What Are The Challenges of Involving


Contemporary health issues are defined as the current issues and situation in healthcare system that interfere with integrity and competence of healthcare staffs in terms of giving high quality service to satisfy health needs of service users. This essay is going to discuss the issues or challenges that occur in today’s healthcare framework due to involvement of service users in healthcare services. Through using valuable evidences, the essay will discuss the key concept of the impact of these challenges on healthcare policy, providing insights that may offer healthcare dissertation help to students exploring similar topics. In addition to this, the essay has chosen dementia as the particular mental health condition from journal “Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia”, in order to make critical discussion on challenges that are associated with involving dementia patents into their own recovery. The essay will also represent sociological perspectives in analysing the challenges by using different sociological aspects that are associated with the challenges such as health inequalities, relationship between doctors and patient, lay perspectives, social exclusion, racism, discrimination and medical powers. Finally, the essay will conclude the major aspects that are analysed in the study.



Participation of service uses in healthcare is not a new initiative, rather it becomes a part of healthcare system in many countries. For example, in the UK, nice has set guidelines for patient mediated intervention in the healthcare framework in terms of improving the overall standard of healthcare service that will assist service providers to meet the complex needs of service users. In this context Dimopoulos-Bick et al. (2018) argued that, although patient’s involvement in healthcare is proved to be one of the most effective techniques in developing the standard and healthcare framework, sometimes it is associated with several risk and challenges which interfere with the integrity as well as competence of service providers to deliver the quality service. According to Felton et al. (2018), healthcare authority sometimes faces issues in complying with the principles ad guidelines of healthcare policies due to involvement of service uses in the design making, treatment process and clinical intervention in healthcare. Evidence based studies have reported that, healthcare authority faces high risk and challenges in implementing the guidelines and principles of healthcare policies and legislation into practice due to involvement of service users into decision making process of healthcare. A report published by WHO [World Health Organisation], has reported that, in the UK, majority of the service providers are reported to be failed in complying with the guidelines and principles of Care Act 2014 and Health Act 2006. Under these acts, it is obligatory for all NHS staffs’ nurses, midwives and health professional to determine the actual health needs of patient to improve the health and wellbeing. On the other hand, involvement of patients who are mentally ill or psychologically disabled I decision making, treatment process and clinical intervention will not only reduce the quality of care delivery process but also makes overall healthcare process complicated that interfere wit the ethical codes of conducts of healthcare service. Under Equality Act 2010, it is obligatory that equal care and healthcare facilities will be provided to the service users regardless of their race, culture, caste, ethnicity and gender. NICE has set guidelines of person-centred care for the disabled and mentally ill patients, in which the patients need to be involved in their own care and treatment process. If the healthcare staffs and health professional obey the NICE guidelines and principles of healthcare policies, they can face huge challenges in maintaining high quality and proper standard of healthcare service. As mentioned by Jørgensen and Rendtorff (2018), although there are initiatives that are taken by government in involving patients into their own health recovery, I care of the mentally ill patients they cannot even take any small decision for the regular activities. On supporting thus view Kruger and Northway (2017) mentioned that, involvement of patient who are mentally ill can enhance the risk for their own health as well as pose negative impact on the overall, success of treatment process. On the other hand, service users’ involvement into the decision-making process and treatment process in health and social ae context can raise conflict and disagreement between the service users and service providers, that makes it difficult for service providers to comply with healthcare policies. For example, service users’ involvement into the healthcare can interfere with the code of conducts and care standard that is set by under the Menta Health Act 1983, in which the health professional as well as healthcare staffs are unable to hold the quality of care and service delivery process as they have to consider patients preferences decisions and demand. In this context Darwish et al. (2019) argued that, it is not that involvement of mentally ill patients interfere with the services delivery process in healthcare, rather the decisions, performance and the interest of the patients are important for the healthcare staffs as well as healthcare professional in terms of setting innovating and relevant care process that will be helpful to meet the critical and complex needs of services users. Evidence based report have shown that, involvement of patient in healthcare although is effective process for the nurse, health staffs and midwifes in understanding their preference and needs in better manner, the risk associated with the involvement is more dangerous, that sometimes leads to severe health deterioration of patients. For example, in person centred care, health professional cannot go with the demand and preference of patients who is mentally ill, as the preference or demand can be inappropriate or irreverent with his or her mental condition and over health, in this context, health care professionals can face the service ethical dilemmas in maintaining the principles and guidelines of Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and Equality Act 2010 in which it is stated that health professional must respects and consider the preferences ad decision of service users who are mentally ill. In this context Freeman et al. (2016) argued that, not inly in case of involvement of mentally ill or disabled patients but also in case of involving service users who have physical illness, there can be created several issues or challenges that can interfere with the quality of care process. Sometimes service users can interfere with the decision-making process, service delivery process and treatment process in healthcare in terms of establishing their demand and preference which is sometimes influenced by their culture, superstitions, and poor beliefs. For example, while dealing with a patient who belongs to Jain religion, NHS doctors can care issues in convincing the patient for surgery which is important for recovery. On the other hand, due to the religious belief and superstition the patient may not provide consent for surgery, which can develop challenges for the health professional in meeting their health needs to this as well as they face the ethical dilemmas regarding cannot meet the principles and guidelines of Health Care 2006. The another important challenges that the healthcare authority faces in policy contexts due to service users involvement in healthcare is urgent need for reformation and as well as modification of healthcare policies in terms of restricting the power and freedom of service users during their participation in healthcare, As mentioned by Darwish et al. (2019), government needs to reform the guidelines and principles associated with healthcare policies in terms of defining limits of service users reading their involvement into healthcare. Therefore, it can be stated that, while involving patients and service users into9 the healthcare, it is important to make some limitation and boundary of their access into the health care that is important for allowing health professional as well as healthcare authority to perform their duties peacefully without any interference. .

and needs in better manner, the risk associated with the involvement is more dangerous, that sometimes leads to severe health deterioration of patients. For example, in person centred care, health professional cannot go with the demand and preference of patients who is mentally ill, as the preference or demand can be inappropriate or irreverent with his or her mental condition and over health, in this context, health care professionals can face the service ethical dilemmas in maintaining the principles and guidelines of Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and Equality Act 2010 in which it is stated that health professional must respects and consider the preferences ad decision of service users who are mentally ill. In this context Freeman et al. (2016) argued that, not inly in case of involvement of mentally ill or disabled patients but also in case of involving service users who have physical illness, there can be created several issues or challenges that can interfere with the quality of care process. Sometimes service users can interfere with the decision-making process, service delivery process and treatment process in healthcare in terms of establishing their demand and preference which is sometimes influenced by their culture, superstitions, and poor beliefs. For example, while dealing with a patient who belongs to Jain religion, NHS doctors can care issues in convincing the patient for surgery which is important for recovery. On the other hand, due to the religious belief and superstition the patient may not provide consent for surgery, which can develop challenges for the health professional in meeting their health needs to this as well as they face the ethical dilemmas regarding cannot meet the principles and guidelines of Health Care 2006. The another important challenges that the healthcare authority faces in policy contexts due to service users involvement in healthcare is urgent need for reformation and as well as modification of healthcare policies in terms of restricting the power and freedom of service users during their participation in healthcare, As mentioned by Darwish et al. (2019), government needs to reform the guidelines and principles associated with healthcare policies in terms of defining limits of service users reading their involvement into healthcare. Therefore, it can be stated that, while involving patients and service users into9 the healthcare, it is important to make some limitation and boundary of their access into the health care that is important for allowing health professional as well as healthcare authority to perform their duties peacefully without any interference. While it comes to discuss the challenges associated with involvement of service users in healthcare, it is important to use practical example form the evidences-based studies. In the article ‘Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia:’, Burgon et al. (2019) has highlighted the experiences of healthcare

Factors affecting health inequalities regarding smoking in the UK

While it comes to discuss the challenges associated with involvement of service users in healthcare, it is important to use practical example form the evidences-based studies. In the article ‘Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia:’, Burgon et al. (2019) has highlighted the experiences of healthcare practitioners in England regarding the involvement of dementia patients into the clinical intervention process. From qualitative study in this article can be stated that, many challenges are associated with involving a service user who has dementia, that is the mental condition in which brain does not function in proper manner thereby making individual with dementia unable to have proper decision-making power and memory. On With using relevant evidences in the article, Burgon et al. (2019) have shown in their article the common challenges with involving dementia patients in healthcare is lack of proper communication and interaction between patients and the healthcare practitioner that makes the practitioners as well as health staffs unable to understand patient’s needs. Preferences and interest of the patients. As mentioned by Farahani et al. (2018), it is very risky for the healthcare authority to involve the dementia patients in clinical intervention, as they would make decision, demands and preference that may be completely irrelevant as well as harmful to the overall healthcare system. this article has shown that, how the involvement of dementia patients into decision making process for their own recovery can enhance their health risk as they do not have proper ability to take right decisions and actions. Another potential challenges that is represented in the article of Burgon et al. (2019), is lack of transparency in communication process. During the treatment of dementia patients , if the patients are involved in healthcare, it will create challenges in maintaining clear as well as transparent communication system , as the patient although in involved in recovery process, is unable provide any information regarding the mental and physical health cannot infirm the health professional about the issues they face regarding the treatment. In spite of knowing these challenges associated with involvement of patients, majority of healthcare practitioners are compelled to involve the dementia patients into every aspects of healthcare such as decision making, treatment process and clinical intervention process, due to the legal obligation posed by the policy makers. In this context Byers (2017) argued that, although involvement of dementia patients into healthcare can develop challenges for health care providers to maintain standard of care, the involvement can be used in positive way to know their interest, problems and demand that can assist health service providers to set relevant treatment process. Another most common challenges are associated with service user’s involvement is ethical dilemmas that most of the health service providers face while conducting treatment for dementia patients/. As the dementia patients are unbale to take right decision and action plan, healthcare professional needs to ignore the irrelevant and illogical preferences, demand and interest od these patients in terms of avoiding the chances of health risk, but this action of the health professionals can interfere with the ethical codes of conduct which tells that the values, preferences and decision of patients must be considers during the treatment, in this context the health care providers face huge ethical dilemmas as they cannot understand whether they would go with the patients’ preferences that can rise the health risk, or they will focus on their own action plan by ignoring demands and preference of patients. As mentioned by Aceto et al. (2018.), ethical dilemmas is most common challenges that is associated with patients’ involvement in healthcare which interfere with integrity and competence of healthcare providers. In their article Burgon et al. (2019) have mentioned that, sometimes involvement of the dementia patient into the healthcare would increase the challenges for health providers to implement the codes of conducts inti tv practices which interfere with work integrity and competence. In this context, dementia patients when involved in the decision making and treatment process in healthcare, they interfere with the action plan, treatment process and decision of the health providers which make it difficult for the healthcare providers to develop innovative treatment process to meet health needs to these patients. The practical example of involvement of dementia patients in healthcare, I can be stated that many challenges are associated with involvement which reduce the chances of developing high quality care process due to limited control of the service providers on involvement these patients.

While analysing the challenges associated with involvement of patients into healthcare based on sociological perspectives, different social factors are need to described that are interconnected with the challenges. As mentioned by Melchior et al. (2018) challenges in involvement of service users in the healthcare are not always due to the inability and poor decision making of patient or interference to the activities of health professional, but sometimes the challenges are developed due to some social factors such as unemployment, lack of education, lay perspectives, poor relationship between the doctor and patient and health inequalities in society. Evidence based report has suggested that, unemployment and marginalisation in the society pose negative impact on perception, decision making and activities of service users which makes them unable to take right decision and action plan in healthcare. In addition to this, the lay perspectives, superstition and blind culture play important roles in developing negative thoughts in human mind that is the reason behind why majority of the service users residing the conservative a well as religious community have major disagreement and conflict with doctors and nurse as the service users do not believe in modern as well as innovative treatment process rather they have faith on backdated traditional treatment. In this context Chiasera et al. (2018) mentioned that, sometimes lack of education makes people unable to have proper understanding and perception regarding teh health needs, hygiene and health education which makes them unable to cooperate with the health staffs while involve in the healthcare system, thereby making the entire system more complicated. In addition to this, another important sociological factor that is associated with challenges of involving service users in healthcare is, health inequalities in the society. As mentioned by Barratt et al. (2016), although the involvement of service users can interfere with service delivery process of service providers by influencing their decisions, treatment process and clinical intervention, poor involvement of service users in the healthcare can leads to development of high level of health inequality in society. Evidence based report have suggested that, there are many service users in NHS hospitals who are devoid of proper treatment and care which makes the service providers unable to meet their health needs. Many studies have mentioned the reasons behind the health inequality in society as a result of discrimination and bias in involving patients inti their own recovery , in which service providers respect the decision and preferences of services users who are from rich community and would be able to pay the huge bill of hospitals as compared to service users who belong to economically backward society. As mentioned by Slade (2017), medical power which is restricted to certain hand in healthcare can cause the challenges on involving service users in healthcare, as , higher healthcare authorities can disagree with involve patients , especially mentally ill patients into the healthcare as it can interfere with integrity and quality of service delivery process by service providers. On the other hand, sometimes, although health staffs understand that the involvement of patient in healthcare is needed to understand their actual health needs and issues that they faced during their treatment but the permission for the involvement cannot be done from the health professional and higher healthcare bodies. Therefore, it can be stated that, many challenges are associated with involving service user’s in healthcare. It is important for healthcare providers to set effective strategies in terms of eliminating these challenges to improve the overall quality of the service delivery. In addition to this, government need to reform the policies and guidelines in terms of clarifying limitation of involvement of patients in healthcare which will eliminate the chances of patients to interfere the treatment process and decision making of health care providers

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From the above-mentioned discussion, it can conclude that, involvement of service users into the healthcare system is associated with many challenges such as conflict between doctors and patients, interference of patients into doctor’s working process and developing such decision that are complete irrelevant with healthcare needs of patients. The discussion it is clear that, patient involvement can be used in positive way to understand their preference, interest and issues the faced throughout the treatment which will assist healthcare providers to improve the healthcare process. Therefore, it can be stated that, the health care authority needs to set such a system for the patients and healthcare providers which will assist them to maintain systematic relation while involving in healthcare system. In addition to this, the healthcare system should have principles which will make the patients clear about their limitation and boundaries regarding their involvement into the healthcare which will improve the overall service delivery process. In addition to this, the healthcare professionals also need to understand their obligations and ethical principles that they would implement into practice to make biasless and transparent service delivery/ .

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