Importance of Employee Relations


An employee relation is a recent term used to retain the workforce for a more extended period of time. However, it becomes essential to implement a series of strategies that works on influencing the employees and retaining the workforce for a more extended period of time. The current assignment works on understanding the importance of employee relations and the possible challenges associated with the same. The task additionally works on providing recommendations, with particular reference to Starbucks.


Importance of employee relations

Employee relationship is a term used to describe the relationship between employees and employers. The prime goal of employee relations strategy is to improve relationships while fostering collaboration within the workplace. Following are the reason that states the importance of employee relation:

A research-based study by Raizada (2019), 90% of the leaders understand the importance of employee engagement; only 50% of them know the way to address the issue. Employee engagement helps the employees to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses fostering better relations. Employee satisfaction is related to employee engagement; less engaged employees are less satisfied (Murugesan, 2017). Creating a productive and pleasant work environment has a drastic effect on loyalty. Having a better workforce improves employee retention reducing the cost of recruitment. Additionally, a steady employment relation works on resolving conflict. However, in a friendly environment, there remains no place for battle, thereby enhancing the rate of productivity. Finally, a harmonious relationship between employer and employee works on improving economic growth and organization development leading to an increase in the level of efficiency (Essa. and Wadi, 2019). A greater degree of energy leads to high levels of productivity and growth. It is essential to keep the employees motivated if the business organization plans to get the best from them. Broadly speaking, employee relation points towards the manner in which management interacts and addresses with the employees. Establishing and maintaining good employee relations helps in reducing stress and conflicts while boosting the morale of the staff (White, Lockett and Currie, 2019). When it comes to employee relations, the HR department has two prime functions. Firstly it helps in preventing and resolving possible disputes between management and employees. Secondly, they help in creating and enforcing policies that are consistent and relatively applicable to everyone within the workplace.

Fundamental of employment law

Duties, the obligation of an employer (Lijuan and Yawen, 2017):

The employer needs to abide by the following list of responsibilities which can be implied by the law or written down within the employment contract.

Duty to pay the employer the agreed amount of money if the employee and arrive work on a regular basis

The employer needs to observe specific standards of health and safety regulation to provide a safe environment for the employee to work with

The employees need to give correct information to the employees about the rights under an employment contract

Employee should be given reasonable scope to have their complaints addressed

There is no duty to provide a reference to an employee. However, if a text is provided by the employer, the employee makes sure that the text is completed and at par with reasonable skills and care.

The employer and employee need to show mutual trust and confidence to one another and the need to show respect to one another.

There should be no breach of contract or confidence example of few violations is as follows:

Harassing the employees by victimizing them, physically in front of other employees, are junior to the victim.

Physical violence by the employer or the employee

An act of theft committed by the employee

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There is no application on the employer to pay statutory sick leave for the per 4 weeks

The employees are entitled to 4 weeks of holiday in one year

Duties, the obligation of an employee (Lijuan and Yawen, 2017):

These are often explained in the employment contract; however, the law also states that they remain specific duties and obligation owed by the employee to the employer even if the deal does not explicitly mention it; these are as follows:

To conduct behaviour that is absolutely reasonable and any employee would do in that situation

To be honest

Not to disrupt the existing business situation, for instance, taking part within some sort of industrial action

Disclose wrongdoings, but the employees need to disclose the wrong brings undertaken by the other employees

Carry out and implement the orders given by the employee as long as they are legally binding

The employee should make sure that they do not disclose the confidential information of the employer

The employees need to work with reasonable skill and care

The employees need to make sure not to take bribes or compete in business against the employer, while they are still working for them as an employee

The employees need to be prepared to accept change

Recommendations for improving employee relations

As business organizations transition to a new evolution on workplace shed major limelight on employee relation. A healthy relationship provides better returns and companies are making great strides in this subject for the last few years adopting mobile technology including employees in internal communication and implementing policies designed to improve the experience of the employees (Lee and Moon, 2018). First, promoting open exchange and clear correspondence is a basic method of improving representative connection. Great correspondence chips away at maintaining a strategic distance from disarray and superfluous worry among the workers in this way diminishing grating between the representatives and the executives. Representatives need to pose inquiries and explain their thoughts regarding the new arrangements (Murugan and Francifca, 2019).

It is imperative to concentrate on the qualities and crucial the business. Representatives wish to be a piece of an option that could be greater than themselves and this is uniquely for the youthful laborers recent college grads want to be socially mindful and to profit the general public all in all. These emotions can give a positive brand picture to the business.

All the while, it is significant for the representatives to feel important. Independent of their real quality, representatives feels pleased with the outcomes and control. Consider making objectives with workers rather than basically taking care of the errand down to the representatives. For example, Google permits representatives to set quarterly goals which are quantifiable in nature. These objectives by the workers have brought about Google instruments, painting the extent of web engines and email ID. Utilizing impetus is one all the more method of persuading employees (Abu Amuna et al. 2017). However, business needs to ensure that the motivations are in arrangement with the central vision of company else they may wind up in comparative circumstances as Wells Fargo whose corporate objectives made a contention with values and the motivators won. Likewise, it is imperative to advance a sheltered and sound workplace that gives a work-life balance. The wellbeing and security act takes a shot at providing a superior work condition to the representatives without an irreconcilable situation (Babalola et al. 2016). Workers feel upheld by the businesses will in general build up a more prominent feeling of reliability. At the same time it is significant for the workers to feel important.

Types of rights and duties, employee and employers need to follow

Organizations working inside the UK need to develop a particular arrangement of guidelines that secures the privileges of the representatives to reasonable treatment. Workers and bosses have the duty and rights towards each other. Representatives need to think about a sheltered and sound condition while completing their work in a like manner (Farooq et al. 2018). As a business, they are answerable for ensuring that the company follows a lot of guidelines according to modern standards. Legal duties and privileges of the companies and workers when individuals from staff work in an organization there in title to specific rights these rights are connected with wellbeing and security state of the industry combined with the extent of equal chance and installment, a company must follow the referenced mediation (Kaur and Syal, 2017):

Peer employees minimum wage as determined by the national standards

Provide the employees with the payslip that includes a detailed breakdown of pe and deductions

Providing a safe and clean work environment that provides for the scope of first aid protective clothing and drinking water

Employee deserve a period of 20 minutes rest on a daily basis if they are working longer than 6 hours per day

Keep the working hours to 48 hours for the week

Provide a specific amount of paid leave depending on the type of employment

Health & Safety responsibilities of the employer

Under the current British legislative framework, the business is answerable for the wellbeing and security proportion of the staff individuals (Caldwell, 2016). It implies shielding them from anything that is probably going to cause potential mischief. Representative’s rights and duties inside the working environment are comprehensive of the accompanying:

Conducting a suitable dress assessment to identify and address the possible risks

Controlling the risk of injury arising from risk assessment

Providing the much-needed information of these was and how the employer plans to protect it from harming the employees

Instructing and training employees on the possible ways to deal with health-related risk within the workplace

Consulting with the staff members on safety and health issues

Addressing Discrimination

As per the equality act 2010, it is against the legal structure to discriminate employees based on the protected characteristics such as (Hannis et al. 2018), discrimination based on gender, culture caste or creed or preferences need to be abolished within the workplace to promote healthy working environment at all costs.

Responsibilities of employees in terms of pay and benefits

Employment rights act 1996 concentrates on the right of the employees regarding protection and payment. The employee should do additional work on providing payslip, containing details of the amount and deduction made (Chen et al. 2016). The employee should additionally provide the following; that included payments and deductions of all kinds, even the pensions.

Stakeholder analysis

Starbucks' partners the board approaches are reliant on different projects for corporate social duty the organization advocates for the equivalent. With respect to the CSR obligation, the organization needs to consider the enthusiasm of the state envelope as the business isn't seen similarly as an association for the benefit, yet additionally seen as a resident of society (Pandey, 2017). Following are the partners gathering of the business with the correct investigation:

Representatives (employees): the organization organizes representatives in the organization interested for better working conditions with roadways and employer stability. Starbucks authoritative culture worries over the worker first mentality, and representatives are given wages over the lawfully ordered least level (Smothers et al. 2016).

Providers (suppliers): the providers are made out of providing firms and even the espresso ranchers. The prime enthusiasm for this gathering of partners is remuneration and developing interest from the barista (Rusdi et al. 2016). Suppliers concentrate on expanding the espresso for producing more income. Starbuck addresses the enthusiasm of the ranchers to various CSR exercises, an example of the provider's decent variety program, ensuring that more gracefully from around the world are remembered for the flexible chain. Starbucks espresso and rancher value program request straightforwardness among the discount providers for ensuring that the ranchers are satisfactorily paid (Kang and Sung, 2016). The referenced intercession embraced by Starbucks chips away attending to the enthusiasm of this picked gathering of partners.

Environment (condition): Starbucks has a CSR program for ecological mindfulness business. The organizations program for guaranteeing that the ranchers are appropriately paid has brought about significant levels of biodiversity and shade quality as far as ensured espresso cultivating (Cai et al. 2018). At present, over 80% of the flexibility is from ensured ranches. The noteworthy figure shows the Starbucks sufficient in tending to issues identified with CSR, anyway there remains space for upgrades.

Speculators: as in any business, Starbucks needs to address financial specialists as partners. Speculators have enthusiasm for monetary execution of the company and worldwide development of Starbucks and nonstop predominance in the café business (Navimipour and Soltani, 2016). Regardless of the universal extension, the organization was exposed to significant decrease in 2007 anyway it recouped and is stepping on the way of development, fulfilling the enthusiasm of this partner gathering.

Government: Starbucks needs to address the enthusiasm of a few government partners, remembering the various and worldwide nearness of the business. For the most part, the organization consented to rules and guidelines; anyway, Starbucks was censured for reducing charges in the European Union. Starbucks actualizes a system of the area in different European Union nations for abusing the potential expense advantage. Right now, a significant part of the framework stays inside the Starbucks low assessments in the UK. Thus, the CSR can be improved in the picked region for tending to the enthusiasm of this partner gathering (Kang and Sung, 2019).

Analysis of both positive and negative impact

Starbucks has CSR performance in addressing the interest of most of the stakeholder group. Based on the perceived information it can be conclusively stated that the company satisfies the concerns of most of the stakeholder group like the employees, customers, suppliers, environment and investors (Oragwu and Nwabueze, 2018). However, the business needs to improve the existing CSR practices and policies for the certified supply chain for maximizing the potential environmental benefit. Starbucks additional needs to address the performance of the government around the globe and specifically in the European Union by improving the existing tax compliance (Adams-Prassl et al., 2018). These are the few main areas where a Starbucks can introduce change for boosting the current image of the company and satisfy the interests of the stakeholders. Starbucks works on maintaining its relations with the stakeholders for better brand image and corporate social responsibility. However, it becomes essential to understand that while adhering to the principles of stakeholder analysis and meeting the demands made by stakeholders, the company is likely to witness a shift of concentration from the core competencies. Attention from the core competency is expected to cause financial loss to the business, a step not favoured by the managers. Additionally, financial loss may lead to stunted growth of the market, a prime disadvantage of the company.

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Hence, it can be conclusively stated, a more remarkable degree of proficiency prompts elevated levels of profitability and development. It is essential to keep the workers inspired if the business association intends to get the best from them. Comprehensively, representative connection focuses on the way where the executive's interfaces and addresses with the workers. Setting up and keeping up excellent representative relations helps in diminishing pressure and clashes while boosting the resolve of the staff. With regards to worker relations, the HR office has two prime capacities. Right off the bat, it helps in forestalling and settling potential debates among the board and representatives. Furthermore, they aid in making and authorizing arrangements that are predictable and genuinely material to everybody inside the work environment.

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Reference list

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