Assessment Approach In Strategic Training And Affective Commitment

This paper was authored by Anvari R, Amin S and Suleiman S (2010) and published in the international journal of business and management. The strategic issue that was the focus of this research was the examination of affective commitment of the employees in the hospitality industry to their respective organizations and exploring training as a contributing factor. The research was conducted in the Iranian hospitality industry with respondents being drawn from five-star hotels in the city of Isfahan. Specifically, the study examines the models of commitment of individuals to their organization that are created due to activities such as trainings.


Anvari et al (2010) used the psychological contract theory as the basis of the theoretical framework of their study. According to their definition, psychological theory is focused on the individual’s beliefs regarding the terms and conditions of the exchange between them and the organization. This implies that according to the theory, when the employee perceives that the terms and condition of their job and the organization’s focuses on them, they will be dedicated to work for the organization. The author’s used this theory since they argued that since the employers provide the employees with training, the employees feel obliged to pay back by committing to the organization. This situation thus reduces employee turnover in the organization. Additionally, since the theory is largely cognitive and emotive, the authors argue that it blends with the employee commitment which is largely a cognitive and emotive decision.

The research examines the relationship between employee and organization commitment and activities such as trainings, workplace attitudes, motivation to learn and perceived support. The authors identified hypotheses that were tested in the research and include: individual strategic needs assessment are positively related to affective commitment and individual needs assessment of strategic training are positively related to psychological contract.

The research findings align with the hypothesis and the quantitative analysis accorded presents a strong evidence of the findings of the study. The major findings of the study are that affective commitment of the employees to the organization are fostered by perception of benefit and value that the employee will receive. Additionally, aspects like training, and organizational support increase employee commitment and reduce turnover. However, in my opinion, the research overlooked other factors that can result in turnover despite the level of commitment the employee might have towards the company. For instance, an employee may be affected by mental health illness such as depression stemming from factors out of the job. This condition will significantly affect their performance in the organization and may lead to turnover. Another example is chronic medical condition such as cancer that is increasingly affecting millions of people, employees included. The researchers would have at least recognized these other factors in their report.

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  • Anvari R, Amin S and Suleiman S (2010): Personal Needs Assessment Approach in Strategic Training and Affective Commitment. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(7)

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