Employee Wellbeing And Engagement

a. Impact of employee wellbeing on the competitive advantage and organisational sustainability:

According to Gilchrist et al. (2015), employee wellbeing is one of the important aspects in the business through which organisation ensures the optimum effort and dedication of all the organisational staffs in order to achieve the organisational goals. HRM dissertation help Being a line manager is retail organisational I always emphasize on improving the employee engagement that is associated with the promoting the employee wellbeing and organisational productivity. I always believe in one theory that, if the organisational staffs are properly involved into the organisational goals, they not only can understand the actual organisational target but also can introduce the innovative as well as relevant strategies that can assist the organisational to deal with any types of the sudden difficulties. Employment engagement is directly associated with eth employee wellbeing as well as organisational productivity. In my workplace, I always assure that all the staffs working in my team would be happy and satisfied with their task criteria and job responsibilities. (Refers to appendix 1)

As stated by Bakker and Demerouti (2018), the organisational environment is an important aspect in order to impact the employee wellbeing, organisational sustainability and competitive advantage. Being line manager in my workplace, I focus on maintaining peaceful, supportive and high motivating organisational environment and culture. By creating the culture of engagement into my workplace environment, I always encourage the staffs to deal with challenging task and share their opinion as well as understand regarding the tasks. I always believe that an organisational can achieve its target by maintaining highly sustainable workforces that can deal with any sudden challenges that can arise in the market. For developing sustainable workforces, it is important for the organisational to have such an organisational environment that is based on unity, loyalty and positivity. Moreover, along with all these supportive activities, I also encourage the competition into the workplace. Through developing competition among staffs, I thank I would be able to develop the strength of the workforces in terms of grabbing the completive advantage.


Key competencies required by line managers to promote employee wellbeing

For maintaining the proper employee wellbeing at my workplace I always focus on developing my strength and skills. Being a line manager I have some strength and skill that I use to improve the employment and wellbeing throughout the organisational operation. The strengths and skills are as follows:


I always work as a good investigator as well as organizer of change. Through this role, I am able to check the overall organisational operations and staffs' compatibility. Being a line I also work as the gatekeeper, in order to allocate the proper time, resources and training to all my staffs in order to improve their understanding as well as job satisfaction I also act as leaders to guide as well as train all the staffs in polite manner to make theme understanding about their strengths and drawbacks.


Inner conflict and opinion mismatch among the organisational staffs that affect my working process. Moreover, sometimes, during my leadership, I also face several conflicts and indiscipline activities of the staffs which affect the overall success of the business strategies

This report is going to highlight the concept the employee wellbeing and its effect on eth organisational productivity. Moreover, the report also represents the factors in a country that affect the wellbeing strategies of an organisation. The report will critically discuss the wellbeing initiative taken by Schneider Electric by using the Appreciate Inquiry Technique.

According to Guest (2017), employee well-being is an important aspect in terms of maintaining employee engagement and organisational productivity. Organisational can be benefited in several ways in terms of maintaining the proper employee wellbeing. Following are the common benefits of the employee wellbeing:

Employee wellbeing is associated with not only the physical wellbeing but also the social, emotional and cognitive wellbeing that have the potential impact on forming positive behaviour in staffs. In this aspect, Schneider Electric, the French, multinational energy Management Company, has already placed the employee wellbeing strategies at their core business framework. Through emphasizing on the employee wellbeing development, this company prioritise improving the behavioural devilment and moral sense of the organisational staffs which will enhance the sustainability of the workforces as well as of the organisation.

Through developing the employee wellbeing, the manager can improve the overall mental and physical health of the staffs (Ballard and Grawitch, 2017). Schneider Electric focuses has conducted training sessions which prioritise different wellbeing factors such as nutrition, proper sleep, healthy foods and regular exercise. (Refers to Appendix 2)

Employee wellbeing is directly associated with organisational productivity and employee engagement. In the given case study, Schneider Electric has standardised its organisational strategy by putting the employee wellbeing at the centre. Employee wellbeing enhances the ability and efficiency of staffs in order to deal with any task. Moreover, through improving employee involvement, employee wellbeing can motivate the staffs to put their best effort in order to meet the common organisational goals rather than focusing on their individual goals.

Through promoting the employee wellbeing, organisational can develop a high level of employee engagement which leads to the reduction in the employee absentees and turns over. Throughout the process of developing employee wellbeing, Schneider Electric focuses on improving the five aspects of wellbeing such as healthy behaviour, flexibility, positive organisational culture, physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing. Through maintaining these aspects, Schneider Electric can be able to reduce the absenteeism and turnover of the staffs.

Although several benefits are associated with employee well-being, organisational also has to deal with some limitation as well, as challenges in terms of promoting proper employee wellbeing.

The increased cost is one of the limitations as well as challenges that an organisation can face during conducting as well as implementing the employee wellbeing strategies (Ballard and Grawitch, 2017). Schneider Electric has established different wellness program and training for its staffs in order to offer the facilities and opportunities to them in order to promote their wellbeing. (Refers to appendix 2)

Lack of administrative time can be another potential limitation in case developing the employee wellbeing. For proper implementation of any strategy, it is important for an organisational that the overall process has been administrated in the proper way. Although Schneider Electric has placed the employee wellbeing strategy at their core business framework, it can be quite difficult for the administration team to spend sufficient time in order to administer the overall wellbeing process in the workplace.

The benefits that are associated with the employee wellbeing in England are as follows:

A sustainable workforce is one of the important benefits that the England based organisational enjoy by using the employee wellbeing strategy (Jeve et al. 2015). In England, the majority of the employee well-being programs are based on the fact that, if the employee is offered proper healthcare facilities, job opportunities and organisational support it will improve their understanding and efficacy which is important to form a sustainable workforce. (Refers to Appendix 3)

High productive workforces are other important outcomes of the employee wellbeing strategy in England. The organisational in England and Wales focus on improving the productivity and the profit of the organisational by improving employee engagement through developing the employee wellbeing. In this aspect line manager of Schneider Electric believes that, if an employee gets positive work culture, highly supportive organisational environment, proper foods, nutritional and encouragement, they become highly involved in each task. This increases the ability of the organisational to enhance eth productivity as well as profit.

England focuses on forming a healthy workforce that can contribute to the sustainable development of not only of the organisational but also of the community (Appannah and Biggs, 2015). For this reason, the England based outlets of Schneider Electric focus on developing mental and physical wellbeing of the staffs which will assist the staffs to introduce positive as well as innovates business thoughts and strategies that can assist the markets to make a huge profit.

Behavioural transformational of the staffs are common outcomes of the employee well-being that the England based organisations use to improve their business strategies (Nichol, 2015). In recent years, England based outlets of Schneider Electric focus on setting the positive organisational behaviour of the staffs through promoting the employee wellbeing. Positive behavioural transformation of the staffs would assist them to understand the ethical and moral values of the organisational and follow them accordingly.

There are different factors in the country that affect the ability of organisational situated in this country to offer the facilities and organisational opportunities that are associated with promoting the employee wellbeing.

Social framework in England has the potential impact of the process in which different organisational located in this country deals with the employee engagement and wellbeing processes. Education, skill development training, social perception, healthcare facilities and social policies in England, have the potential impact on the employee wellbeing strategies of Schneider Electric. (Refers to Appendix 3)

Financial factors are one of the important key factors that affect the overall employee wellbeing strategy if the organisation (Joseph and Walker, 2017). The economic slowdown in the UK in previous years poses a huge impact on the multinational organisational in England and Wales. Now, for promoting employee wellbeing, Schneider Electric needs to provide the all the basic facilities such as healthcare, proper nutritional, healthy foods, rest, positive environment, the supportive organisational culture which needs a proper consistent flow of fund into the organisational. Therefore, the economic slowdown in England can make possible channels on the Schneider Electric in order to promote the proper employee. (Refers to Appendix 3)

Culture factors also pose the potential impact on the employee wellbeing framework off the organisation. In England, the cultural trend shift towards the eco-friendly process, which oppose severe challenges on England based organisation to train their staffs in such a manner that can assist the organisational to meet the client demand. Schneider Electric in England can face severe challenges in order to make possible standardisation of its product and service to make them, eco-friendly, which pose severe work pressure on the employees. (Refers to Appendix 3)

As stated by Nichol (2015), employee wellbeing is important for organisations in terms of developing staffs engagement and involvement into the different task. Schneider Electric can take different wellbeing initiatives to deal with all the above-mentioned factors and to promote the employee engagement. (Refers to Appendix 3)

Appreciate Inquiry Technique is one of the important critical analysing tools that can be used in the case of Schneider Electric, in order to critically analyse the reaction of line member in the order it implement the wellbeing strategies. In order to introduce and implement the wellbeing strategy into the organisational framework following stages need to deal by the line manager of Schneider Electric.

As stead by Mäkikangas et al. (2016), in order to implement the wellbeing initiates at the workplace, the line manager of an organisational needs focuses on the positive qualities of the team or staffs. In this aspect, Schneider Electric has chosen the wellbeing initiates based on the needs and preferences of the staffs. (Refers to Appendix 4)

Global Railway versus Air

This stage is not based on inquiring the positive stories but on evaluating the element of greatest success and fulfilments. Life-Giving Forces (LGF) is the experiences of an organisational that highlights its strengths. Through allowing the staff to evaluate the elements, the line manager of Schneider Electric can motivate the staffs to share their thoughts, understanding and ideas. (Refers to Appendix 4)

This process assists the line manager of Schneider Electric to allow staffs to share their innovative strategies and decision regarding future organisational activities. This process will assist line manager to choose the best ways in which the staffs can develop their own physical and mental wellbeing. (Refers to Appendix 4)

In this stage, the line manager of Schneider Electric can allow the individual team and organisation to implement the innovative strategies for creating proper organisational future. On the contrary, recent evidence from eth England based organisational culture it can be stated that Schneider Electric need to prioritise the standardisation of existing strategies and policies rather focusing the innovative strategies as it can poser severe workload and mental stress on the staffs. (Refers to Appendix 4)

In order to introduce the relevant employee wellbeing initiates, the line manager is recommended to perform the following functions

Line manager should conduct proper leadership and management strategy that will assist the entire team to maintain proper interrelationship between the employee engagement and employee wellbeing. In this aspect, the line manager needs to conduct proper training and development the program for eth staffs of the leadership team which would help the team to encounter the basic needs of each staff that required to be fulfilled in order to maintain the proper employee wellbeing. (Refers to appendix 5)


From the abovementioned discussion, it can be concluded that employee wellbeing is an important aspect in developing eth employee engagement and organisational productivity. Employee wellbeing is not only associated with eth physical wellbeing or the staffs, but also it is associated with the mental and social wellbeing of the staffs. Through taking different initiatives such as healthcare facilities, providing proper positive organisational culture and organisational support, the manager of an organisational can maintain proper employee well-being into the business. Although there are different limitations associated with maintaining employee well-being such as cost. Time limitations and conflict, employee wellbeing is important for maintaining string organisational framework and organisational sustainability.

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Reference list:

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a. Impact of employee wellbeing on the competitive advantage and organisational sustainability:

In order to promote the employee wellbeing, I always focus in improving staff satisfaction, staff retention, reduce eth staff absentees, minimise the turn over and increase the open communicational with them. Through this process I try to develop the more sustainable workforce that can put their best effort into the organisation in order to achieve the common organisational gaols, thereby increasing organisational productivity.

Through improving the physical and mental health of employee, employee wellbeing can motivate the staffs to put their optimum efforts as well as dedication into the work. Schneider Electric is going to design the employee wellbeing program which will focus on improving the health and wellbeing of staffs in order to enhance their job involvement and proficiency level.

This process can enhance the overall cost of the management team and administration. For implementing the strategies taken in to the wellbeing program Schneider Electric needs to offer proper healthy foods, free healthcare checkups, regular training, print material for communication. This process can increase the overall cost of the organisation.

In England more than 56% of the multinational companied are associated with conducting several employee welfare programs that assure all the staffs to get the proper facilities and job related opportunities that can meet their needs. Employee wellbeing is one of most important aspect in business which assists the marketers to improve the employee involvement into the organisational tasks (Page and Nilsson, 2017). England is UK based country, in which the multinational corporation now prioritise the employee wellbeing in order to improve their productivity and profit. Schneider Electric has more than 50 sites in UK, out of which majority of eth sites are in England. In England, the working environment and culture impact the organisational strategy in order to conduct proper employee wellbeing programs.

Sometime it can be seen that, social perception provokes the organisational to make severe discrimination on promoting the employee wellbeing. In thus aspects, the employee belonging to the lower social class get very poor facilities as compared to the staffs residing at the lower social class. The outlets of Schneider Electric that are situated in England also face the pressure from the upper society people to provide with more facilities and opportunities. Therefore it is important for the line managers of England-based outlets of Schneider Electric to assure that social factor cannot interfere with the integrity and ethical framework of this company in order to promote transparent employee wellbeing.

Wellbeing initiates of organisation:

Several evident suggest that, although employee wellbeing is important for proving the rotational productivity, organisational need s to focus on the current market and ever changing customer needs in order to gain the optimum success.

By promoting the positive organisational culture, supportive organisational environment, proper healthcare facilities, nutritious foods and proper skill development training, line manager of Schneider Electric can develop the physical and mental wellbeing of the staffs. On the contrary Joseph and Walker (2017), argued that, prioritise the employee wellbeing is not the sole business strategy that an organisational shod take, rather it needs to focus on improving the organisational efficiency. Therefore, Schneider Electric needs to improve its employee involvement and efficiency by using the high level of employee wellbeing which can assist the marketers to improve the overall, business framework. (Refers to appendix 3)

Based on this perspective of the Appreciate Inquiry Technique, it can be stated that line manager of Schneider Electric need to prioritise the strengths, efficiency and ability of the staffs in term of inquire their needs. On the contrary Eatough et al. (2016) argued that, if the organisational structure and market trend of England can e considered then, an organisation needs to focus on both the positive and negative aspects of an individual team or organisation. Therefore, line manger of Schneider Electric needs to consider the drawback and weakness of staffs in order to inquire their basic needs.

On the contrary Wood et al. (2018) argued that, evaluation of only positive stories are not enough for an organisation to understand the actual needs of a team or individual staffs. In England, the ever changing market trend and client preference pose severe market challenges on organisation. In this aspect, Schneider Electric needs to also check the negative stories such as employment database, graph, lists and documentation, to evaluate whether employee has proper efficiency to do any task. Based on both the positive and negative stories, line manger can conduct relevant wellbeing initiates for the staffs.

Through this process line manger of Schneider Electric can conduct the relevant wellbeing initiatives for the staffs on the contrary Zheng et al. (2016) in England based organisational focuses not only on LGF but also they allow staffs to share their negative experience with the organisation in order to understand the basic needs of the organisation as well as of the individuals. Therefore, if Schneider Electric needs to implement the relevant wellbeing strategy it needs to consider both the LGF and negative experience in the organisation.

England represents the fact that, focusing the shared image of proffered future cannot be perfect process in implementing proper wellbeing initiates, rather organisations in England need to focus on the sharing the viewpoint of staffs regarding current market situation which can assist the manner to conduct effective wellbeing and engagement process for staffs.

Moreover, implementation of new strategies into workplace cannot be accepted by the staffs which can spoil the satisfaction level of staffs (Ballard and Grawitchm, 2017). Therefore, Schneider Electric needs to focus on both innovation and strategic implementation of existing strategies to implement relevant wellbeing initiates.

By standardising the exiting strategies and allowing the possible changes into the business framework, line manager can make proper restructuring of eth organisational processes. This restructuring will prioritise the wellbeing and engagement of employee in order to form the sustainable workforce. Leadership team should be well-trained in order to evaluate the needs and preference of employee which is important for promoting social, mental and physical wellbeing of the staffs. In this aspect, line manager can make open communication with the staffs in order to allow them to share their needs and preference. Line manager should involve the stakeholders and investors into the wellbeing strategies to introduce innovative ideas and strategies that can assist eth manager to promote the employee wellbeing. By involving the investors into the organisation, line manger can manger the financial assistance that is important to provide the basic facilities to each staffs in order to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing.

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