How Learning and Development Contributes to Human Resource Management


Learning and development (L&D) is a Human Resource (HR) subset that aims to improve individual and group performance by honing and increasing knowledge and skills. L&D is usually referred to as training and development, is responsible for a company’s strategy on talent management, and is often designed to coincide with individual and group performance and goals with the company’s overall goals and vision. Practically, people who are in charge of talent development including those who are seeking HRM dissertation help, are needed to identify the skills gap among teams and groups, usually by one-on-one interviews, performance appraisals, and SMART objectives, and find appropriate training to help fill the skills gap. Proper training offers individuals the skills and tools as well as demonstrates how to use these skills and tools in their roles in the organisation. L&D is a crucial part of the HRM as it continues to assume a vital role, especially with the technological advancements that have led to increasing competition, high customer expectations of services, quality, and the need to reduce costs. L&D is also demanded globally to prepare employees for new roles (Klev and Levin, 2016). In this write-up, I will concentrate on the contribution of L&D in human resource management, the issues around L&D, especially linked to national L&D HRM practices.


The need for training and development

Technology has increased the need for L&D, and it is more important that the HR managers and employees should understand all the factors that contribute to the need for L&D. L&D is important for individuals' progress and development as it motivates them to carry out their roles in the specific organization besides the financial benefits that might come with the skills. Employees also need training because of the existing market trends and always-changing employment policies. The main factors which lead to the need for L&D in organizations include change and development (Bell et al., 2017).

L&D due to other critical pressures

Many companies experience significant pressures such as short term supply of skilled leaders, turnover issues, as well as the need to engage and develop employees. Finding or retaining the best skills is no longer a challenge faced by the HR but a critical business priority strategy. Currently, there is an emerging generation of younger independent workers. This means that companies should re-strategize the approach they are using to acquire and retain talent, such as prioritising of individual employees. Organisations must come up with new L&D mechanisms that adapt to the changing needs of today’s workforce and align it closely with their organizational objectives (Kiruja and Mukuru, 2018).

The current trends in L&D in organisations

The need for L&D in organization is driven in part by the current trend of going mobile, which has changes how organisations collaborate, interact, and work. There is an increasing global penetration, and many companies are now considering using the mobile in almost all human resource management aspects. There is also the need to understand the social aspects of their employees (Ardichvili, Natt and Manderscheid, 2016). For instance, the HRM is quickly embracing or using social media and investing in different tools of social collaboration to foster a culture of learning and to engage their employees better. Even though social media is becoming mainstream, many organisations still do not have the insight and knowledge on how to use them for L&D. Adaptive learning is also becoming an important trend in HRM. This is an approach which dissolves traditional models and makes it possible for employees to acquire skills and knowledge at their pace (Ardichvili, Natt and Manderscheid, 2016).

Adaptive learning is ubiquitous in educational institutions where teachers collect data on individual students to learn what should be done to upgrade their learning and development. Aligning with organizational objectives is currently a crucial L&D aspect as corporates align it with their overall strategies to achieve better performance. Lastly, there is the issue of measuring effectiveness and determining whether or not the type of L&D strategy chosen is driving the company’s outcomes positively. Therefore, there is an increasing need to effectively measure the consistency of the L&D strategy and organizational performance. Organisations thus look for ways to determine metrics and include both HR/learning metrics and business metrics (Ardichvili, Natt and Manderscheid, 2016).

Key Concepts in L&D

Competitiveness advantage is considered to be the capacity that an organization has, not possessed by its competitors, and it is this concept that puts the company ahead of the others in the market. Numerous organisations are market leaders after they have acquired a competitive advantage in different business areas. On method used by businesses to gain a competitive edge is by creating a robust human resource workforce through L&D. It is recognized that the labor or employees working in different environments in the market are usually open to the idea of L&D, which improves both their skills as well as a knowledge base. Today, successful organisations are those that have built a robust workforce with time. Organisations understand that the only way to create this kind of workforce is through training and development (Noe et al., 2017). Different theories emphasize the importance of L&D in organisations and offer unique alternative approaches for these activities. These theories are discussed below.

This theory focuses on an individual’s learning behaviour and proposes that leaners should repeat the behaviour that is linked to a certain positive result. This reinforcement theory was proposed by an economist known as Skinner and suggested that the L&D programs have to be aligned with the company’s objectives and that the organization should expect positive results from such programs of learning and development. By elaborating the theory further, it is suggested or argues that various techniques can be applied in the HR practices that can be linked to programs of learning and development. This theory proposes that different forms of rewards such as certificates, promotions, salary raises, and bones are given after the completion of the L&D program, thereby generating positive results. According to Skinner, if this approach is put in use, the employer who is the trainer will be able to demonstrate more interest in the L&D programs held by the company (Prashanth et al., 2016).

An individual known as Gagne presented this theory. This theory emphasises the need to acquire intellectual skills that are rare among people. Gagne proposes different learning types in this theory by stating that every form of learning contains some internal and external conditions. According to Gagne, there are five different learning categories, such as motor skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes, verbal information, and intellectual skills (Umar, 2018).

The theory of experiential learning differentiates cognitive and experiential forms of learning (Smith, 2016). The needs and wants of a learner are addressed using this form of learning. The acquired experience gives an individual maturity and raises their power of learning as well as their knowledge base. Because of personal involvement, a learner can conduct self-evaluation this providing him/her with the capacity to understand the outcome of the influence of the learning on their attitude (Smith, 2016).

Social Learning Theory

This theory describes a new perspective of learning, that is, social learning. The proponent of this concept, Albert Bandura, is of the opinion that direct reinforcement does not address all forms of learning. Direct reinforcement here means L&D programs which are organized to improve the skills of employees (Deaton, 2015). This theory suggests that such L&D programs do not include all forms of learning because various social elements cannot be provided to employees or taught to them. These elements are acquired and understood by the learner from their surroundings. This is the form of learning known as observational learning, which is linked to understanding unique human behaviours. Learning through observation is the first form of learning provided by this theory, which is facilitated by the organisation’s surroundings or environment, which plays a critical role in allowing a learner to acquire social skills. According to this theory, the work environment must be professional and should be in a state that makes it possible for the employees to acquire knowledge or skills and learn (Deaton, 2015).

The theory proposes that change of behaviour is not necessary after learning about something. Even though it is usually expected that a change in behaviour will take place after learning, this theory suggests that this does not happen in all situations. Additionally, this theory elaborates on the mind-set or mental state of the employee, which influences the learning process immensely. According to this theory, if employees’ mental status is negative concerning the L&D activity put in place, they will not participate in the process of learning (Kattari, 2015).

If they are forced, they will not gain positivity from such methods. In the programs of L&D in companies, the mental state of employees can be changed and made positive concerning the L&D activity by associating the benefits and rewards with the programs. This will motivate the participants and build a positive state of their minds. Organisations can thus follow this social learning theory to allow their employees to acquire skills and knowledge by providing them with an enabling environment where they can not only learn from their coworkers but also their managers or supervisors (Kattari, 2015).

National learning and development practices

Creating national learning and development practices is usually to meet different employment or skill goals to create a workforce that can lead to the growth of an economy. One of the methods used by nations to facilitate the learning and development of its citizens is by creating credible institutional approaches for skills planning. This approach is based on the nation’s need for skills development and is usually researched and documented as well as communicated to facilitate effective planning in all important economic sectors. Additionally, the state can make it easy to access occupationally-directed L&D programs. This makes it possible to identify as well as address the need for middle-level skills in all crucial sectors in the economy. This approach also enables many people to qualify for appropriate skills development and employment positions. Furthermore, scarce skills and knowledge needs are addressed by graduates who are ready to work as they have acquired relevant skills during their higher education. Lastly, important research and development (R&D) and innovation are increased, allowing innovative projects to be established (Green, Jarratt and Mahaffie, 2018).

The government can also increase learning and development by improving the growth of public college systems that are responsive to national, regional, local, and sector skills priorities and needs. There should be national courses and certificates (Vocational certificates), which are considered to be essential qualifications bases by employers. Through this training, young people will be able to acquire additional work experience and vocational skills, and they can enter the job market equipped with marketable skills. Additionally, the national government should make it possible for partnerships to occur between colleges, private providers and employers, and other groups to increase the capacity of those trained jointly by these organizations to meet the needs of the industry countrywide. The government should also ensure that colleges can offer relevant learning and development at the required standards and quality (Zairi, 2019).

Additionally, at the national level, numeracy and language skills of adults and the youth can be improved through additional training. There should be a national approach to offer young people who are leaving learning institutions the opportunity to take part in learning and development to improve their chances of getting jobs (Mohan, Muthaly and Annakis, 2015). The use of workplace-based development of skills can also be promoted where employees are trained to equip them with critical skills and to improve their productivity, thus causing economic growth and making it possible for the workers to adapt to the always-changing labor market. The government can also support and encourage small enterprises and cooperatives with skills through L&D. Further, the government can promote community, NGO, and worker-initiated training programs by providing them with learning and development project partnerships. The government can also increase the capacity of the public sector to improve the delivery of services by supporting or building a developmental nation by creating learning and development plans which are reviewed and implemented to enhance service delivery capacity (Mohan, Muthaly and Annakis, 2015).

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Ardichvili, A., Natt och Dag, K. and Manderscheid, S., 2016. Leadership development: Current and emerging models and practices. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(3), pp.275-285.

Bell, B.S., Tannenbaum, S.I., Ford, J.K., Noe, R.A. and Kraiger, K., 2017. 100 years of training and development research: What we know and where we should go. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), p.305.

Deaton, S., 2015. Social Learning Theory in the Age of Social Media: Implications for Educational Practitioners. Journal of Educational Technology, 12(1), pp.1-6.

Green, K.L., Jarratt, J. and Mahaffie, J.B., 2018. The Future of Government Workforces: Serving the People in the 21st Century. FUTURES OF A COMPLEX WORLD, p.17.

Kattari, S.K., 2015. Examining ableism in higher education through social dominance theory and social learning theory. Innovative Higher Education, 40(5), pp.375-386.

Kiruja, E.K. and Mukuru, E., 2018. Effect of motivation on employee performance in public middle level Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. IJAME.

Klev, R. and Levin, M., 2016. Participative transformation: Learning and development in practising change. Routledge.

Mohan, M.D., Muthaly, S. and Annakis, J., 2015. Talent culture's role in talent development among academics: Insights from Malaysian government linked universities. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, The, 21(1), p.46.

Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2017. Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Prashanth, L.A., Jie, C., Fu, M., Marcus, S. and Szepesvári, C., 2016, June. Cumulative prospect theory meets reinforcement learning: Prediction and control. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1406-1415).

Smith, A., 2016. Experiential learning. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Umar, U., 2018. The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model of STAD Thype Based on Gagne Learning Theory In Mathematics Learning Class VII At MTS With B Accreditation In Makassar City. Jurnal Daya Matematis, 6(1), pp.34-41.

Zairi, M., 2019. Shaping the future of government through excellence: How the UAE Government has taken lead. International Journal of Excellence in Government, 1(1), pp.2-7.

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