Principles Of Person Centered Care

Question 1.

According to NHS, Person centered care is one of the most effective health and social care processes, in which patient’s individual values, needs and preferences are identified and agreed upon in partnership with health professionals (NHS, 2019). Based on the guidelines of National Institute of Care and Excellence (NICE), there are eight principles of Person-centered care that are associated with promoting patient’s health and wellbeing, autonomy and dignity [NICE, 2019]. The principles are respect and autonomy for patient preference, values and needs, integration of care, education and information to patients, physical comfort, emotional support for eliminating fear and anxiety, involvement of friend and family, access of patent to their care process and transition and continuity (Arola et al. 2018). Through following these principles, health professions and staffs would be able to meet the individual needs pf patients with ensuring dignity and respect to their autonomy, values and opinion. Through implementing person centered care, health and social care workers can make trustworthy relationship with their patient with maintaining strong and effective partnership with them.


Question 2.

In my workplace setting, I have implemented person centered care in order to identify and meet the health needs of patients. During working in emergency ward, I use to work in strong cooperation with dementia patient, in which I try to communicate with them for understanding their decisions, values and preferences. I work as a mediator between patient and doctors, in order to transfer important information regarding patient’s needs, their current health status and any sign of recovery. As stated by Kogan et al. (2016), in person centered care, transparency of communication process is important to ensure the integrity of the overall care system. I use to provide proper education and knowledge to dementia patients in my ward for improving their remembering ability, decisions making power and problem-solving skill. I also attend meeting with patient’s family members in each week, for informing them about all possible information regarding patient’s health, care-process and recovery.

Question 3.

In my workplace the best practice I did in order to implement effective person-centered care is, maintaining transparent information delivery process among patients, health professional and family members. As stated by Eaton et al. (2015), transparent communication and interaction among patient, health professionals and families are important for promoting highly useful and relevant person-centered care process. In my workplace setting, I work on collecting information about patient health by assessing their regular health status and transfer the information accordingly to health professions timely. This process assists me and the entire healthcare faculties to provide the timely and systematic service delivery process to each patient. I also collected information from health professions regarding any type of changes in treatment, current health status of patient and prescribed medicines. Through maintaining clear and timely interaction with doctors I could be able to follow the doctor’s instructions accordingly in effective manner to ensure patient’s health and safety and wellbeing.

One of the good examples in my work setting is assisting a dementia patient to involve him in own work such as bathing, dressing, taking medicines and eating. When I was working in emergency ward, I noticed that one of the patients, suffering from dementia, frequently forgot about his eating and medication process, in spite of having foods and timely medications by the nurses. This was due to his poor remembering ability and lack of proper brain functioning. Therefore, he argued with nurse that, the nurse did not provide him foods and medicines on time and put allegation on nurses that they try to kill him by keeping him starved for the whole day. In this aspect, I had handled the situation by conducting polite and convincing communication with this patient by telling him about his health condition and poor remembering ability. It was quite difficult for me to convince him that he had been provided with timely medicine and food by nurse. Working in partnership with this patient on regular basis I assisted him to involve in remembering events and situation that have been occurred in past. I assisted this patient to eat, take medicines and dob exercise by his own. This process has assisted him to make great recovery of his remembering ability. This also made positive transformation of his behavior, understanding ability and problem-solving skill.

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Reference list:

  • Arola, A., Dahlin-Ivanoff, S. and Häggblom-Kronlöf, G., 2018. Impact of a person-centred group intervention on life satisfaction and engagement in activities among persons aging in the context of migration. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy, pp.1-11.
  • Eaton, S., Roberts, S. and Turner, B., 2015. Delivering person centred care in long term conditions. Bmj, 350, p.h181.
  • Kogan, A.C., Wilber, K. and Mosqueda, L., 2016. Person‐centered care for older adults with chronic conditions and functional impairment: A systematic literature review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(1), pp.e1-e7.
  • , (2019), The eight principles of patient-centred care, Available at: [Accessed 13 May, 2018]
  • , (2019), Service user experience in adult mental health: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS mental health services, Available at: [Accessed 11 June, 2018]

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