Managing ill health

Introduction .

The ill-health faced by individuals requires proper management with intervention from nurses through discussion with healthcare practitioners or doctors for ensuring quality health and well-being for the patients. For students needing assistance with their own projects, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable support.The assignment is going to focus on the ill-health management of Daisy where symptoms and signs regarding multiple sclerosis are to be discussed which is the disease she is suffering from as mentioned in the case study. The prognosis, treatment and the way needs of the Daisy are to be managed is also to be discussed.

AC 1.1 Analysis of physiological condition regarding multiple sclerosis

The potential disabling disease related to central nervous system where body’s immune system attacks the myelinated sheath of the nerve fibres to make them get depleted leading the nerve fibres to get scarred and inflamed is known as multiple sclerosis. The myelin sheaths are the fatty tissues which protect the nerve fibres from damage and its depletion allows the nerve fibres to get exposed to get scarred or inflamed (Ontaneda et al. 2017). It informs that Daisy’s white blood cells in the immune system are causing damage to the protective covering of the nerve fibres that are myelin sheath causing inflammation and presence of scarred nerve in the body that are unable to deliver proper signals for managing body movement. As asserted by Lassmann and Bradl (2017), scarred and inflamed nerve fibres lead people facing deteriorated health regarding multiple sclerosis to perceive tremor in hands and legs. This is because myelinated sheath covering nerves in the cerebellum which is the key area that controls mobility is damaged as well as demyelination of basal ganglion along with thalamus which is involved with managing body movements are also damaged leading the patients face tremor due to hindered deliver of signals through nerves (Yeung et al. 2019). In case of Daisy, the person is to experience tremor in hands and legs as she is already suffering from multiple sclerosis. As criticised by Baecher-Allan et al. (2018), the occurrence of demyelination of the nerve fibres of brain and spinal cord area in patients facing multiple sclerosis deliver hindered nerve signals through the body. It makes people experience numbness as physical complication in hands as well as legs. In case of Daisy, she is found to be suffering from multiple sclerosis and is showing similar physical complication which has lead her to face reduced mobility and remain confined wither her room.


AC1.2 Summarising symptoms regarding multiple sclerosis .

In multiple sclerosis condition, the signs and symptoms regarding the disease involve feeling of tremor in the feet as well as hands along with experiencing muscle stiffness. It makes people suffering from the disease lose efficiency in maintaining effective balance which leads them to have confined mobility (Aminia et al. 2019). This is true as from the provided case study where Daisy is experiencing multiple sclerosis the disease has found to make her confined in her bedroom at the downstairs while are husband is living upstairs as she is facing inability to maintain proper balance to move around the house. As commented by García-Muñoz et al. (2020), multiple sclerosis patient experience dizziness and fatigue as a physical symptom regarding the disease. This is experienced due to development of lesion in the cerebellum which is the area that manages to balance the body. Daisy is perceived to be experiencing multiple sclerosis which makes her experience dizziness as one of the symptoms. The additional symptoms regarding multiple sclerosis involve bladder incontinence, difficulty in swallowing, fatigue and pain, vision challenges and others. The patients also face hindered ability to form proper speech due to lack of proper functioning of the central nervous system (Węgrzyn et al. 2019). Since Daisy is experiencing multiple sclerosis, the following symptoms are probable to be faced by her that is disrupting her daily health condition and well-being.

AC1.3 Analysis of prognosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis

The use of prescribed medication such as corticosteroids is frequently done for treatment of multiple sclerosis in individuals. This is evident as corticosteroids like methylprednisolone are provided to patients intravenously and prednisone as oral medication to patients for controlling the relapse of the signs and symptoms regarding the disease (Dokoohaki et al. 2017). The medications could be administered to Daisy in controlling his health condition. However, certain side-effects of corticosteroids include mood swings, increased blood pressure, lack of sleep and others (Ömerhoca et al. 2019). In order to avoid side-effects from medication, certain contemporary treatment can be used which includes mindfulness therapy, acupuncture, mediation and others (Ehde et al. 2019). Thus, the treatment is able to be used for Daisy to improve her condition regarding multiple sclerosis and avoid side-effects to be experienced while using medications. The cognitive-behaviour therapy is used for controlling mood swings as well as anxiety experienced by the patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (Barcroft and Simpson, 2016). Thus, the mentioned therapy is able to be used for Daisy to promote her psychological health condition so that her low mood can be resolved and anger can be controlled as mentioned in the case study. The prognosis regarding multiple sclerosis informs when the disease is not treated in proper way for long time, then it results to create intricate damage and development of lesions in the areas of central nervous system making individuals intricately suffering from the disease (Manouchehrinia et al.. 2018). In case of Daisy, it is mentioned that multiple sclerosis has been detected in her 10 years and since then it has quickly progressed which has caused damage to her body to make her face hindrance with mobility. This indicates that she may have neglected in taking proper care due to which the disease has progressed so quickly and has made her suffer hindered consequences in life. The prognosis regarding multiple sclerosis informs that with progressing time the disease is going to create aggressive impact on the everyday life of the individuals (Giffroy et al. 2016). The fact is true as Daisy is currently found to lose ability to move making her confined in a single room and unable to help her husband Tony in managing the household or manage her employment to supporting finances for the family.

AC2.1 Summarising social and psychological effect of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis creates psychological effect on the patient to develop extreme irritability along with depression out of continuous suffering from the illness. This, in turn, has also affected mood instability in patients making them lack calmness in managing and accepting care from the service providers and family (Cadden et al. 2018). In case of Daisy, similar experiences are faced by the carer where during interaction with Daisy by the carer to make her report needs and accept care she is seen to show anger and mood to express lack of engagement and compliance in accepting care. The presence of multiple sclerosis in the family also creates psychological challenges for the family members as they feel lack of support and understanding regarding the way patient is to be cared along with support expenses for the care (Anderson et al. 2017). The fact is true as from the case study it is revealed Tony who is Daisy's husband is facing psychological challenge in managing her mood and emotions to offer care to the person due to her disabling condition. Moreover, the expenses regarding her care are bothering Tony to be incapable to understand regarding the way he is going to manage her care as well as their large home. The psychological effect of treating multiple sclerosis individuals for the service providers is that it leads them to develop distressed feeling as well as confusion about processes to be abided to offer support to the patient (Strober, 2017). This is true as from the study it is mentioned that Daisy’s low mood and anger has made the service provider experience hardship and confusion regarding the way Daisy can be made to comply with the care the carer is trying to provide care to ensure her good health.

AC3.1 Analysis of support needs of people facing chronic illness

The people experiencing multiple sclerosis often have common support needs like regular health examination, involve in physical activity, access support to improve relationship, develop self-care ability and others (Learmonth et al. 2017). The health examination for multiple sclerosis patients leads the carer to keep track of the health progress of the patients and to immediately identify change in care support to be made to ensuring them better protection from relapse of the disease (Rieckmann et al. 2018). The self-care ability leads the individuals with multiple sclerosis develop empowerment to take their own care and avid being burden of care on family members (Shahdadi et al. 2017). Thus, self-care activities are going to boost Daisy’s efficiency in managing her own health making her avoid being burden of care on her husband. The physical exercise for patients with multiple sclerosis assists them to control their physical complication and maintain balance in the body and develop mobility (Afrasiabifar et al. 2016). Thus, regular exercise is going to boost Daisy to move avoiding her being confined in the room.

AC3.2 Proposal of ways to accomplish needs of patients

In the UK, the Multiple Sclerosis Society is a charitable society present in most communities to offer physiological and financial support to patients suffering from the disease (, 2020). This informs assistance from the society can be taken to fulfil the determine support needs of Daisy in promoting her better health and well-being. The society offers health education to family members who have patients with multiple sclerosis regarding the way to care for the patients as well as manage their emotional and physical health while caring for the patients (, 2020). This informs that Tony can access support from the society in managing care for Daisy as well as control his health while caring for his wife.


The discussion mentions Daisy is experiencing multiple sclerosis that has made her experience tremor, lack balance, dizziness and other related symptoms regarding the disease. The administration of medication and complementary therapies as well as accessing support from the Multiple Sclerosis Society in the UK would help her care needs to be supported effectively.

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