emotions and work-life balance to support as well as empower healthcare workers properly without acting impatiently to accomplish goals of care services. The leaders in healthcare also have the role to create effective change management so that the care is provided according to the current advancement in the medical field (Van Rossum et al. 2016). This is because it is the leaders on which employees and care workers depend for direction regarding the way they are to adapt to advancements in the medical field and make change in care. It informs that Emmie requires to play the role of understanding the way an effective change in care delivery ways can be created so that effective direction to the workers can be provided in making successful change management.


The role of leaders in healthcare is to execute participative management to take decision regarding the way to achieve goals. This indicates that the leaders required having the ability to understand when to include employees and others staffs in making decision within the organisation. The execution of the role of participative leadership would make the leaders help employees share wide number of ideas, perspectives, information and reaction (Xu, 2017). This is going to help the leaders gather wide data and knowledge based on which can effective can be taken within the organisation to execute care activities in productive manner. It informs that Emmie to act as an effective leader in healthcare requires to play the role of engaging all staffs and employees in making decision based on the situation to ensure productivity at work. The leadership theories which are needed to be focussed by Emmie in the portfolio include the Behavioural Theory and Burns Transformational Leadership Theory. As asserted by Yeh et al. (2016), behavioural leadership theory informs that leaders are of two types which are task-oriented leaders and people-oriented leaders. The task-oriented leaders are found to have focus on their behaviours in structuring the organisation and operating procedures so that they are able to keep the employees in control to execute the tasks in any way. The task-oriented leaders favour behaviours which are in line with organising, initiating, clarifying and data collection (Thomson et al. 2016). This informs that Emmie to become task-oriented leaders requires to have the main concern of accomplishing the work anyway with the work effort of the workers. The people-oriented leaders have the behaviour to ensure the key needs of the employees are satisfied to make them work (Timofe et al. 2017). This informs that people-oriented leader has the key focus on motivating the employees so that the task can be accomplished through different means with effective and satisfied participation of the employees (Biswas et al. 2018). Thus, it informs that Emmie being a people-oriented leader can accomplish tasks like the task-oriented but through effective motivation and empowerment of employees who are the key workforce in the organisation. As commented by Hee et al. (2016), employee motivation is important within the organisation as it makes the staffs show greater commitment at work. This leads the employees to remain retained and show better work effort in accomplishing the tasks in a better way ensuring improved productivity of the organisation.

The transformational leadership theory informs that leaders are to effectively interact with others to develop an effective relationship which would result in increased trust and motivation of the employees (Aarons et al. 2017). According to Burns Transformation leadership, the leaders, as well as the followers which are the employees, are to act mutually by raising one another through support, motivation and morality (Allen et al. 2016). This is because it is going to show value towards one another and out of feeling of support as well as collaboration the employees would try to work effectively following the leader’s direction. The appeal in transformational leadership is seen to be selfless concern as the leaders and employees try to support each other’s growth in shaping the future rather than trying to achieve growth for own benefits and ego as seen in transaction leadership (Olvera et al. 2017). Thus, Emmie while following Buns transformation leadership theory is to ensure that she along with the followers encourages and inspire each other for the future success of the healthcare organisation rather than focussing on their own growth. The importance of leadership to be included while leading teams are initiation of proper action, effective employee motivation, providing guidance, creating confidence and building positive morale (Monkhouse et al. 2018). It indicates that as a leader Emmie requires knowing the way work is to be started through the interaction of policies and plans to the workers who are actually going to initiate the work. This is because if the leaders fail to direct the way work is to be started the subordinates remain confused regarding which plan and policies to follow to accomplish their work goals as to ensure proper productivity for the organisation (Alilyyani et al. 2018). As mentioned by Aij and Rapsaniotis (2017), employee motivation is an important part of leadership as it improves the efficiency of the employees. This is because leaders by motivating employees through better salary, improved culture, innovative work process and others inspire them to use their existing skills more intricately and effectively to show better productivity and creativity at work. It is evident as employee motivation makes the employee feel valued for their work effort (Denis and van Gestel, 2016). Thus, employee motivation is a significant aspect of leadership while leading teams as it would lead Emmie to inspire the team members to showcase their skills in the best way to deliver productive output at work. The leaders in leading teams are to supervise properly so that the subordinates are guided regarding which role they are to play and in which way to show their efficiency at work (Koeslag-Kreunen et al. 2018). The guidance is important aspect of leadership in leading teams as it would assist Emmie to inform her subordinates the way each of the team members is to act to accomplish work goals. The creation of confidence by the leaders is important in leading team so that the team members have clear information about the way they are to act collaboratively as well as individually and resolve the encountered problems to accomplish the work (Robinson et al. 2018). The building of morale to the team members in leading a team is important so that they trust each other and avoid raising unnecessary conflicts (Branda et al. 2018). Emmie required ensuring building effective morale of employees in leading team so that she is able to make the team members work together without acting against one another. This is because raising conflicts between team members hinder the progress of work as well as develop suspicion between team members than others are provided advantage over them making them team members lose value to work collaboratively (Gopee and Galloway, 2017).

The building of effective work environment is an important aspect of leadership in leading team. This is because without a stable and positive work environment the employees are unable to have peace of mind in work properly (Strömgren et al. 2017). Thus, Emmie needs to keep direct contact with the employees to understand their needs and demands as well as fulfils them accordingly so that the employees feel they are being treated in humanitarian manner and not as slaves to be exploited. This would lead them team members feel valued and supported by the leaders making them work with efficiency. The importance of leadership that is to be focussed in leading team is that the leaders are required to ensure proper training and development to the team members are provided to make them competent to work in the organisation (Lewis and Cunningham, 2016). This indicates that leaders such as Emmie to lead teams is to ensure that modern techniques of work are taught to the team members so that they work with competence in offer care to the service users with utmost satisfaction.

Question 2

The behavioural leadership theory informs that task-oriented leaders showcase the value of information gathering, organisation, initiation of work and clarification regarding work (Yeh et al. 2016). The information-gathering value during the building of successful team in healthcare sector helps the leaders have effective knowledge of the resources required in executing the job and the skills of the team members. It assists the leaders to allocate specific roles to each team members as well as arrange resources in the required amount for the teamwork to be smoothly accomplished (Engelbrecht et al. 2015). The organisation value helps the leaders in team building to systematically plan and allocate tasks to each team members which in turn assist to avoid confusion among the members. The confusion regarding the roles to be played and the way tasks are to be executed by each team member during team building leads to lack of collaboration (Henkel et al. 2019). The clarification value of task-oriented leaders in team building helps them to delineate roles with proper reason for each team members avoiding trust issues within the team. Moreover, clarification value of the leaders during team building makes the team members get proper direction of work and understand the exact goals and vision to be accomplished so that productivity can be maintained (Yukl et al. 2019). The behavioural leadership theory regarding people-oriented leaders mentions that they have the value of observation, listening, coaching and encouraging employees (Timofe et al. 2017). As commented by Casimiro et al. (2015), observation of the team members during team building is required to be made by the leaders so that they understand which team member posses what nature of skills. This allows the leaders to understand the strength and limitation of each members making them allocate tasks accordingly to the skills of the members so that each of the team members is able to offer proper work efforts in accomplishing the work and show success as a team. As argued by Stewart-Lord et al. (2017), coaching value of the leaders in team building makes them resolve skill issues among the team members. This is because the leaders directly offer assistance to improve the skills of team members in which they are lacking so that they have the ability to show proper contribution similar to other team members in building a successful team to work efficiently. As mentioned by Kouta et al. (2019), the listening value of people-oriented leaders helps them to understand the needs of the team members to be fulfilled. This makes the leaders understand the support and actions to be offered to build a successful team.

The encouraging value of the leaders helps them to keep team members motivated at work. This in turn assists in effective team building as team members within the team does not feel develop conflict or feel low or being inappropriately treated due to support and encouragement from the leaders (Ford, 2015). The Brans transformation leadership theory informs that they have the value of cooperation, social responsibility, maintaining equality among employees and others (Allen et al. 2016). As commented by Nilsson et al. (2017), cooperation from the leaders helps in building an effective team as it encourages team members to work together. This is because cooperation makes team members lose the desire to compete for each other and instead develop focus on working collaboratively for achieving a common mission at work. As argued by Hemberg et al. (2018), unequal treatment of the employees by the leaders makes them lose trust from one another. This is because they think one is provided unnecessary value over the other making the team members lose trust among one another. However, transformational leaders ensure equal treatment of all employees are maintained that leads to successful team building as team members do not develop conflict with one another being inappropriately provided advantage over another, in turn, making them work collaboratively (Deschamps et al. 2016). In explaining the stages of team development, the Tuckman’s stages of team development stages are to be followed. The Tuckman’s team development stages are forming, storming, norming and performing (Poston et al. 2017). The forming is the first stage of team development in which the team members interact and learn regarding each other as well as identify the opportunities and challenges to be faced while working to achieve the common goal (Flanagan and Wilkie, 2018). Thus, it informs that in the forming stage leader has the dominant role of informing responsibilities to the team members so that they learn which team members are to perform what activity. As mentioned by Gajewski Mickelson and Gordon (2015), proper information of team members is required to be present among members so that they can understand the nature of skills possessed by each. This helps in accomplishing tasks through effective collaboration in the later stages of team development as the team members ask for assistance from others based on the information.

In the storming phase, the team members are pushed against their boundaries leading them to develop conflict among one another (Varagona et al. 2017). This is because each of the team members tries to work in different ways which may not be accepted by all within the team leading to the development of the conflict. In the storming stage, the leaders have the role to describe the task and inform team member the reason others are behaving differently to develop negotiations (Natvig and Stark, 2016). This is because the team members without understanding the reason behind others are acting differently they would fall apart and avoid working collaboratively resulting in failing to achieve the determined goal at work. In this stage, the leaders also have the role to deal with complaints and resolve them to ensure proper collaboration (Peck and Pelley, 2017). This is because it would lead the team members differences to be resolved to make them participate together comfortably in working to accomplish goals. In the norming stage, the team members are seen to be aware of the common goals they have to achieve and existing competition. This leads the team members to initiate to tolerate whimsical behaviours of other the team members as it would lead to avoid unnecessary conflicts helping to ensure collaborative work is ensured (Ramaswamy et al. 2017). Therefore, in the norming stage, the key role is played by the team members where they become reluctant to share controversial ideas and make collaborative decision so that conflicts can be prevented. In the performing stage, leaders mainly delegate most of the work among the team members and concentrate on the aspects to be improved so that team members are able to show better performance (Jacobsson and Wilmar, 2019). Thus, at this stage, the team reaches a position where they are seen to work effectively without any problem to reach the determined goal. The strategies to be adopted for motivating the team to achieve organisational objective are arranging proper salary, remuneration, positive work environment, opportunity for self-development, avoiding punishment for failure and interacting properly. As mentioned by Alipour et al. (2017), offering proper salary to the team members as per the minimum income set by the government for the industry helps to motivate them to achieve organisation goals. This is because it leads the team members to have the effective financial condition and make them feel they are valued properly for their work effort. As argued by Ejlertsson et al. (2018), lack of positive work environment and work-life balance leads the team members to become demotivated to work effectively. This is because the negative work environment makes team members develop lack of trust among one another leading them to avoid working collaboratively. Moreover, lack of work-life balance makes the team members stressed at work as they feel they are drained of their energy resulting in lack of zeal to work.

The opportunity for self-development motivates the team members to work collaboratively in accomplishing organisational goals because they understand they working with better effort would make them learn new skills which are going to offer them advancement in career (Sonnino, 2016). Thus, the betterment of their future through self-development inspires the employee to work effectively to accomplish work goals in the organisation. As asserted by de Zulueta (2016), avoiding punishment for mistake and implementing training and development makes the employees feel inspired to work properly. This is because avoiding punishment leads team members understand that they are being humanely treated allowing them the opportunity to grow their skill through training and development. Thus, team members out of lack of fear and being valued through effective support develop the motivation to fulfil the organisational goals. As argued by Lacerenza et al. (2018), communicating properly with the team members helps the leaders to motivate them to work in accomplishing organisational goals. This is because through communication the leaders understand the needs and demands if the employees to be fulfilled as well as the challenges they are facing at work which is lowering their productivity. The leaders accordingly take steps to resolve the challenges and meet the needs making the team members feel being valued and supported in turn inspiring them to work effectively in accomplishing organisational goals.

Question 3

The open communication is referred to the interaction process in which all individuals are provided equal opportunity to communicate and place their views and ideas regarding work activities as well as organisational goals (Hewitt et al. 2015). In the health and social sector, Emmie as a leader is suggested to establish open communication with her team members by showing commitment to interact. As mentioned by Aij and Rapsaniotis (2017), the commitment of the leaders at the top in healthcare in making open communication makes them visible to the employees. This result the employees to get to the leaders whenever required and ensure vital information is communicated in a regular manner. Thus, Emmie is recommended to show that she is available all the time to interact regarding any matter with any of her subordinates within the organisation. In order to establish open communication, Emmie required showing attentive and listening attitude towards her team members. This is because active listening makes the person interacting feel valued in turn making the individual show further engagement in making long conversation regarding work (Jahromi et al. 2016). It is also suggested that Emmie to establish successful open communication with her team members in supporting team engagement require postponing interaction when there is short time. This is establishing communication in hurried manner leads many vital information to remain unheard making the team members feel their concerns are not being valued by the leaders, in turn, disrupting their participation in developing a successful open communication. The communication process is to be made transparent to allow open communication to be established (Neill, 2018). This is because it offers each member the equal opportunity to interact their opinions, concerns and ideas so that the leaders understand the needs and views of the employees and accordingly works on them to ensure work is planned. As mentioned by Waring (2016), open communication can be effectively established in healthcare by ensuring regularity of meetings is maintained and the communication is improved based on the feedback. This is because it would make the leaders remain in proper contact with the team members in sharing information regarding the progress of work. Moreover, working on the feedback regarding communication process is suggested for Emmie so that the issue faced in challenging the operation of open communication is resolved and smooth interact remains established between the leader and subordinates. Emmie is recommended to take personal initiative for encouraging open communication to be established by raising the different topic in different forums. This is because the team members may lack idea regarding what topic is to be raised to establish open communication for making better team development. Further, the team members may be scared or uncomfortable in raising a topic for discussion.

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The open communication in healthcare is suggested to be established by Emmie for interacting with team members by establishing a protected disagreement system. As mentioned by Rumbold et al. (2017), in protected disagreement system the individuals are able to post complaints and provide serious feedback regarding work progress and activities without the fear of being harmed or abused. This is because it leads to prevent the identity of the person trying to report any negative feedback. Thus, in case protection is not provided during communication, many individuals trying to inform their concern would avoid the act, in turn, making leaders like Emmie unable to establish successful open communication with the team members as all individuals are not participating in sharing data. The messages surfaced through open communication required to be kept positive so that the communicators have effective scope to engage in interacting with one another by avoiding conflicts which are often raised through negative messages (Howick et al. 2018). This indicates that Emmie to establish open communication in supporting team engagement in healthcare is to develop messages to ask what is to be done and what can be done in a better way rather than asking queries what not to be done or avoided. The open communication is not about sharing information but also learning from one another (Liu et al. 2016). This suggests that Emmie is to develop open communication in such a way between the team members and her so that Emmie, as well as team members, are able to learn better and new skills and information other than sharing data regarding work activities in the process. The recommendation for Emmie to establish open communication between her and team members in team development is that she required to use simple language and avoid jargons while interacting in the process. Moreover, the team members are to be asked to use simple words in interacting so that people from all cultures understand the information tried to be shared through the process. This is because using complex words may make the communication unable to be easily understood by others making many of the team members to avoid participation in the process thus failing to establish open communication (Eklof and Ahlborg Jr, 2016). As commented by Bergman et al. (2016), proper communication training is to be provided to employee to make them develop skill to interact. The communication training is suggested to be taken by Emmie as well as team members to understand the way they are to interact with one another so that open communication required for group development and supporting engagement is successfully established. As argued by Vermeir et al. (2015), proper technological equipment is to be used in establishing open communication. This is because it leads the way through which messages are to be distributed among all. It informs that Emmie is suggested to use proper intranet technology to establish open communication between team members and her as it would help them all to interact whenever and wherever required without intrusion of the outside world. This is because intranet technology allows restricted communication to be established between employees and leaders within the organisation.


The above discussion mentions that Emmie being a leader need to showcase leadership roles such as effective communication, resourcefulness, composure, participative management and others. The behavioural leadership theory and Bruns transformation leadership theory is to be followed by Emmie in understanding the values required to lead teams in healthcare. The importance of leadership to be considered by Emmie when the leading team includes creating motivation, creating confidence, developing co-ordination, providing guidance to employees and others. The Tuckman’s stages of team development are to be followed in explaining team development in healthcare. The strategies to be followed by Emmie in motivating the team include arranging proper pay, arranging remuneration, develop self-development and others. The recommendation to Emmie for establishing open communication includes using proper technology, listening actively, be available, be attentive and others.

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