Flexibility In Workplace

Executive Summary

The main objective of the project here is identified to understand the flexibility components within the hospitality industry. It requires flexible working practice to be introduced with extreme excellence. , addressing the HRM dissertation help aspect. The project highlights upon the factors on how the flexible working timing and practices are done in hospitality sector. Several steps are associated within a comprehensive analysis of components, which are included within to encourage the learning and organization of records. Here, the analysis shows on aims and objectives and online pilot interview examples that are going to be conducted in the process.


The researchers here would like to thank all the staff members of the hospitality industry that have participated in this course of action and significantly approached to the researchers. Telephonic interviews have also helped in aligning the components essentially. Appreciation goes to the entire team that works with hotel to encourage considerate amount of learning for pupils. It also goes to the lecturer and research guide who have shown right pathway of learning and research.


The chosen industry is the hospitality industry which is operating on food service management and leisure attractions. The hospitality industry is the 4th biggest employer in the UK. Organizations are working on the increased flexibility of working patterns so that the credibility of the organization is increased. Labor cost in current market scenario is adjusted through managing the hours of work for employees and rational shifts. Flexible working time allows employees to work in productive manner. Including the hours of work and the process of payment. Automation in the work factors is also important. Robots doing the work of people increase teleworking. Here the company in focus is identified as Marcus Hotels & Resorts as it is one of the leading operators of restaurants and pubs in the UK. It provides one of the largest choice of eating experiences with over 1700 businesses.


Aims and objectives

Literature review to identify existing evidence on flexible working practice in hospitality industry

Online pilot of senior leaders and teachers to establish existing approaches to flexible working in organizations

Telephone interviews with senior leaders and teachers to explore working practices in school


Comprising of 25 senior people of the hospitality industry and conducting fifty qualitative telephonic interviews. All this are confidential and the records are kept in secure places.

Key findings

1. Increasing flexibility of working patterns and its advantages and disadvantages

Some of the biggest barriers towards flexible working are identified to be giving employees an option to work flexibly. There is another issue of not having the right technology and trust issues. An inappropriate attitude towards flexible working and security concerns are observed. Job sharing compressed hours, and part-time gives an appropriate environment towards the positivity of flexible working patterns (Seqhobane, and Kokt, 2021). Workers are having different skills that tend to manage the entitlements of a particular shift. Giving rotational shift patterns applying suitable work shifts every week is important in making the business flexible. Entrepreneurs are willing to take venture or to accept the full responsibility for the flexibility management.

The mission statement of the company is identified to be “Our success is based on innovation, listening to customer feedback and ensuring our passionate staff is the best trained in the industry". Flexibility in employment allows firms to adjust flexible working skills such as multitasking, resilience, cultural awareness, and compliance training. Hospitality sectors is highly focused on giving services to clients that are food and accommodation services. Event planning and tourism help in solving numerous problems. Flexible working hours and attitude provide positive traits in the name of commitment and problem-solving skills. Food safety manager training provides a large improvement on the hospitality skills of the employees (Alemayehu, and Tveteraas, 2020).

British hospitality reports that there are 127000 business exists inside UK and over 1.6 million people have received work there (Joshi, 2018.). These numbers are identified to be expanding and giving business of employing 500000 full and part-time employees.

1.1 Defining flexible work policies

Annualized hours

Split role

Part-time work

Staggered hours

Staggered weeks

Marcus Hotels & Resorts owns 20 hotels, resorts, and different other properties in the U.S. There are 649 employees with a revenue generation of 119 million dollars. The largest management agreement encompasses approximately 35 hotels with the franchise agreement. Contractual, legal sections are associated with a management of employees as the demand for hotel service is highly fluctuating. The hotel industry consists of two different dimensions as tangibility and intangibility. Variability leaves an impact on working conditions. Labor availability and a great environment for work develops better functioning hotels. The reality of hospitality is associated with a capitalization of components and aiding through investment vehicles.

Dig deeper into The Evolution of Workplace Flexibility in the Era of Technology with our selection of articles.

Among all the popular models of flexibility, Atkinson’s model of flexible Firms can be applied in this context. Functional aspects of hotels are changing every day and product marketing needs to become more flexible. Organizations described the Shamrock in three different levels (Tweebeck, and Lashley, 2018). Permanent and core employees with flexible working patterns along with the second leaf of contractors and the third leaf are the temporary workers of the Shamrock. The flexible firm model advices the hospitality sector to become flexible and try to set out goals which are realistic, time bound and achievable.

1.2 Pilot hotels system explanation

Looking forward to current practices of technology the leading hotel can get more advantages. Flexible working hours are a great option to help employees in finding out a better work-life balance as a result of performing best at their work. Some core benefits of being flexible in workplace include an increased employee engagement, increased innovation and creativity within the business (Casado-Díaz, Driha, and Simón, 2020). This is expected to focus on recruiting the better quality staff. The advantage of such a system is identified to be loyalty which is combined with retention. Measurable savings in business recruitment costs are defining the event planning and flexible arrangement of changing full-time to part-time work. A greater continuity is observed as staff members while having more job satisfaction and competitiveness. Flexibility in duty hours of singular employees provides better staff morale and extended operating hours to the hotel.

Telephone interview samples Pilot hotels sample details Pilot hotels sample details

2. Discussion on the flexibility of working that contributes to organizational success

Flexibility is important in terms of developing organizational success. As a major benefit, it is observed that flexible working hours build trust and loyalty. Fostering happiness among employees and productivity. Diversity of hiring across the world, there are remote jobs that provide rural dwelling, health issues or disability and digital nomads. Connecting people of an organization on the same track to help build a community in volunteering the development of organizational brands and hitting a good comeback (Peshave and Gupta, 2017). The topmost talent across the world is attracted while educated and experienced professionals balance everything within a typical 9 to 5 office mindset. Productivity levels, loyalty, and engaged employees are associated with the implementation of flexible working options coming alive. Translating into higher productivity levels, loyalty, and engaged employees generates the rethinking concepts of workdays.

2.1 Attitude of senior leaders towards flexible working

How employees manage their times are also applicable within a better concentration power and the power to do some errands. There exist vague boundaries as well. The concentration of power is sighted to be higher (Sharma, and Gursoy, 2018). Lessening the costs improves the speed and quality of decision-making. Supporting employees and organizational success is essential to attract the upcoming generations. One of the senior leaders has commented that “I give staff the option that they can either work in the staff room, or in one of the offices if somebody is out for that day”. A differentiated diversity in the workforce deals with health issues and disabilities while employees gain the complete benefit of staffing and successful company culture improvement. As described by Gallup, if employees come to office two or three days per week, then they become more productive. This is possible via improving telecommunication schedule. Hence, taking such strategies are identified to be advantageous.

Flexible work arrangements are having challenges such as team bonding, collaboration, and work oversight. Practicing a proper HRM in the hotel industry is important since luxury hotels incorporate high commitment upon HRM and analyzing large-scale pilots on the compatibility. An example from the hospitality industry can be undertaken that is Ramada Jarvis. This is identified in major hotel chains in the UK (Peshave, and Gupta, 2017). They have flexible working chains and written policies designed in the company. It has been observed that there are 80% employees that are eager to work part time or a flextime, while 5% of them are associated with compressed working week. A similar approach is undertaken by this organization.

2.2 Decision making

The decision making will be organized through meeting organizational needs and considering the individual involvement of staff members.

Staffing models and time table are important to be engaged within an organization so that the budgets are not exceeded and work functionalities are well managed.

Additional staffing costs for cover or gaps in the timetable needs to be managed

Encouraging performance and productivity

Guidance and advice

A win-win situation is created by offering best-suited inputs within business continuity and atypical hours of the business needs. Full and final involvement in working on weekends to take leave in other important workdays can be essential (Sharma, and Gursoy, 2018). Designing a best suited work practice for individual business retains the business performance and improves flexibility of work. Hence, the business is also considered to be offering a complete ability to attract, retain and motivate high-performing operations. To promote the presenters of employees and reduce absenteeism the health and safety regulatory obligations are impacted. As a part of improvising terms and conditions under meeting the customer demands, there is a compressed workweek that provides job sharing and working effectively as a team. Bonding improvement allows employees to reduce the working hours to encourage redistribution of employee engagement (Peshave, and Gupta, 2017).

2.3 Using flexible working practice in hotels

Another organization that impacts upon leaves and management of employee indulgent is identified to be Marcus hotel. This allows employees to manage a proper schedule so that they do not have to get reduced pay by the company and they can also focus on arrangements of holiday pay, benefit association, and part-time positioning availability within the company. A gradual retirement allows employees to introduce their work benefits and indulge in qualitative learning of employee engagement management. Redistribution of tasks among employees contributes to peak hour engagement and flexible time management. The employee working hours start from 7.30 a.m and 9.30 a.m and depending upon the applicable requirement of work the compressed week actions are taken. Establishing customer services to adjust the distribution of tasks within employees is becoming much more important (Sharma, 2019.). This organization has a motto of trying and completing jobs and try another method if one plan fails.

Focusing on qualitative understanding of accuracy within information assumes no liability or loss suffered within a credible source of activities. Service industry need to manage staffing by looking after their needs and National culture, downsizing, and outsourcing of the labor market is one of the major aspects observed in cultural adaptability and flexibility (Deiana, and Fabbri, 2020). Implications made upon the concepts of business convenience and approaching operational constraints. Cost-cutting leads to understaffing as managers sometimes find the company work-life policy handling to be extremely difficult. Work-life balance and satisfaction progress within skilled labor force development. A flexible working success is carefully becoming the best since managers are driving down the means of adjusting the workforce for the development of effective marketing strategies.

2.4 Team eligibility examination and role of governors

Employees have to pass the eligibility criteria so that a design of provisioning strategy is done. It is also capable of managing the team's working conditions and measuring adequate term needs. There are unforeseen circumstances that gives an overview of workers' rights and their future representation of duties. An operational engagement is associated with flexible working requests and a central level of employability skills development to match up to any situation (Schneider, and Treisch, 2019). The perceived alignment of flexible working policies comes at a cost of dealing with employee well-being and specialist skills. Professionals and 34% of the inexperienced workers are asked whether they have any preferences of working such as time working and job sharing. Designing new jobs is the best-identified measure for individuals within a business.

According to the managers “It is good the governors aren’t involved in all the decisions, because if it came to appeal there would be nobody to appeal to. So, when somebody does appeal, it becomes an issue to the organization”.

2.5 Flexi-leave policies

Attitudes towards flexible working like rotational shifts and gaining opinions from individuals have occurred. The top customer services and security concerns are effectively improvised to ensure total flexibility in daily hours and practices. Intriguing performances are measured while giving benefits in the hospitality industry. Employees might choose to work in different shifts while progressing and developing their credibility (Younies, and Na, 2020). Flexibility arrangements are made in terms of duty hours and gaining emergency leaves on serious personal issues. To manage labor costs with greater efficiency and input/output management the greater use of just-in-time hospitality work is occurring. The descriptive work forms are managed in terms of seasonal work, annual hours, shift work, and term-time working as well. Just in time basis hospitality work is being done while employers are suited to collect data on practices of management flexibility. Today’s business organizations are associated with contradictions of embedded perceptions (Hussien, and La Lopa, 2018). Reviewing the current flexible working policy allows one to complete the job from anywhere else Public holidays and weekends are making a good balance of high employee turnover rates and low productivity. Clear, open, and honest policy implementation inside the business makes it possible to perform the best of the employees.

Interventions focus on the flexibility that leads components to become measurable and ensures that people understand how the hotels are becoming a good service stop. A flexible leave policy is something that ensures that both the mentioned hotels provide security to their employees and attract more people towards them to work with. In both cases, looking after employee issues and allowing them to create a work-life balance helps in good welfare and benefits [Refer to appendix].

3. Examples of practice included in human resources

Some examples of HR practices include the setting of the mission and goals of the HR department while managing the plan and organization of work is done. Measuring the effectiveness of the programs creates the development of talent and future leadership. Learning needs analysis and developing people policies give examples of people practices (Peshave, and Gupta, 2017). Enforcement of disciplinary actions helps in effective employee screening and recruitment. Compensations can be provided in terms of primary compensation, secondary compensation. Recognition of accomplishments associates to set company goals and maintain a healthy and happy workplace. Complimenting employee development opportunities while ensuring overall organizational competency is identified to be one of the most beneficial aspects of HR development. Business and strategic improvements encourage human resource competency and encourage people to stay on the same page.

3.1 Flexible Hiring

HR process include a decent interference of payroll, pilots, recruitment, and selection along with safety and health components. There is retention and employee attendance which has to be taken care of (Kopp, 2021). Employee roll management and the introduction of transparency are important in individual development. The employee benefits are turning up the streamlined hiring within panel-based interview management and showing employability skills. In the global pandemic situation using online screening technology for hiring and video interviewing helps enthusiastic and forever learner people to be included in the organization. Investment done in training and development of the employees is highly appreciated. The importance of people's learning competency can never be overlooked. Young employees are seen to be giving value to learning. Transparency of high-impact HR contributions impacts career development and promotes employer and employee relations.

3.2 Female Safety

For female employees, the retention is more as they are leaving offices due to tight schedules and looking after their families. To manage that minimum five-month maternity leave policy that comes up with full pay and benefits has also been introduced which gives the employees a motivation to work more and gain more (Joshi, 2018). Knowing what employees want and providing adequate incentives effectively gives them the motivation to push their boundaries to simply expect the raise of company essential. As per research, employees prefer a raise of base pat than single bonus. Having a transparent policy development within high-performance development and cultural fit evaluations.

3.3 Making requests are easy

Enforcement of disciplinary actions is important to encourage a healthy and happy workforce. For example, some employees might come to work late even after multiple warnings gained from HR department. If this continues to be an issues HR might investigate and highlight it to all higher authorities. 90% of employees prefer to forgo performance reviews and are capable of correcting their mistakes in real-time (Wang, 2019). A good example of a web-based talent management system is Pechanga Resort and Casino in California. The employee appraisals and supportive performances connect with employees that are supporting performance orientation for employee cycle engagement. Some developments of HRM are identified as job design and job analysis. Employee hiring and selection occur through understanding managerial relations and labor retention. Making requests to the upper hierarchy are easy. Channelizing the employees and all available resources in the right direction is expected from human resource managers. The main three demons of the hospitality industry are unrealistic job expectations, repetitive tasks, and irregular hours (Pham, Tučková, and Jabbour, 2019). Limited growth opportunities gives the HR culture to become complicated and the hiring department is expected to focus on all sorts of growth rather than just hiring. Lack of routine is a constant issue in the industry and hence, it is important to manage the toxic environment and implement suitable policies.

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Employees are highly motivated if they are given the chances of showing their own creativity in each task and rewarded for success. A quarterly measurement of employee achievement might also help the employee management process. Management has to focus on filling out vacancies and working on related job rotations. This article is identified to be conducting a systematic review of human resources in the hospitality industry and how flexible working hours are making the business improve. Taking employee feedback is important for the focus on intergenerational issues in the workplace. Mentoring performances helps in the management of organizational motivation that is lowering down. Some people are enthusiastic about their work and management should after their salaries as well. Most of the employees resign from their jobs due to having a hard time and low strategic HR operations in the workplace. HR planning helps in closing the communication gap. Availability to carry out organizational activities manages the behavioral competency of a person. The inspiration to do more and the ability to satisfy respective tasks is essential in the hospitality industry. It gives benefits to overall organizational development. There are intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors observed in rewarding, challenging, and improvising responsibilities. Hence, flexible working policies are contributing to positive growth of hotel communities.

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Alemayehu, F.K. and Tveteraas, S.L., 2020. Long-run labor flexibility in hospitality: A dynamic common correlated effects approach. Tourism Economics, 26(4), pp.704-718.

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Deiana, M. and Fabbri, C., 2020. Barriers to the success of female leaders in the hospitality industry. Research in Hospitality Management, 10(2), pp.85-89.

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Peshave, J. and Gupta, K., 2017. Challenges in the career progression of women in Hospitality Industry-a review of literature. International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 3(2), pp.158-165.

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Schneider, A. and Treisch, C., 2019. Employees’ evaluative repertoires of tourism and hospitality jobs. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

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Tweebeck, H. and Lashley, C., 2018. Research in Hospitality Management.

Wang, C.J., 2019. Linking sustainable human resource management in hospitality: An empirical investigation of the integrated mediated moderation model. Sustainability, 11(4), p.1066.

Younies, H. and Na, T., 2020. Hospitality workers’ reward and recognition. International Journal of Law and Management.

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