Role Of Patient And Carer

Task 1: Self-evaluation of own experience:

Health can be defined as the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing in which individual is free from any kind of injuries or illness. being a care provider in local healthcare centre I can evaluate my understanding as well as perception regarding health and wellbeing. in my workplace I always work on promoting positive health and well-being in patients by meeting their critical as well as diverse health needs. here I can use on most important healthcare model such as the Social Model of Health in terms of evaluating my experiences regarding health-management of patients in my ward. as mentioned by Schoeb (2016), the Social Model of Health assists carer to provide the quality care by considering social determinants that are associated with promoting positive health and wellbeing in implementing this model into practice I was able to manage different aspects associated with promoting positive mental and physical health in patients such as addressing social needs of patients, involving government and non-governmental healthcare bodies in developing integrated and compassionate care process and reducing social inequalities. As argued by Farre and Rapley (2017), for providing compassionate care to patients it is not sufficient for carers to consider only social determinants associated with health, rather carers need to consider other determinants such as biological and environmental determinants of health. In this context, I have used Medical Model of Health which helped me to prioritise the biological aspects associated with health condition of patients such as I use to evaluate pathophysiology, physiology and pathology of disease. this model assisted me to consider that, disease occurs mainly due to biological reasons rather than the social, environmental and cultural reasons. As argued by Lehman et al. (2017), there are many evidences that stated there is strong connection of abnormal health condition with environmental, cultural and social factors. in this context, using Holistic Model of Health had assisted me to understand the actual definition of health which I have applied into practice in terms of promoting the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing in patients. As stated by Sharpe (2019), Holistic Model of Health emphasizes on creating proper balance among emotional, physical and mental health. By using holistic model, I had emphasized on improving the overall physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health of patients by allowing them to share the views with me, involving them into intellectual activities and improving their lifestyles, eating habits and living standard. As argued by Sharpe (2019), sometimes the Holistic Model of Health creates confusion in carers about the fact that on which aspect among the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health they would emphasize in terms of promoting the sooner recovery of patients , as it is not all time possible for nurse and health staffs to work on all these above-mentioned aspects of health.

Task 2:
1.Explaining roles of patient and carer:

As mentioned by Conway et al. (2019), the overall success of a healthcare system not only depend of how efficiently health professionals as well as healthcare staffs perform their roles in healthcare context, but also on how patient perform their responsibilities in terms of gaining positive physical and mental health. maintaining transparency of communication in one of the most important responsibilities of patients, in which patients need to make clear interaction with the healthcare professional and healthcare staffs regrading their health needs and issues. In addition to this, patients would abide by the healthcare regulations and ethical as well as moral principles accordingly (Sharpe, 2019). Patient would also be involved in self-management process in which they have healthy practices, lifestyles and eating habits which will assist the health professionals and the health care staffs to promote their sooner recovery (de Vries et al. 2016). patients would provide true information about their medical history, health condition. issues faced during eth treatment process and their family background, which will assist the health professional to make their proper health assessment. Patients will involve into their own treatment process by assisting health staffs as well as the healthcare professionals to share their interest, decision and preferences regarding the care processes.


Carers play important roles in maintaining the transparent information delivery system within workplace in which they receive health related information from patients and transfer it accurately to health professionals (Anderson et al. 2017). In addition to this, carers are responsible to listen to the decision, preferences and interest of patients rather than establishing their own views in front of them. carers are responsible to maintain perfect interaction between patients, their family members and health professions. Additionally, carers need to assure that they provide proper respect and dignity to patients, that will make patients to feel valued. Carers are responsible to determine the psychological, mental and emotional needs of patients and meeting them accordingly ((de Vries et al. 2016). In addition to this, carers are responsible for maintaining healthy and friendly relation with patients to allow them to share their thoughts, preferences and decision regarding their health and wellbeing.

2. Discussing the roles of:
Adult nurse:

  • Planning and assessing the healthcare needs of patients and also the Issus o problem faced by the patients throughout the treatment process (de Vries et al. 2016)
  • Writing patients health records as well as their care planning
  • Regular monitoring of patient’s condition
  • Providing proper training and education to trainee nurse in terms of enhancing their professional abilities in dealing with complex health need of critical patients
  • Supervising the activities ad performances junior healthcare staffs (Conway et al. 2019),
  • Act as important medium between family members of patients and healthcare professions in terms of delivering the import information
  • Inform healthcare bodies regarding any emergency issues in healthcare

Mental Health nurse:

  • Determining psychological needs of patients suffering from mental illness
  • Providing safe, positive and healthy environment surrounding the patient
  • Protecting mental health patients, any kind of mental and physical abuse (Sharpe, 2019)
  • Providing proper education and training to mental health patients to promote their psychological and emotional wellbeing

Social worker:

  • Determining eth scale determinants that are associated with promoting positive health and wellbeing in service users
  • Meeting the social needs of service uses by providing them proper food, educational employment and professional training (Sharpe, 2019)
  • Providing proper health education to the society people, in term of promoting healthy habits and practices
  • Proving heathy, positive and hygienic environment surrounding eth service users.

3. Define privacy, dignity and independence:

In healthcare privacy is defined as the process in which confidentiality of patient’s professional and personal information are maintained in terms of protecting them from the unauthorised access (Bagnasco et al. 2020).


in healthcare context dignity is defined as honour and respect that all the people associated with healthcare service deserve (Cahill et al. 2017). In healthcare framework n both eth the service users and the service providers need proper dignity and respect which enhance the quality as well as standard of care system.


Independence state of being independent with ability of self-governance and self-management which assails a person to take right decision and do any work by their own (Bagnasco et al. 2020). In healthcare context, health professional and the health care staffs work on promoting independence of patients in terms of enhancing their self-management and self-governance ability.

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Reference list:

  • Anderson, M.K., Reff, M.J., McMahon, R.S. and Walters, D.R., 2017. The Role of the Oral Oncology Nurse Navigator: Oral Oncology Nurse Navigators Improve Patient Care & Satisfaction. Oncology Issues, 32(5), pp.26-30.
  • Bagnasco, A., Zanini, M., Dasso, N., Rossi, S., Timmins, F., Galanti, C., Aleo, G., Catania, G. and Sasso, L., 2020. Dignity, Privacy, Respect and Choice‐A Scoping Review of measurement of these concepts within acute healthcare practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
  • Bishop, A.C. and Macdonald, M., 2017. Patient involvement in patient safety: a qualitative study of nursing staff and patient perceptions. Journal of patient safety, 13(2), pp.82-87.
  • Cahill, J., McLoughlin, S., O’Connor, M., Stolberg, M. and Wetherall, S., 2017, July. Addressing issues of need, adaptability, user acceptability and ethics in the participatory design of new technology enabling wellness, independence and dignity for seniors living in residential homes. In International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population (pp. 90-109). Springer, Cham.
  • Conway, A., O’Donnell, C. and Yates, P., 2019. The effectiveness of the nurse care coordinator role on patient-reported and health service outcomes: A systematic review. Evaluation & the health professions, 42(3), pp.263-296.
  • de Vries, M.G., Brazil, I.A., Tonkin, M. and Bulten, B.H., 2016. Ward climate within a high secure forensic psychiatric hospital: Perceptions of patients and nursing staff and the role of patient characteristics. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 30(3), pp.342-349. Farre, A. and Rapley, T., 2017, December. The new old (and old new) medical model: four decades navigating the biomedical and psychosocial understandings of health and illness. In Healthcare (Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 88). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Lehman, B.J., David, D.M. and Gruber, J.A., 2017. Rethinking the biopsychosocial model of health: Understanding health as a dynamic system. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 11(8), p.e12328.
  • Schoeb, V., 2016. Healthcare Service in Hong Kong and its Challenges. The Role of Health Professionals within a Social Model of Health. China Perspectives, 2016(2016/4), pp.51-58.
  • Sharpe, A., 2019. Health Promotion for Peace Promotion: Applying Reardon’s Holistic Model to Health. In Exploring Betty A. Reardon’s Perspective on Peace Education (pp. 229-241). Springer, Cham. Van Teijlingen, E., 2017. The medical and social model of childbirth. Kontakt, 19(2), pp.e73-e74.

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