Safeguarding Adults at Risk

Safeguarding the adults is one of the important responsibilities of the health and social care professionals, where safeguarding refers to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of the adults at risk which further enables the people to live safely at the society and they can enjoy freedom from abuse and neglect (Lee et al., 2017). It is about the people and the organisations where the organisational representatives and the health and social care professionals try to cooperate with the adults or the people who are the service users, in order to working together for preventing and reducing the risk and experience of abuse among the adults. The study aims at discussing the case for Mavis, who is older, and facing the problem of abuse and neglect. The study provides a scope to discuss the safeguarding intervention planning as the health and social care professionals try to take active part for developing proper initiative to protect the people and provide them the chance to live safely at their home by fulfilling heir basic needs. Additionally, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide insights into effective safeguarding practices. Through this study, it is also possible to understand and the safeguarding practice and the legislations which are playing active role in developing appropriate intervention planning for the protection and benefits of the adults. As per the safeguarding principles, it is necessary to identify the actual needs and preferences of the patient or the service user and then develop suitable intervention planning for supporting the people and protecting them with better care and services which provides a scope to the service users to live a normal life with others safely and fulfil their basic needs in the society (Social and August, 2015).


As per the case study of Mavis, she is an older and physically disabled woman. She lives with her daughter Sam, who is a substance misuse. Sam steals her mother’s money and she is subjecting her to extreme emotional stress but allowing her associates to use the flat to deal drugs. The neighbours raise concern and they try to collaborate with the health and social care professionals for better care and practice, so that Mavis and her daughter can live a normal life like others. There is high risk associated with drug deals at the house and the neighbours are protesting against it and cooperating with others care professionals for rescuing Sam and giving a normal life to her mother, Mavis. It is the responsibility of the health and social care professionals to take active part in the family and protect them successfully. Due to the activities of the daughter, Mavis face high emotional stress and depression, as her daughter is leading towards death for misusing the drug substances. It is a risky for Sam to misuse the drug and implement the idea for using the house or drug dealing. It is a crime and they may face high consequences for such planning of Sam. Mavis is emotional stressed and facing the problem of depression and anxiety as she fails to control her daughter. It is a major issue, where Mavis tried a lot previously by moving her daughter to a residential care home, but it is not working successfully, as well as Mavis was also sent to care home and returned to home after the situation was handled well. However, this is not an effective intervention planning, as Mavis faces again the same problem, as Sam does not understand the situation and act abnormally for such misuse of drug substance. It is a serious issue for the family and it hampers the personal and social life of Mavis as well as Sam. It is required to have proper intervention planning for safeguarding both of them in order to protect them and give them a chance to live normally in the society.

Safeguarding is important for supporting the service users and protecting them for better care and services, so that people can live normally like others. It is necessary for the individuals who are suffering from abuse or neglect in the society to have proper support and care from the health and social care professionals for protecting their lives and giving them proper suggestion to maximise their wellbeing. In the present case study also, Mavis and Sam, both need proper intervention planning from the health and social care professionals in order to live normally band fulfil the basic needs, so that their standard of living can be maximised well (McDonald, 2019). As per the principles of safeguarding, there are proper empowerment of the patients, prevention planning, protection, partnership and accountability. Empowering the patients is necessary for the health and social care professionals so that they can acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the service users and then develop appropriate care plan and intervention process for the maximisation of the wellbeing of the service users (Barnett, 2019). In this regard, the health and social care professionals need to communicate and interact with the service users properly for empowering them by understanding their present situation and acknowledging their personal preferences. Through empowerment, the health and social care professionals try to support and encourage the people to make theory own decisions and with appropriate informed consent, so they can take active part in maximisation of own wellbeing where they can live normally and mitigate their present problems (Lawson, 2017).

Additionally, through prevention principle, it is necessary for the health and social care professionals to take actions before harm occurs, so that the people can get better environment to live normally and proper care and support to resolve their issues. Through protection, the health and social care professionals try to protect the individuals and fulfil their basic needs including food, water, shelter, self actualisation and esteem and love so that they feel values at the care home and cooperate for maximising wellbeing. As per the principle of safeguarding through intervention planning, it is also necessary to build partnership, where the patients and the health and social care professionals are cooperative and working with each other for maximisation of better care and support, where the patients are also taking active part for developing care plan and the health and social care professionals also build trust and loyalty for better care and providing support to the individuals (Graham, 2016). In this regard, developing patient centred care is necessary for all the health and social care professionals to maximise the care and values of the individuals, where the patients are empowered well and they can share their own needs and preferences and according to that choice of the patients, it is the responsibility of the care professionals to develop the intervention planning for better care and support (Dalphinis, 2016). In this regard, accountability and transparency are also necessary to be managed well, in order to improve clarify of health and social care service and treating all the individuals fairly. It is hereby necessary to develop proper intervention planning for the benefits of Sam as well as her mother, Mavis, so that their problem can be mitigated and they are supported and encouraged to live a normal life like others with proper care and services.

In this present case study, the first intervention for safeguarding the individuals, Mavis and Sam is to send them to residential care home and rehabilitation centre respectively. It is necessary for Sam, to be sent to rehabilitation centre for excessive drug use, which hamper her health and mental condition. She needs immediate care and support from the health and social care professionals in the rehabilitation centre, where through proper exercise, treatment and care, she can overcome the issue of drug substance misuse. On the other hand, Mavis needs to be sent to the residential care home for better treatment and care. Mavis is physically disabled women and she needs proper care and support from the health and social care professionals for better movement and she also needs peaceful environment with proper support from the service providers. In this regard, the problems of anxiety, depression and high stress of Mavis are also treated in the residential care home for which Mavis can overcome the present situation and maximise her wellbeing. In this regard, the basic needs of Mavis require to be fulfilled where Mavis get proper care and support accordingly with food, water, shelter, clothing, love and respect as well as self actualisation and self esteem. Mavis needs to be treated properly which helps to create values for her and give her freedom to live in a peaceful environment. Proper treatment, exercise and support from the end of the car professionals are effective for Mavis to overcome the trauma and mitigate the issue of stress, depression and anxiety in the residential care home (Stevens and Cook, 2015).

On the other hand, Sam needs to be sent to the rehabilitation centre, rather than residential care home, where it is necessary for her to overcome the problem of substance misuse. This is a serious issue and she becomes addicted towards the use of drug substances. It is necessary for her to get proper support and care from the health and social care professionals, so that she can overcome her issue and improve the physical and mental health condition. Through proper treatment of resolving substance abuse as well as daily exercise, playing activities, proper food intake and motivational speech, it is necessity for the health and social care professionals to empower Sam in the intervention planning and cooperate with her for improving her physical and mental health condition. She become totally addicted towards drug misuse and her metal condition is also hampered as she tried to use her home for drug dealing which is illegal. Hereby, she needs proper mental treatment and care from the care professionals, where continuous support and care help her to overcome her issue and stop misusing drug substances.

In this regard, another major intervention strategy for safeguarding Mavis and Sam is arranging counselling sessions for both of them, where both will be presented in the sessions. This is another effective intervention planning, where Sam and Mavis will be presented during the counselling and they can discuss over their problems and difficulties and emotions. They are also allowed to discuss over the necessities and reasons for depression, where Mavis can share her feelings of having depression, stress and emotional breakdown for such incident of Sam’s drug issues. On the other hand, Sam is also encouraged and supported during the counselling session for sharing her problems so that the health and social care professionals can understand the reason behind the drug misuse. It is necessary for the care givers to acknowledge the actual reasons behind the substance misuse and develop proper planning to resolve the problems in her life so that she would not use drugs in future. Hereby, through the counselling session, both the individuals can interact positively and it gives them a chance to share their emotional feelings and problems in their lives (Northway and Jenkins, 2017). The care professionals in this regard aim at developing patient centred care by involving both of the individuals, Mavis and Sam so that they can communicate and cooperate for maximising values in their lives. The social workers are also taking care of fulfilling the basic needs of their lives, by fulfilling food, shelter clothing, love and respect, as well as self esteem and the sense of actualisation, where they can cooperate and communicate with each other for healthy life style.

In order to intervene through the above mentioned process for the benefits of the individuals, Mavis and Sam, it is necessary for the care professional to develop patient led care through proper empowerment and managing transparency and accountability. It is necessary o ensure that the professionals provide fair treatment and care by understanding the feelings and acknowledging the actual needs and personal preferences of the individuals. In addition to these, implementing the legislation and laws in the health and social care context is also necessary, where implementation of Care Act 2014 is necessary to support the adults with proper care service for safeguarding them in old age. In addition to these, it is also necessary to implement the Human Rights Act 1998, where the rights to stay safely and lead a healthy life among the individuals are fulfilled (Parker, 2017). Through the care planning the care professionals try to intervene and support Mavis and Sam, so that they can fulfil their rights to stay safely in the society and involve themselves in the social activities by leading a healthy lifestyle. Through the above mentioned intervention planning, Mavis and Sam can overcome their present satiations and live a normal life by maximising their wellbeing. In this regard, developing patient centred care is necessary for the care professionals through proper empowerment of the individuals in developing the intervention planning and enhancing communication and cooperation, where trust and loyalty can be improved among Mavis and Sam as well as the service givers respect and support them successfully.

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In this regard, in order to maximise the above mentioned intervention planning, it is necessary for the health and social care professionals to develop proper tactic to support Mavis and Sam, where it is required to improve trust and loyalty, so that the individuals can rely on the services of the care professionals and cooperate with them for better care and proper patient empowerment. Major criticism for implementing the above mentioned two interventions planning for safeguarding the individuals is lack of efficient staff in the care home (Clawson, 2016). Due to lack of appropriate training and development program as well as poor partnerships working, the staffs fails to maximise the values of the service users, which is the major issue in implementing the intervention planning for Sam and Mavis. Additionally, lack of clinical exporters is another issue, for which there is lack of appropriate treatment and car in the rehabilitation centre, however, Sam needs proper supervisions and care at the rehabilitation centre as she becomes drug addicted. On the other hand, efficient staff members are required at the residential care home also for supporting Mavis and resolving the issues of emotional stress, depression and anxiety. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the residential care home and rehabilitation centre for recruiting efficient staff members, who are well knowledge and skilled to support the patients with proper care and support, so that the individuals can overcome their present situation and contribute positively to maximise their wellbeing of living (Cooper, Cocker and Briggs, 2018). It is also necessary to develop proper organisational culture with harmony, managing transparency and accountability as well as developing partnership working, which are effective for creating patient led care and services, where the individuals are empowered well and they have the opportunity to share their present situation, personal problems and health issues, the reasons for depression and own preferences which in turn provides an opportunity to the health and social care professionals to acknowledge their personal preferences and develop the intervention plan with proper support, treatment and social care, so that their basic needs can be fulfilled and the maximisation of wellbeing and standard of living condition can be ensured.

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Reference List

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