Effective HRM in Global Firms


Strategic human resource management is the practice of managing the human resources of the multinational corporate firms in order to retain efficient staff members in the organisation for enhancing the overall performance of the companies (Berman et al., 2019). The employees are the main stakeholders of the companies and it is the responsibility of the managers to develop effective strategic human resource management planning for creating values for the staff members so that the managers can be successful to retain the long run employees who are efficient to perform better and contribute with their full potential for achieving the organisational success in future. The aim of the study is to discuss proper model and theories for strategic human resource management through which it is possible to develop effective strategic planning to manage the human resources of the companies. Through the study, it is also possible to address the existing organisational issues and analyse the current trend to recommend some suitable strategies for enhancing the human resource management practice in the organisation. In this study, the strategic human resource management practice in the First Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) Organisation will be analysed through which it is easy to discuss and recommend some effective strategic planning to manage the human resources in the organisation like Tesco which is operating in the First Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) sector where there is high demand of the consumers for the consumer goods including clothing and accessories, health and beauty, groceries and daily purpose products for the consumers and it is the responsibility of the employees to perform better and serve the customers in an efficient way so that they can retain the customers for long run and satisfy them by providing the quality products and efficient services according to the consumer’s needs and preferences. Hereby, it is the responsibility of the managers to develop proper strategic human resource management planning to manage the employees and staff members for retaining the efficient staff for long run so that it is easy for the organisation to enhance their performance and gain highly competitive advantage in the global First Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) sector (Tesco, 2019).

Developing knowledge and understanding about the strategic human resource management

Strategic human resource management is one of the best way to improve the overall performance of the organisation where encouraging employee’s creativity and innovation, motivating hem to performance and creating values for the staff members are beneficial to improve involvement with the employees and retain the efficient staff for long run to achieve future organisational success (Morgeson, Brannick, and Levine, 2019). There is hard and soft Human resource management model through which it is possible to understand the practice of strategic management of human resource. As per the soft human resource practice, the leaders are concerned about need of the employees, developing commitment, participation and motivating the employees, ensuring workforce flexibility, quality care and strategic integration through which the leaders and the managers try to manage the employees.

Hard and soft theory of Human Resource Management

According to soft human resource management practice, the managers try to develop the strategic planning through employee influence, encouraging their creativity and innovation, rewards system and working flexibility so that the employees can feel valued and work with their full potential. The leaders and managers are concerned to create values for the employees and lead them towards achieving success where they can maximise their welfare by getting high return on investment. On the other hand, the hard practice of human resource management focuses on achieving organisational goals, cost control, hiring, moving and Iringa d performnace management so that the ultimate organisational goals can be achieved soon. Hard human resource management is task focused and low commitment, but the soft human resource is related to high commitment and creating values for the staff members. Hard human resource management leads to poor employee relation, high retrenchment and low motivation, but the soft practice of human resource leads the organisation towards achieving success through high employee motivation, fulfilling the organisational commitment and creating values for the staff members. In the recent trend of human resource management, it is necessary for the organisations to follow the soft human resource management practices and develop transformational leadership style with communication, cooperation and empowerment of the staff so that it is possible to achieve future success by improving involvement with all the stakeholders of the firm (Kanki, Anca, and Chidester, 2019).

Strategic planning for human resource management

As per the human resource theory and practice, it is necessary for the leaders and the managers to understand the interest of the stakeholders so that they can create values for the shareholders, managers and employees at the workplace. The situational factors such as technological advancement, creating employment dashboard for improving communication, cultural diversity management and workforce culture are necessary to develop suitable organisational workplace to encourage the people towards achieving future success. In this regard, the strategic planning of rewards management, performance management, developing training program and maintaining health and safety of the employees are effective to satisfy the workers and retain the efficient employees in long run so that the vision and mission of the firms can be maximised (Devine et al., 2019). The outcome of managing strategic human resource management are high commitment and competencies, improving organisational performnace in a cost-effective way and creating string relationship by improving involvement with all the employees. The wellbeing of the employees can be maximised where commitment and providing rewards and high return on investment are beneficial for the leaders and the managers to create values for the staff and satisfying them successfully. Best use of skill, utilising employee’s experience and enhancing creativity and innovation are other advantages of managing appropriate human resource management strategic planning through which the organisation can enhance their performnace and gain highly competitive advantages in the global market.

Key trends and issues of current development of strategic human resource management

In such an era of globalisation, there is technological advancement in the strategic human resource management, and it is hard for the organisations to manage the technological upgradation in the workplace and enhance the impacts of globalisation in the organisation. The presence of transformational leadership style is another trend where the employees and managers prefer to communicate positively with the leader and senior representative of the business to manage fairness and working in partnership practice. Improving employee’s expectations and creating values of the employees is another trend where the managers vand the organisational leaders are concern in managing the employees by maximising welfare for them. Another trend of strategic human resource management is cognitive assessment and social media interaction for enhancing involvement with the staff and retain them for long run.

Current trend of human resource management

In the recent trend of strategic human resource management, there needs to be done proper recruitment and selection procedure to hire the right employees in the organisation so that the overall performnace of the firm can be maximised. In this regard, the organisation Tesco which is operating in the FMCG sector is also facing some human resource management issues in managing their staffing process such as lack of training program and proper monitoring process (Tesco, 2019). Here are other issues such as managing changes in the workplace where the resistance to change and internal conflicts are the major challenges which cannot be managed by the manager at the workplace due to lack of communication and non-cooperation. In such an era of globalisation, there is high rate of employee mobility and it is hard for the manger to manage differences in language, culture and values. Cultural diversity in this regard is another serious problem which needs to be maintained at the workplace to develop appropriate human resource management (Saeed et al., 2019).

Issues of managing human resource

Lack of communication and non-cooperation are other issues in the organisation like Tesco which is operating in FMCG and it deteriorates the performance of the firm in the market to gain highly competitive advantages. In order to expand the business of Tesco, as a reputed firm in the FNCG sector worldwide, to USA, it is necessary to resolve the challenges of poor communication and lack of cooperation so that they can develop effective human resource management planning (Tesco, 2019). Lack of implementation of the policies and practice of strategic human resource management as well as managing Employment rights and privacy policies are other legal issues at the firm which needs to be addressed by developing proper strategic human resource management planning.

Role of managers in developing strategic human resource management

The human resource managers play crucial role in developing proper planning for proper management of the human resources at the organisation and they are also responsible for recruiting the right person for the organisation so that it is possible for the firm to enhance their performnace as a whole and achieve the future success efficiently. The managerial functions of the human resource managers are planning, organising, controlling the employees, directing and staffing which are necessary to reshape proper planning for managing employees and staff members. Developing privacy policies and providing safe and secured workplace is the responsibility of the mangers so that the workers can work with harmony and freedom and they can feel safe while working (Turner et al., 2019). In addition to this, staffing strategies include higher quality care and services, increasing employee retention through creating values for them, improving cost control and continuous motivation and encouraging the employee’s creativity and innovation and it is the role of the managers to develop appropriate strategic planning for staffing so that they can retain long term employees for the organisation. In addition to these, directing the employees and developing appropriate training and development program are also the role of the managers through which it can be ensured to enhance personal and professional development for all the staff members, who can improve their knowledge and technical skill for long run in order to contribute their full potential to achieve organisational success.

Role of the human resource managers

In addition to these above discussions, there are operational functions which are conducted by the human resource managers where procurement, development of the human resource, compensation and maintenance are included. Enhancing motivation and integration at the workplace are also the role of the managers where the managers try to encourage the staff members for retaining them for long run. Additionally, the managers are responsible to develop improper monitoring system and recruitment strategy to select the right candidate as well as conduct motoring for evaluating their performance and providing training for improving their performnace (Banks et al., 2019). In the present case study, the human resource manager of Tesco is also responsible for managing he human resource and enhancing the performnace of them by providing proper training and development program. The managers of the Tesco are also concerned in creating suitable organisational culture for managing the human resource where they try to manage transparency and accountability at the place and enhance trust and loyalty among the employees were the staff member feel values and they can be treated fairly. In addition to these, the managers are efficient to retain the employees by providing the monetary and non-monetary rewards where the employees can fulfil their basic needs, self-actualisation dn the needs of self-esteem. Providing proper promotion, harmony and freedom to work as well as sense of achievement are also the role of the managers where the management team are takin care of the employees and they contribute to create values for the employees. In addition to these, the human resource managers at the organisation Tesco try to provide monetary rewards such as compensation and bonus for motivating them to work efficiently for long run. Hereby, the managers play an important role in the organisation for planning, creating and controlling all the staff members so that it is possible for them to improve their knowledge and abilities and retaining them for long run to achieve the organisational success by enhancing their performnace as a whole (Tesco, 2019).

Tools of strategic human resource management

There are many effective tools of managing strategic human resources at the organisation such as performance and reward management, talent management, training and development, personal administration, recruitment and selection, labour relationship, and enhancing communication and cooperation. Through recruitment and selection process, it is possible to manage the strategic human resource where the managers can select and hire the right person for the organisation and in this regard the planning for recruitment is necessary. Under the planning, the manager tries to conduct job analysis, understand the requirements of the organisation, recruitment strategy whether it is interview or written examination and others online examinations as well as ensure the qualification of the employees (Verma and Bandi, 2019). Secondly, for recruitment, the mangers try to use external sources such as job portals and direct applications from the applicants through company job portals as well as internal portals such as referral for recruiting the right candidates for the organisation. Screening, interview and background investment are necessary for recruitment and selection. After selection, it is necessary for the mangers to provide induction process and effective training and development program for improving their skill and knowledge, so that they can understand the job requirements as well as perform well with their full potential. In addition to these, the strategy of monetary rewards is another necessary tool for managing the employees were the managers try to create values for the employees by providing them proper salary and other incentive so that they can fulfil their basic needs and preferences (Noe et al., 2017). Additionally, managing health and safety at the workplace and creating suitable workplace are other tools through which the organisation like Tesco can develop suitable strategic planning for managing the employees and gain highly competitive advantage in the FNCG sector across the world.

tools for strategic human resource management

In addition to these, performance and reward management is another tool where continuous monitoring process through CCTV and employment portals for evaluating their performance and continuous motivation are effective to enhance their performance. In this regard, the managers of Tesco are also efficient to utilise the tools of strategic human resource management where they try to caret values and maximise welfare for the employees through providing monetary and non-monetary rewards (Tesco, 2019). Providing suitable working culture is necessary where the managers try to provide harmony and freedom to choose their working time and work with freedom (Cascio, 2015). The management team of Tesco are also concerned about enhancing communication and cooperation, so that it is possible to develop an effective team. In this regard, the managers try to enhance communication through positive interaction and group discussion so that they can discuss about performance improvement tactics and identify suitable way out to enhance their overall performance to maximise values for the organisation so that the company Tesco can gain highly competitive advantage in the FMCG sector in the USA where it tries to expand its business across the USA through enhancing their performance and satisfying the consumers in the new market horizon across the USA. In addition to these, the managers also try to develop proper strategy to enhance cooperation so that it is possible to retain the employees or long run and develop strategic human resource management practice for creating an effective team at the workplace (Tesco, 2019). In this regard, team building activities and improving trust and loyalty among the employees are helpful to develop human resource management planning at the workplace of the firm. Additionally, the managers at the organisation focus on labour relations where they try to improve involvement with the staff members as well as build strong corporate relationship with all the staff in order to retain them for long run (Bailey et al., 2018). The practice of creating values for the employees, fulfilling their requirements, meeting their expectation, taking care of the employee’s safety and security are the practice at Tesco through which the mangers aim to develop strong bonding with the staff member and enhance trust and loyalty among them, which is necessary part in managing strategic human resource management at the reputed multinational corporate firm like Tesco. Moreover, the organisation Tesco is concerned to provide proper training and development program for enamouring the employees through personal and professional development as well as improving their knowledge and technical skill and abilities for enhancing their performnace so that the staff members can understand the customer’s requirements in the FMCG sector and meet the needs and preferences of the customers for long run through which the organisation can gain highly competitive advantage is the FMCG sector across the USA. The employees are the major stakeholders of the company and it is the responsibility of the manager to crate values for all the staff members so that they can feel valued at the workplace and work with freedom and harmony for long run (Tesco, 2019).

Discussing effective performnace management and appraisal strategies

Managing performance of the workers is necessary for the managers and in this regard, the managers of the organisations play a crucial role to manage the performance and enhance the contribution of the employees in achieving the organisational success. Performance focused organisational culture and enhancing communication and cooperation are necessary where the managers try to improve engagement with the employees and retain them for long run (Bratton, and Gold, 2017). In this regard, the appraisal program is also playing an important role in enhancing their performnace where the managers provide monetary and nonmonetary rewards to the employees. The monetary rewards include proper structured salary, performnace related pay, yearly bonus and other compensation which are beneficial for the employees. The monetary rewards are advantageous to crate values for the employees and retain them for long run to achieve high performance objective at the firm.

performnace management

On the other hand, there are other benefits such as health and safety at workplace, providing health insurance to the employee and giving accidental injuries claim to the staff are also effective strategic planning for the managers to create values for the employees for long run (Collings, Wood, and Szamosi, 2018). In addition to these, there are other appraisal program through which the performance can be managed well and among these, providing training and development program after analysing the training needs of the staff is necessary. In this regard, the organisation like Tesco needs to access all the necessary training tools and technological enhancement at the workplace for arranging effective training program for all the staff embers so that they can ensure personal and professional development at the company. It is also other tools for providing performnace appraisal as well as evaluate the performnace of the employees successfully. Continuous monitoring process as well as motivating the staff for performing better are also effective to improve their overall contribution to achieve success for Tesco to gain high competitive advantage in the FMCG sector in the USA, where the organisation can expand their business in the sector through retaining efficient staff members for long run (Tesco, 2019). Additionally, the appraisal program includes proper implementation of the legal and legislative practice at the workplace where the laws like Health and Safety at Workplace 2010, Data Protection Act 1998, Minimum Wage Payment Act Are effective to motivate the staff and retain them or long run where the employees also can get suitable and safe place to work and give their full potential for achieving the organisational aims and objectives (Pentyala, and Ahmed, 2018). In addition to these, the managers developed effective performance related pay scheme which further encourage the staff members to work with their full potential and achieve success where they try to work harder to get higher payment at the workplace. This is also another appraisal tools for managing performance of the employees and the mangers can ensure continuous improvement of the performance of the employees through monetary and nonmonetary rewards, performance appraisals and legal rules implementation (Tesco, 2019).

Analysing the strategic planning for developing high involvement working system to create competitive advantage

Creating high involvement working practice in the organisation is effective for strategic human resource management where the involvement between the managers and employees can be enhanced and they can rely on each other for maximising the organisational aims and objectives (Lin et al., 2016). In this regard the managers need to interact each of the employees positively with simple language and crate values for all of them. In this regard, the managers of Tesco are also efficient to develop positive interaction with respect and integrity so that the employees can feel valued while interacting with others. In addition to these, proper communication and managing the workplace positively are also helpful for improving involvement with the employees, in addition to these, transformational leadership style should be maintained by the leaders at the organisations so that they can encourage and motivate the employees continuously and empower them in the organisational decision making practice (Tesco, 2019). Moreover, the leaders must be involved with the employees and encourage their creativity and innovation to work. Proper communication and flexible working practice are effective to cart involvement with all the members in the organisation. Providing harmony and from to work further enhance flexibility where the employees are also cooperating, and the managers and leaders are successful to improving trust and loyalty among the team members for long run (Vomberg, Homburg, and Bornemann, 2015).

Strategies to create high involvement working system

Team working is another tactic through which the organisations try to improve involvement and create strong relationship with the employees. In this regard, developing cooperative working practiced sharing each other’s experience as well as communication while working are necessary to build strong corporate relationship where the leaders and the managers can motivate the employees to tale active part and improve their involvement in performing better and achieving the organisational success. Implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is effective for improving external and internal communication where the employees can develop an effective team at the workplace. On the other hand, change management is also necessary in the workplace to improve involvement and resolve the existing issues of internal conflicts and resistance to change. Shared vision and sharing the organisational aims and objectives with the employees, employee’s dashboard for improving interaction and providing them clear vision of the organisation are effective for the employees to understand the necessities of change management at the workplace. Apart from that, the leaders and the mangers need to empower the employees in the organisational decision making practice so that the employees can feel the sense of achievements and responsibility which is also effective or improving involvement at the workplace., for example the managers of Tesco try to improve engagement with all the employees by acknowledging their needs and preferences as well as fulfilling their requirements which in turn help to create values for all of them. In addition to this, the company is successful to focus on transformational leadership style so that they can create friendly workplace to work where the flexible working practices and relationship between the staff members can be built (Tesco, 2019).

Developing effective training strategies for high performnace in the organisation

Developing proper training and development program is necessary for improving knowledge and technical skill of the employees so that they can perform better and achieve the organisational aim. In this regard, identifying the training needs of the staff members, understanding the customer’s requirements and acknowledging their preferences are necessary to develop the training through which the staff can improve tehri knowledge and gather more understanding to serve the customers in the FMCG sector with quality products and efficient services. Developing the program through research and development as well as sharing each other experience in the training session are necessary. In the training process, the digital information as well as providing proper instruction about the job description, technology available to serve the customers and organisational practice are discussed so that the staff members can understand the process of improving their performnace.

Training session for performance management

Proper management of the training and appraisal program, encouraging the staff during the training session with positive incentives to attend the program and workshop are also necessary to improve involvement with the employees and encourage them to perform better. Proper communication and open discussion in the training program also need to be managed by the management team of the organisation so that the staff can attend the program and share their experience and clear their doubts positively.

Implementing effective strategic human resource management to resolve the organisational issues

It is necessary for the organisation Tesco to resolve the above-mentioned issues and utilise the strategic human resource management planning in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the business. The company tries to expand their business in the FMCG sector across the USA that they can retain the customers and fulfil their expectations by delivering the quality organisational products and efficient services. In order to achieve the aim, it is necessary to develop strategic planning for managing human resource of the organisation so that the firm also can gai high market share and achieve highly competitive advantage in the FMCG sector. The strategic planning for successful recommendation can be developed further through which the organisational Tesco can expand their business by managing the staff member for long run.

Improving communication:

It is necessary to improve communication among the employees as it is helpful to improve involvement at the workplace and share their experience with other colleagues. In this regard, the company needs to implement ICT which is important for sharing their knowledgably dn skill as well as gather data about managing the customers. Moreover, arranging group discussion at the stores of Tesco and attending the general meeting of Tesco are necessary for the workforce to improve communication where they can share their experience, in this regard, improving communication through positive interaction showing respect and integrity are necessary for managing the strategic human resource. In the group discussion, it is necessary to discuss over the existing issues and identify the strategies to sole the organisational problems. This is effective for improving communication and create strong involvement with each other.

Enhancing cooperation for teamwork:

Enhancing cooperation and developing collaborating working practice for teamwork is also necessary where the mangers of Tesco need to improve their activities to develop an effective team at the workplace where all the members can work proficiently, and they can share their experience and technical skill for improving overall performnace. Additionally, the leaders and managers of the firm need to empower all the employees and acknowledge their perception to develop proper strategic planning to expand the business in the FMCG sector across the USA. Hereby, cooperative working practice and teamwork needs to be enhanced for improving involvement among the members and providing them high return on investment.

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Restructuring the rewards system:

Reward system needs to be managed well in which the managers need to provide monetary and non-monetary rewards to the employees for creating values for them. In this regard, the managers of the fir Tesco need to develop performance related pay for overtime work where the employees try to work efficiently if they get rewarded. In addition to these, providing them insurance premium and accidental benefits for treatment is necessary so that the employees cab feel valued and they can work for long run to achieve organisational success. Moreover, the managers and leaders of the organisation Tesco, needs to hire efficient staff and develop effective training and development program in expanding their business in the USA, so that the employees can manage the store proficiently and provide effective care and support to the customers in the marketplace of USA.

Change management:

Managing change is necessary strategy for maintaining the human resource where the managers also can resolve the issue of internal conflicts and resistance to change. The managers of Tesco in this regard needs to share their vision and mission with the employees and let them understand about the advantages of changed policy at the workplace so that they can understand and manage changes. The leaders also need to be transparent and develop suitable culture with fulfilment of commitment of the employees. It is necessary to build trust and loyalty as well as improve involvement with the employees.

Organisational culture:

It is necessary to improve organisational culture for the organisation to perform better in the FMCG sector where the mangers of the organisation need to manage transparency and accountability to treat all the employees fairly. Moreover, the implementation of act such as Non-discriminatory policies and practice, Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 2010 are effective to crate values for the employees and retain them for long run where it is possible to resolve the issues of cultural diversity. In addition to these, for improving organisational culture, the managers need to develop team building activities and encourage collaboration and working in partnership so that all the staff members can achieve their shared vision successfully.

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It can be concluded that, managing effective strategic planning for retaining efficient staff members for the organisation Tesco is necessity so that it can achieve the aim of expanding their business across the FMCG sector in USA so that it can gain highly competitive advantage over other firms which are also operating in the FMCG sector. The current issues of internal conflicts, resistance to change and cultural differences need to be maintained as well as the issues of poor performance is another main problem which needs to be resolved through motivating and encouraging the employees by providing monetary and non-monetary rewards. The company Tesco needs to focus on develop effective strategic planning for managing human resources where the major strategies are such as developing suitable organisational culture, managing changes, improving cooperation, enhancing communication and reward management so that it is possible to manage the employees and improve involvement with them at the workplace.

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