In this assessment, the principal intention is to study the legitimate scaffolding of safeguarding techniques and gain knowledge on the protection of individuals with susceptible risks. In the present health and social care science, understanding of legitimate practices in the health-care segment has been treated as one of the most prior modifications towards protecting humans. Development of skills and knowledge is essential for treating the disease-prone or predisposed individuals. In Task 1, safeguarding concepts as parts of training resource has been reviewed and mentioned from the perspective of a team-member of Health Care Managers. In other words, the legislative framework which is comprised of an effective health and social care practices has been noted down. Evaluation of health and social care practices in the organizational context of Care UK Group has been presented in Task 2. Care UK Group is a leading UK-based organization that deals with health and social care services ( 2020).
In the UK, several health care norms and principals have been embedded in the legislative structure. As per the UK government's legislative norms, the Care Act (2014) contains the essential practices and principals on safeguarding and protection of the individuals (Wiedner, Croft, and McGivern, 2020). Empowerment, Prevention, Proportionality, Protection, Accountability, and finally Partnership have been the intrusive principles that are underpinned as major healthcare-related legislative norms (Beyera, G.K., O’Brien, J. and Campbell, S., 2020). Majorly the adult individuals are considered under this criterion. Implantation of these 6 principles of the Care Act (2014) would enable the adults to avail better treatment and quality health and social care services (Vanderstichelen et al. 2020). Moreover, the number of mistreated issues in the domain of medical treatment also went less with this act (Schneider et al. 2019). Along with the skill modification, staff management and progressive staff understanding have been discussed in this report with appropriate references. In the present situation where COVID-19 has generated a global pandemic and caused serious damage to the humans, understanding of the health troubles and health-related legislative framework and practicing of proper health care practices have been prioritized in the global level.
Safeguarding looks into the holistic approach of proper treatment and care that are offered by health care companies and those principles under the legislative structure is followed or not. The adult individuals are empowered with their decisions and supported to make required actions as per their consent. They are safeguarded against disease-causing risk factors and informed about precautionary measures, which would enable them to lower the chances of falling sick and weak. Whereas closely working committee would enable them to offer neighboring solutions through local entities (Wood et al. 2017).
On the other hand, Protection is regulated by the regulatory body of England and offered by the health care professionals. These health care professionals deal with the public and they are mainly responsible for creating the health-related regulatory advice (Pollock, and Roderick, 2018). The individual can stay protected by abiding these laws. Basic education, morals, behavior and ethics are regulators that must be standardized by the authority for better protection and regulation of laws (Spiers et al. 2019).
The safeguarding for adults in the UK is defined under the Care Act 2014 where specific legislative duties to different organizations are mentioned to the followed. The Act mentions that to safeguard adults a multi-agency local adult system is to be managed so that the adults can seek their services to protect themselves from abuse and neglect with immediate effect. The Act mention that it is the legal duty of the local authorities in the area to enquire regarding any adult for abuse or neglect if they perceive the adult is at risk of facing vulnerable condition so that timely effective actions can be taken to safeguard the adult (, 2014). The Care Act 2014 mentions that to safeguard adults it is duty to create Safeguarding Adults Board in the locality that would include services and officials from the NHS, police and local authorities where they are going to develop and share strategies in ensuring effective safeguarding of the adults in the area (SCIE, 2014). The Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 has been introduced as the legislative safeguarding action to protect vulnerable children from abuse or vulnerable condition (, 2018). The policy mentions that it is duty of the local authorities to identify children and families who are facing abuse and require early help to overcome the situation and develop enhanced well-being. The legislative framework also informs that assessment of disable children are to be made to determine the nature of early help and assistance required by them to safeguard them from abuse or harm (, 2018). The children under abuse are to be appropriately referred to police and other legal authorities to access safeguarding from the individual who is abusing them or are vulnerable for them. The key safeguarding needs of the children who are found to be vulnerable is to be identified by responsible authorizes and accordingly care and support strategies are to be formed to improve their well-being (, 2018).
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For stricter regulation, the Council for the Regulation of Health Care Professionals, which is abbreviated as CHRE was set up in 2003 in England. Case-based reviews are essential for promoting health and social care related standards among the public and protecting their health. Health-care professionals have to abide by ethics while handling such sensitive cases (Picco et al. 2016). The Health and Social Care Act of (2012) specifies that reduction of divertive attitude in health and social care and improvement of services can be possible with the implementation of integration, cooperation and partnership approaches. Operational protocols must be abided by the entities to sustain progressive growth in terms of improved service facilities. For instance, in the present scenario, many individuals across the globe have been suffering from the novel Corona virus-COVID-19. Health-care professionals have also been affected by the disease (Vanderstichelen et al. 2020). With poor health professionals cannot treat patients. For avoiding the spreading of the novel Corona virus, the government has to take stricter actions. Moreover, the patient who is suffering from other diseases would get ill easily such that to avoid these circumstances precautions and proper actions is necessary (Alpo et al. 2020). Health-care professionals have considered stricter conditions for the sake of public safety. In other words, ill or fit to practice professionals have been kept under isolation. Moreover, they are prevented from seeing individuals for better safety (Wiedner, Croft, and McGivern, 2020). Several new concepts have been enlisted in the integration, co-operation, and partnership approaches. Laws and acts like NHS Reorganization Act (1973), the Health Act (1999), the National Health Service Act (2006) the new NHS-modern, dependable (1997), Health and Social Care Act (2012) and others have been provisioned to streamline the health and social care services. Improvement of safeguarding and protection structure, development of the service user experience, early intervention, and prevention of unwanted health care conditions are certain advantages of following operational protocols. Integration, Partnership, and Cooperation are certain working conditions that are comprised of a different set of methods and models. Partnership defines joint working structure where working partners are agreed to collaborate to attain an organizational goal and work jointly to implant operational changes in the organizational structure (Picco et al. 2016). In safeguarding vulnerable individuals, national organization of the Metropolitan Police plays a significant role. Otherwise, the Adult Social Care Team, the Social Care Emergency Duty Service like institutions provides aid to individuals in terms of investigating allegations of abuse. One instance can be referred in this report for better understanding the importance of case reviews. Winterbourne View Private Hospital was reported in BBC news for practicing abusive malpractices. After detailed investigation it was reported to the higher authority that the patients of Winterbourne View Private Hospital were neglected by care workers. The organization was alleged heavily by the CQC, NHS, local systems and others for such malpractices with vulnerable adults.
The initial action to be taken in case of actual abuse is taking assistance to make intervention in stopping the abusive action. The followed action to be taken in case of suspected or actual abuse is disclosure of the incident to the responsible authorities such as police and social care services with immediate action. This is because it would help the authorities to take effective action in removing the abuser away from the individual or provide support to the individual being abused to prevent the person from further neglect or vulnerable actions (Mathews, 2019). In taking the action to disclose the incident, the individual require to ensure the abuse is not aware of the action. This is because it may make the abuser become alert regarding their action and develop strategies in proving the report to the wrong by creating fear on the abused individual (Mathews, 2019). To keep them safe from abuse, underpinning of the Care Act (2014), the Health and Social Care Act (2008), and the Well-being act (2014), etc. must be covered under the statutory framework on protection and safeguarding. Local organizations and other authorities must be communicated for stronger networking (Vanderstichelen et al. 2020).
In case any individual who is susceptible to certain illness is going to get health and social care related assistance, that individual can decide upon the preferred options. Service provisions are essential for supporting individuals to practice risk-taking jobs (Dreyer et al. 2018). The underpinning of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) outline already aids the service users to whine against insufficient time issue. As per the reports, mental incapability may constrain or considered as safeguarding failure such that they would not be allowed to make certain decisions regarding mistreatment, treatment, misconduct, etc. in fact if any employee is reported with verbal and physical abuse against an individual, he or she will be punished (Meranius, and Josefsson, 2017). These individuals must be provided with certain information about their treatment procedures and other consecutive issues, such that they can give their consent.
There are different types of abuse such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse being faced by individual and the nature of signs and symptoms of each abuse is found to be different. The identification of the sign and symptoms of abuse is important so that individuals under threat and risk of facing abuse can be identified and effective safeguard along with protective actions can be taken to promote their well-being (). The signs of emotional abuse include constant worrisome attitude of an individual of executing something wrong, experiencing speech problem, showing declined emotional development and avoiding socialization (Kumari, 2020). These signs are faced because emotional abuse leads the individual to be mentally broken and made to fear executing any task without strict and extensive judgment out of concern of facing criticism for the act (Bhagat and Htwe, 2018). The other signs of emotional abuse include presence of depression and low self-esteem along with headache without any clear cause. This is because emotional abuse leads the individuals to lose mental energy in coping with adversities along with make them face inability to escape from fear, shame, anger and other emotions (Kumari, 2020). The signs and symptoms of sexual abuse include bleeding and bruise in the private parts, symptom of sexual transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, HIV and others, genital bleeding, bite marks and cars in the genital area and others (Vrolijk-Bosschaart et al., 2018). The signs mainly occur as a result of use of harmful objects, forced genital insertion, inappropriate use of hand to cause bruise in private parts and others. The visible signs and symptoms of physical abuse includes unexplained swelling, presence of bruises and fractures, breathing problem, stomach aches, seizures, vomiting and others. In physical abuse, the signs are mainly seen all over the body and make the person develop need of physical assistance to execute everyday chores in intense conditions (Curry et al., 2018).
The initial measure to prevent abuse towards any vulnerable individual is actively listening to them and understands the challenges faced by them to determine the nature of support required by them (Inelmen et al., 2019). This is because active listening to the vulnerable individuals leads the authorities to identify who are responsible for their abuse and determine the reason of their vulnerability to face abuse in turn allowing them to identify the nature of supportive measures to be taken to prevent the abuse. The other measure to be taken to prevent abuse is reporting the abusive incident or person under abuse to authorities of the Protective Services such as police, social workers and others. This is because it allows them to take legal actions against the abuser in turn helping the abusive individual to be prevented from facing further abuse (Cordewener, 2017). The other measure to prevent abuse is making the individuals in the society get educated regarding the way they can identify other people being vulnerable to abuse or facing abuse (). This is because it would help the people in the society to report abusive incidence on behalf of the person being abused who do not have opportunity or ability to report the incidence to get assistance for the abusive incident (Cluver et al., 2016). In order to prevent abuse, the local authorities are to execute effective monitoring of the living condition of the vulnerable people in the area and their families. This is because it would help the authorities make early intervention to determine people who are prone to abuse and would lead them take appropriate action to avert abusive incidence before its occurrence (Cordewener, 2017).
As stated before, apart from setting up of regulations, rules, and acts, communicating to others on the importance of this abuse preventing regulations is essential. Serious investigations are done to assess the performance of the regulators; additionally, an independent statutory body looks into such matter as per the Health and Social Care Act (2008). That independent body, named as the Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator, is responsible for looking into such complaints, and investigation. Civil standards are taken under such protective jurisdiction. Revalidation of such cases is performed where the performance of the designated bodies are monitored. Acts that include NHS Reorganization Act (1973), National Health Service Act (2006), Health and Social Care Act (2012) etc. have been made mandatory to be followed by the related entities and organizations (O'Brien, Kinloch, Groves, and Jack, 2019). For instance, doctors and medical staffs are permitted to take immediate actions to cure patients and safeguard from diseases. The Health and Social Care Act (2008) allowed certain organizations to regulate doctor-related provisions. Designated bodies can monitor adjudication panels of their organizations independently (Ma, and Nolan, 2017). To aid the individuals to take independent decisions in terms of treatment and choice and give freedom from forced labor, the Human Rights Act (1998) had been implemented. This law provides the individual’s right to security and liberty. But the Mental Capacity Act (2005) prevents mentally sick individuals from making selections. To stop unfair abuse and prejudiced practices against the vulnerable individuals the Equality Act (2010) had been presented (Tabootwong, and Kiwanuka, 2020). If any certain case of neglect and abuse is raised by any individual, that allegation must be reviewed by the multidisciplinary entities including local authority. Apart from protecting the individuality of the susceptible one, protection of personal data is also necessary. Regulatory committee of the care providing institutions must look into this.
Analysis of partnership approaches in the operational context of a UK-based organization would be important documentation to interpret the present situation. As mentioned in the official website of Care UK, diagnostics and treatment facilities, walk-in centers, out-of-hours GP support, and other health-related facilities have been offered by them. A private organization, Bridge point Capital is the parent company of Care UK. Understanding of operational protocols and partnership approaches are essential for sustaining the strategic development of an organization ( 2020). Modus operandi in a working partnership approaches are an essential part of the legitimate framework of health and social care services (Dreyer et al. 2018). These measures are taken such that abusive conditions could be avoided and unprotected individuals can be protected (Alpo et al. 2020). These notions created the Bridge perspective, which was formerly proposed by Dr Brock Chisholm. Being the first Director-General of the World Health Organization, he had observed that the implantation of an all-round approach is essential for dealing with mental and physical illnesses. Bridge Partner Network has been embraced by the partnership working approach. UK government has projected it as the Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing considers five major concepts on partnership approach (Roe et al. 2017). That include
Getting active
Observation and taking notes
This protocol include
In partnership, all the active parties must be responsible for the personal stake
Similar SOP and ethos must be practiced
The active team period must e similar for the parties
A collaborative attitude towards each other and mutual working practices must be followed in the operational framework of all the parties
Partners must reach for a common goal
UK government has taken preventive measures to protect and safeguard the helpless entities from being abused. To practice such procedures, UK government has implemented national policies, legislative changes, and involved local systems in terms of protection and safeguarding. Care UK group has strong focus over regulating stricter actions on protection of personal data of sick individuals. The organization assures the susceptible ones and the relatives of individuals that personal information will not be abused or falls into wrong hands. Data Protection Act (2018) enables the service providing organization to prevent abuse of personal information of the vulnerable ones. Partnership in the context of health and social care services are essential for meticulous inspecting and regulating certain practices. Partnership aids to maintain strong networking in between national authority and local systems. Individuals who are serving care to the susceptible individuals or the care workers are essential part of this partnership approach. Their concerns must be reported for ceasing the abuse in the healthcare sector. At the local and national contexts, police and law enforcement systems play key role in terms of safeguarding and protection from abuse. Adults from multi-dimensional fields are considered as part of Safeguarding Boards. The team is led by local systems. They look into process order and look into instances if any abuse is reported. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) has been subjected in terms of safeguarding the susceptible ones. Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) has been issued whistle blowing policy for preventing the informers (Corbi et al. 2019). There are a number of different agencies, policies and systems that have important roles to play in safeguarding vulnerable people. In the context of the health and social care industry, partnership approach is very much relevant. District council and local communities fall under the local authorities. Collaborative working principle includes hospital trust, NHS, police, and others, and these entities are responsible for delivering effective safeguarding services. Care UK group has also been practicing partnership proposition such that networking among local authority, private sectors, and public sectors is sustainably maintained. Partnership delivers planned assessment and offers quality level service assurance to the individuals. To support the patients who need support and care after getting discharged from the service providing institutions, Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) is considered. The partnership motion perfectly caters this issue through the local committee and NHS. DTOC is applicable to cases where individuals must be discharged after getting treated. Additionally, for DTOC local committee gives permissions to NHS to reimburse (Truong et al. 2019). Sharing of responsibilities and liabilities is the key quintessence of partnership. Equal opportunities, power to modify, diversified roles, rights to strategic decisions like proficiency, assessment are considered under partnership approach. A common interest or goal is shared in partnership approach by the partnering entities like organisations and persons. Partnership working defines both officially authorized and moral rights for all the partners. A number of individuals would be benefitted with partnership working. Numerous partnership working model have been presently embraced by the health care industry to lower the operational inconveniences and enhance the service quality. Partnership working models are of four major types, like Consortium, Multi-Agency, Referral Systems, and Networking Partnership working.
Within a care setting, there have been several instances of violation of rules and regulation in terms of the protection of vulnerable adults. Individual cannot always report to the authority for practicing malpractices. Investigation teams and task force can be set up by the government for looking into this issue. The individuals who would get neglected care and suffered from mistreatment can report to the members of task force. Contact details of the investigation teams and task force must be mentioned officially. Ultimately, it the sole duty of the care providers to look after the vulnerable group and provide them protection and safeguarding from abusive attitude. Care UK group offers care homes, residential care, and health care to the individuals. The organization has to consider national laws and regulatory framework of UK government. Local authority is also considered under this approach. Care UK group has to meet and reciprocate with other parties such that areas of unity to operational practices can be shared and talked about. Organizations must be capable of choosing the suitable Partnership Network and implement that model for better operational facilities. There are various points that the organization must consider before entering into partnership. As discussed earlier that responsibilities, liabilities, goals, and company objectives are shared under partnership approach. As a matter of fact organizational culture is also considered for making such decisions. Similar opportunities, power to strategic decisions are measured also. As the partners have to abide by official and moral rights, mutually-beneficial ownership must be practiced. The Health and Social Care Act (2012) stated that integrated care and service facilities must be provided to the vulnerable ones by the NHS. NHS has to promote proper practicing of laws and regulatory guidelines and enhance the quality of services. In other words, inequalities in terms of gaining access to quality services must be lowered by NHS (Truong et al. 2019). It can be found in the reports that after the publishing of Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act, the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) was set up. The Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) generated a database that is comprised of the details of candidates who are unable to work with vulnerable ones including children and seniors. Similarly, after passing of the Health and Social Care Act in the year 2008 the Care Quality Commission (CQC) came into practice. Organizations of health and social care segment are judged by this commission in terms of quality assurance and service facility. Such measures have been issues to prevent the exploitation of service standards and provide information about the organizations that match the national standards such that they can get the best in return (Wijma et al. 2019). Quality ratings which are divided into ratings including outstanding, good, requires improvement, and inadequate, must be reciprocated to the susceptible individuals. They can put their remarks to the survey team such that the service quality can be judged from those reviews. Ratings generated from the survey would enable the authority to understand if the service provider is maintain safeguarding and protection outlines.
The eligibility of care workers must match the criteria for working as an attendant in health and social care. Reviewing of the skills, efficiency, and background of care workers falls under Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006). The individuals would get assured that they have been treated by trained and educated professionals. Numerous laws have been implanted in the health and social care industry for better safeguarding vulnerable ones. National laws including the Care Act (2014), Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006), Health and Social Care Act (2008), the Health and Social Care Act (2012) cater to the safety and protection of the susceptible ones (Truong et al. 2019). If an individual complains of negligence, assault or any other mistreatment, the authority must consider his issue as the most important one to look into. National policies are pertained to ease the service providing practices for care providing organizations. In safeguarding vulnerable adults pertaining to guidelines of Prevention in Safeguarding and Care Quality Commission (CQC) are mandatory to be followed. NHS along with the local entities has to abide by ‘Government Statement of Policy on Adult Safeguarding’. Regulatory government agency in the domain of health and social care has been set up by the UK government (Wood et al. 2017). There are other types of partnership like Ideological, Problem Solving, Project, and Ethical Partnership. Project partnership is projected as a time-bound relationship among partners. The aims and objectives of the must be fulfilled timely by all the partners. Ideological partnership calls for making mutual contributions in terms of consensus. Various parties under this partnership must communicate among themselves to reach a common goal. Multiple partners or various parties can implant this Problem Solving partnership as this would aid them to resolve the time taking issues. Moral and ethical relationships consider practicing of fair and unbiased practices in the partnership. As commitment is not the most prioritized fact in this model, this model can be easily followed. These parties can talk over raising opportunities, malpractices, managerial complications, etc. (Wijma et al. 2019). Communication, in both informal and formal manner must be practiced for having better clarity on task division. Open ended communication would be viable in this framework. Physical and abstract resources are mutually administered under partnership (Wood et al. 2017). Integrated health and social care teams services looks into matters related to adult mental health, wellbeing of individuals, and safety of children and young people.
In conclusion, it can be understood that skill development and staff management are entrenched in the operational framework of health and social care science. In this assessment, from the perspective of a Health Care Manager, the importance of legislative framework in the health and social care services has been stated such that an efficient training resource can be generated for the practitioners. Furthermore, supporting service provisions have been analyzed such that health risks and symptoms of abuse can be clarified in detail. In the present scenario, implementation of partnership approach would lower the organizational risks and aid the vulnerable individuals to get proper treatment. In the latter task, Partnership Working in Health and Social Care has been discussed in the context of Care UK Group, leading UK-based health and social care organization. Among Integration, Partnership, and Cooperation, Partnership approach and its importance have been evaluated in the context of Care UK Group. Additionally, the organizations which deal in health and social care have to abide by the strategic framework and official guidelines of the NHS, national laws of UK government. Individuals and their involvement with the systematical procedures in services have been reviewed. Among these partnership models, the Networking Model is the most elementary and least complicated in terms of conditions. This partnership model enables different parties to meet and discuss over common issues and take required actions.
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