Self Reflection

Self-Reflection is the process of evaluating own strength, abilities and weaknesses in order to make proper professional and personal development. Self-reflection is the capability of people to execute and analyse their fundamental nature, essence and purpose. This study is going to represent a reflective essay on personal experience regarding implementing the person-centred care process in the workplace. In this study, there are two parts. in the forts reflective section, this study will discuss the reflective note on an episode of patient care with introducing the patients, service and nursing care required. Moreover, in the first reflective section, this reflective essay will discuss the similarities and dissimilarities of the perspectives of nurses and the patients. In the second reflective part, this essay will discuss professional development in order to highlight the skills, knowledge and professional abilities that have been gained during the episodes of patient care. For those seeking further insight or assistance, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable support throughout this reflective process.


Reflection 1:

In my work setting, I used to work in the emergency ward in a local hospital, in which all health staffs and nurses were assigned to implement person-centred care in order to provide high-quality service to each patient. As stated by Wang and Shen (2019), person-centred care is one of the important processes in healthcare in which patient is involved in their own treatment and recovery process in close coordination with the health professional and staffs. I this emergency wards there are different types of the patient suffering from long terms diseases such as dementia, diabetes, pulmonary inflammation and heart failure. In this emergency ward, I had to deal with multidimensional task such as providing high quality nursing care to patients, work as mediator between the health professionals and patients, provide timely foods and medicines to patient, regular and timely check-up of their health and provide proper information regarding patient’s health to health professionals and their family members. The entire episode of person-centred service in this emergency ward was based on the core principles such as providing autonomy, respect and dignity to the patient, respect their values and decisions, understand their expressed needs, promote such as action plan that will meet their health requirement and conduct innovative treatment process based on the best interest of patient. During this workplace setting, I used to implement the person-centred care by promoting the personalised care, integrated support process and self-management process. I and my colleagues always maintain strong information delivery system, in which we transfer all important information to the health professional, patients and their family members, this process assisted me and other nurses to maintain high-quality decision sharing proves and transparent information delivery system in the emergency ward. As stated by Rudd et al. (2017), transparent information delivery system is important for promoting person-centred care which assists health staffs and professionals stay connected with patients and their family members in a well-organized manner. I used to involve patient suffering from long terms illness into the self-management process, in which they are trained to manage their own health with proper support and collaboration from the nurse and health professions. I trained patients about how to take nutritious foods timely, how to take a bath in a protective manner, ways of walking through using the walker and involving in regular exercise. Throughout the episode of nursing care, I always try to work in close partnership with the patient and their families, in order to execute the preference and health needs of the patient and promote such as treatment and care process which can satisfy these needs.

With my experience that I have gained during my workplace setting, I can say that there are both the difference and similarities in the perspectives of patients and nurses. when I work in partnership with patients in the emergency ward and their family members, I was able to execute the difference and similarities between my perspectives and their own perception, which pose several opportunities and constructs in implementing the person-centred care into the ward. When it comes to discussing similarities, one of the important similarities that I found out is both the patients and nurses want to get the quick recovery of patients. As stated by Wang and Shen (2019), person-centred care process s important get well soon. In order to promote the patient's health and wellbeing, I and my colleagues tried hard to implement the personalised care and self-management process in which patient can develop their own strength of managing their health needs. Another important similarity that I had found out that, both the patients and health care staffs seek the high quality and innovative treatment process that will meet the health requirement of the patients. On the contrary Rudd et al. (2017) argued that, although most of the people in today’s medical world seek innovative treatment process, there are still some people such as the older people with long terms illness who prefers the traditional method of treatment. I also fund out that, both the nurses and the patients have similar perspectives on promoting their health and wellbeing. On the contrary Wheeler (2016) argued sometimes, due to heavy workload nurses pose their mentality of providing high-quality personalised care to promote health and wellbeing of patients, rather they focus on completing their duties as soon as possible.

With these similarities, I have also found several differences in patients and nurses perspective. One of the major differences is nurses sometimes rejects to provide freedom and autonomy to the patient and the patients seek their autonomy desperately. In the emergency ward when I was dealing with dementia patients, I had to ignore their decisions and freedom as it can increase their health risk. On the contrary Arya et al. (2019) argued that refusal by the nurse to provide autonomy and freedom to the patient can interfere with the ethics and integrity of the healthcare process. Another important difference that I found an out during an episode of care process is the individual perspectives of patients and nurse about the medication and eating process. In most of the times, I had to the argument with aged patients in the emergency wards that why they are not provided huge food and medicines, as they think it can recover their health quickly. On the contrary, I think that to much food can make digestive issues for these aged patients and more medicines can affect badly their heart and brain. There was also a difference in thoughts of patient and nurses in terms of implementing the personalised care process. In this aspect, when I tried to make a clear conversation with the patient for having detailed information about their professional and personal life, they think it poses unethical inference into their personal information. On the other hand, for me collecting the information was part of my job which assists me to implement person-centred care. on the contrary Rodríguez-González and Skowron (2015), sometimes although the shared decision making it seemed to be highly effective by the nurses in order to promote the high-quality personalised care, patients can be disagreed to reveal their personal information to them.

Patient diversity is one of the integral parts of the person-centred care which I had experienced during my workplace setting. I had to deal with different types of patients in the emergency ward with their different perception, perspective decisions, culture, behaviour and attitude. As stated by Wheeler (2016), diversity in the patient has a potential impact on the overall outcomes of the person-centred care process. I had to understand the behaviour, attitude and preference of each patient, which is important for setting personalised care approaches and self-management action plan for their recovery. For example, in this ward, there was one aged patient suffering from diabetes, who had Jain religion and pure vegetarian. Ever she did not want to go through any treatment and care process which can be related to the collection of the release of blood from the body. In this process, I had to discuss with earth professional to make special self-management planning and clinical setting for promoting her health and wellbeing. On the contrary Rudd et al. (2017) argued that diversity is not only associated with patient behaviour, attitude and perspectives but also their activity that affects the expected outcomes of person-centred care. I had found out that, some patients are not able to walk, talk and eat by their own in the proper manner, which make them highly vulnerable to injuries and disease as compared to physically active patients. For this vulnerable patient, I had made the different integrated care process which will not only implement person-centred care but also assist the, to improve their physical and mental strength.

Reflection 2:

In my workplace during the implementation of person-centred care, I have gone through several experiences that develop my professional skills. Through the acquisition of new skills and sharping the existing skills, I am able to make proper professional development that assists me in my present and future workplace.

One of the new skill that I have developed during the workplace setting is quick decision-making skill. According to Pasgaard et al. (2017), decision making skill is one of the important skills which assist people in dealing with any difficult situation by taking the right decision at right timely. During my workplace setting, in the emergency ward, in most of the times, I had to face a critical situation that was developed due to the inner conflict among staffs regarding the overtimes and excess workload. Being a senior nurse, I always try to make quick decisions at this point for mitigating these issues such as by distribution the entire workload in different teams or by convincing the care manager to reduce the workload on the individual nurse. According to Kumar and Dunn (2018), quick decision-making process depends on different major aspects such as analysing ability and judgemental power of the individual. many times I have to face ethical dilemmas in the emergency ward, especially in a case dealing with dementia patients. They always make such demands that can raise their health risk and I had to ignore them, which can interfere with healthcare ethics. In this situation, I used my analysing and judgemental approach to take the right decision that can meet the ethics and moral value of health care.

Critical thinking ability is one of the new professional skills that I have developed in my workplace. As stated by Chen et al. (2016), critical thinking skill is important for being strong analyser and executer who can judge each thing before taking any decisions or activities. This skill assists me to analyse any difficult situation in the workplace and then understand the severity of the situation to take the right action. For example, sometimes dementia patients pose allegations on the caregivers that they misbehave with these patients. In this case, I always made a proper understanding of the entire situation to execute what actually happened in this place. As the dementia patients are lack proper brain functioning and memory, it is possible that their allegation caregivers are the wrong assumption., in this situation, I had to use my critical thinking skill, to execute the entire matter in order to take the right decision. Critical thinking skill also assists me to understand and interpret each information in a well-organised manner so that I can assist the health professional and nurses to go through a transparent information sharing process.

Time management skill is another important new skill that I had developed during the workplace setting. According to Eisenberg (2017), time management assists an individual to complete the task within the deadline without fail. Through developing this skill, I am able to manage time in order to understand, execute and complete different task accordingly. this enhances my proficiency and talent to be more productive and valuable staff for my organisation. Through developing time management skill, I am able to take challenging task and use tactics to complete the task within time. This enhances my self-confidence and integrity in my work.

Verbal communication skill is one of the existing skills that is further developed and shaped during the workplace setting. Through conducting regular interaction with different people such as patient, nurses and health professionals, I was able to develop my verbal communication skill. As stated by Eisenberg (2017), verbal communication skill is an important professional skill which assists individual to make clear and interaction with organisational people. Moreover, through enhancing my verbal communication skill, I am able to work more effectively as a mediator between patients of health professionals.

Non-verbal communication is one of the new skill that I have developed in my workplace by working in partnership with physically disabled patients. I had been trained in how to make facial expressions, signs, code language for making effective interaction with these disabled people. this process assists me to understand the needs of nonverbal-communication skill in order to execute the health needs of disabled patients.

Written skill is one of the exiting skill that has been developed during y workplace by implementing person-centred care of the patient in the emergency ward. in this process, I had to make a hard copy of a patient's health assessment on a regular basis. I had to ensure that the written document of the patient's health is accurate and without any grammatical error. More I also assured that the document is made by using simple sentences that can be easily understood by other staffs and health professionals. Throughout the process, I have gathered how to use medical terms and codes in presenting healthcare documents. Moreover, I also gained through to write authentic and accurate documentation in a simple and small sentence that would assist the reader to easily understand the important points of the document.

From the above-mentioned reflections, it can be concluded that self-reflection is an important process that assists individual to understand ow strength, abilities and weakness. Moreover, it can assist the individual to analyse own new and existing skills that have been developed through my experience.

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Reference list:

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