Protecting Vulnerable Elderly in Care


Safeguarding is one of the important aspects in health and social care that protect the health, wellbeing and rights of the people thereby offering them a healthy as well as the highly organised lifestyle that is free from any bias, stereotyping, abuse and discrimination. This assignment is going to explain why some of the people are more vulnerable to the abuse and harm, with reference to the case study of Moorwood Cottage Care Home. Moreover, this assignment will also discuss the risk factors that are associated with the incidence of harm to the older service users in Moorwood Cottage Care Home. Through discussing the current legislation and the policies regarding the abuse in health and social care this assignment is going to analyse the strength and weakness of the policies and legislation in terms of protecting people from the bias and harm. Additionally, students seeking healthcare dissertation help can find insights here. In the last section, this assignment would represent a poster in which it is going to highlight the working practices as well as strategies that are going to be used by Moorwood Cottage Care Home to minimise the harm and abuse to service users.

Task 1 (Essay):

LO1 Understand the factors that contribute to the incidence of abuse and harm to self and others

1.1: Explain why particular individuals and groups may be vulnerable to abuse and/or harm to self and others

According to White et al. (2015), vulnerable people are the individuals who have poor physical and psychological strength, therefore they are unable to have proper decision-making ability, problem-solving skill and emotional understanding. Vulnerable people are the eligible candidates for receiving community care bd support (NHS, UK, 2018). According to the NHS guidelines, vulnerable people, are physically and mentally weak and they can not defend themselves from any abuse and harm (Norrie et al. 2016). NHS refers to abuse as the violation; of the individual human rights as well as civil rights by the other stinger person. Abuse can be of different types such as sexual, physical, mental, emotional, behavioural, financial and institutional. In the given case study, the older service users in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home seeks a high level of nursing and dependency needs. However, CQC inspectional represent that there are several issues regarding the care, welfare, nutritional; needs and staffing levels of this care home, which makes it difficult for this care home to fulfil the needs of the vulnerable service users, thereby making them more prevalent towards the abuse and harm.

According to Manthorpe et al. (2015), there can be several reasons why particular individuals and group are vulnerable to abuse and harm. Vulnerable people are highly prevalent to the risk of abuse and self-harm, mainly because they have poor mental and physical strength, they are dependent on their caregivers for their regular needs and activities, such as bathing, feeding, dressing, walking and maintaining their personal hygiene. In the case study, the previous inspection in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home has shown that staffs and nurses of this care home are not committed properly to their responsibility in order to meet the dependency and nursing needs of the older people who are highly vulnerable to disease and harm. Moreover, there is a report of negligence in this care home in terms of regularly checking the health status of disabled older people. according to, due to the reduced mental, emotional, and physical ability the vulnerable people cannot comprehend their needs and problems in front of the carers. Therefore, it is the responsibility of caregivers to make proper checking and assessment of eth health needs of vulnerable service users (Low et al. 2015). Therefore, in the case study, caregivers and other healthcare assists in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home need to be highly organised and committed to their responsibilities in order to conduct the regular check-up of each service users, to assess the individual needs and to protect them from any type of abuse and harm.


One of the major reasons being the vulnerability to abuse and harm is the issues of dependency. As stead by Norrie et al. (2016), social groups and individuals are can be more prevalent to the risk of abuse and harm, they are more dependent on the other people. the evidence-based reports suggest the more than 80% of the abuse are made by the caregivers and the trusted individuals, and more than 50% of the victims are physically and mentally disabled who are highly dependent to other people for their regular activities. In the case study, Moorwood Cottage Care Home has 35 older people, who have poor mental, physical and emotional strength, therefore it is quite natural that they are highly dependent on the caregivers of this care home. However, the inspectional shows that, older people suffer from abuse and lack of protection; in this care home such as, older people who are not able to drink independently, are not supported by proper fluid and drinks. Therefore, the system Fluid Champion can be one of the major steps to offer sufficient fluid to all the service users in this care home.

Poor communicational ability is another important reason behind the vulnerability of a particular group to abuse and risk. As stated by Lee et al. (2017), a particular group of people are vulnerable to abuse mainly because they can not express their issues, decision, needs and preferences. People with communicational disability have poor articulation as well as an expressive skill which makes them unable to share their viewpoint with the other people. In this context, Moorwood Cottage Care Home needs to arrange some assistive devices for the people with communicational disability such as the bell, ring, phone, calling switches etc. through these devices vulnerable people can call the caregiver any time when they need their assistance. Although Moorwood Cottage Care Home has already reformed their infrastructure and care framework to deal with the issues related to the abuse, risk of the vulnerable people, it needs to arrange the adequate resources which would assist the people with communicational disability to protect themselves from the abuse and harm.

Social isolation in one of major reason behind the vulnerability of the people towards the abuse and risk (Mackay, 2017). Social isolation makes people more prevalent to the physical, mental and emotional abuse that not only damages theory self-confidence but also offer them highly brutal experience. NHS guidelines for the vulnerable people focus on the fact that vulnerable people need overprotected environment and social assistance (NHS, 2017). in the given case study, all the service users in Moorwood Cottage Care Home are older people who are already socially isolated due to their physical and mental inability.

1.2: Review risk factors which may lead to an incidence of abuse and/or harm to self and others

As stated by Szilassy et al. (2017), different factors are associated with the cause of harm and abuse in health and social care. However, the risk factors vary with the age of people, such as in the case of older people the risk factor is different from that in the case of young people. In the given case study, the risk factors are associated with the abuse and harm of the older people who are residing in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home. Aged people are physically and mentally unable to deal with their daily activities. Various risk factors that are associated with the abuse and harm of the older people in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home are as follows:

As stated by Hood et al. (2016), socioeconomic factors are live style, living standard, income and the living arrangement that affect the chance of the older people to become prevalent to the abuse and harm. Evidence-based studies show that older people with the poor socio-economic condition and poor income level, suffer from lack of proper healthcare assistance. In absence of eth sufficient money, they have to experience the behavioural, mental and emotional abuse from the caregivers and health professionals. Moreover, the poor, as well as the unhygienic living arrangement of the older people, can erase their chances of getting abused and harmed by the other people (Graham et al. 2016). For example, in case of the Alzheimer patient, then if the patient shares their rooms with the mentally and physically ill people, there is a huge risk of self-harm and abuse by the each other as all the patient do not possess their proper decision-making ability. Therefore, in Moorwood Cottage Care Home, the newly appointed manager needs to make positive changes in the living arrangement, lifestyle and infrastructure of this care home, to offer the healthy and effective accommodation to all the older people.

According to Szilassy et al. (2017), along with the social, environmental and the cultural factors, there are some individual factors which are associated with the cause of abuse and harm in health and social care. individual factors are the physical, emotional and mental disability that increases the risk of people to get abused and harmed. In the given case study, disabled people suffer from the lack of proper care regular checking and proper assessment of the health by the caregivers. Moreover, older people who are unable to take their drink and food by their own, are not supported by proper fluid throughout the day in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home. The registered manager in Moorwood Cottage Care Home needs to check properly that all the people with mental and physical disability in that care home are provided with better care and support by the caregivers. Moreover, the manager needs to ensure that, caregivers would not show any violent behaviour and brutal approach for the service users of the care home, rather they have polite, friendly and positive approach for the service users.

Cultural factors such as ethnicity, religion, caste and race can be the key factors behind the cause of abuse and harm in health and social care (Hood et al. 2017). People from the minority group are devoid of proper care, self-respect, educational, and healthcare facility. Minority group are highly vulnerable to the physical, mental and emotional abuse. Moreover, another important cultural factors that are associated with the cause of abuse and risk is discrimination. Discrimination based on the ethnicity, sex, race and colour, increases the risk of physical, mental and emotional abuse to the people from the lower and minority group. In the given case study, CQC needs to check that, heather there is any case of discrimination based on eth ethnicity and race of the service users in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home. Moreover, the newly appointed registered manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home needs to improve their care framework, by providing equal care and assistance to all the older people.

Social factors such as housing, poverty, community perceptions are also associated with the risk of abuse and harm. People with poor housing facilities are a common sufferer of behavioural, physical and emotional abuse. In the given case study, although the Moorwood Cottage Care Home focuses on improving its are framework, with regular checking process, improvised supporting system for the disabled people such as fluid champion and the improving the proficiency; level of the caregivers, it is not enough for avoiding abuse and harm for the service users. Therefore, it is important for the health professional and registered manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home to conduct training process for all the care staffs to assist them about how they would deal with the nursing and dependence needs of the service users. Moreover, through conducting the awareness campaign against abuse and harm for the vulnerable people, Moorwood Cottage Care Home can change the social perception regarding the care and support to the vulnerable people.

1.3: Analyse the impact of social and cultural factors on different types of abuse and/or harm to self and others

According to Butler and Manthorpe (2016), cultural and social factors are associated with the different types of abuse and harm to the self and the other.

Social factors include education, health, poverty, housing, income, social inclusion and exclusion. According to Billioux et al. (2017), social factors are important and highly potential factors that can raise the prevalence if the disabled people towards the abuse and self-harm. For example, poor educational facility, lack of healthcare facilities, social exclusion and poor housing facilities lead to a lower living standard for people. people with lack of education, income and healthcare facilities are vulnerable to the physical, mental and emotional abuse by the society, caregivers and the health professionals. People with poor healthcare facilities are the common sufferer of the physical and mental illness, which make them unable to share their problems, issues, preference and decisions. In the given case study, the caregivers and the health professional need to check whether all the service users are provided with proper accommodation, room facilities, food and drinking facilities. Moreover, the registered manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home would assure that all the service users are provided with the proper hygienic environment, large rooms and timely food and drinks, regular health check-up and equal care and support from caregivers. As stated by Lonbay and Brandon (2017), poverty is one if important social factors that lead to abuse and harm for the people who reside in the lower economic level of society. People with lack of income and financial support are suffered from unemployment, poor healthcare facilities and social recognition. These lead to a high level of depression, mental disability, anxiety and lower self-confidence which makes people highly vulnerable to the physical, mental and emotional abuse.

Cultural factors such as discrimination based on the ethnicity, race, religion, and caste, is associated with the cause if the abuse and harm in health and social care (Arai et al. 2015). Evidence-based practice suggests that, in case of the older people with physical and mental disability, they are highly vulnerable to discrimination and isolation. In the given case study, the CQC reports show that discrimination and bias for the disabled older service users who are unable to take their drink and food independently. People who are discriminated and isolated by society are the common sufferer of abuse and harm (Parton, 2017). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the registered manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home to ensure that, all the service users are treated with equal care and dignity. Moreover, the restructuring of the care system in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home would be in favour of the preference and importance of the service users in order to assist the caregivers to meet the nursing and dependence needs of the older service years.

Due to the above-mentioned social and cultural factors different types of abuse can occur which are as follows:

Physical abuse;

Physical abuse is one of the major and common issues in society is physical abuse. Based on the NHS guidelines, physical abuse can be referred to as the intentional activities of causing harm, physical injuries and trauma to another person by the way of bodily contact (NHS, 2018). People with physical and mental disability, poor education, poor healthcare facilities and social exclusion, are highly prevalent to the injuries, trauma and ill-treatment (Mc Grath-Lone et al. 2015). In the given case study, as all the service users are older people, there is a huge risk of physical abuse. The registered manager has taken initiatives to make regular health check-up and inspectional of each service users to assure that they are free from any physical abuse.

Psychological abuse:

According to NHS, psychological abuse in the health and social care is the form of abuses in which individuals are subjected to the poor psychology, behavioural disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression (NHS, UK, 2018). Different social and cultural factors such as poor income and housing facilities, poor healthcare facilities and discrimination lead to psychological damages to the people. People who are unemployed, devoid of proper healthcare facilities, educational and social support, are the common suffering from depression, poor self-confidence and the anxiety, therefore, in the given case study, registered manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home needs to train the caregivers to provide the proper psychological support to all the service users in order to improve their behaviour decision-making ability and problem-solving skills.

Emotional abuse:

Emotional abuse occurs in form of neglect, humiliation and rejection (Kupeli et al. 2018). Older people who have suffered the rejection or humiliation during early life can develop behavioural transformational and negative attribute inthe later life. For dealing with the people suffering from emotional abuse, the registered manager of the Moorwood Cottage Care Home need to conduct psychotherapies and counselling in terms of improving mental and emotional wellbeing if the service users.

Task 2: (Report)

LO 2: Understand current legislation, policy and professional involvement regarding abuse in health and social care contexts:

2.1 Analyse the strengths and weaknesses in current legislation and policy relating to those vulnerable to abuse

Several policies and acts have been formulated by the UK government in order to safeguard the vulnerable people from the abuse and harm (Norrie et al. 2016). In the given case study, in Moorwood Cottage Care Home, disabled people who are highly vulnerable to the abuse and harm suffers from the poor care and assistance from the caregivers. Moreover, the disabled service users in this care home who are not able to take their food and drinks by their own, are nor provided with proper care and assistance which represent the physical and mental abuse. For preventing the vulnerable people from suffering the abuse and harm, UK governments have formulated Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, under this act, the caregivers and health providers in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home in the needs to offer overprotective environment for the vulnerable service users. As stated by Stevens et al. (2018), this act makes it obligatory for all the caregivers and social workers to protect the vulnerable people from physical, mental and emotional abuse by offering them highly positive and effective care facilities. On the contrary, Ferguson (2016) argued that, although Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 is able to provide the proper protection to vulnerable people, it is unable to clarify the methods and ways which would be followed by the caregivers to offer the overprotective environment to the vulnerable people.

UK government has also formulated another important act Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 (c 28). This act focuses on protecting people from domestic violence, abuse and crime. Based on the guidelines of this act, caregivers, health providers and the all the care staffs of Moorwood Cottage Care Home in the case study, needs to protect the service users from any type of violence, crime and brutal approaches. On the contrary Green (2019) argued that this act is about protecting all the people from domestic violence and abuse, rather than focusing the needs and protentional of the vulnerable adults. On the other hand, this activity is associated with posing obligation on the health and social workers to provide positive, friendly and lovable approaches to all the service users which are important for their mental and physical wellbeing.

According to Green (2019), under the guidelines of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, it is obligatory for the health and social care workers to offer a highly protective environment to the vulnerable people in order to safeguard them from any kind of abuse and the violence. This act assists the caregivers and health professional of the Moorwood Cottage Care Home to protect the people in the care home from violence, abuse and discrimination.

Race Relations Act in 1976 and Equality Act 2010, are the part of the anti-discrimination act which protects people from discrimination inequality and bias. Based on the guidelines of these acts, the caregivers and health care professional in Moorwood Cottage Care Home would proper the equal care and support to the service users. Under the acts, caregivers of this care home would assist all the service users to get equal healthcare facilities that would assist this care home to maintain the bias-free care framework. On the contrary, Keenan (2017) argued that, in case of the vulnerable people, they need overprotected environment and more assistance for protecting them from the abuse and harm, which can interfere with the guidelines and principle of these acts. In this aspect, the register manner of Moorwood Cottage Care Home would make proper health assessment for each service users and conduct the care framework for each individual based on his or her individual needs.

2.2 Explain how key professionals are involved in the protection of individuals and groups vulnerable to abuse:

Different professionals are involved in the safeguarding of vulnerable and groups and individuals by protecting them from any kind of abuse and harm (Luckock et al. 2017). In the given case study, there are different professionals in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home such as registered manager, regional manager, regulatory body (Care Quality Commission), health and social care staffs, care manager, health professional, who are involved in offering the overprotected environment for the vulnerable groups and individuals in the care home. Their roles in safeguarding these people are as follows:

A regulatory body (Care Quality Commission):

Care Quality Commission (CQC) is involved to inspect the current health care framework of the care homes in the UK (Williams, 2017). Through conducting the sudden inspections CQC checks whether the care homes follow the NHS guidelines in order to provide the proper protection, care and support to the service users, especially the vulnerable groups and individuals. In the given case study, CQC has conducted two consecutive inspections in the Moorwood Cottage Care Home, which helps the CQC officials to find out the areas of improvement in these care homes. Through analysing the health standard, care policies, regular responsibilities of each care staffs, CQC has recommended to this care home to appoint new line manager for restricting its car framework for providing the high-quality care and support to the vulnerable people.

Registered manager:

Registered manager of care homes is responsible for monitoring the overall care process and activities of the health staffs and health professionals in order to evaluate the health standard that is maintained in the care home. Moorwood Cottage Care Home has appointed the newly registered manager which is responsible for tackling the organisational issues regarding the nutritional needs, care and welfare in order to deliver high-quality care. The registered manager is also responsible to review the care plan after a month in order to ensure that, health staffs of this care home is able to meet the health, nutritional, dependence and care needs of the vulnerable group's of people residing at this care home.

Care manager:

The care Manager is responsible for checking whether all the care staffs working in the proper manner in ordered to ensure that special care and support are provided to the vulnerable group at this care home (Peckover and Golding, 2017). care manager in Moorwood Cottage Care Home focuses on maintaining the strong coordination among all the multi-disciplinary team. Care manager conducts the intentional grounding which assists the care manager to monitor the people during the regular intervals of the 24 hours. Through this checking process, the care manager can check the changing and using of the incontinence pads, changing of the position of older people, providing timely foods and dinks to them and offer the high level of hygiene surrounding them.

Care staffs and multi-disciplinary staffs:

As stated by Taylor et al. (2017), care staffs are the major support for vulnerable groups and individuals. Care staffs are the persons who spend most of their time with vulnerable people and understand their needs and weakness. in the case study, Moorwood Cottage Care Home has renewed and reviewed the care process which assists the care staffs to improve their way of operations in terms of providing the level of care and support to the vulnerable people. moreover, Moorwood Cottage Care Home needs to train the multidisciplinary team which is involved in various function such as health assessment of each service users, regular checking of health of the vulnerable people, proper assistance to the vulnerable people to perform regular activities and emphasize on the needs, demand and preference of the vulnerable group of people.

Task 3:

Lo 3: Understand working practice and strategies used to minimise abuse in health and social care contexts:

3.1 Explain existing working practices and strategies designed to minimise abuse in health and social care contexts

Different strategies can be taken in terms of reducing as well as minimise the abuse in health and social care. Moorwood Cottage Care Home can implement the following approaches which would be effective in order to minimise the abuse, harm in case of the vulnerable adults.

Educational approach:

Education is one of the most effective approaches that the government, care homes and local healthcare authorities can apply for reducing the chances of abuse and harm in the health and social care context (White et al. 2015). Through providing proper education to the service users Moorwood Cottage Care Home can improve the knowledge of vulnerable group and individuals regarding the health and safety, the safeguarding policies and their legal rights. Educational approach will assist the caregivers of Moorwood Cottage Care Home to assist the service users to understand about their legal rights, local and national safeguarding policies and the government assistance that has been assigned for the vulnerable people. moreover, through offering the education to the vulnerable groups, care homes, government and the local authorities can assist the vulnerable people to improve their decision-making ability, social interaction and the problem-solving ability.

Physical exercise programme:

Physical exercise is one of the important processes which can assist the vulnerable people who have poor physical and mental ability to improve their biological, physical and emotional health (Norrie et al. 2016). Moorwood Cottage Care Home can offer the exercise facilities to the service user who is suffering from physical disability and is highly vulnerable to abuse. In this aspect, physical exercise, regular interaction with the society people and the challenging task can assist the vulnerable adults to improve their physical health.

Psychological therapy:

Psychological therapy is another important approach that needs to offered by the care homes, local health care authorities and government. Moorwood Cottage Care Home can conduct the weekly counselling and psychotherapy which can assist the health professional to assess the actual mental health status of the service users. Through regular counselling and psychotherapies, it is possible for the health professional to improve the decision-making ability and problem-solving skill of service users.

Whistleblowing strategy and legislation:

Through applying the whistleblowing strategies manner of the care homes can get all information regarding any to misbehave or the wrong approach of the health staffs, or health professions (Manthorpe et al. 2015). Through appointing whistleblowers, care home can be aware of any type of abuse and harm that are caused by the employee to the service users. Through applying this whistleblower strategy and the implementation of the safeguarding legislation, Moorwood Cottage Care Home can assure that the ensure care framework is free from any type of physical, mental and emotional abuse and harm.

Risk assessment process:

Through conducting proper risk assessment process, health professional and care manager can identify, determine and assess the risk of abuse and harm in the care homes (Low et al. 2015). In the given case study, Moorwood Cottage Care Home can create proper risk assessment document in which care manager can note down all information regarding any type of abuse and harm to the vulnerable groups in the care home. through creating and managing risk assessment document, care manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home will be able to take effective safeguarding strategies to avoid the chances of further abuse and harm.

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of working practices and strategies used to minimise abuse in health and social care contexts

The abovementioned strategies are highly effective in case of minimising abuse in the context of health and safety. The effectiveness of eth above-mentioned strategies are as follows:

Educational strategies:

Through applying the educational approach, it is possible to improve the knowledge of the service users who are prevalent to the abuse and harm regarding the safeguarding legislation, government policies and acts, individual rights and the obligational of the health professions (Norrie et al. 2016).

Through offering proper education to the service users’ caregivers can improve the perception, decision-making ability, social interactional ability of the vulnerable individuals.

Moreover, educational would improve the problem-solving skills and personality of the vulnerable people which assist them to interact with the society

Educational strategies would also assist the vulnerable people to share their problems, risks and issues with the society people and caregivers

Physical exercise strategy:

Through offering physical training and exercise facility to the service users, Moorwood Cottage Care Home can be benefited in the following ways:

Physical exercise facility to the service users will control their mental and emotional ability.

Through regular exercise, vulnerable people can easily improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing (Mackay, 2017)

Through regular exercise, vulnerable groups and the individual can improve their biological functions, which is important for maintaining proper brain functioning. Vulnerable people, with proper brain functioning and biological ability, can make their own decision and problem-solving strategies.

Psychological therapies and counselling:

Through conducting psychotherapies and counselling the caregivers and healthcare professions of the Moorwood Cottage Care Home can minimise the abuse in the context of health and social care.

Psychological therapies are one of the effective processes, that improve the mental and emotional wellbeing of service users, especially of vulnerable adults (Szilassy et al. 2017).

Psychotherapies and counselling are two important processes that improve the decision-making ability and problem-solving skill of the vulnerable people.

Risk assessment process:

Through conducting the proper risk assessment process, care manager of Moorwood Cottage Care Home can determine and analyse the risk, abuse and harm in the care home (Hood et al. 2016).

By maintaining the risk assessment records, it is possible for the care manager and registered manager of the care home to analyse the previous abuse, based on which they can set proper safeguarding strategies for minimising the risk of abuse.

3.3 Discuss possible improvements to working practices and strategies to minimise abuse in health and social care contexts

According to Graham et al. (2016), safeguarding the context of eth health and social care is not confined to setting the effective strategies, rather it focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of these strategies in order to minimise the chances of the abuse and harm.

Moorwood Cottage Care Home can make the following improvement to implement the abuse mentioned strategies in an effective manner:

Appointing healthcare professionals is important for improving the effectiveness of the healthcare and safeguarding strategies, through conducting proper training to the caregivers, health professions about maintaining the safety in health and social care context, it is possible to minimise the chances of abuse and harm (Billioux et al. 2017).

Government support is important for improving the efficiency of eth aforementioned strategies (Hood et al. 2017). The government can support the above-mentioned strategies by offering financial fund to the care homes. Moreover, the government can focus on improving the infrastructure of the care home to minimise the abuse in the health and social care context.

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Regular checking and monitoring process in the care home can assist the whistleblowers to provide the information about ability type of misbehaviour and arrogant attitude towards the disabled service users. Through regular monitoring process, the care manager can assure that all the care staffs work in the proper manner and focuses on the individual needs of the vulnerable people.


Safeguarding of the vulnerable people in the health and social care context in one of the major process in today’s society. Through the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that safeguarding is important for the people who are physical and mentally disabled and vulnerable to the abuse and harm. Vulnerable people can face different types of abuses such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse and behavioural abuse. Different strategies need to be set and implemented into the care homes to safeguard the vulnerable groups and individuals from any type of abuse and harm. Important strategies are the educational approach, whistleblowing, risk assessment process and physical exercise. Through improving these strategies, the care homes, government and local health care authorities would be able to minimise the risk of abuse and harm ion the health and social care context.

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Reference list:

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