Marriott’s Human Resource Management Success

Executive summary

The report discusses the significance of international human resource management (HRM) as applied by Marriott International. For its service, a corporation needs physical and human resources; human resources are the biggest advantage an enterprise can have; corporate transactions cannot be disrupted without them (Friedman, 2019). It ensures that the Marriott runs effectively now that plans for the future are defined. For the good of a Marriott, successful leaders should balance the forces and vulnerabilities of their human resources (Bergs & Lub, 2020). The effectiveness of a company influences how well the human resources are produced, created, and maintained in a company. The task of the Human Resources Department, assisted by senior and top management, is to develop an effective team; the process begins with the preparation of human resources, assessment, incentive, and incentives and ends with the completion of the employment contract. Working conditions vary for different organizations. There are, however, some parallels between industry actors in the selection, contracting, and recruiting processes. For a company to succeed in this field, effective human resources management is essential in the hospitality industry (Kim et al., 2019). Marriott International is an international hotel chain that has demonstrated success in hospitality and hotelier industry, and its well-managed personnel staff has been highly accredited for its success.



Willard Marriot and Wife Alice Marriot founded the Marriott International in 1927. The company’s history traces its roots back to Washington D.C when the couple opened root beer. The founded believed that the locals needed a place where they would relax and enjoy a cool drink (). The company expanded in a chain of stores, and was dubbed "Hot Shoppe," where heated fast food was served, such as tacos, tamales, and chilies. Over winter, these food products were served primarily to the customer. In 1929, Hot Shoppes was formally integrated into Marriott International. It was growing quickly. It became a public enterprise in 1953 (Li et al., 2020). Furthermore, it has seen its strategic edge in commodity diversification on global markets. This was the company's first opening hotel at Twin Bridges Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. Twin Bridges Marriott went international in 1966 with its rapidly rising speed, following the take-over of the Venezuelan airline catering kitchen. In 1967 the company then changed its name to Marriott. Later on, the firm took over a string of acquisitions that made it possible to become a billion-dollar company (Nassar, 2018). Marriott International was an independent public firm on the stock exchange in 1998, after which they began concentrating their efforts on enterprise and holiday accommodation. In 2002, the firm sold its superior living facilities to ensure the sustainability of such a new business. The operations of Marriott International continue to diversify. Marriott International's leadership began, however, with Marriot and Alice, the two founders. Today's top management comprises six senior managers; it also has 36 company managers (Marriott International, Inc. Official website, 2021).

The group has a professionally run management team that develops and orchestrates the team; they realize that the consistency of the services provided by human resources is of decisive value to the company in the hospitality industry. The Human Resources Section of a corporation examines the health of its employees. The department has the responsibility to prepare, deploy, hire, train, recruit and fire employees (Nassar, 2018). A robust and knowledgeable staff is responsible for the Human Resource Section of Marriott.

Application of theory into practice

Human Capital Planning

Human resource planning tries to predict how many workers are necessary. To the degree this need can be met; Human resource managers from Marriott have the task of designing mechanisms to define the use of human capital in their enterprise (Basnyat & Lao, 2019). This is done by the agency in coordination with the departments concerned to determine their human resource demands.

Selection and recruitment

The next move is to advertise for posts after preparing a job exercise. Within or outside the industry, advertising may be. When a qualified applicant is advertised, the minimum requirements provided in the advertisement and the application times are well explained. The staff department advises the marketing branch of the corporation of publicity (Basnyat & Lao, 2019). They are sorted and shortlisted after the submission has been submitted. Contact successful applicants. Various organizations have various ways of selection and interviewing according to their desired expertise. Some administer oral interviews, some do the aptitude test, and some combine them; the interview process in the case of Marriott depends on the post-stage announcement (Karmoker, Zannat, & Roy, 2020). Any quality-conscious company is based on recruiting and selecting the right employees. Professionals have in the past been selected based on academic qualifications such as qualification, expertise, and membership in the organization concerned. While these qualifications remain relevant, technological skills are just part of the global service supply, including functional criteria such as communication and management skills and the capacity to promote customer relationships. Marriott International is a customer-centered company that finds recruiting to be the first step in attracting committed, inspired, and satisfied staff. Thus, companies should prepare to recruit and hire to ensure that the new technique fits their staff, requiring qualified and professional employees. The panel should ensure during the interview that it learns the candidate's strengths and weaknesses. This will help them make the final decision (Mangano, 2018).

Training and development

Marriott International understands that a worker, like any other employee, has a limited range of qualifications that require continuous upgrading in the process of changing business and technology demands. Professional companies will only guarantee that they empower their employees with the required expertise to meet potential industry expectations if they update these skills using well-developed systems—the management of Marriott international guarantees good motivation for employers and more actively engaged workers. The person must be properly evaluated for the Department of Human Resources to identify the areas for improvement. Many who have achieved management expectations should then be compensated (Mangano, 2018). For example, Marriott International reflects on the kind of workers they hire to be competitive and retain productivity in today's hospitality industry. Fresh applicants should be vetoed. Human Resource Managers Marriott International ensures that salespeople realize and use their skills in the business Pegulescu, 2018).

Analyze the importance of HRM

Employees Motivation at Marriot

Motivation is an individual's drive; it endeavors to achieve such aims, whether in life or an organization. People have different attitudes, and so they are inspired by different things; the human resources department of Marriott has a role to play in inspiring its personnel. A motivator is not stagnant but increases in age, economic condition, and social status, among other things. To achieve its objectives, an organization needs human and physical capital (Jain, 2020) Motivation is an ongoing process; one target achievement leads to another need, the end is a beginning. No motivating mechanism may function throughout, but a mixture of the various motivating method is essential. A system/process incentive variation of the variable with the predicted outcome as a greater enthusiasm and morality for once. The Department of Human Resources is assigned to accomplish this mission. The organization's composition, the kind of culture practiced by the organization, division of authority, and interactions with its workers vary. An internal and external stimulation can inspire employees (Westover, 2019).

Labour rights and legislation

The HRD department is responsible for ensuring that its regulations abide by the country of operation's labor rights concerning workplace relations, compensation, labor arrangements, pension plans, and dispute settlement. It has several establishments in various countries. Compliance consultants working to ensure that the organization meets the legal standards of various countries will support HRD. However, the company's philosophy that line managers, staff, and senior management have managed to find a compromise before anything gets out of control (Westover, 2019).

Respective responsibility of hr functions and line management

Human resources management works only successfully with the support of top and top managers. Senior managers give departmental authority and resources, and the managers inform the department about the organization's human resources needs (Parshuram & Ramesh, 2020). They have the position at any stage in the business to provide the numbers, and the quality needed. They work on the reports they have sent from line managers, and their decisions are to a degree implemented by the line managers. The line manager has the function, for example, to motivate their staff from a non-monetary point of view. They guarantee that it is in the company's interest. Marriott Company categorizes line managers as administrators, sectional managers, and operations managers one day. It has a greater view of the demands and questions that employers tend to closely with employees. The various divisions’ Kitchen, service, room facilities, and the compound are composed of line leaders who have been mandated to advise HRD on the best policies. Periodically, they participate in preparing and administering human resources to provide input into the organization (Ahmad, & Shariff, 2019).

Leadership theories

Great Man Theory

According to the Theory of Great Man (which may be named the Theory of the Great Person), leaders come into being with everything they can do – charm, intelligence, trust, leadership skills, and social competencies. The theory shows that leadership is innate – that the strongest leaders are born and not created (Ari et al., 2020). It describes leaders as courageous, mythical, and ordained to lead as things happen. The word "great man" was then embraced as leadership for men, especially in military leadership, was reserved. Marriott's theory is The distinctive style of management practiced in the business is linked to the practices of J. Willard Marriott, the founder and the new executive chair of Marriott International, his son J.W. Marriott, Jr. Marriott began improving his leadership skills when promoting the family business and becoming CEO of one of the world's largest hospitality companies (Joachim, 2020). He is recognized today for his style of leadership in change. The group is also led by Arne M. Sorenson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International (Promnil, 2018).

The behavioral dimensions of HR

In managing a local staff, bound by local rules, incorporating local culture, traditions, and norms can be a challenge. It is important to have a worldwide workforce into the mix and reveal a whole new dynamic. Marriott, developed from family-led perspective can be considered local leadership as they implement things according to rules and regulations of a country. Building a deep human relationship between teams across borders is HR's major international challenge. In this case, cultural HR issues relate less to foreign colleagues unintentionally insulting somebody's religion and more to the various ways people function, depending on where they live in the world (Bertova & Sojka, 2020). Change is a shaping agent that affects our world, our rivals, our consumers, and our jobs. However, it is common knowledge that people are scared of transition, whether managers, structures, procedures, or technologists. The unknown creates feelings of insecurity and fear. This is one of the most recurring problems facing HR practitioners to adapt workers to transition. The personnel are responsible for managing the spiritual and happiness of the workforce and working with them through transition and continuously updating the staff to meet the company's changing needs (Singh, 2018). Any team does not perform at the same amount, which is generally due to the team leader. Many workers fear losing their positions when their immediate boss has a bad relationship. It is also essential for talented and inspirational leaders to emerge and thrive. However, it is easier said than done. Since the caregiving of new leadership workers does not work as leaders continue to leave – this is a daily event in a thousand-year-old workforce. This is why now this is one of the most frequent issues for human resources (Micic & Radosavac, 2017).

Attracting local talents

Each organization has its recruitment policy. The organization can hire candidates online or through newspaper advertising. To meet the organizational aims, the Marriot hotel also recruits well-trained and highly experienced applicants. The organization pursues corporate governance policy and recruits, qualified employees. Marriott Hotel's recruitment and hiring process begins with newspaper publication, and the interview takes place after the applicants are selected. The applicant must undergo such examinations, such as written tests and group debates, after the interview (Gannon, & Paraskevas, 2019). Physical testing also takes place in the organization. The HR manager only recruits the applicant after all checks have been passed. The employee should also make me more effective and successful to accomplish organizational objectives. The recruitment and selection processes of Tesco, on the other hand, are very difficult, so it may lose its highly qualified workers. Tesco announces its openings online and selects experienced applicants online, as the newcomer will not be chosen for the preferred position. The interview is also done online, and the applicant must pass different exams that include aptitude testing, verbal testing after being picked for the preferred role. Finally, the candidate is chosen based on his professional expertise and experience (Gajjar & Okumus, 2018). In contrast to Tesco, which employs a more complicated protocol, the Marriott hotel follows an easy procedure for recruiting candidates. The Marriott management framework offers fair chances for both seasoned and new organizations to be chosen. In contrast, Tesco performs online the recruitment and screening process and offers seasoned applicants more chances than fresher applicants. Tesco still does not obey the internal selection protocol due to a decrease in the organization's results (Malik et al 2020). Still, the selection process of Marriott is more efficient as it follows the proper procedures in the selection of the candidate, whereas Tesco conducts an online recruiting and selection process. Also, both organizations conduct several tests of the candidate after the interview, which helps the organization know the potential of an individual to achieve organizational objectives (Malik et al 2020).

Analysis of best practices in IHRM

Marriott has been working to provide its workers a decent work-life and a fair compensation plan. Non-monetary considerations, such as work-life balance, strong leadership, greater opportunities for advancement, a pleasant working atmosphere, and preparation, were given equal priority. Employees remained with Marriott longer as they were pleased and more relevant with these non-monetary reasons. The ethos and values of Marriott have had a considerable impact on the HR activities of the group, including workforce preparation, recruiting and selection, training and development, retention of employees, and health and remedial grievance measures (Malik et al 2020). For the new company's activity, Tesco should take a polycentric view, as its plan requires both recruitment and promotion of employees as the people of the host countries. Organizations should apply this strategy since they can face heterogeneous markets where commodity demands determine factors and thus market-driven execution of their strategies (Kang et al., 2020). This study further emphasizes the importance of management and evaluation of success in this new country.


For human resources at Marriot to embody a multicultural perspective drawn from different culture backgrounds, the leading functions of the management team are to mentor and cultivate personnel in his organization, realize the potential of the business, and formulate strategies for the creation and use of human resources intellectualism. Inside the organization, Marriot has put the duty of talent acquisition in the management teams; they can increase the workforce and offer the firm a clear human resources management team direction. Any human resource can be improved, developed, and used by leaders. It is the job of leaders to play these roles. Talents within a team must be successfully handled to encourage creativity and invention; it is how a team leader can organize a robust team (Gajjar & Okumus, 2018). The various divisions Kitchen, service, room facilities, and the compound should have composed line managers that should be mandated to advise HRD on the best policies that can make them manage the organization using international standards. Periodically, they participate in preparing and administering human resources to provide input into the organization (Malik et al 2020).

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The consistency and know-how of its management of human resources have given the reputation of Marriott International in the hotel industry a strong HRD team that examines all facets of the company's human assets. The department of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that sufficient staff is still present. It has the mandate to prepare, deploy, hire, educate, attract and fire staff. The HRD is assisted by leading and senior management to handle human resources efficiently, and the entertainment sector fluctuates with seasons. The HRD has the mandate to ensure fluctuating demands are successfully fulfilled.

Take a deeper dive into Effective Employee Retention Strategies with our additional resources.

Ari, E., Karatepe, O. M., Rezapouraghdam, H., & Avci, T. (2020). A Conceptual Model for Green Human Resource Management: Indicators, Differential Pathways, and Multiple Pro-Environmental Outcomes. Sustainability, 12(17), 7089.

Bergs, Y., & Lub, X. (2020). International Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry. In The Routledge Companion To International Hospitality Management (pp. 279-295). Routledge.

Friedman, B. A. (2019). Hospitality, tourism, and events industry competency model: Human resource management implications. In Strategic innovative marketing and tourism (pp. 49-56). Springer, Cham.

Gajjar, T., & Okumus, F. (2018). Diversity management: What are the leading hospitality and tourism companies reporting?. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27(8), 905-925.

Gannon, J., & Paraskevas, A. (2019). In the line of fire: Managing expatriates in hostile environments. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(11), 1737-1768.

Joachim, M. (2020). Constructing: Relationships, Human Resource Management and Culture of Quality The Case of Hospital Do Suburbio, a Brazilian Healthcare Public Private Partnership (Doctoral dissertation).

Kim, Y. J., Kim, W. G., Choi, H. M., & Phetvaroon, K. (2019). The effect of green human resource management on hotel employees’ eco-friendly behavior and environmental performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, 83-93.

Li, X., Mai, Z., Yang, L., & Zhang, J. (2020). Human resource management practices, emotional exhaustion, and organizational commitment–With the example of the hotel industry. Journal of China Tourism Research, 16(3), 472-486.

Malik, A., Budhwar, P., & Srikanth, N. R. (2020). Gig economy, 4IR and artificial intelligence: Rethinking strategic HRM. In Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM): New Insights into Revolution 4.0. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Micic, L., & Radosavac, V. (2017, May). Influence of Information Technology to Human Resources Management: Key Trends in 21st Century. In International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies (pp. 271-281). Springer, Cham.

Nassar, M. A. (2018). Human resource management practices and organizational commitment in four-and five-star hotels in Egypt. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(1), 1-21.

Singh, P. (2018). LGBT Diversity and Inclusion at Workplace–An Analysis of Changing Demographics. Resource, 9(2), 22-25.

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