A Case Study Analysis of Clethan Clothing

Executive summary:

HR team in an organisation is not only associated with recruitment and hiring of best candidates but also it is associated with managing organisational resources and improving the overall organisational structure. Through using innovating strategies HR team of a firm can improve the overall organisational function and structure in terms of getting strong market position in the international market and grab highly competitive advantages. Human resources management which includes HRM dissertation help, is associated with managing physical, economic and environmental resources in the workplace for attaining high profit margin and enhance th overall productivity of the entire workforce. This report is to discuss the human resources management of the given company, Clethan Clothing. The report is going to highlight teh HRM issues that Clethan Clothing would face for maintaining proper balance among all tasks that are associated with human resource process such as hiring, managing workforce, enhancing productivity of workforce, conducting training and development program for workforce and allocating resources in systematic manner. In addition to this, the report will also discuss teh strategies and proposal that the Clethan Clothing is going to implement into their workplace to optimise the effectiveness of overall HR functions.


Human resources management is associated with managing physical, economic and environmental resources in the workplace for attaining high profit margin and enhance th overall productivity of the entire workforce. This report is to discuss the human resources management of the given company, Clethan Clothing. The report is going to highlight teh HRM issues that Clethan Clothing would face for maintaining proper balance among all tasks that are associated with human resource process such as hiring, managing workforce, enhancing productivity of workforce, conducting training and development program for workforce and allocating resources in systematic manner. In addition to this, the report will also discuss teh strategies and proposal that the Clethan Clothing is going to implement into their workplace to optimise the effectiveness of overall HR functions.


Primary HRM issues at Clethan Clothing:

Lower organisational productivity:

vOrganisational productivity is one of et most important factors for HR managers to operate their function in systematic manner (Koser et al. 2018). Due to lower organisational productivity, HR managers are unable to deal with the market trend ad cuts0oner demand as they do not have proper economic support from the company. In this context, HRM processes at Clethan Clothing, may face issues if lower productivity of the firm which will nit only impact on the overall organisational profit but also impact on overall human resource management process such as recruitment, hiring, training and development process for the workforce. On the contrary Greene (2019) argued that, sometimes organisational productivity does not impact on the overall recruiting and hurting process as organisational although it is economically unstable can spend sufficient amount of money in conduct the interview systematic manner. HR managers of Clethan Clothing can use Maslow Hierarchy Theory which will assist the, to focus on maintaining strong organisational productivity to meet basic needs of staffs, which will not only hold interest in their job, but also encourage them to go beyond the comfortable zone make small innovation of the company.


Although HRM process is associated with recruiting eligible candidates by using the transparent hiring process, sometimes HR managers and staffs are pressurised to select the candidates based on the personal preference of higher official of the company rather than selecting them based on the merit (Malik, 2018). HRM process at Clethan Clothing can also face this situation, which can be mitigated through supervising the overall hiring ad recruitment process which will ensure that the company chose best candidate which will be able to understand common goal of the company and will contribute to meet customers demand. On the contrary Xia et al. (2019) argued that, transparency is rare case which HR managers can face during the recruitment, rather they commonly face the financial crisis in conducting the recruitment and hiring process which is a big issue in today’s business trend.

In this context, HR managers of Clethan Clothing can focus on maintaining strong relationship with investors which will improve their overall financial condition, that will, assist the HR team to conduct the interview in systematic manner to chose the best candidates. By using Adam’s Equity Theory, HR managers of Clethan Clothing can understand that how they can use the financial framework of this compony to motivate the existing and new staffs in term sofa maintaining their interest towards their organisational objectives in long run.

Conflict resolution:

HRM process is strongly associated with conflict management in organisation which assists the company to maintain peaceful and positive culture in the workplace. According to Ashton (2018), sometimes, HR managers face difficulties in managing conflict among staffs and higher official which pose negative impact on eth overall productivity and profit of the organisation. In this context, Herzberg’s Motivation Theory can be used by the HR team at Clethan Clothing, which will assist them to understand that how they can manage such conflict among staffs and managers in order to motivate them towards maintaining creative, positive and peaceful culture within the workplace. On the contrary Croonen et al. (2016) argued that, sometimes, motivation is not sufficient for mitigating conflict within workplace, rather the HRM process needs to conduct meeting between the staffs mand managers in terms of allowing them to discuss with each other to eliminate the conflict. On the other hand, HRM process at Clethan Clothing face issues while eliminating conflicts between the managers and staffs, in which the HR managers and staffs can be allegedly charged of making partiality and favours in the workplace, to eliminate the chances of this issue, the HRM policies needs to focus on maintaining strong communication with staffs and managers in order to improve overall relationship with them.

Training process:

Sometimes HR Team face difficulties in conducting useful training and development process in terms of selecting the best candidate based on their merits and intelligence (Aktharsha and Sengottuvel, 2016). In case of Clethan Clothing, the HR tea can face issues to conduct training for the new staffs due to insufficient fund and lack of proper infrastructure in the workplace. On the contrary Croonen et al. (2016) argued that, infrastructure is not associated with the training and development of staffs of the economic condition of the firm is stable and strong. In this context, HR managers of Clethan Clothing can use the Expectancy theory which will assist them to deal with the expectation and preference of the staffs in thus company which will assist them, to communicate with higher official’s ion terms of improving the overall financial structure if the company. Moreover, through using this theory, the HR team will understand that how the training and development process for staffs in a company is strongly connected with the financial condition of a company.

Proposal of optimising the delivery of HR process:

In terms of optimising the overall delivery of HRM process, teh hr team of Clethan Clothing can use the following strategies:

The HR team of Clethan Clothing would focus on maintaining transparent communication system within the workplace, which will assist the, to share and transfer any official information within second through b using online platform. On the contrary Budhwar et al. (2019) argued that, along with the communication system HR team needs to digitalise the overall communication process which will assist the HR team to make faster delivery if HR process, therefore, they HR team of Clethan Clothing will install application program and operating system in order to make faster communication among staffs, managers and owners.

The HR team of Clethan Clothing will conduct online interview and selection process which will save their time and effort in recruiting the best candidates. In today’s digital business world, online interview process highly relevant to the fast HRM process which will assist the HR team of a company to manage the HR Functions in faster manner than earlier (Malik, 2018).

Through using modern HRM strategies which will be relevant to the changing market trend, the HR team of Clethan Clothing can optimiser the delivery of HR processes. According to Croonen et al. (2016), through using creative HRM policies HR team can mange the resources in the workplace which will not only assist the organisation to maintain strong organisational structure but also gain the high competitive advantages in the international market. Therefore, Clethan Clothing can fasten the delivery of HR process by using innovating and creative HRM policies and strategies.

Implementation plan:

In order to implemented the above-mentioned strategies, the HR team in Clethan Clothingh needs to have strong communication system, proper cost management process and responsible workforce. Through maintaining strong communication, it is possible for HR team to share and transfer the official matters to all the staff’s and manger in order to make the entire workforce aware about the current official condition. On the other hand, through managing the cost such as manufacturing cost, selling cost, promotion cost, maintenance cost and cost of managing hiring and recruitment process, HR team of Clethan Clothing can implement the abovementioned strategies which will assist them, to deliver high quality service in order to manage human resources in systematic manner. In addition to this, through having responsible workforce, HR team will get proper support and ideas from the staffs as well as managers to apply useful strategies that will assist the company to grab strong customer attention and get the strong competitive position in the domestic and international market.

Risk management:

In order to register and manage risk the HR team of Clethan Clothing neds to have systematic risk management approaches which incudes, determination of risk, setting strategies to de4aol with these risks, militating the risk. On the contrary Aktharsha and Sengottuvel (2016) argued that sometimes HR team if an organisational are not able to manage risk as this is the function of higher officials and owners who can set budget and strategies to conduct better risk management framework. In this context, HR team of Clethan Clothing will communicate with higher officials and owners of this company in terms of making them understand about the severity of the risk, to provoke them to make strong risk management framework.


From the above-mentioned discussion it can be concluded that, HR team in an organisation is not only associated with recruitment and hiring of best candidates but also it is associated with managing organisational resources and improving the overall organisational structure. Through using innovating strategies HR team of a firm can improve the overall organisational function and structure in terms of getting strong market position in the international market and grab highly competitive advantages.

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