Managing quality in health and social care


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of quality in the health and social care is the extent to which health care service providers provided the service to the individual and the patients top improve their desired health outcomes (Fiscella, Beletsky, and Wakeman, 2017). The aim of the study is to analyse the quality care management in the context of health and social care in order to deliver high quality health care service to the individual who seek effective treatment and care from the service providers. Through this study, it is also possible to explore the management practice and the standard of Care Quality Commission in managing the quality in health and social care. in this paper, the strategic evaluation of New Rise Care Home will be discussed to assess that whether the care home is able to maintain a their quality or not.


Explaining perspectives that stakeholders in health and social care have regarding quality

There are various stakeholders, engaged with the health and social care, which are such as inspection bodies, managers, staff, government, service providers, community and owner of the car home. In this regard, the major stakeholders of the New Rise Care Home is the owner and the managers of the care home in order to manage the quality where the duties of the health care managers and the owner is to set proper quality standard offered by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), so that they can create values of the communities by delivering quality care and efficient treatment after proper diagnosis and acknowledging the actual health needs and personal preferences of the patients. Another major stakeholders are the service providers, where there are general physicians, doctors, nurses and general staff who are major stakeholders to deliver quality care and efficient treatment to the social communities as a whole and the quality standard of the health and social care depends on the performance of the staff and doctors which in turn helps to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals and ensure positive health outcomes (Evers et al., 2019). The government and inspecting body are also playing crucial role in New Rise Care Home to set proper policies and practice in the care home in order to manage the quality of care. The social communities are also major stakeholders where the patients need to be cooperative with the service providers in order to develop effective care plan so that the quality of care can be managed well (Fusheini, and Eyles, 2016).

Analysing the role of external agencies in setting standards

There is great role of external agency in New Rise Care Home where the Care Quality Commission focuses on inspection and provides recommendations to the care home in order to manage the quality standard so that the care home can deliver high quality services to the social communities (Evers et al., 2019). In this regard, the government body is also playing crucial role to implement the legislations of Health and Social care act 2010, Health and safety and other infection control regulation which in turn provide an opportunity to the New Rise Care Home to maintain their quality standard in order to serve the patients efficiently. the external agencies try to make collaborative decision and in this regard shared experience and utilising the in health care information are effective to maintain the quality standard of care. The government implements the Equality Act 2010, Data protection Act 1998 and non-discriminatory practice at the health and social care institution, which are also beneficial to manage the quality standard and maximise patient’s values in long run, where the patients are treated fairly and their information must be protected under proper supervision and control.

Assessing the impact of poor service quality on health and social care stakeholders

If the service quality of the organisation is poor, there are negative impacts on all the stakeholders, engaged with the health and social care service of New Rise Care Home. In this regard, the service providers are at risk if they fail to maintain the quality standard set by the CQC (Fiscella, Beletsky, and Wakeman, 2017). The performance of the service providers would be deteriorated and they fail to meet the patient’s needs proficiently. Moreover, the government body is also hampered were the government also fails to cooperate and contribute positively in the New Rise Care Home to maintain their standard of quality. Apart from that, the patients or the service users are also at risk if the quality standard of the health and social care service not being met in the New Rise Care Home, where the patients cannot get quality care and efficient treatment and their wellbeing is not maximised well (Fusheini, and Eyles, 2016). the poor service quality hamper the social communities as a whole, as their wellbeing cannot be maximised well and apart from that the patients cannot get proper health care treatment and quality car and it further affect heir health condition. The employees and health care management team are also hampered as well at the workplace as their performance can be deteriorated and they become unable to provide quality health care service.

Explaining the standards that exist in health and social care for measuring quality

The fundamental standards of managing the quality in the health and social care are such as,

Through the above mentioned quality standard, the organisation can provide proper health and social care service, by maintaining its quality. The health and social care providers need to follow the guidelines, provided by the CQC in order to manage their quality standard and deliver proper treatment and care to the patients. In this regard, it is the important aspect of the health and social care providers to develop person centred care, through proper empowerment of the patients so that the health and social care professionals can acknowledge the health issues and personal preferences of the patients (Mozley, 2017). In addition to these, showing dignity and respecting all the patients are necessary factor which contributes in managing the quality of care in the New Rise Care Home. Additionally, staffing plays a crucial role in managing the quality of care in the care home, where efficient staff and clinical experts are able to manage the patients and deliver quality acre ad support to all the patients in the care home. Hereby, staffing and arranging the workplace with proper equipment and technology for diagnosing the patients and delivering quality treatment is beneficial to maintain the quality of care in the care home (Care Quality Commission, 2019a).

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Evaluating different approaches to implement quality systems

There are different approaches through which the health and social care organisations like New Rise Care Home maintains the quality of care ad in this regard, the organisations focuses on proper leadership style where the leaders and the managers lead the employees towards achieving success through providing suitable working environment, managing hygiene and infection control in the workplace, developing partnership working practice and others where the organisations can maintain the workforce and improve their performance through raising their skill and abilities to treat the patients efficiently. In this regard, the approach of developing patient centric care by empowering the patients in developing the care plan is also another approach, where the staff and service providers try to build trust and loyalty as well as communicate with the patients for acknowledging their health issues and personal preferences so that personalise care plan can be developed to meet the expectations of the patients (Billings and De Weger, 2015).

In addition to these, good governance at the organisation New Rise Care Home is also necessary for managing the quality of care and in this regard, leaders play an important role in managing the governance in the organisation by maintaining transparency and accountability as well as implementing the rules and legislations of maintaining the health and safety of the workers, where the Health and Safety at Workplace 1974 is effective to manage the staff and other service providers and motivate them to perform better in a safe environment. Apart from that, another approach of maintaining quality is to implement Data Protection Act 1998, where the organisational representative ensures that the data shared by the patients will be kept private and the information will be secured. This is effective to improve trust and loyalty among the patients and help them to involve the patients for better care (Care Quality Commission, 2019b).

Analysing potential barriers to delivery of quality health and social care services

There are some potential barriers, for which, the health and social care providers fail to meet the quality standard of the health and social care service, such as lack of maintenance of the care home, poor infrastructure, and lack of technological up-gradation. Apart from that, lack of efficient staff and clinical experts in the organisation and poor knowledge among the nurses are also responsible for failing to deliver the quality acre and support to the patients in the care home. Use of improper infrastructure as well as presence of non-clinical staff and lack of innovation and technological advancement deteriorates the service quality in the organisation for which it is very difficult for the service providers in the care home to serve the patients with quality care and effective treatment (Care Quality Commission, 2019c).

Evaluating systems, policies and procedures in health and social care services

Evaluating systems, policies and procedures in health and social care services

Understanding methodologies for evaluating health and social care service quality

Understanding methodologies for evaluating health and social care service quality


It can be concluded that, it is necessary for the health and social care providers in New Rise Care Home to maintain the quality standard in order to support the patients with efficient treatment and proper support according to their health needs and personal preferences. It is hereby necessary to maintain quality in the New Rise Care Home through developing person centred care, staffing, developing organisational infrastructure, implementing latest equipment, managing dignity and equality of the patients as well as maintaining proper governance so that every patients are treated equality with the best possible treatment and quality care.

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Reference List

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