Conclusion Contribution and Recommendations


This chapter will give a detailed analysis of this research and will demonstrate the ways by which the objectives of the study are attained. offering the most valuable insights for HRM dissertation help. This chapter will review the findings obtained in this study, and based on the results, conclusion, contribution and recommendations will be given. This chapter will possess various parts wherein the research summary will summaries the structure of the chapter. In addition to that, the key findings revisited will be another part that will recapitulate the findings chapter in detail so that major information could be attained. This chapter will also possess research contribution which will value the new researchers for their development. Lastly, recommendations will also be given to the London hotel industry so that they can evaluate the conceptualization and operationalization of SHRM and deal with challenges faced by the hotel managers in SHRM in the area of training and development.


The Key Findings Revisited

This research aims to evaluate the conceptualization and operationalization of SHRM in the London hotel industry and the challenges faced by the hotel managers in SHRM in the area of training and development.

Key findings

The main purpose of the manager is to deal with the issues and effectively solve them. It had been reviewed from this research study that there are various difficulties which are prevailing in managing strategic human resources. The positioning of human resources, assimilation of strategy, unavailability of keep performance indicators, support from the senior managers are some of the internal difficulties. Apart from that, it is also reviewed that there are difficulties of SHRM at the sectoral and national level, which includes a change in attitude, shortage of employees, employee turnover, and collaboration between supervisors and HR managers. The difficulties also arise in the training and development of the employees. It had thus been analyzed that despite facing lots of challenges, hotel managers provide quality performance in SHRM in the area of development and training.

Achieving the research objectives

The objective mainly focusses on analyzing the connection between the SHRM and business strategy. It had been analyzed from the literature review that business strategy is the planning of ideas that have layouts, styles and timeframe’s range with a variety of business functions. Business strategy is considered as part of regular decision making, which is performed by various levels of managers. The research found that the making of business strategy differs as per the situations or necessity. When the evolutionary approach is greater than planning, then managers take the strategies of competitors wherein when the evolutionary approach is incomplete form than managers do not have control over the process of planning. It can thus be stated that business strategy is highly dependent on the internal and external environment as well as adopted perspectives. On the other hand, strategic human resources management gives a major focus on human resources and presume human resources as one of the valuable assets of the organization. SHRM is also considered as the path to connect the employees with employers. It had been analyzed from the research study that SHRM has the potential to analyses the problems tackled by the organization which includes both external and internal environments.

It had been analyzed after reviewing both data collection and findings that business strategy and strategic human resource management related to one another. It is reviewed that both are amalgamated with one another and possess a one-way link. The human resources department is seen performing administrative activities like maintaining payroll as well as assist in the deployment of human resources. There are also two ways of connection wherein business strategy and strategic human resource management assist one another, informing as well as implement the strategy. Hence, it can be concluded that business strategy and strategic human resource management relate to one another and business needs to keep on making a strategy to motivate its employees to attain organizational objectives and motives.

The main purpose of this objective is to analyses the challenges of strategic human resource management in the training and development of employees in the London hotel sector. Since the hospitality industry is a service-oriented industry, so employees need to be perfect while delivering services to their clients/customers. It could be stated that unlike another country, London is significantly affected by the national and sectoral factors such as social structure, fluctuating economic cycles, and immigrations. The increased completion in the UK hospitality industry has forced the organization to give quality services to its customers. It is studied that staff training possesses the potential to enhance the employee’s capability and even strengthen competitive advantage. The training and development increase the satisfaction in job and recognition as well as assists the employees to be an effective solver of problems. Despite various benefits associated with training and development, the research has found that there are various challenges which are faced by the organization in the training and development of employees.

It is analyzed that the hotel industry of London has also faced such challenges during the training and development of the employees. The limited or absence of the manager’s involvement has made it very difficult for the hotel industry to develop the knowledge of the employees. Managers were also having different perceptions regarding the employees, which didn’t motivate the industry to employ any training or development programs. It is also reviewed from the interview that SHRM of hotel industry generally face difficulties when the management recruits unqualified and ineffective professionals of human resources. Since all the strategic human resource management activities require the support of managers, the lack of managerial support brings difficulties for the Hotel industry in training and development work. Apart from that, this research has also analyzed that when the strategic partner of the SHRM in the hotel industry doesn’t work effectively or perform a limited role, then it becomes a challenging task for the organization.

The research has also found that hotel organization in London have even faced operationalization issues in training and development. The issues linked with turnover have even de-motivated the industry to provide training. The unsurely regarding the retention of employees has also made it difficult for the employees to provide training and development facilities as employees are seen moving to other hotels for higher rewards. In addition to that, it is even observed that the hotel industry in London is not giving major emphasis on employee induction programs and thus, employers are not able to build psychological contact with its employees. The research has even analyzed that most of the hotel industry in London doesn’t perform the training need analysis which ultimately leads to failure in providing training and development programs. Hence, it can be stated from the research study that there are various challenges of SHRM in the practice of training and development of employees in the London hotel sector.

challenges faced in strategy conceptualization and operationalization of training and development in the London Hotel Industry

The main purpose of this study is to analyses the challenges faced in the strategy conceptualization and operationalization of training and development in the London Hotel Industry. It had been analyzed from the literature review and data collection that lack of key performance indicators connected with functions of human resources, poor skill set of the labor force and higher turnover of employees in the hotel industry as well as lack of policies of government which facilitate education are some of the major challenges faced by the hotel industry in London.

It is found that ineffective conceptualization and operationalization of human resource strategy in the hotel industry in London is also found because of a lack of leadership. When leaders don’t provide support in the function and departments of the human resources, then there is weak bonding between them, which leads to a difference in opinions. The difference in opinion further affects the SHRM as it has a position at the strategic organizational level. Apart from that, it had been analyzed that London’s hotel industry is facing major challenges in attracting as well as retaining the talent due to reducing immigration. In addition to that, the unpredictable labor market of London has further reduced the hotel’s ability to monitor the inputs.

It is observed from the research conducted that the London hotel sector is growing in a greater sector and there is increased competition in this field. However, the London hotel sector is facing issues to attract employees because of the negative image of the hotel industry. The employees don’t want to perform a job in this sector as the increased workload doesn’t let them maintain balance over work life. Apart from that, it is analyzed from the above study that the London hotel industry is applying various internal promotion strategies to focus on retention and motivate the employees, but the varied viewpoints of employees are making it difficult for the organization to apply for training and development programs. The increased rate of turnover of employees has consequently considered as the wastage of resources by the top management. This study has also revealed that top management of the hotel industry is even found least interested and enthusiastic in making investments on the programs as the employment period is shortening and increase in employee turnover.

This research has also found that the insufficiency of adequate budget for development and training is also one of the factors which restrict the London hotel industry to apply for training and development programs. Since these programs require a larger amount of money, so smaller hotels are seen avoiding training and development programs. Lastly, it is also found that members of human resource departments and executives are not developing effective measures to analyses training and development programs, which are depriving employees of being knowledgeable and trained. Hence, it can be stated that there are various challenges faced in strategy conceptualization and operationalization of training and development in the London Hotel Industry. This industry should develop measures to organize training and development programs and involve managers to perform organizational strategy and attain success.

SHRM challenges to understand the internal, sectoral and national factors in the London hotel sector

This study has analyzed various internal, national, and sectoral challenges that influence the conceptualization and operationalization of strategic human resource management mainly in the training and development of employees in the hotel industry in London. It has been found that most of the hotels in London possess proper documentation of the mission and vision of the organizational goals which is even communicated from one level to another. However, ineffective communication didn’t allow the employees or managers to know the change in strategy which leads to limited adoption of the strategy. The research findings have also analyzed that in most of the external environmental evaluation, the strategy of development is being conducted through limited teams of top managerial, and there is no involvement of the human resource department, which ultimately leads to a difference in relationship and trust. Some various scholars and researchers stated that managers should share their experiences and perceptions with employees and other human resources. In addition to that, it is also analyzed from findings that managers of the London hotels are not seen applying the tools to measure the performance of employees. Performance indicators are responsible for managing the performance of the employees mainly at a strategic level, which enhances the quality of work and performance. However, London hotels are not seen using this indicator, and thus many of the employees are not seen performing their work effectively.

This research has also found that sectoral elements also act as a barrier to understanding the SHRM challenges in the London hotel sector. The labor market and demand conditions are some of the factors which affect the hotel’s operation. The finding, as well as positioning of the capable human resources managers, is one of the major challenges wherein lower employee retention slows down the process and strategy.

The limited immigration policy of the UK government is another major issue that affects the hotel sector. The present UK government has come up with policies that have limited immigration which has further affected the hotel sectors as reduced immigration has reduced the availability of the skilled workforce. The reduced collaboration between HR manager and supervisor is also another sectoral and national level difficulties faced by SHRM as it brings issues in positioning the employees due to lack of collaboration. The confusion between the HR manager and supervisor’s expectations from human resources further leads to conflicts or misunderstandings. The minimum communication between HR professionals and supervisors while making decisions even leads to issues in organizational performance at the sectoral and national levels.

Since the hotel industry in London doesn’t possess a good reputation among the employees and the increased rate of turnover has brought enormous issues for this industry. London hotel industry also faces difficulties in filling open positions due to a smaller number of employees willing to work in the industry. The increased opportunity for the lower and unskilled employees have even compelled them to move in other sectors apart from hostel sectors. Furthermore, it had also been analyzed that the change in the attitude of employees towards work has brought a drastic change in managing the SHRM. The research has found that the new generation of people are having a change in attitudes who don’t want to perform hotel jobs as they find it unsafe and unhealthy. The negative image of the hotel industry in London is a national level challenge, and this industry needs to improvise its flexibility in working conditions and offer the enhancement of job. The difficulties are also seen in the training and development of the employees in the London hotel industry as managers and supervisors are not seen involving in programs and are even having different perceptive regarding training. Hence, it can be stated that issues like lack of collaboration, employee turnover, employee’s shortage as well as attitudinal change are some of the major SHRM difficulties at sectoral and national level which needs to be addressed by the organization to attain success.

Methods to overcome SHRM challenges through a framework of practices for London hotel sector

After exploring the issues of SHRM challenges in the London hotel sectors, it has been stated that companies should attain competitive advantage by the adoption of the ‘higher performance HRM practices’ for its employees. This method is said to have the capacity to improvise the performance of the organization and upload general skills. This method or approach would be beneficial for the hotel industry as it enhances organizational performance. Some of the practices included formal training, internal career opportunities, the security of employment and appraisals. This method has a direct connection with the performance of the organization.

The second SHRM approach or methods, namely ‘best-fit’ and ‘best practice,’ prevails the position of the company in the market, and relevant strategies determine the policies of HRM. The best fit perspectives stated that HR strategy is effective when it has a link with the business environment. Best practice, on the other hand, results in enhancing organizational performance by improving employee’s performance. This approach is highly beneficial for the hotel industry as it can improvise the attitude of the employees, lower the level of absenteeism and turnover as well as also enhance efficiency and quality. This approach would be beneficial for strategic human resource management as it explores a close relationship between HRM and strategic management and vertical influence integration.

Finally, the resource-based view SHRM approach is also known as effective methods for SHRM. This approach is beneficial in focusing the internal; resources of the organization and enhance the performance of the organization. It is even seen the building and developing human and technical supports that enhance sustainable competitive advantage. It is even stated that strategic human resources are one of the valuable human resources which fulfill the criteria of resource-based views and add value to the organization.

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Contribution to the body of Knowledge

It is analyzed that various elements are being provided by this study in terms of strategic human resource management in the hospitality industry. Although most of the prior literature review is seen expressing the challenges associated with SHRM in the hospitality sector, this research has given focus on the specific hospitality industry, i.e. the hotel industry. There is lesser research that is made on the challenges of the hotel industry in the UK in terms of SHRM challenges. This study has contributed to exploring the conceptualization and operationalization challenges of strategic human resources management in the hotel industry by addressing the limitation and even reducing gaps.

This research has shown significant support in the training and development of employees as an organizational strategy. The prior literature has assumed training and development as an essential part of the hotel strategy and requirement of trained employees as its need. However, this study has reviewed the supervisor’s involvement in training programs as well as responsibilities if the human resource department is highly linked with training programs. Since the prior literature was not able to give a link between human resource professionals and supervisors in terms of training. This study was able to build connections and explained training and development as a major strategy for the organization.

Furthermore, it is analyzed from prior literature that the London hotel industry has greater competition and there are increased activities like employees stealing. Since the employees are very lesser in the hotel industry in the UK, the stealing of employees is becoming a general practice. However, the interview finding has provided the knowledge that the hotel industry has started using association and collaboration in the London hotel sectors. This hotel industry has started cooperating and applying the collaboration policy. Thus, this study has contributed to giving detail knowledge regarding competitive practices.

Another consideration that was provided by this study was that employees from different levels possess different viewpoints regarding strategic human resource management. The present study has explained that top-level employees, which include general managers, human resource managers, and CEOs, possess variant viewpoints regarding the SHRM as compared to middle-level employees. This study even stated that the difference in viewpoints has an impact on organizational practices. Thus, this study was able to acknowledge the viewpoints of different level employees regarding strategic human resource management. Thus, the acknowledgment of the different viewpoints regarding strategic human resource management would be effective for the organization and academic practices.

This study has not only contributed to providing knowledge regarding SHRM but has also brought up detail knowledge regarding human resources and organizational strategy which was not described in detail in prior studies. This study has analyzed the level and types of fit between organizational strategy and human resources. It is analyzed that UK hotel sectors are adopting various practices and implementing various strategies to adopt best practices in the industry. Most of the bigger hotels are applying vertical fits whereas smaller hotels are following the pathways of the bigger hotels. The analysis of the fits and types has assisted the organization in attaining a variant human resources strategy and bring improvement in performance.

Contribution to the professional practice

The literature of strategic human resource management stated that SHRM is the process of making a connection between employees and employers and is an amalgamation of both organizational strategies with human resource management strategy. It was also reviewed that prior research has explained that the formulation of strategy should give focus on variant perspectives and organizations should have a major focus on maximization of profit. However, the findings of this study have analyzed that the organization should give focus on the development of the knowledge of the employees. Thus, this study has contributed knowledge that an organization should give focus on employees to attain organizational goals. This contribution is highly beneficial for the professional as they can enhance organizational performance by upgrading employees’ skills and knowledge.

It is also analyzed that in the prior literature, the human resources managers or the upper-level employees are also termed as the highly skilled and experienced workforce. This group of people is always given higher importance due to their higher involvement in the organization. However, the findings of this study have analyzed that human resource managers and supervisors of the London hotel sectors are not having skills and competencies to work in the organization which possesses strategic planning. This study reveals that most of the employees who possess higher-level experience and are residing in a higher post are not showing their contribution to the field of strategic planning. Apart from that, this study has also found that higher-level employees are not participating in the process of strategic planning as well as showing the least interest in training and development programs and finds it as wastage of resources. This study has contributed that it is one of the major responsibilities of the organization to adopt an effective platform for the organizational professional to get participated in the development and planning process. This study contributes in gaining deeper knowledge regarding employees’ role and responsibility and thus enhance professional’s performance.

Hence, it can be stated after reviewing this research that this study has given a major contribution in the field of strategic human resource management. Various new findings have been provided by this study, which could be beneficial not only for the researcher for academic purposes but also would apply to hotel sectors in London. They can take the assistance of this study to review the challenges and even ways to solve the issues. This study could even be applicable for strategic partners and human resource employees as various new findings and analyses have been explained in-depth.

Novelty in methodological approach

This study has used both semi-structural interviews and secondary sources to collect data. The secondary data provided support to collect the already published data wherein interview collect the views of the participants. The researcher has interviewed various participants of different hotels of London to attain the data.

This study has applied non-probability sampling for the interview wherein general managers, senior managers, HR managers and line managers of hotels in London were selected. The combination of semi-interview and secondary data collection have helped the researcher to obtain knowledge regarding various challenges of SHRM. Thus, this research has verified that combination of both semi-interview and secondary data was an effective methodology to conduct the research study.


It had been analyzed from this research study that the London hotel industry is facing lots of challenges in internal, sectoral, and national level in terms of SHRM, so it is recommended that this industry need to apply relevant methods to overcome SHRM challenges through a framework of practice for London hotel sector. It is recommended that the London hotel sector should make usage of performance measurement systems to perform activities of human resources. The implementation would help in conceptualization as well as the operationalization of the SHRM in the training and development of the employees. The research has found that top managers and supervisors are not showing more concern in managing employees. It is thus recommended that the top management of London hotel sectors should enhance its presence in managing employees and human resources should be involved in the decision-making process. This can assist the employees in having increase autonomy and enabling them to feel their value in the organization.

Apart from the above discussion, it is also essential for the London hotel industry to re-evaluate the collaboration between functionaries of human resources and different levels of managers. The organization needs to segregate the functionality of human resources. They should analyses ways to improve those functions as lack of assassination of the performance of work would lead to a decline in workability. Supervisors of the hotel industry need to keep on checking the work performance of the employees and provide them training facilities so that there can be an improvement in the performance of an organization.

Since, the process of recruitment and selection are the two major part in the organizational actions so it is recommended that organization should apply strategy to recruit and select employees to make an adoption of objectives. One must develop larger potential candidates by enabling organization to choose appropriate candidates for the job. However, it is further recommended that organization should given focus that larger employees group must also be suitable for the job as higher investments would be required to train and develop them. It is even better for the organization to have quality employees as compared to quantity employees to attain success.

It is further recommended that the hotel industry in London should employ training and development programs regularly. The offering of training and development to all levels of employees would enhance their capability and even take them to supervisor positions. The hotel organization should spend a larger amount of funds in training and development as a lack of budget would lead to ineffective training facilities. This organization should consider training and development as an essential part of organizational strategy to attract as well as retain the talented employees.

It is further seen that majority of hotels are deprived of key performance indicators and are not giving focus on employee’s performance. The lack of key performance indicators is responsible for minimal contribution in organization while various hotels possess performance indicators which are not formalized. It is thus recommended since performance indicator’s achievement is the management’s responsibility so each of the hotel should formulate performance indicator to enhance performance level.

It is recommended that the organization should increase the quality of management and leadership as a lack of management in these sectors would lead to various issues. The hotel industry should even foster innovation throughout its organization as innovation have a major impact on the performance of employees. Innovation assist in recruiting the right talent, create a corporate culture and even help in developing innovative skills. However, apart from recruitment of right talent, it is even more essential to increase the rewards systems in an organization. There is a direct connection of strategic human resource management with business strategy as a business would attain success if human resources are maintained and monitored effectively. All the strategy of the business will be successful if the organization satisfy the employees of the organization to perform a task efficiently.

Motivation is one of the major essentialities which is needed by each of the organization to decline turnover. Majority of the organization’s costs is wasted on recruitment of the employees due to higher rate of turnover. It is thus recommended that Hotel organization should keep on providing monetary and non-monetary incentives to increase the level of performance and minimize turnover. If the employees are satisfied with their work than they are seen enhancing the performance which in turn increase the profitability of the organization.

Lastly, it is also recommended that the organization must acquire the right talent and proper training must be given to the recruiters as wrong recruitment of the employees would lead to various issues in an organization. Hence, it is recommended that the Hotel industry should review each of the challenges in detail and use an effective strategy to solve all the issues.

Access issues

Since the interview was conducted with the top-level managers of hotels in London, the major limitation was an accessibility issue. The employees were very busy with the work schedules that they were not able to give their 100% at the time of the interview process. Moreover, it was even very difficult to reveal some internal and sectoral information as various confidential matters were included in the interview questions. Moreover, since higher-level employees were selected for an interview, the lack of middle or lower-level employees have led to incomplete data collection.

Financial issues

The researcher had faced issues in gathering secondary information as most of the resources were highly paid. The researcher was not able to go through various resources as they were paid and thus, the researcher only took the help of those research which was not charged. Since half of the study was dependent on secondary data, but financial issues have led to an ineffective research study.

Time constraints

The time limit has also brought various issues for the researcher as it was difficult for the researcher to have a detailed analysis. The research would have been more convenient if there were no constraints of time. The researcher was even not able to give more time to interview findings and even gave lesser time for the analysis of secondary data.

Further research

This research has made the usage of interview findings to collect the primary data wherein high-level managers of hotels were included. This has led to issues in getting detail knowledge regarding challenges and issues. It would be good for this research to be conducted with both lower and higher-level managers as the problem of accessibility will be solved. Moreover, it would be beneficial for the researcher to have different perspectives from a different level of employees. Since this study has not taken the interview of lower or middle-level employees, further study would be giving major emphasis on all levels of employees.

Apart from the interview, this study will even take the usage of the survey in future research so that appropriate information could be collected from both the sources. The future study will even take the assistance of finance to enhance the strength of the study. The researcher would ask financial help from the university so that effective research would be done, and a greater number of secondary data would be collected. Lastly, future research would even start the work by planning and time management so that the researcher doesn’t face the shortage of time.

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