In the recent era of globalisation, the multinational corporations focus on managing the employees, as the employees are the main stakeholders of the company to run the operations and gain high competitive advantage (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018). Hereby, it is essential for the corporations to explore creative strategic planning to manage the employees and create values for them. Managing employees has crucial impacts on the organisations, where the management team is able to manage the staff, increases their creativity and meet the corporate goal strategically. Hence, the corporations try to manage their staff members for increasing the organisational efficiency as a whole and maximise their performance so that the company’s objectives can be fulfilled (Boon, Den Hartog, and Lepak, 2019). The construction companies are also focusing on retaining the employees for long run so that the critical task at the construction project sites can be managed well. Through monetary and non-monetary incentives, the corporate leaders try to manage the employees and retain them in order to maximise the organisational performance (Ahammad, Glaister and Gomes, 2020). In the recent years, due to diverse workforce and the existing issues of cultural diversity, language gap, differences in understanding door communication further raise the issue in employee management which further deteriorated the organisational performance as a whole (Pham, Tučková and Jabbour, 2019). Hence, the corporations try to manage the employees with continuous communication and cooperation and create values for them so that they can contribute positively to meet their responsibilities at the organisational workplace.
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Composite Construction UK is a famous construction company, having experience over 25 years. The organisation is successful to provide construction solutions and develop good projects for the customers. The company is operating across the UK and Europe and they are specialist in construction in structural strengthening, by using unique and innovative methods. Composite Construction UK is also effective to hire the experience staff in the organisation and create values for the employees in order to retain them and encourage their creativity to perform innovatively. The country mainly expands their business across the Europe through providing the services such as crack injection techniques structural strengthening, repair to timbers, concrete creators and masonry structure. Through delivering the best quality products and efficient services, the organisation Composite Construction UK focuses on expanding their business and improve brand image in the construction industry of the UK. The company is also successful to retain the customers and develop good products and services as per the client’s choice and preferences. Employee engagement in this regard is mandatory in the corporation, in order to hire the best talented people in the firm so that they can serve the customers creatively. The employees in the construction projects are playing crucial role in structuring the projects, contributing positively in developing site plan, arranging organisational resources and managing supply chain to work efficiently and develop the project successfully within the allocated time and budget. Hence, the employee management practices in the Composite Construction UK is mandatory in this study provides a scope to analyse the practice of engaging the employees and encouraging them, to enhance their creativity and maximise performance in order to meet the company goal.
The aim of the research is to understand the impacts of employee engagement process on the composite construction UK. Through this study, it is possible to evaluate the process of employee engagement through which the corporate firms aim at retaining the staff members and strengthening their employee base to work proficiently and meet the corporate goal.
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The objectives of the study are such as,
To understand the ways that the company tries to improve employee engagement
To evaluate reward and punishment practices at composite construction for employee management
To recommend some suitable suggestions to improve the employee engagement practices at Composite Construction UK in order to strengthen their employees base and achieve corporate aim of the company
What are the ways that the company tries to improve employee engagement?
What are the reward and punishment practices at composite construction?
What would be the recommended suggestions to improve the employee engagement practices at Composite Construction UK?
Employee engagement is the extent to which the employees feel passionate about their jobs and they become committed to the organisation to fulfil their job responsibilities at the organisational workplace (Cooke, 2018). The corporate firms in the recent era of globalisation focus on employee engagement in order to involve them in the operational activities and provide effective job role and responsibility, so that they can perform better. It is the role of the corporate leader and management team to engage the staff members in the organisational workplace in order to enhance the performance of the firm as a whole and meet the corporate aim and objectives (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018). The corporate leaders focus on retaining the staff members towards the organisation through engaging them in several ways. The major practices of employee’s engagement are such as assigning company values, sharing the corporate mission and visions with the staff members, quality supervision and control, empowering them in the workplace and continuous communication (Boon, Den Hartog, and Lepak, 2019). Employee engagement is possible through developing good bonding, where mutual trust and commitment are essential. The managers must fulfil the commitment towards the staff and it is also the responsibility of the employees to work hard and meet the company objectives.
The corporate leaders focus on empowering the employees in the workplace in order to adopt strategic changes and also continuous support and guide them to work better. Employee empowerment is crucial for retaining the staff and creating values for them where they feel valued to share their opinion and be involved with the organisational decision making behaviour (Ahammad, Glaister and Gomes, 2020). On the other hand, the career growth opportunities through personal and professional developmental planning, training programs and workplace skill enhancement practice are also considered as involving the staff and encouraging their creativity to perform better. Workforce data sharing and information gathering for partnership working practice is also beneficial for employee engagement where the employees try to be involved with the workplace activities and access adequate information and resources to perform better (Pham, Tučková and Jabbour, 2019). Internal trust and loyalty among the team members as well as good corporate bonding with the organisational managers and leaders are also fruitful to ensure employee engagement where the leader try to manage the staff and retain them for long run through continuous guidance (Ahammad, Glaister and Gomes, 2020). The organisational culture in this regard is crucial to involve the staff where the practice of managing transparency and accountability, employment rules, work life balances. Through working as a team, managing the employees through continuous communication and cooperation are beneficial to engage the staff and create values for them (Pham, Tučková and Jabbour, 2019). Employee reward system, appreciation at the workplace and continuous motivation are hereby mandatory for engaging the staff and enhance their creativity to perform uniquely so that they can meet their job responsibilities and contribute positively in the company.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory stating five key needs of the human being, where it is the responsibility of the corporate leader to meet the needs of the employees for increasing their involvement and maximising the overall performance of the firm. The major five needs are such as physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness, self-esteem and self-actualisation needs (Macke and Genari, 2019). The leader focuses on meeting the basic needs of food, shelter, health by providing them monetary incentives and structured salary. The employees are motivated by the monetary rewards in the organisation where they try to contribute positively for earning better. The safety and security needs are also crucial in working safely at the workplace. In this regard, the organisational leader and managers try to provide safe circumstances, with CCTV camera, security system, fire extinguisher, emergency exit and safety harness, so that the staff can work with continuous monitoring and safety. Some of the companies also arrange insurance premium for the staff in case of any accidental incidents at the workplace (Singh et al., 2020).
Additionally, love and belongingness must be met in order to develop good corporate bonding which in turn helps to ensure employee engagement. It is important for the leader to create good bonding, trust and respect for others at the workplace to create values for them and develop good working circumstances with harmony and freedom to work (Cooke, Schuler and Varma, 2020). Moreover, the needs of self-esteem and self-actualisation are also essential to encourage the staff and retain them for long run. The feeling of accomplishment and continuous motivation at the workplace are beneficial to ensure self-esteem and apart from that, the corporate leaders try to meet self-actualisation needs by providing the scope of personal and professional development, organisational promotion and job responsibilities as well as encouraging employees creativity to perform uniquely (Cooke, Schuler and Varma, 2020). Hence, through meeting the needs of the employees, it is possible to motivate them and engage them with the organisational activities in order to meet the corporate aim and vision.
Herzberg’s two factor theory is an effective model to identify the factors of motivation in the organisation, where the corporate firms try to create good circumstances to retain the staff and encourage them to perform better. The major two factors as per the model are such as hygienic factors and motivational factor, through which it is possible to encourage the staff and retain them for long run (Men, O’Neil and Ewing, 2020).
As per the hygienic factors, the working condition in the workplace and co-workers relations is mandatory and these factors are beneficial to improve employee engagement by creating good bonding, trust and loyalty (Nazir and Islam, 2017). The existing policies and rules to manage the workplace activities are also crucial where the organisational managers try to maintain ethical standard to run the business firm and achieve future success. The employment rules, data protection and equality and diversity management are important to manage the staff members and involve them with the corporate activities. Another main factor is the base wage and salary of the staff, where the organisation is able to retain the staff by providing structured salary and base wage so that they can fulfil their needs (Sendawula et al., 2018). On the other hand, the motivational factors are also effective to encourage the employees and retain them in the organisation so that the operational activities are handled successfully. The motivational factors includes achievements, workplace recognition, job responsibility, working practice, advancement and personal growth which are effective practices in creating values for the staff members and engaging them with the company activities (Sendawula et al., 2018). The corporate leaders try to provide achievement and share job responsibility with the staff for giving them the scope of working individually and contribute positively in meeting the organisational aim. Continuous motivation and the scope of personal growth are helpful for the leader to educate the staff and involve them with the organisational activities (Kwon and Kim, 2020). Hence, through the hygienic and motivational factors, it is possible for the leader to cooperate with the employees and involve them with the workplace activities for maximising the overall performance. Increasing the motivational factors further helps to ensure job satisfaction, where the employees become interested to perform creatively and contribute in the firm. It is hereby the responsibility of the corporate leaders to engage the staff and continuous support them for better performance.
The leaders in the recent era of globalisation try to enhance employee engagement in order to develop trust, respect and good bonding with the employees. Through employee engagement practices, it is possible to create suitable organisational culture with friendly relationship and good working environment, where the staff members can work and feel valued for the monetary and non-monetary incentives (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017). The overall organisational performance can also be maximised through engaging the staff in the working activities and also with thy organisational operations, where they are continuously encouraged to show their creativity for performing uniquely. Hence, creativity and technological innovation are also other benefits of engaging the employees and exploring the best solution for the company. The other benefits of employee engagement are such as creating values for the staff, retaining experienced employees in the organisation for long run, creating good learning environment and ensuring work life balance, where the staff members are feeling valued and working efficiently for contributing positively in achieving the organisational aim (Kang and Sung, 2017). In addition to this, the employees can get the scope of personal and professional development through learning and skill enhancement activities at the workplace which further motivate them to work creatively and achieving the organisational aim innovatively (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017). Hence, through employee engagement, the corporate leaders are able to empower them, gather diverse perception and choose the best solution for the business which increases uniqueness to run the organisation successfully (Sun and Bunchapattanasakda, 2019). On the other hand, through employee engagement, it is possible to enhance communication and cooperation where the team members can work under partnership working practice for better outcome. Hence, the organisational performance and creativity of the employees can be maximised well through engaging the staff. Through such activities, the leaders also can create values for the employees and retain experienced staff for long run in order to maximise the corporate values and brand image.
Research methods must be chosen effectively in order to progress in the research in a systematic way, through the research method, it is possible for the researcher to choose the research approach, data collection and analysis method and in this regard research onion is a systematic way to choose the right method of conducting the study (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018).
The two research approaches are such as Deductive and inductive approaches, through which it is possible for the researcher to progress in the study in a systematic process (Brannen, 2017). The deductive approach is the method of gathering the information and data from diverse sources to gain understanding about the research, analysis the study and draw conclusion. However, the inductive approach is different from it, and under the inductive approach, the researcher gathers data and information for analysis so that it would be possible to develop suitable model and theories related to the research topic (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018). In this study, the researcher will choose deductive approach in order to conduct the study by gathering vast range of data information related to theories and models related to the employee engagement practices in the corporate firms.
Primary and secondary are the two types of data collection method that provides a scope to gather vast range if data and information through choosing effective ways (Brannen, 2017). Through the process of gathering the first hand data through survey, questionnaire, case study analysis and interview, it is possible to collect primary data in the research (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018). On the other hand, secondary data collection method is the practice of gathering the information through reviewing the secondary sources of information such as books, journals, online articles and company reports (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In this particular study, the researcher selects both the primary and secondary data collection method in order to gather vast range of authentic data and information for in depth analysis. The researcher reviewed the books and journals related to employee engagement. On the other hand, for primary data collection, the researcher will arrange interview with the company supervisors in order to collect authentic information about the employee engagement practices at the Composite construction UK.
The data analysis methods are of two types, quantitative and qualitative data analysis (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018). The quantitative data analysis is useful to analyse the survey data where the statistical tools, tabular formats and charts are utilized for in depth evaluation. The qualitative data analysis is utilised for analysing the interview data and other secondary information in the study (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). As the research selects the interview strategy to collect information directly from the organisational employees, the researcher selects the qualitative data analysis method, where the interview transcript will be analysed by applying the secondary information, theories and models related to employee engagement.
For the purpose of data collection, the technique of random sampling would be applied to choose the supervisors at Composite Construction UK. Hence, the sample size is 3, where the researcher will be able to develop interview questions and arrange telephonic interview for gathering authentic information related to employee engagement in the construction company UK in order to analyse the impacts of employee engagement practice. The interview questions are open ended so that the participants can share their perception about the employee engagement practice at the company. The interview will be arranged with the CEO of the company, the engineer, and accountant of the organisation, in order to gather their opinion and analyse it for better employee management in the construction company.
Ethical considerations must be reviewed in order to complete the research ethically where the researcher focuses on maintaining anonymity and confidentiality during the research process (Brannen, 2017). Additionally, Data Protection Act 1998 is being implemented in the research in proper to protect the data of the participants safely, to avoid data breach. The researcher also ensures that the data and information will be utilised only for this study, not for other business purpose. Moreover, the researcher provide consent form to the participants and convince them to participate in the study by maintaining confidentiality, as the personal, identity of the participants will not be revealed further. The research is also concerned about maintaining transparency and integrity to collect the feedback from the respondents and without any data influence, the researcher maintains validity of the information in the study in order to analyse the above mentioned research topic successfully.
As per the findings, the supervisor is efficient in working in the department in construction industry for supervising the whole process and management employees successfully. The internal working environment is good for the employees, where effective communication and collaboration are helpful for the staff to work with others and share the workspace for better outcome. The internal communication system as well as regular discussions with the team and personal levels is also helpful for engaging the employees with the organisational activities at composite construction. Positive and enjoyable atmosphere are beneficial for the staff to work by partnership working practice and also through internal correspondence, the managers interact with the staff. Hence, it is effective to engage the staff in the construction project, so that the managers can guide them and support them with updated information and data for better performance. As per the feedback of the supervisor it is also explored that, the construction company is efficient to provide friendly atmosphere so that the workers can work collaboratively and share their knowledge and efficacy for working as a team and meet the job responsibilities as well. On the other hand, there is bonus and travel related payments which further encourage the employees to be engaged with the composite construction project activities and contribute with their full potential for the best outcome. The internal communication process is satisfactory for which the employees feel motivated and they are productive. More group meetings and one to one conversations would be suggested in order to enhance employee’s participation and engage them with the organisational activities successful in long run. It is beneficial for the supervisor and other senior management team to create values for the employees by continuous cooperation and communication, where the employees can feel safe to work and contribute with their full potential in order to meet the project outcomes. As per the findings, the supervisor is expert in managing the workplace activities, with effective guidance and continuous monitoring process. The employees and managers at composite construction are meeting socially and also there is good team work at the workplace where the employees and managers share the knowledge and working tactics with each other for working cooperatively. The internal workplace is good and beneficial for the workers to enjoy the atmosphere and work with others. The organisational resources and guidelines at composite construction UK are fruitful for the employees to work efficiently and enhance team working facilities to share the working activities and meet the organisational aim collaboratively. As per the recommendations, creating a psychological safety and encouraging teamwork and collaboration would be beneficial for engaging the staff and encouraging them to participate at the construction project productively. In the recent era of globalisation, the construction project managers are concerned about employee welfare where they focus on engaging the staff, improving collaboration and encouraging their creativity for further motivation, so that the staff members can work innovatively and contribute positively in the projects. The composite construction mainly focuses on enhancing communication and cooperation at the workplace to engage the staff and retain them for long run in order to achieve the organisational success.
The research is effective to understand the importance of employee engagement in the construction project, where the construction manager, supervisor and engineers are playing a crucial role to lead the employees towards achieving the future success. Composite construction UK is successful to create good atmosphere for the employees at the construction sites, in order to enhance their performance and productivity. The senior managers and leaders as well as engineer and supervisor try to guide the employees and continuous cooperate with them to g\engage them with the working activities and provide them suitable working environment to contribute positively and maximise their performance and productivity. The company also provide travel allowance and rewards on project completion, which are considered as motivational activities for the staff to engage them and retain them in long run. The contribution of the supervisors in collecting authentic data is beneficial for conducting the research and meeting the study objectives. As per the analysis, the composite UK also needs to develop good strategy to provide rewards and engage the staff in the construction project sites, for maximising the overall performance. The organisational leader and managers must work together and continuous guide and support the employees for better experience and improving their expertise to perform better. The group discussion, employee portal management and providing good rewards would be motivational for the employees to feel engaged and be encouraged to show their creativity at the workplace for completing the project innovatively.
The company composite construction UK is successful to improve employee engagement by creating friendly working atmosphere at the workplace. The managers and employees are working cooperatively with good environment and share the job roles with each other for better performance. Additionally, there is bonus after construction project completion and travel expenses that are provided to the employees. The internal communication at the workplace and bonus are hereby effective for the company to engage the staff.
The organisation is successful to provide employee rewards, including monetary and non-monetary. The managers provide suitable atmosphere to work with others, sharing the workspace and responsibilities, partnership working practice and continuous engagement with each staff, which are beneficial for rewarding the staff. On the other hand, internal communication, rewards for project success and travel allowances along with safety activities are beneficial to engage the staff and create values for them.
The study is effective to meet all the objectives and through proposing further recommendations, it would be possible to meet this objective too. The recommendations will be suggested further.
The composite construction UK must focus on enhancing communication and collaboration, where arranging group meeting would be suggestion. Weekly group meeting is mandatory to guide the employees with updated information and latest project initiatives, so that they feel engaged and participate in each task at the construction project actively.
One to one conversation is mandatory in this context, to enhance employee’s engagement and maximise their performance in log run to meet the construction project objectives. The Composite construction UK needs to create online employee portal, where the staff members can share and post their perception, feelings and any queries, in order to develop one to one discussion with the senior management team. This would be beneficial for encouraging the staff and retaining them for long run at the company.
Composite construction must focus on providing performance related pay and yearly bonus in order to encourage their creativity and motivate them with monetary rewards. This is considered as a good strategy for the company to engage the employees and motivate them to perform better in the construction project in order to gain higher. Restricting the performance related payment and continuous cooperation during work are hereby helpful to retain the employees and maximise their performance.
Creating a psychological safety and encouraging teamwork and collaboration would be effective strategy for composite construction UK in order to enhance employee engagement and guide them efficiently for improving their productivity. The company must provide all the safety concern and also ensure psychological safety in order to engage the staff. Moreover, internal collaboration and partnership working practice with sharing job roles and supporting each other’s through interaction and team work would be advantageous for composite construction UK to achieve the organisational success.
The study is effective for me to develop in depth knowledge and understanding to perform better and develop good arguments and critical discussion. It provides me a scope to improve my expertise in analytical field, where I try to gather vast range of information and data for further critical evaluation. Through Kolb reflective model, it is possible to develop reflection, and there are four steps as per the model, which are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation.
Throughout the research, I try to follow step by step approach for making the dissertation successful. It provides me an opportunity to improve my knowledge in management field, where I can understand the practice of employee engagement and also improve my capabilities to gather vast range of information and data. I try to research on the basic research topic, and gather journals, articles and books for collecting secondary information, theories and concepts of the research. It helps me to improve my knowledge in this field. Additionally, I also try to arrange interview with the organisational supervisor, which is also beneficial for me to interact with them and improve my communication skill for gathering authentic information related to the real life organisational practices in employee management. The study is hereby advantageous for me to improve my knowledge and abilities for understanding he research and progressing in it in a systematic way.
The research is a great chance for me to improve my analytical skill set and utilise the resources for developing in depth analysis. The participants are helpful to develop good interview transcript for critical analysis. Additionally, I also try to develop one to one communication with the supervisor for gathering authentic organisational information related to employee management. On the other hand, the English skill and other academic skill set are also helpful for me to develop interview transcript and conduct in depth analysis by representing the information efficiently.
The main lesson from the research is to improve critical analytical skill and decision making skill, which are useful to complete the research by proposing good suggestions to the organisations or entities. The research gives me an opportunity to improve my knowledge and skill set by reviewing the real life organisational experiences, where I am successful to enhance my knowledge on management and participate well in completing the project successfully. I faced some difficulties related to budget and time constraint for which I cannot develop in depth research with more participants.
I would like to improve my planning for further researchers where I develop good Gantt hart for distributing time and budget for conducting the research with literature review, methodology and data findings and discussion. Additionally, I would like to improve communication and cooperation skill to interact with others and convince them to provide valid information related t real life experiences which would be great for me to develop researches in future. Hereby, the research provides me a scope to improve my capabilities to participate actively and develop good research project successfully.
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Sendawula, K., Nakyejwe Kimuli, S., Bananuka, J. and Najjemba Muganga, G., 2018. Training, employee engagement and employee performance: Evidence from Uganda’s health sector. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), p.1470891.
Singh, S.K., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R. and Graziano, D., 2020. Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, p.119762.
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