Global Human Resource Management Strategies


Expansion of organizations to international borders is a concept that has been growing for years. Many organizations and companies in a bid to enhance their growth have tended to expand their products and skills to foreign countries and command a global image in the corporate world related to the industry in question. The internationalization of the organization implies that its tradition and strategies are exceptional. Studies indicate that issues of context and differences in culture between the two countries can lead to the collapse, thus calling for caution and unique planning to ensure that the organization adopts and adapts to the foreign culture, hence resulting to immense success. For those who are delving deeper into this particular topic, HRM dissertation help can provide the most valuable insights into navigating the complexities of managing human resources in international settings. Planning involves a lot of determinants. However, the staff are at the core of the planning since they are the human factor that will reflect the image of the organization and trigger practices on the global scale that will lead to the success of the organization. The report focuses on human resource professionals based in the United Kingdom, highlighting on how firms can adapt the range and types of international assignments to meet their standards using a case study of Microsoft company in the technology industry.

The report’s main objective is to unearth the type and purpose of internationalization strategy that Microsoft might need to adapt to meet its strategic plan, the type of international assignment that best suits the plan as well as provides a detailed training plan for the junior managers for the type of international assignment identified. By large, international strategies are crucial for companies because they enable them to set up efficient and effective operations, achieving organizational goals. In the case of Microsoft, the global strategy is the most relevant. This kind of strategy emphasizes the need to gain the economy of scale by providing the same services or products in each market (Langley 2013, p.55). It implies that Microsoft offers the same software in the market by contextualizing on adopting the local language into their software. Therefore, the report dispenses on the global strategy.


Under the concept of internationalization of companies is a resurgence of technology that has led to globalization; an entity that has enabled multinational companies to send expatriates to other countries to expand on their organizational ethos and culture (Bell-Pintado 2015, p.319). However, Sbernini et al. (2018, p.418) understand that political stability and the right economic conditions are some of the factors that influence organizations to work internationally. Nevertheless, challenges such as conflicts of interest and high labor costs emerge. Microsoft Company is a firm in the technology industry headquartered in Washington, United States. It is a multinational company that not only offer employment opportunities to foreign countries but also send patriarchs to these countries to harness the Microsoft culture. Primarily, Microsoft is shaped by its mission statement, which dispenses on empowering every person and organization to achieve more (Gregory 2019, para 3). Consequently, the organization is also driven by the need to develop advanced technology with fast processors beyond those provided by Apple as well as achieve annual growth in profits as well as dependable employees that exceed beyond the organizational goals.

International Assignment

International assignments occur when a company dispatches employees from the mother country to another country where it is seeking expansion. They function as patriarchs in the foreign country, promoting the organizational goals of the firm as well as running the operations to maintain the company’s values (Duvivier, Peeters and Harzing 2019, p.188). As such, there exist several types of international assignments that the company can adapt to suit its global strategy. Below is an overview of the types of these assignments;

Short Term Assignment

This type of assignment refers to expatriarchs undertaking their roles for a short period. Typically, the period takes a maximum of one year from the period of inception before returning to the organization’s home country. Ideally, the expatriarch undertakes duties such as troubleshooting of the software or systems installed in case it is a technology industry like the case study of Microsoft, stopgap measure or supervises an ongoing project before reporting to the main headquarter (Duvivier, Peeters and Harzing 2019, p.188). Also, such a period includes overseeing a newly established office of operations in the foreign country to ensure that the operations are aligning with the organizational goals before departing. It also includes solving an urgent problem and establishing management control thus does not involve the assignee being accompanied by their family.

Extended Business Traveler

This type of assignment extends for a period of two to three weeks after the inception of the company or regular company operations. Usually, the expatriate’s impasse their professional duties within the period, ensuring that the organizational goals, values and tradition are abided by within that period as well grow professionally by borrowing skills from the host company (Duvivier, Peeters and Harzing 2019, p.189). The period is crucial as it provides adequate time for the expatriate to thoroughly review and reflect on the organizational culture of the host company as well as ensure that updated changes regarding the institution are incorporated as well as aligning with the organization’s vision in meeting the needs of the client. Although it’s a short period, international requirements such as immigration considerations are applied. A good example is the Inauguration of the Microsoft Artificial Intelligence School in France that happened on March 6th 2018 (Anon 2018, para.2). Assignees could be sent on short notice to attend and observe the corporate practices of the host company as well as learn new theatrics regarding technology.

Long Term Assignments

Also referred to as the traditional expatriate assignment and ranges from one to five years. This type of assignment involves a clearly defined role in the receiving branch. In most cases, it is a senior management role to oversee the operations of the company. It majorly entails filling skill gaps in the receiving operation and pursue organization and management development to ensure that the firm operates as the objectives and mission statement of the organization (Duvivier, Peeters and Harzing 2019, p.189). As such, the family joins the assignee abroad because the individual will take a longer period in the foreign country beyond one year. However, accommodation and insurance covers tend to be expensive because the compensation has to cover for both the assignees and their families for the entire time frame of three to five.

Strategy and International Assignment

The organization adopts the global strategy in France. It is majorly because of the distinct cultural differences in the UK and France as well as language barriers. As such, the software products must specifically reflect the user needs of the French people, including programs and software coded in French to conform to the social setting. As such, the Long Term Assignment perfectly fits the organization’s strategy. The selected type of assignment is the most relevant because of the kind of products and updates that the organization provides.

Management of a significant technology corporation such as Microsoft demands an expert individual who profoundly understands the tradition and vision of the company. Such is necessary because the individual in the process will transfer these understandings of the organization to the human labor force employed in the host country (Bello-Pintado 2015, p.45). Transference is a gradual process hence requires a longer period to ensure that the company's traditions are instilled among the staff, thus justifying why the long term assignment is the most ideal for adoption by the Microsoft Corporation. Additionally, organizational and project management development is also a time consuming, and with lack uncertainty of employing staff from the foreign country as top managers, it is imperative to use expatriates till the organization starts reflecting immense success. Such success reflects in annual reports, a case that demands long term management. It’s, therefore, the most ideal for developing talent by close monitoring the operations to ascertain the client’s needs, a case that suits the global strategy.

The strength of the long term assignment primarily is its ability to enable full talent development of the employee because of the sufficient timeline provided (Osterman 2017, p.22). Unlike the other Assignments, the employee has enough time space to form professional bonds and interactions that positively impact their profession, which reflect in quality service provision. Additionally, because the employee is the image of the organization, the long term assignment perfectly enables studying the organizational trends and periodically make adjustments where necessary to enhance and develop the management as well as the organization (Osterman 2017, p.23). A good case is Cindy Rose, the CEO of Microsoft UK who in her seventeen months in the UK has overseen an overhaul of the technology behemoth, and transformation that has resulted to the company value rising to $700 Billion empire (Lawson 2018, para 6). Such is a reflection of the strength of long term assignment. Her management skills have categorically resulted in an expansion in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and cloud growth. Such extension is what led to the opening of AI school in France in 2018 (Anon 2018, para.3). The data centres aim at expanding the Microsoft Cloud offering in France, including cloud 365.

However, the Long Term Assignment’s weakness lies in terms of cost. It is not cost-effective because it entails the employee spending a longer period in a foreign country, mostly with their families at the expense of the organization (Osterman 2017, p.23). For instance, a good case is the massive $30 million investment that Microsoft announced to undertake in France as from March 2018 for three years (Anon 2018, para.4). As such, assignees would be required to stay in France for three years and oversee the projects and investments to completion. Although the investment is beneficial, the extended period implies that the trainees will remain in France with their families for the three years, under the expense of the organization on health and accommodation which is quite expensive. Also, the challenge will come for the integration of the individual into French culture because it differs from the UK's culture. Learning the new practices will be challenging to the HR professional (Lawson 2018, para.9). Such a scenario presents a problematic position for the HR professional to operate smoothly.

Training Program

The training program conceptualizes on long term type of international assignment sanctioned by Microsoft Corporation in the UK to work in France. The primary rationale is to help the HR personnel based in the UK prepare the employees on long term assignment adapt to the foreign culture and lifestyle. Majorly, with the assignment set to take place in France, the Human Resource and the Finance Managers of Microsoft UK are the ones that are predominantly involved. Generally, these managers are characterized by possessing a strong sense of ethical standards which value the welfare of their employees. They are selfless and understand the value of the employee to the company, thus putting the employees' needs before theirs. It explains their commitment to developing a comprehensive employee program that will enable the employee to perfectly fit in the foreign country and advance the organizational goals and objectives. Curtailed by string leadership skills, these managers possess a great sense of communication skills that categorically enables them to establish strong and professional relationships with the employees, thus explaining the high regard and respect they receive from the employees.

Background Information on France

France is a unique country that predominantly relies on French for public service. Although life varies by region, Paris is its capital that acts as a centre of fashion, art and cuisine with catholic as a centre religion in France. However, Islam and protestants are also emerging as a top religious’ affiliation. The French have a lot of pride for their country and take great offence for negative comments regarding their nation (Anon 2019, para.9). The French people tend to embrace style and sophistication to strike a regal tone.

Additionally, romance and passion is a French embodiment, with an open attitude regarding adultery. It highly values liberty, equality and fraternity as fabrics that hold the nation firm. As such, working in France demands that one respects the unique French culture and social systems. According to French labour laws, the right working frame is thirty-five hours a week. Employees must not work beyond four and a half hours without taking a break as well as waivers for some tasks, including machine operators. Overtime is also paid after the thirty-fifth hour. Leaves are also part of the working culture in France. With the labour laws in place, working in France is therefore very friendly.

However, France is not very tolerant to foreigners even though it is a diverse country. For instance, wearing a veil covering the head is banished by the law. Nonetheless, its business culture supports both genders with no bias. Women are, however, considered more for management positions than men in the majority of companies. Their organizations are very hierarchical in communication and thus demands to speak to the manager directly if the need arises (Anon 2019, para.10). Finally, French people detest publicly chewing gum, discussing wealth or speaking English. As such, management, therefore, demands to address them in French and showing a great value to Napoleon, which has a great value to the French people.

Training Aims and Outcomes

The program aims to achieve the following outcomes and objectives;

  • To spread awareness to the employee and ensure that the employee is capable of adapting to the host country’s culture.
  • To prepare the employee on spreading the organizational values and culture to the host country without contradicting the host country’s values.
  • To orient the employee with foreign induction and instill confidence in embracing their new role and enable their professional growth.

Based on the long term assignment, the training program is for a three-year time frame. It incepts with selection criteria based on employee leadership skills, competence, health, adaptability to cultural change, among other factors.


The managers should prepare the employees before the expatriate process. can be through several process and activities. Firstly, they should take the employees through a mentorship program that adjusts their expectations. Ideally, serving in a foreign country bores high expectations. However, a long term assignment presents a case where the expatriates might get disappointed in the long run after getting immersed in the system and realizing that the performance of the French system is below their expectations. As such, the mentorship session will include psychologically preparing them to adjust and settle when disappointments such as social crimes, late buses, chaos among others arise. Also, during the program, the management should invite French culture mentors to instill the cultural practices of France so that the employees do not find themselves in the receiving end of hate once in the system due to practices that do not conform to the French ones.

Language training is also significant at the pre-departure level. As identified in the background information, the French have a high value for their language. Because it is the national language for public service and cohesion, it becomes imperative that the management organizes French learning sessions so that the employees acquire proficiency in French before entry in the system. Such activity will ensure that the employee not only conforms well with the staff in France but also establish good social relations, enabling them to live among the French society during the It long stay cohesively. As such, the person will reflect an organization that values the French Culture.

Additionally, legal matters and tax issues are of great significance. Therefore, the management must take the employees through the legal requirements of France, including the immigration requirements and tax-paying procedures to ensure that once they gain entry, they operate on legal grounds. Information regarding their area of residence of the employees and their families should also be put to order before their admission. It must through legal arrangements organized by the management. However, the managers during the process must also clearly communicate the organizational expectations on the performance of the employee. Generally, the pre-departure process should take a maximum of six months before the departure because it is an involving process.


The management must train the employees on the essential pieces to help them adapt and work efficiently upon arrival in France. The process begins with the organization with the host company to receive the employee and offer orientation. Orientation is meant for familiarization with the new environment. As such, the management must strategize early for plans with the French side on how to enable the employee to familiarize and adapt in the new system. An integration program is, therefore, imperative to help the employee adjust to the unique cultural setup. The stage is a formal process that demands the host organization coordinate with the management in such a way that the employee upon arrival is accorded all the employment rights as well as the security protocol of the host country and information regarding relocation. The information is crucial because the assignment provides an extended period, and the employee must, therefore, be accorded rights as any other French citizen. The issue of family transition should also be clarified on how the family will receive treatment and the liable opportunities they are entitled to. The coordination between the managers and the host country, therefore, prepares the employee for transition upon arrival.


Upon the end of the assignment, the management must train the employees on how to adjust back to UK life. The program entails the management training the employees on reverse culture techniques. These techniques will enable them to resist the retrogressive foreign culture that might unconsciously replace their original culture. Similar to the expatriation program, the managers should take the employees through transition techniques that will enable them to gradually rediscover and adapt their original culture and lifestyle at the end. At this level, the managers should also prepare them for tax return as well as enlighten the employee on means of travel at the end of expatriation. Preparation through a mentor is, therefore, crucial. Repatriation presents an individual who due to interactions and diversity has grown in terms of career and knowledge. These are aspects that can be utilized. As such, the management should provide a framework that highlights how the employee upon return will be utilized to enhance organizational and personal growth. It can be through the provision of evidence of opportunities for promotions and mentoring younger employees. Similarly, details of family support upon return to the home should be at the core of training.

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Therefore, the report fully recommends the adoption of the training plan for the UK's Microsoft HR team. It is because the report is comprehensive enough to enable the assignees to adapt to the French culture and system as well as prepare them back to the UK system upon their return.


  • Anon, 2018. Microsoft continues its investments in France to promote innovation fueled by Artificial Intelligence. News Centre. Available at: [Accessed December 25, 2019].
  • Anon, 2019. France. Business Culture. Available at: [Accessed December 24, 2019].
  • Bello-Pintado, A. (2015) Bundles of HRM practices and performance: empirical evidence from a Latin American context. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(3), pp.311–330.
  • Duvivier, F., Peeters, C. & Harzing, A.-W., 2019. Not all international assignments are created equal: HQ-subsidiary knowledge transfer patterns across types of assignments and types of knowledge. Journal of World Business, 54(3), pp.181–190.
  • Gregory, L., 2019. Microsoft's Mission Statement & Vision Statement (An Analysis). Panmore Institute. Available at: [Accessed December 24, 2019].
  • Lawson, A., 2018. Microsofts Cindy Rose: UK techs most powerful woman. Evening Standard. Available at: [Accessed December 24, 2019].
  • Langley, J., 2013. Roll out a global recruitment strategy. Strategic HR Review, 13(1), pp.45-93 Osterman, P., 2017. Who Will Care for Us? Long-Term Care and the Long-Term Workforce., pp.17–39.
  • Sbernini, F. et al., 2018. Contextual factors influencing the success of global product development. International Journal of Product Development, 22(6), p.464.

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