Skill Development in Health and Social Care Settings


Reflective assessment is important or the individuals to develop clear ideas about the roles and responsibilities in working in the organisation as well as evaluated own skill set and abilities for further improvement of the working practice and efficacy (Li, West and Xie, 2020). Through this reflective assessment, it is possible for the individual who is working in the health care settings and in the health and social care communication is a major factor contributing in achieving the workplace role and responsibility of the care worker. Hence, the reflective assessment provides a scope to me to discuss my own role and responsibilities as well as review my own skill and abilities for enhancing communication with others in the health care setting to treat the patients and develop care plan for them. For this, Gibb’s reflective assessment cycle is applied in this study for sharing my experience and evaluating my communication skill for further improvement of my own capabilities. healthcare dissertation help can be beneficial in refining these skills and addressing any challenges encountered during this process.

Gibb’s reflective cycle

As per the Gibb’s reflective model, there are six stages through which own skill and abilities will be evaluated further. The six stages are such as, description, and feeling, evaluation, analysis; conclusion and action plan (Gustafssonv et al., 2020). Through the stages, it is possible for me to evaluate my own abilities and skills set to work in the health care settings.


Through description, it is possible to share the skill and abilities as well as activities while serving others. Describing the experience further is helpful to review open working activities and review own performance as well (Gustafssonv et al., 2020). In this context, I tried to meet the group members and focus on introducing with each other at first time so that interaction can be improved. I tried hard to interact with others and maintain positive body language so that they become interested to talk to me as well. I also tried hard to establish relationship in the care home which is mandatory to work collaboratively and share the skill set of each other for maximising the team performance. As the health and social care practice required team work, developing relationship is helpful for the care workers to enhance their skill set and performance in long run (Browning and Cruz, 2018). In this regard, I tried to introduce myself and listen others introduction so that it is possible to understand others and recognize their skill set and academic background. In the health care setting, it is essential to develop strong relationship and enhance trust level so that the care workers can perform cooperatively as a team (Li, West and Xie, 2020). I also tried to discuss the values and cultural identify with each other in the team for enhancing communication and improving the emotional intelligence which are mandatory for working as a group. All the members become interested to share their values and beliefs and they are happy to take active part in the discussion.


Sharing feeling with each other is effective to reflect upon own interest and abilities in front of others and it has direct impacts on team development and communication style (Browning and Cruz, 2018). I feel that communication plays an important role in the health care context where it is possible to acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the patients through interacting with the individuals. On the other hand, communication is also helpful to develop team work where the team members can interpret and share knowledge to develop further care plan for the patient that in turn helps to improve performance of the staff (Liao and Wang, 2019). I feel that, it is our responsibility to develop communication with the individuals in the care setting and thus I show confidence and interest to develop communication in the workplace so that I can influence others to take active part and develop strong team work with positive participation.


Evaluation upon the experience through working in the team as well as reviewing own efficiency are helpful for the individual to develop further future planning of personal and professional skill development (Wihlborg et al., 2017). In this regard, I tried hard to develop group discussion and encourage others to share their feelings and thoughts in the care setting. I also tried hard to develop respect among the team members and maintain each other’s values in the workplace so that each member can feel special and their interest can be increased over the period of time. The experience of working in a group is hereby beneficial to enhance own communication skill and improve performance in long run through sharing knowledge and performing as a team (Ooi, Fisher and Coker, 2020). I developed trust in the group and interact with each other through group discussion, where all the members can participate equally and share their decision and knowledge for better productivity in the care setting.


Through analysis, it is possible to develop further planning after evaluating existing working practice and skill set. Through the experience gathered by working in the care setting, it is possible to develop open abilities and communication skill in working with others (Fragkos, 2016). Through the activities, I tried hard to enhance my communication skill, where I try to improve body language positive interactive behaviour and eye contact so that I can particulate in the group discussion and achieve the chance to discuss my own thoughts in front of others. On the other hand, respecting others, friendly relationship and understanding each other’s thoughts are also helpful for me to develop interaction among the team members and achieve the future success through enhancing productivity and performance.


Through the reflective assessment, it is possible to discuss own understanding and skill set and in this regard communication and cooperative sill is important to work in the care setting and achieve the personal and professional success (Mantzourani et al., 2019). Through the experience, I am able to improve my presentation skill, verbal communication as well as written skill, which are essential in the health care setting to fulfil own job role and responsibility. Additionally, it is also possible to develop strong relationship among the team members as well as develop understanding with the other individuals in the care setting in order to manage their activities and achieve future success.

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Action plan

Through action plan, it is possible to develop personal and professional development planning for achieving the future success. The present working activities in the health care setting is helpful for me to develop own understanding and knowledge to work with others. I try to develop cooperative sill and apply Belbin’s team role in the care setting to develop strong team work. Additionally, it is also possible for me to enhancing communication skill with positive body language understanding others thoughts and developing listening skill in the group discussion. In this regard, it is necessary for me to develop presentation skill so that I can represent own knowledge and understanding in front of others in a systematic way. Developing English grammar and representation skill will be helpful for me to improve written skill as well as enhancing English speaking fluency is also mandatory for me to enhance my communication skill and improve my confidence to talk with others by ensuring positive interaction.

Self assessment

Self assessment is essential for developing own understanding and thoughts to achieve the job role in the health care setting and in this regard I try to review my own experience and activities in the care home to treat the patients, as per the case, the patient is suffering through dementia and it is my job role to work with my whole team and develop suitable care plan to treat the patients. Dementia patients need continuous support and care and in this regard, I try to develop team work and share the working activities to provide continuous support to the patient, I also try to enhance communication and cooperation with the patients which would be beneficial to acknowledge the actual needs and emotional feeling of the patient. I also try to develop strong relationship where I support the patient, develop trust and friendly bonding, so that the patient can rely on my decision and cooperate with me to overcome the situation.

On the other hand, I also tried hard to develop communication with the team members where all the team members are experienced and in this regard Belbin’s team role is effective for me to enhance group discussion and team work in the care home to treat the patients with treatment and continuous support. I try to coordinate with the members, listen their feedback, empower them in the decision making practice and developing the suitable care plan for the patient and these activities further provide me a scope to increase their interest and influence their decision to collaborate and work as a team for achieving success. Hence, the team developmental activities, continuous support to each other, cooperative working practice and friendly atmosphere with trust and respect are effective for me to develop my communication and interactive skill to maximise my performance and productivity in the health care setting.

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Reference List

Browning, E.D. and Cruz, J.S., 2018. Reflective debriefing: a social work intervention addressing moral distress among ICU nurses. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 14(1), pp.44-72.

Fragkos, K.C., 2016. Reflective practice in healthcare education: an umbrella review. Education Sciences, 6(3), p.27.

Gustafsson, S., Engström, Å., Lindgren, B.M. and Gabrielsson, S., 2020. Reflective capacity in nurses in specialist education: Swedish translation and psychometric evaluation of the Reflective Capacity Scale of the Reflective Practice Questionnaire. Nursing Open.

Li, W.W., West, C. and Xie, G., 2020. The reflective risk assessment model of professional quality of life in Chinese nurses. Journal of Nursing Management.

Liao, H.C. and Wang, Y.H., 2019. Reflective Thinking Scale for Healthcare Students and Providers—Chinese version. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 47(2), pp.1-10.

Mantzourani, E., Desselle, S., Le, J., Lonie, J.M. and Lucas, C., 2019. The role of reflective practice in healthcare professions: Next steps for pharmacy education and practice. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 15(12), pp.1476-1479.

Ooi, S.M., Fisher, P. and Coker, S., 2020. A systematic review of reflective practice questionnaires and scales for healthcare professionals: a narrative synthesis. Reflective Practice, pp.1-15.

Wihlborg, J., Edgren, G., Johansson, A. and Sivberg, B., 2017. Reflective and collaborative skills enhances Ambulance nurses’ competence–A study based on qualitative analysis of professional experiences. International Emergency Nursing, 32, pp.20-27.

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