Maximizing Health Outcomes


Inter professional team working practice in the health and social care is effective for the health and social care providers to maximise the health outcome and create values for the patients by improving the wellbeing of the individuals in the health and social care institution (Dickinson and O'Flynn, 2016). The study is helpful to develop aims and objectives which provide proper steps to analyse inter professional collaboration practice in the health and social care organisations. The study also provides a scope to choose proper methodology and review the existing literatures to analyse the collected findings, so that the aim of the paper would be maximised. After proper collection of data and information, the study provides a scope to recommends some suitable suggestions through which the health care organisations can improve the practice of inter professional working for maximising the organisational objectives of serving the patients with quality care and efficient treatment. Additionally, students may seek healthcare dissertation help to gain further insights into effective collaboration strategies.


LO2. Implementing the research project within agreed procedures and to specification

2.1 Research question and hypothesis

Aims & Objectives:

The aim of the study is to analyse the strategies of developing inter professional working practice in the health and social care organisation and analysing the impacts of inter professional working practice. The objectives of the study are such as,

To identify the strategic planning to develop inter professional team working practice in the health and social care organisations

To evaluate the impacts of inter professional team working practice on the organisation and the social communities as a whole

To recommend some suitable suggestions to for developing effective inter professional team working practice in the health and social care organisational context

Research questions:

What is the strategic planning to develop inter professional team working practice in the health and social care organisations?

What the effects are of inter professional team working practice on the organisation and the social communities as a whole?

What would be the recommend suggestions for developing effective inters professional team working practice in the health and social care organisational context?

2.2 Proposing appropriate research investigation

Background of the study:

Inter professional team working practice in the context of health and social care is appropriate for the organisations to maximise the quality of the health care provided to the patients. The health care professionals are trying to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals by providing them quality care and efficient treatment with latest treatment and machineries, so that the patients can fulfil their expectations and overcome their health issues (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne, 2018). The health and social care professionals need to collaborate with each other as health and social care service is a complex phenomenon where all the staff members including, nurses, doctors, surgeons, physician, physiotherapist and staff as well as the social workers need to cooperate to develop appropriate care plan together. In order to maximise patient’s values and delivering high quality care and continuous support to all the individuals, it is required to maximise cooperation among the team members and develop inter professional team working practice in the organisation, so that the care professionals can perform better and create values for all the social communities as a whole (Wager, Lee, and Glaser, 2017). Team working practice is beneficial for the health and social care context, where the health care professionals try to share their experience with each other and develop effective care plan together. Inter professional working practice is also effective for the organisational staff to manage professionalism in the health and social care context as well as improve the quality of care by working together and sharing experience and clinical skill (Liebler and McConnell, 2020).

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Rationale of the study:

In the recent years, the health and social care providers are concerned about developing appropriate strategic planning to deliver high quality service and care to all the patients. There are various issues, for which the health care professionals fail to deliver quality care a high standard treatment to the patients which are lack of clinical staff, poor knowledge among the employees, lack of cooperation and collaboration in the workplace, which leads to deterioration of the service quality in the health and social care context (Harris and White, 2018). Recently, there are many organisations in the health and social care industry, which are facing critical issues in managing the quality standard set by the Care Quality Commission, which further hamper the activities of the health care institution. The health care professionals also face issues in collaborating and communicating with each other which raise issues in managing the quality of care (Blais et al., 2016). Apart from that, recently, the health and social care professionals face difficulties in patient assessment and developing effective care plan. Due to internal non-collaboration and lack of communication, the team members fail to develop inter professional working practice in the health and social care context, and this further leads to enhance the quality of care. The health care professionals also face issues in patient assessment due to noncooperation and miscommunication. Hereby, it is necessary for the health care professionals to take corrective actions for developing inter professional team working practice in the health care organisations so that they can develop single patient assessment and collaborate for better performance to maximise patient’s values (Miles et al., 2017).

2.3 Recording and collecting data

Inter professional team working practice:

The health and social care organisations in the recent years focus on developing team collaboration so that all the service providers can develop effective team work in the organisational workplace. The health care institutions aim to develop suitable organisational culture for team collaboration, as the health and social care service is a complex phenomenon and it is important for the health and social care providers to cooperate with each other for better performance. The service providers such as the doctors, nurses, general physician, social workers, nurses, surgeon, physiotherapist and other professionals, where they need to cooperate and communicate to deliver high quality services to the individual. The team members in the health care institutions try to share their roles and responsibilities to treat the patient carefully and develop proper care plan for the patients (Wyness et al., 2017). Professionalism is one of the best way to develop inter professional team work and in this regard the wheel of professionalism focus on patient care, education and research, and leadership, where it is necessary for the health care providers to manage autonomy and transparency at the health care institution for developing better team work. Additionally, the leadership initiatives and management functions are also effective way to improve professionalism where all the team members are willing to cooperate with each other for better performance. Integrity and partnership working practice are also effective for developing inters professional team working and in this regard the professionals from different field of work aim to collaborate to share their knowledge and efficiencies for performing better.

Figure 1: Professionalism in health and social care

 Professionalism in health and social care

Inter professional team working is associated with multi disciplinary team work where all the service providers in the health and social care organisations aim to share their experience and working responsibilities with each other at the workplace to serve the patients in a better way. In this regard, inter professional team working practice depends on the factors such as trust, mutual respect, effective communication, willingness to work as a team and empowerment. Moreover, the service providers try to be empowered well, without which, it is not possible for the members to develop inter professional and multi disciplinary team. Hereby, empowerment of the service providers in the organisational workplace is necessary, so that all the members can share their opinion and contribute positively in developing appropriate care plan (Holding et al., 2019). In this regard, collaboration in the team members is also necessary where the nurses, doctors and general physicians and other social workers need to be cooperative and share experience and knowledge with each other to develop effective care plan. These activities are effective for developing inter professional working practice in the organisation, where the people are willing to manage transparency and accountability and they try to enhance their clinical expertise and be empowered for developing an effective team to serve the patients in a better way.

Impacts of multi disciplinary team:

Inter professional team working practice in the organisational context is beneficial where the patient can access the entire team of experts as well as the experts can enhance communication in the workplace so that they can share their experience and knowledge with each other for developing better care plan for the patients.

Figure 2: Effects of inert professional team work practice

Effects of inert professional team work practice

It is possible to maximise the efficiency of the service providers to serve the patients and improve the quality standard of the health and social care service, where the patients can get high quality service to overcome their health issues and maximise their wellbeing in long run. Continuous support and quality care can be provided to all the service providers through developing multi disciplinary team working where it is also possible to improving the service coordination and allows the patient for feeling valued and getting the efficient treatment and quality care and support (Smith et al., 2018). There are other benefits of developing inter professional team working practice which are effective problem solving activity and developing proper care plan for the patients as well as creating appropriate empowerment, positive cooperation at the workplace and shared decision making practice, which are beneficial to deliver quality care to all the service users in the health and social care organisations (Stetten et al., 2018).

LO3. Evaluating the research outcomes

3.1 Research evaluation technique

Choosing appropriate research methodology is necessary where the researcher can develop proper planning to collect the correct data and analyse the gathered information by proper analytical technique. There are two types of data collection method, which are primary and secondary and the researcher chooses secondary data collection method over primary. The primary data collection method is related to gathering first hand data directly from the field through survey, questionnaire and interview. On the other hand, the secondary data collection method is related to gathering the data and information from the secondary sources of information such as journals, books, articles, online sources, business letters and others, where it is possible for the researcher to gather more in depth knowledge and understanding for future. The secondary data collection method is not expensive and the sources are easily accessible and immediately available. The secondary data provides a scope to the researcher to gather in depth knowledge about the background of the research topic and analyse the research problem for developing proper solutions so that the health and social care professionals can deliver high quality health care services to all the individuals. In this regard, after collecting the secondary data, it would be helpful for the researcher to choose qualitative data analysis technique over the quantitative analysis method, the qualitative data analysis is helpful to focus on the subject and aspects of the organisations in a particular industry as well as it also provides a scope to ensure greater understanding and it is effective for the researcher to analyse the research topic efficiently. In this particular study, the thematic analysis is considered, where the researcher can emphasis on pinpointing the research topic, examining and recording the patterns and information of the research topic. The themes are effective to evaluate the research topic and different themes also provide a scope to review the themes and fulfil the aims and objectives of the research.

3.2 Interpreting and analysing data

Thematic analysis is appropriate to analyse the above mentioned research topic and the themes are developed and evaluated further.

Theme 1: Team collaboration and partnership working practice are effective for the firm sin the health and social care industry to develop inter professional working

For developing inter professional working, it is necessary for the service providers to focus on team collaboration and partnership working practice, where they can work as a partnership basis by sharing their roles and responsibilities so that all the members together can create for the patients. In this regard, the strategy of enhancing communication is effective for developing inter professional working practice, where all the service providers need to interact with each other and share their roles and experience at the organisational context. Additionally, the trust and respect each other is necessary at the workplace, where every service providers can feel valued and they are interested to develop appropriate tam work at the organisational workplace.

Theme 2: The inter professional team working activities are beneficial for the health care institutions to deliver high quality services and care to all the service users

The inter professional team working practice is beneficial, where the professional try to empower the patients as well and develop communication to acknowledge their actual health needs and preferences. After that, the service providers share their experience and clinical knowledge to develop proper care plan for the patients where the doctors, nurses and social care workers are willing to collaborate to serve the patient an integrated care and practice to maximise the values for the individuals.

Theme 3: The health care providers focus on improving the practice of inter professional working practice in the organisation to achieve the organisational success

In the recent years, it is challenging for the care professionals to manage the quality standard of care ad in order to mitigate this issue, all the team members focus on maximising quality standard of health and social care through improving communication and cooperation while serving the patients. They are willing to enhance cooperation and communication for sharing their knowledge and expertise so that they are efficient in developing proper care plan for the patients collaboratively.

3.3 Recommendations

The above mentioned data collection and data analysis technique are for this study to evaluate the above mentioned research topic. As per the findings, the health and social care professional aim to collaborate with each other and share their experience with each other for developing proper understanding about the patients and being empowered in the workplace to develop appropriate care plan for the patients. All the service providers feel valued at the workplace, where the health care management team support them and provide them proper training program for improving their clinical expertise and enhancing their skill to serve the patients efficiently. The themes are effective to fulfil the objectives, where it has been evaluated that, it is necessary for the service providers to develop inter professional team working to deliver high quality health care service to all the service users. In this regard, the health and social care professional need to respect each other and share their roles and responsibilities at the workplace. Sharing experience and improving emotional intelligence are necessary to develop string boding with each other and contribute positively in developing inter professional team working practice. All the staff members need to trust each other and the management team need to empower all the team members to create value for them and improve their interest to participate collaboratively to serve the patients efficiently with high quality treatment and care.

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Reference List

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