Wellbeing In The Workplace

You will need to spend at least 4 hours undertaking your observation

the setting is a teaching and referral hospital environment. The hospital has 700 staff and receives Approximate 320 patients per day.

Your usual Role in this work setting: I am an occupational therapist. My role involves the prevention of injury and the promotion of health. Your Qualifications for this role: I have a bachelor’s degree in public health, and two years of experience in the same position in different work settings. I am undertaking MSc. public health.


What is (are) the role(s) of the Health Staff you are liaising with to complete this observation? Nurses – patients caregiving and managing physical needs of patients Clinical officers- performing general and specialized medical duties and treating disease. Public health officers- identifying and investigating hazards and issues in people. Have you negotiated doing this observation with your manager? (provide signature & date below): Yes. Based on fact that this is a hospital and some ethical issues have to be followed.

The roles of staff you liaised with, documentation and policies you accessed and read conversations or short interviews you conducted with staff, as well as any other resources used eg websites, or manuals or documents Based on my observation most of the employees (almost 40%) are suffering from work-related and mental health-psychological wellbeing. This is because, the hospital is lacking guidance and counselling officer. Psychological wellbeing, include positive feelings and emotions. Based on the six-factor model of psychological wellbeing, wellbeing consists of six factors which include: autonomy, personal mastery, positive feeling etc. (Wood & Joseph, 2010). It's achieved via a balance of both rewarding and challenging life events, and support like healthcare dissertation help can contribute to further improving workplace practices. The management believes that due to the provision of other resources, employees are psychologically well. Secondly, the hospital has a good perception of commitment to its employee. Based on an interview with some nurses who are involved in patient’s caregiving, preventing illness, managing the physical needs of patients, the hospital provides good care to its employees with a maximum of six working hours. Most of the employees prefer working at the hospital compared to others. Employees perceive this employment as fair and based on the equity theory by Adam, employee determines management fairness based on how others like them are rated (Grant & Shin, 2012). This can be the major reason for preferring this hospital.

Thirdly, employees are satisfied with resource provision. All professionals including clinical officers who performing general and specialized medical duties have well access to access to appropriate resources. Appropriate resources like gloves and other things are important in medical set up. Based on the policy manuals of the organization, working without appropriate gadgets is an offense which can attract punishment. All staff ranks the provision of resources as "good". Ruser & Butler (2010), argue that happiness and wellbeing of employees motivate them to perform performs well. Communication within the hospital is somehow good. Communication channels are available while communication between the management and subordinate is effective. It is therefore clear that communication within the set up make the staff motivated in daily activities. Morrison (2011), argue that

communication is part of wellbeing, quality life, and mental health. This explains why the staff feels good being on the hospital.

dentify 3 significant issues impacting your specific workplace health and wellbeing.

.Heavy Workload Tight Deadlines Technology Advancement

Consider the 3 issues carefully and provide an argument for focusing on one of these issues within your Portfolio

Technological advancement. Technology is advancing daily and easing the way of doing things. Coping with this advancing in the workplace is very stressful and can result to Work-related stress especially to old people.

dentify the main factors that promote or hinder the one issue you have chosen to focus on within your specific workplace

Autonomy Physical comfort and safety Inclusionary culture Factors that hinder: heavy workload tight schedules social support

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  • Grant, A.M. and Shin, J., 2012. Work motivation: Directing, energizing, and maintaining effort (and research).
  • Morrison, E.W., 2011. Employee voice behavior: Integration and directions for future research. Academy of Management Annals, 5(1), pp.373-412.
  • Ruser, J. and Butler, R., 2010. The economics of occupational safety and health. Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics, 5(5), pp.301-354.
  • Wood, A.M., and Joseph, S., 2010. The absence of positive psychological (eudemonic) well-being as a risk factor for depression: A ten-year cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 122(3), pp.213-217.

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