Leadership Theories in Health Care

1 Understand theories of management and leadership and their application to health and social care or adults and young people settings

1.1 Research theories of management and leadership

There are several theories and management styles that can be adopted by leaders in the health and social care practice. However, one theory that has frequently been called out by both academicians and practitioners is the transformational leadership theory. According to Smith (2012), this theory embodies the constant empowerment of employees by encouraging them to find an internal motivation to achieve success in their health and social work career. Ideally, this theory proposes that leaders in the health and social care have promoted the health and well-being of the society by motivating and inspiring those around them and the motivation is mainly targeted at enabling employees to transcend their self-interest and joining the collective mission of enhancing the health and well-being of the society (Bess, 2015). Additionally, for those seeking healthcare dissertation help, understanding these leadership theories is crucial. Another relevant theory that can be applied in health and social care leadership for is the transactional leadership theory. According to Marmo (2016), the transactional leadership theory holds that leaders should micro-manage employees – keeping close monitoring at them to ensure that all the tasks and assignments are done according to the set procedures and standards. Furthermore, Todman (2016) explains that proponents of this theory use punishment and rewards to motivate employees, rather than encouraging them to find their internal self-motivation. Noteworthy, Greaves (2014) observes that transactional leadership may be more effective in achieving short-term goals, especially when the organization is aiming to impart more knowledge and skills to employees, or when there is an intention motivates employees towards better performance.


1.2 Analyze how theoretical models of management and leadership can be applied to a range of situations in a work setting

Here, I draw from the theory of transformational leadership to make my argument that leaders in the health and social care practice can come up with innovative ideas aimed at building a positive corporate culture within the health and social care practice that can help employees feel motivated to come to work and enjoy their work. The theory’s emphasis on transcending self- interest and joining in the collective mission of the organization (Grimm, 2013) is especially useful in my analysis as it allows me to think through how I can transform care and support in the society by encouraging innovative means of collaboration between health and social workers. In doing so, transformational leadership can apply various innovative approaches such as the restoractive practice approach aimed at improving patients’ lives by working with the their families to trigger behavioral changes that help improve their health and well-being. According to Mcpherson (2017), the restoractive approach is an innovative idea that works under the assumption that patients are likely to undergo behavioral change when people do things with them rather than for them. To this end, the theory’s conceptualization of leadership as an embodiment of empowerment, motivation, and innovation is useful to my analysis as it allows me to think through how can apply the restoractive approach to encourage and motivate them towards improving the outcome of their health and social well-being. In this question, I also draw from the theory of transactional leadership to an argument that micromanaging employees in a health and social care work setting (Matthews & Charles, 2017) can be useful in getting work done and achieving short-term objectives. The transactional theorist’s emphasis on ensuring that employees perform their tasks according to set standards is useful in my analysis as it allows me to think through how leaders in the health and social care practice can tell employees what to do and ensure that they perform the tasks to the required standard. For instance, transactional leadership can be useful in developing practical skills among student nurses who must work under the supervision of superior and more experienced practitioners. To this end, the theory’s conceptualization of the leader’s role in helping employees learn new skills or achieve short term objectives (Parker, 2012) is generative in grasping how I can apply this leadership theory in achieving various health and social care programs such as health awareness campaigns that run for shorter periods.

1.3 Analyze how the values and cultural context of an organization influence the application of management and leadership models

The values and cultural context of an organization- also termed as organizational behavior (Walls, 2012) influences various aspects of the organization including the management and leadership styles of managers because these cultures and values give meaning to different situations that face employees within such organization. Research in other management fields has shown how the values and cultural context can be used by managers to yield impressive performance from employees (Luna, 2015). Against this backdrop, Todman (2016) claim that these values and cultural contexts can be so pervasive that managers must integrate their management styles to generate favorable levels of employees’ commitment, performance, and satisfaction. While there is a lack of research on the influence of organizational culture on leadership theories, a study by Bess (2015) proposed a two-dimensional model useful in understanding the relationship between organizational culture, leadership styles, and organizational change management. Understanding this relationship is especially important, especially in the current state of affairs where nurses are well-aware of their roles and responsibilities in health and social care (Bess, 2015).

Bess (2015) found that in the context of research and development, as well as within the administrative environment, the type of leadership style adopted by leaders in health and social care managers is a significant predictor of employee’s level of satisfaction. Marmo (2016) also agrees that the relationship between employees’ levels of job satisfaction and the manager’s leadership styles are mediated by the organizational context. In a study by Grimm (2013), the researcher examined the perception of nurses towards the relationship between organizational culture and leadership styles adopted by managers. Whereas the study found that the type of organizational culture was influenced by the method of leadership adopted by managers, the study did not find any conclusive data indicating an influence of manager’s leadership styles on employee’s behaviors and attitudes. The relationship between organizational culture and leadership styles can be understood by understanding the nature of organizational culture. According to Smith (2012), organizational culture explains how people behave in an organization and entails a set of beliefs that guide employee’s values, beliefs, and attitudes in the workplace. However, the core values and beliefs in an organization are primarily determined by the leadership styles adopted within (Bess, 2015). For instance, staffs will be guided by the values and beliefs of their leaders, so much so that the values and beliefs of both parties tend to be the same. The strong, unified belief and values create a breeding ground for organizational culture.

2 Understand the relationship between professional management and leadership.

2.1 Evaluate the interdependencies between leadership and management

While the two terms have primarily been used interchangeably, Mcpherson (2017) remarks that, they mean differently, and that leadership is a component of effective management practices. Thus, effective leadership entails the development of an enabling environment where each employee advances their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, leadership is a composite of the power to influence and drive people’s efforts towards the accomplishment of a particular goal or objective. But, this power may originate from different sources, including the acquisition of senior managerial position. According to Smith (2012), Managers need to develop leadership traits or elements of leadership qualities. Notably, these leadership qualities are necessary for specific tasks within their management responsibilities, such as developing competitive advantage strategies, and development of efficient organizational operations (Bess, 2015). But Marmo (2016) claims that one does not require being in a managerial position to develop leadership skills. On the flip side, though, managers require leadership skills to be effective in executing their managerial responsibilities. Typically, leadership skills are essential for managers because under their managerial position, the need to provide leadership to their teams (Matthews & Charles, 2017). Furthermore, all the managerial functions i.e., planning, directing, planning, and staffing, all of which require leadership skills to execute. Thus, it emerges that whereas leadership is not related to managership, individuals can be leaders under their personality traits. Todman (2016) also argues that leaders can influence people’s behavior and work with them towards the achievement of a common goal. On the flip side, managers can only be active in executing their managerial roles by adopting leadership traits.

2.2 Analyze the conflicts between the application of management and leadership models

A significant overlap between leadership and management is that effective leaders must have effective management skills (Grimm, 2013). Against this backdrop, Grimm, (2013) argues that conflict always arises between leaders and managers because sometimes the two groups end up working against each other especially in the context of competing goals and colliding agendas. When these conflicts are unresolved, a culture of resistance or resentment may grow among them, thereby further escalating the conflict. As a practitioner, I am not surprised that most experienced practitioners within health and social care teams may perhaps not be the best managers. But unfortunately, most employers see such practitioners as the best for leadership positions, thereby appointing them to senior clinical or social work positions or encouraging them to rise to managerial positions (Bess, 2015). It is even worse that while they are at these managerial positions, they are further burdened by being awarded more clinical or social work responsibilities. Worryingly though, as Mcpherson (2017) observes the overburdening results into confusion as a result of conflicting values and beliefs leading to a lack of clear distinction between leadership and management roles. Ultimately, this conflict between leadership and management could lead to several frustrations between managers and leaders within the healthcare setting, thereby affecting the quality of care to the public. For instance, managers may begin showing their frustrations for changes in systems and processes of delivering care, feel underappreciated or misunderstood by leaders, or may generally be discontented with leaders. On the other hand, leaders may be frustrated about the manager’s resistance to change; conflicting agendas or feel misunderstood by managers (Grimm, 2013).

2.3 Describe how conflicts between management and leadership models can be addressed

Mcpherson (2017) claims that there is no perfect way of dealing with a conflict between leaders and managers. However, the author argues that one of the most effective ways of addressing the conflict is by developing a commitment among leaders and managers of helping each other without hurting the interest of each other. Similar remarks are made by Marmo (2016) who claims that’s eliminating conflict between managers and leaders require compromise among both sides. Furthermore, Smith (2012) argues that leaders and managers must develop a culture of building a relationship with each other, with an understanding that they are less likely to achieve any significant success without being mutually dependent of each other. It is only with a strong relationship that they might create a synergy that yields better results. Another vital remedy to the conflict between leaders and managers is creating systems that provide an opportunity for the two groups to continually communicate and collaborate. According to Grimm (2013), such systems may provide an opportunity for the two groups to share assessment, enhance a proper response to success, failure, or shortcomings of each other. Moreover, constant communication and collaboration between the two groups would enable the get along and eliminate isolation, which is often associated with frustration (Grimm, 2013).

It is also essential for both leaders and managers to develop a shared language among them so that they have the same conceptualization of success or failure. In doing so, Todman (2016) claims that both leaders and managers should have the same idea of what a day-to-day success looks like, as well as the signs which show that they are both in the winning track.

3 Understand the skills of professional management and leadership in health and social care or children and young people´s settings

3.1 analyze the skills required to be an Effective manager Effective leader

First, as highlighted earlier, all managers require leadership skills. Marmo (2016) describes leadership skills as the ability to effectively interact with and influence people towards the achievement of particular objectives or goals. Health and social care managers are required to lead because in executing their responsibilities, they are required to coordinate and liaise with several other professionals and support staff. Managers also need to have sufficient analytical skills. Smith (2012) argues that an analytical manager is one who is capable of investigating the problem and finding a timely and effective solution for it. Such managers tend to have a clear judgment of the situation before applying logical and excellent thought process into developing a suitable solution for the problem. Hence, a health practitioner with effective analytical skills will use methodological approaches in solving problems or challenges they face while executing their duties. On the other hand, an effective leader requires composure as one of the necessary skills for leadership. Grimm (2013) defines composure as being non-reactive or less disturbed by situations or circumstances within one’s environment. A composed leader can control his/her emotions and is never mentally or emotionally agitated by any circumstance they find themselves in (Grimm, 2013). For example, a composed leader would be non-reactive when managers raise their voice or disrespectfully addresses them.

Effective leaders must also have effective communication skills. Marmo (2016) defines effective communication skill as the ability to pass thoughts or information from one person to another through any medium. Therefore, an effectively communicating manager is capable of using the right voice intonation while speaking to colleagues, would adequately convey the true intention behind the message and apply the right body language during face to face communication (Bess, 2015).

3.2 Explain why managers in health and social care or children and young people’s settings need both management and leadership skills

First, as highlighted earlier, leadership skills are necessary for all health and social care managers because fundamentally, all managerial roles in these professions entail people-management (Matthews & Charles, 2017). For example, a manager in the department of patient health sensitization and awareness will need various leadership skills because they frequently interact with patients and work with other professionals assigned to their departments. Similarly, a social worker in the department of adult welfare requires leadership skills for coordinating the activities of fieldwork officers to ensure that they effectively execute their duties. Secondly, to understand and abide by current laws and regulations, health and social worker would need astute analytical skills (Bess, 2015). Typically, according to Smith (2012), these skills would help put the law into context and apply them within any circumstance of practice, especially when faced with practice dilemma or when specific ethical procedures are needed. For example, as a social worker, I would require high analytical skills to understand when to apply detention or de-escalation techniques when handling a patient with challenging behavior. Furthermore, communication skills also emerge as necessary for effective both managers and leaders. In this regard, Mcpherson (2017) claims that managers or leaders who do not wield effective communication skills find it had to convey procedures and policies that other professionals need to abide with. Besides, Todman (2016) observes that without effective communication skills, managers may find it difficult to ensure that professionals working under them abide by existing laws and regulations.

On the other hand, leaders in the health and social care field must have composure. According to Grimm (2013), the healthcare industry is characterized by high risks, and every decision made by any practitioner may have a direct impact on patients’ health and well-being. Therefore, good leaders in this field are those who have the composure to ensure the stressful environment and high-paced nature of tasks in such positions, otherwise being impulsive would create additional stress (Grimm, 2013).

3.3 analyze how leadership skills can influence the values of an organization

Leaders have an outstanding influence on the values of their organizations. According to Marmo (2016), this influence is usually wielded by leaders because employees professionally and culturally follow leaders, thus giving the leaders the opportunity to have an impact on the entire organization, especially considering that it is leaders who establish the organization’s vision, resolve conflicts and communicate important messages (Matthews & Charles, 2017). Generally, leaders have the responsibility of ensuring that the entire organization is guided towards achieving its goals, missions, and visions while developing effective knowledge and skills among employees meant to enable the achievement of these goals (Bess, 2015). Consequently, because management entails the application of various leadership skills, managers also have to enhance and apply their leadership skills constantly. According to Todman (2016), managers can then use these leadership skills to influence various organizational values, cultures, and beliefs such as tolerance, ethics, honesty and compliance to the law by demonstrating the required vision, attitude, and accountability among employees. Furthermore, managers can use their leadership skills to motivate and inculcate a desirable vision plan of values and culture among the employees (Grimm, 2013).

3.4 Explain why leadership styles may need to be adapted to manage different situations

Health and social care leader may adopt a facilitative leadership style in situations where a structured leadership style may create stress or be challenging to utilize. First, a facilitative leadership style is defined by Marmo (2016) as one where leaders develop a trusting leadership with their employees with the aim of collectively achieving a common objective. Such leaders tend to be focused on learning more about their employees while encouraging and motivating them to achieve their goals. Therefore, facilitative leadership, as opposed to authoritative leadership (where leaders are in complete control), give priority consideration to employees and are more applicable in people-first organizations where employees already have a clear understanding and are willing to achieve what is expected of them in the organization. On the other hand, an authoritative leadership style is fundamentally a dictatorship type of leadership where the leader is in complete control of every aspect of the organization (Grimm, 2013). Whereas authoritative leadership is among the least preferred leadership styles in the healthcare sector (Mcpherson, 2017), certain situations may require a leader to be authoritarian. For instance, according to Todman (2016), leaders can adopt an authoritative leadership when the organization is in crisis, or when there is a structural breakdown within the organization. Hence, leaders may find this type of leadership of help when they need to make rapid decisions while keeping the team together.

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4 Understand the impact of policy drivers on professional management and leadership in health and social care or children and young people´s services

4.1 Identify factors that influence policy drivers

One key factor that influences policy drivers in health and social care is cost. According to Smith (2012), patients are increasingly looking for more affordable health and social care services, where they are either able to get quality care or improved quality care at a cheaper cost. Similarly, Marmo (2016) contends that much of the changes that have been experienced or that are likely to be experienced in health and social care emanate from cost issues, especially in the wake of economic turmoil and high unemployment rates. The results are that governments have reduced their health budgets, thereby cutting funds for subsidized health and social care services as well as lower pay for health and social care staff (Bess, 2015). These funding cuts, together with the increasing cost of health and social care my trigger concern from policy drivers, triggering more outcries from various advocacy organizations. A typical example is the events leading up to the enactment of Health and Social Care Act 2008, which was created for purposes of responding to public outcry with regards to the provision of ambulatory services, and delivery of quality services at affordable prices. Ultimately, the Care Quality Commission was tasked with ensuring that all the regulated activities were delivered at quality standards and within affordable prices (Grimm, 2013).

4.2 analyze emerging themes and trends that impact on management and leadership of health and social care and children or young people´s services

Exiting scientific literature reveals that there are several factors that may impact on the management and leadership of health and social care, and these factors can be thematically categorized into people management skills, self-management skills, and nuclear management skills. For instance, with respect to people management skills, Mcpherson (2017) observes that practitioners require skills such as team building, conflict resolution, effective communication, and coordination. In regards to self-management skills, Smith (2012) argues that the ability of a manager to take responsibility of their career and personal life is considered as one of the most impactful skills on management and leadership in health and social care. Marmo (2016) argues that managers who take control of their personal life and career can successfully manage their time, and always find it easier to manage both personal and organizational stress. Lastly, a manager’s nuclear management skills can impact on their ability to oversee health and social care programs or services because they are capable of overseeing the managerial functions. According to Mcpherson (2017), managers or leaders who lack nuclear skills may find it difficult to oversee various managerial functions such as human resource management, finance, and risk management and or information technology. Todman (2016) argues that the effective delivery of health and social care services are dependent on these managerial functions. For instance, information technology needed for safe and efficient patient record keeping.

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BESS, M., 2015. Leadership and health: An examination of authentic leadership characteristics and physical health behaviors, University of Missouri - Columbia.

DUXBURY, B., 2015. The development of a chronic conditions management service: A case study of health and social care integration, Swansea University (United Kingdom).

GREAVES, D.E., 2014. Health Management/leadership of Health Systems of Small Island Developing States of the English-speaking Caribbean, Walden University.

GRIMM, B.L., 2013. A Study Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Health Leadership Institutes: Improving Skills, Instilling Behaviors and the Limitations that Exist in Moving Towards Outcome Based Results, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

LUNA, D., 2015. The Relationship between Leadership Behavior and Leadership Styles in Health and Human Services Emergency Management, Our Lady of the Lake University.

MARMO, S., 2016. Sustaining the Role of Social Work in Hospice Care: Social Workers' Perceptions of Job Satisfaction, Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Organizational Leadership, Fordham University.

PARKER, B.D., 2012. Nurse Leaders Working for Health Equity: Experiences, Perspectives, and Insights, Mills College.

SMITH, T., 2012. Identifying the key elements of effective leadership in interdisciplinary health and social care teams: their impact on services, staff and patient outcomes, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom).

WALLS, K., 2012. Exploring Home Health Care Leadership Styles, Leadership Development, and Acute Care Hospitalization Organizational Performance, Northcentral University.

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