Employee Selection Group Coursework

The Characteristics of an Effective Work Group

An effective team always exudes an aura of success together with happiness for any organization. It carries with it specific aspects that make it succeed every time. Among the main characteristics that make an effective tea is them treating one another with respect. A successfully, effective team understands that there is nothing like a one-man show but they work together and refer to themselves as a group instead of an individual. Such a group works together to encourage one another in each and everything they do (McEwan, Ruissen, Eys, Zumbo & Beauchamp, 2017). At all times they uplift one another and hide the faults of their fellow member instead of shaming the weakling in the group. When one needs space they give it but ensure during a challenge they rise up together to counteract it. More so out of treating each other respectfully, they communicate freely and easily ensuring that they share their ideas with one another (Broncano et al., 2017). No one is treated as less of a person so each opinion is taken seriously with them offering constructive criticism.


Secondly, an effective team takes whatever they do seriously by using their differing personalities to bring out the best work (Raluca & Romulus, 2015). These individuals support the company’s mission as well as purpose. In as much as they may question some of the policies, they are given together with the procedures used they still remain loyal to their purpose in the company. Regardless of what they do not agree with, they downplay the weaknesses of their team members and play to their strengths (Adelopo, Asante, Dart & Rufai, 2017). Additionally, they ensure that they focus on the team’s goals without wavering.

Thirdly, such a team gets bound by the same values. In as much as different personalities can make the workplace more productive at times, it can make people get at loggerheads. Not everyone will be enthusiastic about their work but values in the workplace bind them together (McClelland, 2012). Among the values that holds such a team together includes Integrity, honesty, and empathy. These are the desirable human qualities that help keep people together. The qualities bring by a sense of joy and happiness to a person and a sense of pride in belonging in a particular organization.

I have had the privilege of working in a group before in my school work and I can ascertain it is not easy maybe if we had some of these pointers we would have had a productive work at the end of the day. For one I noticed some members of the group would rely on one side and they did not play their part in contributing to the group’s agenda. Getting everyone to attend the meetings so as to carry out the group assignment was very difficult. Some would come up with excuses. The best part about the group is that most were ready to compensate for the weaknesses of some of the members. Hence having a group requires all to respect the goal of the group and work towards accomplishing that goal.

Retention Strategies Organisations Can Use

Most organizations assume that employees leave their jobs to go and work in other places because of pay. The perception is not always Right. The truth is that it takes more than just salary for one to retain their workforce. According to research, 88% of employees leave their jobs for reasons more than just their pay (Soundarapandiyan & Ganesh, 2015). However, most managers have the fabricated belief that most of their workforce leave work because of pay. Turnover is always costly to the company it does not add it but rather reduce it in value among other aspects. According to Cloutier, Felusiak, Hill & Pemberton-Jones (2015), it cost about three times an employee's salary to replace one. The company has to carry out recruitments, they lose productivity as well as opportunities. Hence, whey organization must adapt retention methods so as to hinder such counter effects from happening.

An organization should analyze retention as recruiting the workforce into its entity. One should realize that what may attract an employee to a particular company might not necessarily be what keeps them there (Falcone, 2016). While salary is a good way to keep the employees motivated and faithful, that alone will not make them stay in a particular place. Other advantageous aspects are the goals of keeping employees faithful. Among the effective methods of employee retention includes training the staff. Training for the employees helps in reinforcing their sense of value. The measure helps in ensuring that the workforce achieves their goals as well as have a solid understanding of what is required of them in the job.

Mentorship programs are another effective way of retaining workers (Guha & Chakrabarti, 2016). Pairing that new employee who does not know anyone with a mentor is a constructive idea for onboarding. They can learn the ropes in the organization from the veterans. The nights as well offer a fresh viewpoint to the staff who are more experienced in their work.

Additionally, compensations are another essential move in the competitive labor market. It includes salaries as well as bonuses and payoffs, health insurance, retirement plans among others. Managers should be careful about what their company culture represents. They should not expect workers to work long hours without them having their time set aside to relax. Burn out can because the company to have issues authors staff. Thus, the organization should encourage staff to take a vacation for offs and if employees are working long hours ensure that the next day there will have a late arrival to work. Such will ensure workers have rested enough (Guha & Chakrabarti, 2016).

Lastly, recognition coupled with rewards goes a long way to motivate the workforce. Every individual wants to feel appreciated in all they do (Few Companies have Employee Retention Strategies, 2010). The organization should make it a habit to appreciate their workers. Make them feel important and that their work gets valued in their organization. The institution should have an employee of the month rewards as well as incentives for a job well done. Such efforts help in boosting the morale of the team.

Importance of Performance Appraisals for Managing the Performance of Your Newly Recruited Employee

An effective performance appraisal has a significant impact on the organization’ culture employee engagement levels or their morale which in turn helps in enhancing the employer's brand. The appraisals provide the company with an effective opportunity to recognize as well as rewards the workers (Cappelli & Conyon, 2018). The system is clear as well as a consistent method to manage and review performance. Performance appraisal is one of the essential parts of the human resource department that helps in the contribution of a company. Having an effective appraisal in place will not only eliminate behaviour problems but will as well Improve the quality of work given by the staff. It helps motivate them to contribute more.

From the beginning of one's job and through it they need to know how good they are in terms of their field of work. It is difficult for an individual to give themselves objective feedback concerning their work. Thus, it helps for someone else who will practice objectivity to do it so as to have conclusive feedback (Chand & Ranga, 2018). Performance appraisal tool is one of the most important facilities that help in getting feedback and reviews concerning one's performance. It as well estimates whether the performance is effective and what actions one required to take for it to become so. Managers in any company carry out evaluations so as to benefit the employer together with the workers. In relation to newly recruited employees, performance appraisal can help in encouraging them to have good work productivity as well as improvement (du Plessis & van Niekerk, 2017). The opportunity to celebrate a job well done is one of the easiest parts of performance appraisal. Noticing areas of improvements are never that easy. Thus, this tool can work as the best way to analyze a new employee's areas of improvement.

The new staff can as well feel valued. The appraisals are significant ways that managers can use to make their new subordinates feel valued. The process helps in giving back sincere feedback thus, sparring the taskforce to work better and smarter (Omar, Abukhalifeh & Mohamed, 2015). Employees value frequent praises and recognition. Thus, managers letting them know that they are aware of the work done helps in improving their morale. Additionally, they can help in reducing grievances in the workplace. The appraisal is one of the greatest opportunities to address one's concerns. In case the nee employee finds themselves in a situation that they find not favourable for their work sanity, through appraisals they can address the issue.

More so, it helps in strengthening bonds in the workplace (Suciu, Mortan & Lazăr, 2013). It promotes team cohesion as well as the overall productivity of the new workers. Team cohesion is important for overall productivity. Thus, an appraisal helps the nee employees develop good relationships with the veterans of the company. It also helps them align priorities and carry out discussions concerning matters of interest in the company.

The Different Types of Organisational Culture

Every company has their underlying beliefs, values, assumptions and the way they interact with others so as to have a unique social as well as psychological environment in an organization (Cho, Kim, Park & Cho, 2013). They include the organizational expectations, their philosophy, and experience together with valued that govern the behaviours of their members. It is normally expressed in how members. Interact with the outside world, their self-image together with their inner workings. They are based on shared attitudes, customs, beliefs, written and unwritten rules that an organization develops over time.

There are four different types of culture types that exist in organizations. They include clan culture which can be compared to a family (Gao, 2017). The working environment is friendly and many people have a lot in common with one another. The leaders in the organization are seen more as father figures. They help mentor the lives of their subordinates. The organization is close knot by loyalty together with tradition. Everyone works together as a close family and there is a significant amount of involvement. Such a company promotes teamwork, consensus, and participation.

Secondly, there is the adhocracy culture which holds a dynamic and creative environment. The employees thrice at taking risks and the leaders are seen more like innovators and risk takers (Iriana, Buttle & Ang, 2013). Their long term goal is for them to grow tremendously and create new resources for their organization. When there is the availability of services and nee products they view it as a success. Lastly, the organization promotes freedom together with individual initiatives.

Thirdly market culture is another organization which is based on results. They emphasize on finishing the work given and getting things done in their entity. The staff are competitive and they focus more on achieving their goals. Leaders are producers, hard driven and more so rivals in their work. They are not only tough but they as well have high expectations from everyone. The organization is kept together by its emphasis on winning. Reputation and success are the most important aspects of the organization. Lastly, hierarchy culture is a formalized and structured work environment (Ogbeibu, Senadjki & Luen Peng, 2018). They follow procedures which decide what people can and cannot do. The leaders are proud of efficiency based on their coordination. Maintaining the smooth functioning of the organization is the crucial aspect of this organization. Policy and formal rules keep such an entity together.

I would like to develop a clan culture in my organization. For one, it brings about togetherness and emphasizes on teamwork. In as much as the members of the organization might be competitive to reach their desired goals they are mindful of others and they focus on uplifting them as well. Since the main agenda is for leaders and executives to become mentors in such an institution then it will have protégés. That means the subordinates will grow to become better than their leaders and thus sustain the institution (Kummerow, Ying & Kirby, 2014). Meaning in case of the executives not being around the subordinates can have the capacity to lead the organization successfully.

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  • Adelopo, I., Asante, J., Dart, E., & Rufai, I. (2017). Learning groups: the effects of group diversity on the quality of group reflection. Accounting Education, 26(5/6), 553–575. https://doi.org/10.1080/09639284.2017.1327360.
  • Ang, McEwan, D., Ruissen, G. R., Eys, M. A., Zumbo, B. D., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2017). The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Interventions. PLoS ONE, 12(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169604
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  • Chand, M., & Ranga, A. (2018). Performance Appraisal Practices in Indian Hotel Industry: An Investigation of Employee’s Perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems, 11(2), 47–55. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hjh&AN=129662612&site=ehost-live.
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  • Ogbeibu, S., Senadjki, A., & Luen Peng, T. (2018). An organisational culture and trustworthiness multidimensional model to engender employee creativity. American Journal of Business (Emerald Group Publishing Limited), 33(4), 179–202. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJB-12-2017-0043.
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  • Suciu, L.-E., Mortan, M., & Lazăr, L. (2013). Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. An Empirical Study: Civil Servant’s Performance Appraisal Influencing Expectancy. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, (39), 180–200. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=88378969&site=ehost-live.

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