Legal and Healthcare Guidelines

Dementia is a critical disease in which people start forgetting minute things and their ability of critical thinking relapses day by day. Moreover, my group members and I made a presentation of this topic where we all have taken the initiative to provide some information about dementia. In this presentation, I have collected some of the information regarding the equality act for protecting the patients of dementia. Apart from this, I also gather some images of the presentation for making it more attractive to the viewers. I gathered some information about the national institution of care and their roles for treating dementia patients.


I could provide more legal details in order to support old people suffering from dementia disorders. In addition to this, the rules of NICE could be provided in more detail, which can help to solve the issues faced by dementia patients (McParland and Camic, 2016). The regulations which can be applied by the family members of dementia patients could be elaborated more in this presentation. According to the “Equality Act 2010”, the service users of health care units can get proper facilities which can be used by dementia patients and their family members. It helps to take dementia patients against any kind of discrimination (, 2020).

I think that I was loud enough and spoke clearly while discussing the presentation in front of the audience. I think that my body language was appropriate for doing the presentation, and it also helped me to connect with the audience properly (Hanna-Kaisa and Henna, 2017). There was a short allocation of time given to our group, but I properly organised every e details of power presentation. I think that I worked in an effective way which helped me to become consistent with the presentation and talk in a straightforward way. I properly described different guidelines of the health care units and the relevant policies which can be useful for the patients of dementia. In addition to this, the “Mental Capacity Act 2005” helps to support patients suffering from dementia. In addition to this, it provides the power of people for making their decisions (, 2020).

So I think that there are many rules and regulations which can be applied by the patients of dementia to get equal value in society. It is the duty of the nurse to maintain all the NMC codes for enhancing the quality of care (Guleria and Curtice, 2016). Social workers also need to treat the patients of dementia equally like other patients and try to fulfil their treatment needs. Proper mental support is essential to deal with these patients of dementia, and it is a part of their treatment procedure. If I get an opportunity to do this task again in the future, then I will collect more information about the legalisation of dementia. In addition to this, I will gather sufficient information about the role of nurses for treating the patients suffering from this critical disease. I will also describe the symptoms in detail, which will help to discuss the issue properly.

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Reference List

Guleria, R. and Curtice, M., 2016. Dementia, rights, and the social model of disability. Old Age Psychiatrist Newsletter of the Old Age Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, p.38.

Hanna-Kaisa, H. and Henna, N., 2017. (Un) equal Treatment? Elderly care and disability services for people with dementia in Finland.

McParland, J.C. and Camic, P.M., 2016. How do lesbians and gay men experience dementia?. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice.

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