Personality in the COVID-19 Pandemic


COVID-19 has emerged as one of the leading world issues (Stieg, 2020). It has gripped the entire world as cities and countries have started to emerge from strict lockdowns only now. It has become imperative for world governments to understand this problem and determine ways through which the situation can be controlled and a solution to the pandemic and the virus can be provided to all the people. In light of the pandemic, personality traits have emerged as one of the key tools or ingredients through which a permanent solution to the virus can be provided to the people (Barcelo, 2020). Wearing face mask is touted as one of the best ways for dealing with the pandemic and also to keep oneself safe from contracting the virus. Due to this reason, world governments has made wearing face masks mandatory. It is being believed that it is the single most effective way apart from vaccines through which the problem can be resolved and normality can be restored in the society. For those involved in research and analysis, seeking healthcare dissertation help can further elucidate the broader impacts and strategies related to pandemic management. Although scientists and health experts are working very hard to find a cure or vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, but so far they have not been very successful and effective in this regard (Zirenko & Kornilova, 2021). Due to this reason, face masks are the single most effective way through which people can be saved from contracting and getting affected by the virus. There are several individuals who are already breaking this rule of wearing face masks while in the public, i.e. among other people (Zajenkowski, 2020). This can be associated with personality of the individuals. Therefore, it can be said that the role of face masks is crucial in determining the extent of agreeableness of the people to wearing face masks. Whatsapp Although the topic of personality and personality traits have been extensively researched in the past in the field of psychology, but the personality trait of agreeableness has not been studied with context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this study, the researcher aims at exploring and analysing the relationship between agreeableness of the participants and their habit of wearing face masks in light of this pandemic. This study answers the research question of – “What is the relationship between participants’ agreeableness and wearing a face mask”?


For preventing the spread of infectious diseases, presumably since the 1918 episode of the Spanish influenza, the exceptionally old discussion about whether people in general should wear a facial cover has started. During that episode, in certain spots around the planet, like Japan, the wearing of a layered bandage cover over the mouth in broad daylight were suggested, and the act of veil wearing has since gotten a custom. After the 2003 flare-up of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), veil wearing is broadly received in East Asia as a type of non-drug mediation for lessening transmission of respiratory disease. In any case, dissimilar to handwashing, which is generally viewed as the main measure for forestalling irresistible illness, veil wearing appreciates a blended gathering across nations until now (Lozano & Fraley, 2021). Notwithstanding the developing proof of the adequacy of face cover use against the transmission of respiratory infections, there have been sensational contrasts in strategy proposals and public worthiness of veil wearing across nations. Right off the bat in the COVID-19 flare-up, East Asian governments suggested, or even commanded, their residents to wear a defensive cover openly, for instance, on January 22, Wuhan inhabitants were requested to wear facemasks out in the open spaces, and residents universally received this training (Kong, 2021). Conversely, many instructed residents were bound to wear a cover. Danger discernments to a sickness related danger has been discovered a critical indicator of cover wearing conduct in past examinations from Norway during a flu, United Kingdom on the pig influenza episode, Hong Kong, and the United States during the COVID-19. More established individuals will in general follow the socially acknowledged conduct in their general vicinity of home. In a social setting where wearing a defensive veil is moderately more uncommon, more established age bunches are not any more liable to wear a cover than more youthful age gatherings (Carvalho, Pianowski, & Gonçalves, 2020). Conversely, respondents in the most youthful companions are the to the least extent liable to wear a defensive veil in a setting where cover wearing conduct is normal. In this specific situation, the resulting age companion is altogether bound to wear a cover than the most youthful partner. The impact old enough turns out to be particularly solid for the 36-45 age gathering, and all resulting age gatherings; to be specific, those matured 46-55, 56-65, and 65+ (Shook & Sevi, 2020). While there are a few contrasts across partners taking all things together social settings, the distinction of cover wearing across accomplices is a lot more grounded in regions where wearing a face veil is pervasive. The association model shows that the effect of social setting on the coefficients of the age bunches 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, and 65+ are genuinely critical at the 95% certainty level. In the writing, Aschwanden (2020) examined the 2007 New South Wales populace wellbeing review in Australia and found that more youthful individuals were the most un-willing to consent to confront cover wearing among age gatherings. Burrowing further, we can see the significant age impact is starting from the regions with higher predominance of mask wearing, this outcome is likely in light of the fact that the older are more influenced by normal practices. That is, senior residents are more able to follow what others are doing. Instructive accomplishment is contrarily connected with wearing a face-cover in zones where veil wearing conduct is more uncommon (Spitzer, 2020).


The section of research methodology holds significant importance in any kind of research study. it is imperative for the researcher to identify and select the right technique or method through which the study can be carried out in an effective and successful manner. In context of the current study, the researcher has used quantitative methodology (Fidahic, 2020). The main reason for selecting this design is that it helped in carrying out the research work with far more ease that then helped in collecting relevant data and analysing it in a detailed and effective manner. Through the quantitative design the researcher was able to perform an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the data collected from different sources. Essentially, there are two main sources from which data for a study can be collected – primary and secondary (Turnbull & Chugh, 2020). In the current study, the researcher has used both these sources to collect the data. In order to collect primary data, the researcher used the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) to measure the agreeableness and to investigate the relationship between agreeableness and wearing a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic (Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003). In this regard, the participants responded to the agreeableness subscale of the TIPI: I see myself as critical, quarrelsome; and I see myself as sympathetic, warm. In addition to this, the participants also responded to the following question about wearing face masks: “Please report your percentage (0-100%) compliance with face mask requirements, from never comply (0%) to always comply (100%).” There are two main methods for analysing data during a research process – qualitative and quantitative (Rajasinghe, 2020). In the current study, the researcher has used quantitative methods for analysing the data. In this regard, the researcher used SPSS software to obtain demographic data about the participants regarding their age and gender. In addition to this, the scholar also performed a correlation analysis to determine if there is any relationship between critical, sympathetic and agreeableness to wear face masks.



Results Out of total 85 participants, 50.6% (n = 43) were male and 49.4% (n = 42) were female participants. Out of total 85 participants participants Mean of critical was 3.88, standard deviation was 1.169, while the minimum and maximum values were 1 and 7 respectively. Further, minimum value of sympathetic was 1 and maximum value was 7; the mean was 4.32 and standard deviation was 1.157. Mean value of masks was 76.88, while the minimum and maximum values were 0 and 100 respectively and the standard deviation came to be 23.854. Mean of critical was 3.88 while the minimum and maximum values According to the above correlations table, the p-value is coming out to be 0.118. Since the p-value is more than the critical alpha value of 0.05, it can be said that there is no statistically significant relationship between sympathetic and masks.


COVID-19 has emerged as one of the leading world issues. It has gripped the entire world as cities and countries have started to emerge from strict lockdowns only now. It has become imperative for world governments to understand this problem and determine ways through which the situation can be controlled and a solution to the pandemic and the virus can be provided to all the people (Carvalho, Pianowski, & Gonçalves, 2020). In light of the pandemic, personality traits have emerged as one of the key tools or ingredients through which a permanent solution to the virus can be provided to the people. Wearing face mask is touted as one of the best ways for dealing with the pandemic and also to keep oneself safe from contracting the virus. Due to this reason, world governments has made wearing face masks mandatory. It is being believed that it is the single most effective way apart from vaccines through which the problem can eb resolved and normality can be restored in the society. Although scientists and health experts are working very hard to find a cure or vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, but so far they have not been very successful and effective in this regard. Due to this reason, face masks are the single most effective way through which people can be saved from contracting and getting affected by the virus (Turnbull & Chugh, 2020). There are several individuals who are already breaking this rule of wearing face masks while in the public, i.e. among other people. This can be associated with personality of the individuals. Therefore, it can be said that the role of face masks is crucial in determining the extent of agreeableness of the people to wearing face masks. Order Now Conversely, many instructed residents were bound to wear a cover. Danger discernments to a sickness related danger has been discovered a critical indicator of cover wearing conduct in past examinations from Norway during a flu, United Kingdom on the pig influenza episode, Hong Kong, and the United States during the COVID-19. More established individuals will in general follow the socially-acknowledged conduct in their general vicinity of home (Fidahic, 2020). In a social setting where wearing a defensive veil is moderately more uncommon, more established age bunches are not any more liable to wear a cover than more youthful age gatherings. Conversely, respondents in the most youthful companions are the to the least extent liable to wear a defensive veil in a setting where cover wearing conduct is normal. In this specific situation, the resulting age companion is altogether bound to wear a cover than the most youthful partner. The impact old enough turns out to be particularly solid for the 36-45 age gathering, and all resulting age gatherings; to be specific, those matured 46-55, 56-65, and 65+ (Spitzer, 2020). While there are a few contrasts across partners taking all things together social settings, the distinction of cover wearing across accomplices is a lot more grounded in regions where wearing a face veil is pervasive. The association model shows that the effect of social setting on the coefficients of the age bunches 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, and 65+ are genuinely critical at the 95% certainty level. In the writing, (Aschwanden, 2020) examined the 2007 New South Wales populace wellbeing review in Australia and found that more youthful individuals were the most un-willing to consent to confront cover wearing among age gatherings. Burrowing further, we can see the significant age impact is starting from the regions with higher predominance of mask wearing, this outcome is likely in light of the fact that the older are more influenced by normal practices. That is, senior residents are more able to follow what others are doing. Instructive accomplishment is contrarily connected with wearing a face-cover in zones where veil wearing conduct is more uncommon (Lozano & Fraley, 2021).

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Aschwanden, D. (2020). Psychological and behavioural responses to coronavirus disease 2019: The role of personality. European Journal of Personality, per-2281.

Barcelo, J. (2020). Voluntary adoption of social welfare-enhancing behavior: Mask-wearing in Spain during the COVID-19 outbreak. PLOS One.

Carvalho, L., Pianowski, G., & Gonçalves, A. (2020). Personality differences and COVID-19: are extroversion and conscientiousness personality traits associated with engagement with containment measures? Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy, 179-184.

Fidahic, M. (2020). Research methodology and characteristics of journal articles with original data, preprint articles and registered clinical trial protocols about COVID-19. BMC medical research methodology, 1-9.

Gosling, S., Rentfrow, P., & Swann, W. (2003). A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 504-528.

Kong, X. (2021). The correlation analysis between the appearance anxiety and personality traits of the medical staff on nasal and facial pressure ulcers during the novel coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. Nursing Open, 147-155.

Lozano, E., & Fraley, C. (2021). Put your mask on first to help others: Attachment and sentinel behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 110487.

Rajasinghe, D. (2020). Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) as a coaching research methodology. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 186-190.

Shook, N., & Sevi, B. (2020). Disease avoidance in the time of COVID-19: The behavioral immune system is associated with concern and preventative health behaviors. PloS one.

Spitzer, M. (2020). Masked education? The benefits and burdens of wearing face masks in schools during the current Corona pandemic. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 100138.

Stieg, C. (2020). Sociopathic traits linked to not wearing a mask or social distancing during pandemic: study. Retrieved from CNBC:

Turnbull, D., & Chugh, R. (2020). Learning management systems: a review of the research methodology literature in Australia and China. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1-5.

Zajenkowski, M. (2020). Who complies with the restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19?: Personality and perceptions of the COVID-19 situation. Personality and Individual Differences, 110199.

Zirenko, M., & Kornilova, T. (2021). Personality regulation of decisions on physical distancing: Cross-cultural comparison (Russia, Azerbaijan, China). Personality and Individual Differences, 110418.

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