Providing Comprehensive Care to Mrs. Green Following a Hip Fracture


This study aims to focus on an episode of care given by a nurse to a patient named Mrs Green. This 67-year-old patient requires attention for the injuries that have occurred to her. It is identified that the nursing authorities support a person’s medication process of work and it is important to reflect on a patient’s privacy. The patient is allergic to penicillin hence; Nurse needs to focus while giving her appropriate medication. This patient lives with her husband alone in a small apartment and she fell while having a shower only to break her hipbone. A four-week bed rest is suggested for her and doctors assume to follow her up with another surgery (Suhonen et al. 2019). While nurse did Mrs. Green’s dressing, she was telling about her story behind the injury she has those and how she became affected physically. A bed bath is given along with a supervised oral and personal clean up. The wounds and blisters were cleaned up as well for the drying up process of the wound. Bed rail rising was also done by nurse as the patient had literally no strength at that time and help a person to sustain in life. For those seeking further insight into similar cases, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable guidance in understanding and addressing complex care situations.



The feelings in this case reflect componential analysis of identifying how it feels to give care to a patient with a critical condition. The young nurse in this case assists the patient. Now, the nurse feels like she is in a new situation as she revolves around the patient. She is a bit frightened and lacks a bit of confidence, as she is worried about the patient giving permission to touch her. The care given to patients is associated with improvised solutions of health service management by taking proper care to the patients. Nice guidance is required to be analyzed by the nurse before taking care of the patient. Key principles of these guidelines are associated with aiming towards a successful health care management routine (Kernick et al. 2017). Healthcare professionals should take into account the successful competency alignment of stakeholders' comments. Decision-making is indulged within the commission’s effectiveness. All systemic involvement encourages a person to build up a smooth career, as the student nurse is just about to begin her career in giving care. NICE values are associated with immunization components and it involves overall competency management of nurses. The care that is given requires a superlative analysis so that an intervention of records is found out. It is observed that multimorbidity needs to be analyzed. The supervision of records is important in management to give proper care to the patients and understand what they need (Adeani, Febriani, & Syafryadin, 2020). Moreover, it is important to identify the proper way of communication with patients to help resolve the problems.


All care that has been given to the patient is associated with being prominent in the work provided. Health care students need appropriate courage to compete with the situational analysis. There exist relevant componential benefits that help in evaluation of how much care is given to the patient and how much care is needed. The student nurse requires a componential breakdown of expected elements and assists the patient as much as possible throughout the system of care. A potential factor of confidence is associated with wholesome analyzing power of nurses and management of bruises (Lall et al. 2019). Health care assistants need to wash hands and take necessary precautions while managing other patients. Mrs. Green also supported the student nurse that assists with washing the entire body. Finding out the right concepts of items that are needed for bed bath is indulged within the superlative assessment of dressing for the sight of infection. Gathering courage and answering the questions of required elements in health care is the most important thing. Following the protocols of nursing and keeping a complete practice, session is indulged within the appropriate intelligence breakdown of a person.


This woman has gone through surgery and she is in complete bed rest. This proportionate of work is indulged within a significant association of delivering the right assistance of work. Contemporary association and detailed view on whether the patient is comfortable with student nurses’ help of body washing is important to be analyzed. The literal benefits of extraordinary management in work are associated with compatible analysis of patient management (Ingham-Broomfield, 2017). Mrs. Green is in a position of not to be able to move on her own. Hence, she requires attention to the work. The support objectives are analyzed in terms of providing crucial health support and maximizing the benefits. A patient needs to deal with several mental dilemmas. Personal care is something that not many people are comfortable to take from. This is the reason behind student nurses taking care of a person and making the person feel comfortable.


The nurse was quite afraid and she was confused whether she will be able to give appropriate care to the patient or not. Here, matter is of including experience and confidence inside the care giving strategy. Nurse requires to follow healthcare systematic analysis and care should be focused on making Mrs. Green comfortable and showing the level of competency in front of assessor. The assessor must find this nurse capable of doing what she can do in a most effective way. Gathering courage was essential for the nurse, as she would have to friendly with the patient, as the patient might not allow her to clean the wounds. Answering main question of the study, includes following rules of nmc and becoming confident in the work assigned for this nurse typically.

Action plan

It is important to consider the nmc code that helps in nursing people to go through the appropriate identification of codes (Homeyer et al. 2018). While Mrs. Green gives association to the nurses for gaining maximum help and support that, she deserved. The nurses are required to be trained enough to handle each of the people involved within the assessment of a patient. According to the codes, it is essential to encourage people that are being treated and make them a priority as receiving care is also a part of upholding the dignity. According to the nmc code it is also a responsibility of nurse listen and understand the preferences of their patient and that helps in complete engagement of nursing techniques.

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Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. & Syafryadin, S., (2020). USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Homeyer, S., Hoffmann, W., Hingst, P., Oppermann, R.F. & Dreier-Wolfgramm, A., (2018). Effects of interprofessional education for medical and nursing students: enablers, barriers and expectations for optimizing future interprofessional collaboration–a qualitative study. BMC nursing, 17(1), p.13.

Ingham-Broomfield, R., (2017). A nurses' guide to ethical considerations and the process for ethical approval of nursing research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The, 35(1), pp.40-47.

Kernick, D., Chew-Graham, C.A. &O’Flynn, N., (2017). Clinical assessment and management of multimorbidity: NICE guideline. British Journal of General Practice, 67(658), pp.235-236.

Lall, P., Rees, R., Law, G.C.Y., Dunleavy, G., Cotič, Ž. & Car, J., (2019). Influences on the implementation of mobile learning for medical and nursing education: qualitative systematic review by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. J Med Internet Res, 21(2), p.e12895.

Suhonen, R., Stolt, M., Habermann, M., Hjaltadottir, I., Vryonides, S., Tonnessen, S., Halvorsen, K., Harvey, C., Toffoli, L. & Scott, P.A., (2018). Ethical elements in priority setting in nursing care: A scoping review. International journal of nursing studies, 88, pp.25-42.

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