Child Development and Influencing Factors


Human growth and development is a discussion that explains the changes in human beings development from birth to old age. The changes can be; physical changes, emotional, intelligence as well as social changes. Through the discussed theories, the child’s growth is illustrated and how life events can sometimes disrupt the development of a person. This essay will discuss human growth and development as stated by Payne and Isaacs (2017). It will also explain prenatal, post-natal stages of development up to the age of five years while exploring biological, sociological and psychological development while focusing on the video of the secret of the 5-year-olds. Adolescent, adults and older people stages of development will also be discussed.


First, child development can be defined as the study of how children develop or acquire ideas, thought, perception, emotional reactions, processes as well as patterns of behaviour within society. According to Beckett and Taylor (2016), it also provides essential knowledge which helps in advising parents, forming educational programmes for children, creating and defending Government programmes for children, making legal policies affecting children and devising treatments for problematic behaviours. The study of child development as a result of this enables us to understand and come to terms with the similarities in children with different cultures and personal experiences. This study also explains the differences between children especially why they behave the way they do in different times as well as helping us understand how the situation inclines children behaviour.

The ecological theory, explains that children are bordered by layers of effectively larger and more complex social grouping which pose as an influence in one way or the other. This includes but not limited to: family, extended family, friends, environment, communities, and work. Many factors influence child development both internal and external. Therefore the fundamental capabilities of a child are drawn or motivated by the circumstance of their upbringing as stipulated by Peet and Hartwick, (2015). Although it is clear that not every child demonstrates the same behaviours or reactions to different stages of development, the sequencing of developmental milestones is usually more consistency than is the actual age at which they are attained. According to Freedman (2016), child development could be understood using a biological explanation. Krishnan, (2002) agrees with Piaget that the theory “maintained that hereditary and innate biological processes impact in children”. Genetics determines the biological process in development; I need to look into biological development in prenatal and postnatal stages.

Pre-natal Stage

At the prenatal stage, genetics play a significant role in this stage as this is a time where physical growth is taking place. What is going on in the brain is critical for future psychological development. The brain development during this period helps set the course for what will take place outside the womb. While prenatal development follows this pattern, there are times when problems can occur; examples are disease, malnutrition has an impact on how the brain works during this period. The brain development does not end at birth but continues to grow in size.

In some cases genetics problems may occur and have an impact on future development. An example is a down syndrome which is the most common genetic anomaly during prenatal. Features include heart defects, intellectual impairment.

By understanding the process of normative development as this case down syndrome, Social workers need to be able to spot problems and provide early intervention that will result in better outcomes. Development psychologist can work with people of all ages and treat and support growth although specialization in specific areas such as childhood, adulthood or old age will be in cooperated.

People with Down syndrome have a learning disability. Therefore, it is crucial that potential parents are tested to allow awareness and also seek medical help if the need arises. Interestingly, there is not a direct relationship between the severity of the disease in the mother and its effect on

The quality of the first environment is very critical, and the mother should take steps to ensure their baby’s best possible start. Scans can be another way of checking that the perinatal development is going on well.

According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2018), the conceptual model explained that a resilient child in a pairing environment could do well since that child would seek out stimulation and take advantage of all the opportunities that become available. A vulnerable child, she claimed she might also do well if the environment that is; one who is doubly disadvantaged, suffers most and poor outcomes are sure to follow.

There is evidence that language in the prenatal stage exists. After 26 weeks of gestation, the auditory system is fully formed. Sounds can reach the fetal inner ear in the womb; Also, there is evidence of language learning during pregnancy. A more recent study with EEG demonstrated different brain activation in new-borns, hearing their native language further supporting the idea that education starts while in gestation.

New born (normative stage) 0-2years

At birth, the child is helpless and needs the mother’s support to survive. The focus of the child’s mind at this stage is to form a strong bond and attachment with the mother to ensure that their needs are met. The focal point of new-born babies is approximately 10inches. Therefore, during breastfeeding, the child’s focus is on the mother’s face hence establishing a strong bond with the mother. New-borns can recognize their mother’s voice when cuddled, in most cases; they are comforted by their mother’s heartbeat. In accord with this, a strong relationship between the mother and the child is developed within the first weeks of development. However, at this stage the child develops skills of keeping their mothers close, these skills include, smiling, babbling and even crying, this will later develop to speech.

Additionally, Bowlby (1969) discusses the relationship between the mother and the child as crucial in the child’s development. He explains the four attachments that can develop due to mother’s affection with the child. These attachments include; Secure attachment-where the child feels secured alongside their mothers, there is no fear of being abandoned. Secondly is the insecure attachment- the child is not interested with the caregiver even if they are separated. Lastly is an ambivalent attachment and disorganized attachment as reported by Singer (2017). Perhaps contact with society during the early stages of child development involves the relationship between the mother and child’s close relatives.

Moreover, in the first year the baby’s brain more than doubles in weight which is created by genes; however it depends on the environment. The brain at 12 months is just reaching the stage of physical development. 999emphasises

That minds grow and develop in the context of other thoughts, the baby has no sense of what an idea is or others. It extends by engagement with others — parents who display mind and, are aware of the child’s mind and responds. They will return to the child regarding its capacity for understanding and speech and its future potential.


Before the brain, nervous system, muscles and bone have reached the right level of function; there can be an ability to walk or run, to control bowels and bladder. Erickson emphasized that actual outcomes for an individual child are dependent on social factors.

Arnett ( 2015) reported that after birth, mothers handling of their babies follow a pattern, starting at extremities (hands and feet) and moving inwards then to rest on the babies torso, if left on their tummy, the baby progresses by small push-ups to mothers left breast and begins within about thirty minutes to mouth the nipple. This links to the attachment theory.

After a baby is born their physical development starts with lying on their back, touching their toes and discovering their fingers, they may turn their heads to smell mother’s breast, and some babies may focus on objects a meter away and can make eye contact. They may show interest in bright lights and colours and imitate facial expressions. Their language is limited to crying, gurgling. As they grow older, they begin their head, shuffle, crawl and eventually walk unaided.

Some children between 0 to 2 years can run safely, jump, kick, and use climb and use words and actions to express themselves. Some may explore what is around them independently and can play by themselves. They may express anger when stopped from doing things they want to do. They can be affected by emotions. Babies at this stage enjoy physical contact that is; feeding and cuddling. Children with Down syndrome motor development is delayed

2-4 years

In the second year, a child can pretend to be something in the world. For example, the Luke in the video was pretending to be Donald Trump. Some children can draw and hold a cup; they can build a tower and imitate. This was demonstrated by group work where Sienna and Luke build a tower. They can recognize familiar people in photographs; some may listen to conversations. At this stage, they begin to understand the consequences of their actions and more of others. They may talk to themselves and can follow simple instructions. They know their names and can say a few rhymes. Some express themselves and are eager to try new experiences. They may play alongside other children. They can perform physical love games and can engage in role-play. Some children can demonstrate that they have an inner world of thoughts and that they can talk. At his age, some may be independent and ask questions about the world. They may begin to develop the concept of being helpful. And believe that rules can be fixed. According to De Onis (2017), some children at the age of three can distinguish pretense and reality without getting confused. Once a child is aware of his or her emotional state, they can pretend so that they can project this emotional state on to an animate being. In the video iris reflect this as when left to look after Kate’s balloon left it to burst; she was able to project her emotions. Children learn how to link everyday situations with universal emotions.

Children in the video showed the ability to relate which is essential to children. Perhaps, reciprocity and intimacy are more intense in social activity, more frequently resolution. Luke and Ella tied well and performed the task of looking after the puppies very well useful in test performance. This is demonstrated in the groups the orange group performed due to being able to relate.

Children from three to four years old are aware of themselves and can verbally express their own emotions. This was demonstrated by Luke when he destroyed the tower. Bowlby argues that the pattern of relating develops into an internal working model. The child has a model of self-others and a relationship between them carries over future relationships inside and outside the family. Paul Harris theory believes that children awareness in their mental state, allows them to project on to other people using ‘if or pretense mechanism, thus understanding some else results from imaging yourself in that position. For a child to be able to understand another person’s mind, Harris argues that there are three essential precursors or preconditions. These are (a) capacity for pretense (b) self-awareness and (c) being able to distinguish reality from pretense.

Furthermore, Piaget and Erikson discuss the psychological development of a child. Piaget is more concerned with the cognitive development of a child and how they can understand their surroundings and react to its environment. However, criticisms on Piaget’s theory have been made whereby, according to Vygotsky a child is a social creature who can interact as well as influence the surroundings and learn from it, and hence Piaget’s theory has not been primarily used. The secret lives of 5years old episodes demonstrate the above statement, evident from the behaviors of jack and Miylah. The two children are interactive and have learned from the surrounding environment.


Physical development

Physical development in early childhood years involves the physical changes and growth a child goes through changes in growth including motor skills. Also, Piaget’s (1950) demonstrates this in psychological theories. He emphasized the use of cognitive development theory in a child’s development as it provides an overview of how children think and learn. Perhaps, the child can make sense of the surrounding, and their cognitive skills are developed. The child can think outside the box and understand various situations in the environment. They can perceive things from other people’s point of view. Due to cognitive development, they can understand their surroundings and how to react to different environments. Children grow steadily; differ in height, weight and shape and structure. The dramatic changes that occur during development make it very sensitive to the surrounding environment evident in Sigelman and Rider’s book (2014). A child family is the most significant influence on physical development. In early development, language develops over time. Children ability to socialize develops over time.

All the play toys during child development and growth are designed to improve their learning because children use all their senses to explore the objects and the environment. According to Moore (2017), the practitioners should provide a free flow play for the children to choose their game. However, children who are exposed to biological risk factors are at risk of poor development. Children with food insecurity are likely to have children with poor nutrition and physical health, due to the risk of suffering poor growth, iron deficiencies and being underweight. According to Freud (2018), children with Down syndrome may have a speech problem which may affect their social interaction and language.


During this stage, young adults explore their independence and develop a sense of self. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforced through personal exploration will emerge with a strong sense of self and feelings of autonomy and control. Those unsure of their beliefs will feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future. Completing this stage leads to fidelity where Erikson emphasized the development of ego identity. It is the conscious sense of self we develop through social interaction and becomes a focus during confusion stage of psychosocial stage 6- intimacy vs. isolation covers a period of early adulthood. This stage is marked by the ability to form a lasting meaning relationship with other peers.

The psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud demonstrates the child’s development driven by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind always inspires their emotions and motives. They are unaware of the feelings and motivations displayed. Perhaps, every experience that individuals go through shapes their later lives.

However adolescent with Down syndrome undergo hormonal changes just like any other teenager; however they need support.


Erik Erikson like Piaget had distinct stages of development assigned to specific ages. However, Erikson ascribed growth even into old age. Eight phases beginning with birth to old age described a conflict that the epigenetic principle

Dis-engagement was viewed as an adaptive behaviour because it allowed older people to maintain a sense of self-worth while adjusting to the loss of earlier social roles as stated by Cotter and Grissett (2016). The process was seen to have a positive function in the contest to activity theory which assumed older people to be busy engaged.

Despite claims to be taken account social systems, critics argue that disengagement theory is based on an abstract analysis of social networks, not different realities of different society’s position of men and women. In present-day wealthy, for example, many people socially and economically active well after they have retired from paid roles. It fails to take into account individual choice and personality.

As with the case with adults with Down syndrome, many adults are now leaving home and leaving independently with varying degrees of support holding jobs and forming relationships.


The final psychosocial stage occurring during old age is focused on reflecting on life. At this stage development, people look back on the events of their lives and determine if they are happy with life or if they regret the things they did or didn’t do, those that are unsuccessful during this stage will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings of bitterness and despair. Those with accomplishment feel a sense of integrity.

Erikson’s theory on psychosocial is just a revision of Freud’s argument in psychoanalytic theory. He focuses more on the influence of the society to individual and how the individual can also influence the society, in the video Jasmine portrays empathy to the people surrounding her and the society, therefore she decided that the jelly beans should be shared with the people in the society. However, during the early stages individual can fail to achieve their goals and objectives of life this will later affect them during old age. Also, Iris actions are influenced by her religion, hence acts as a unifying factor between team green and team orange. She portrays leadership qualities.

The sociological theories of child development by Bandura, (2016), states that a child can learn through observation. Unlike other behavioural approaches bandura believed in intrinsic reinforcements such as pride and satisfaction also leads to learning in children. For instance, in the video ‘secrets lives of the five years old’, the children involve themselves in various activities and able to learn qualities such as leadership, sharing and empathy. Perhaps, how they can use power if granted a chance. Luke H is given a role of a king while Sienna plays the role of a queen. Sienna is egocentric she wants everything for herself and shouts at everyone, she does not want anybody else to be queen except her. This activity portrays how children view the world and how books and TV can influence their behaviours.

In another activity carried out by the children, they presume power in the society. Through observation on how power is used in the society, the children emulate the traits. For instance, Iris is given authority over two cars to ensure that the team is shares. Due to inequality in the society, Iris gives one car to her friend Nathaniel and when questioned, she claims she is the boss. The behaviour portrayed by Iris shows how leaders in the society use power to oppress the weak as well as the unequal distribution of resources. Therefore, it can be deduced that, observation and modelling play a primary role in a child’s development and learning. It enables the children to adopt the quality traits which benefit them and the society.

On a closer examination of the discussed theories, it is clear that all the arguments are beneficial in providing an understanding of why people behave the way they do. Each of the approaches in child development can argue their perceptions of different behaviours demonstrated by children depending on their genes and environmental influences as stated by Rosenthal (2017). The close attachment of the mother and child can cause severe damage when separated by death. Parents are the first teachers, Iris is seen as a unifying factor in the two teams; green and orange, and she allows the green team to join the orange team in the den despite being losers. Iris portrays leadership qualities which she was taught by her mother. Her mother is her primary teacher, she teaches her to respect her elders as well as practice her religion.

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In conclusion, it is, therefore, necessary for a social worker to be conversant with the above theories in child development so that they can provide the required understanding of people’s behaviours. However, the knowledge on this should be kept up to date because the society is changing. Only social workers with a comprehensive understanding of these theories can provide adequate knowledge to the affected children and families where children are adopting negative behaviours from the environment.

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Arnett, J., 2015. Human Development: A Cultural Approach Plus New Mypsychlab with Pearson Etext--Access Card Package. Pearson.

Bandura, A., 2016. 50 The Power of Observational Learning Through Social Modeling. Scientists Making a Difference: One Hundred Eminent Behavioral and Brain Scientists Talk about Their Most Important Contributions, p.235.

Beckett, C. and Taylor, H., 2016. Human growth and development. Sage.

Cotter, E., Fisk, G. and Grissett, J.O., 2016. Human Growth and Development.

De Onis, M., 2017. Child growth and development. In Nutrition and Health in a Developing World (pp. 119-141). Humana Press, Cham.

Freedman, D.G., 2016. Human infancy: An evolutionary perspective. Routledge.

Freud, A., 2018. Normality and pathology in childhood: Assessments of development. Routledge.

Kail, R.V. and Cavanaugh, J.C., 2018. Human development: A life-span view. Cengage Learning.

Payne, V.G. and Isaacs, L.D., 2017. Human motor development: A lifespan approach. Routledge.

Peet, R. and Hartwick, E., 2015. Theories of development: Contentions, arguments, alternatives. Guilford Publications.

Rosenthal, H., 2017. Human Growth and Development. In Encyclopedia of Counseling (pp. 63-115). Routledge.

Sigelman, C.K. and Rider, E.A., 2014. Life-span human development. Cengage Learning.

Singer, E., 2017. Child-care and the psychology of development. Routledge.

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