Navigating Statutory Rights and Responsibilities for Employers and Employees

Unit ThreeActivities – Understanding employee rights and obligations

Activity 3.1.1

Describe the employer and employee statutory rights and responsibilities that affect a work role.

The employers and the employees of an organization follows several rights and responsibilities that drives the job role. In this connection, it has been observed that close compliance within the statutory rights and responsibilities of the employees and the employers supports in maintaining the continuity of operations in an organization while addressing the different aspects of a job role. The employers and the employees expect the compliance with the rights and responsibilities in order to maintain the efficiency of the work processes while addressing their common interests and expectations. The rights and responsibilities are devised as per the employment contracts and mostly inherits terms on equal employment, fair compensation and safety related factors and HRM dissertation help. Rights and responsibilities like


right to be consulted, workers compensation and right to a fair and just workplace are some of the most essential rights and responsibilities that employees expect from the employers. On the other hand, the employers expect the employees to act diligently, with integrity and commitment while fulfilling their respective targets and goals in order to comply with the strategic plans and objectives of the businesses (De Prins, Stuer and Gielens 2020). The close collaboration between the organizational management with that of the employees might be considered as the contributing factors towards the efficient functioning of the systems while addressing the qualitative goals. Therefore, it might be stated that the businesses take on the responsibility of developing efficient practices through the collaborative functioning of the employees and the employers while complying with their statutory rights and responsibilities.

Activity 3.1.2

Explain the importance of an employer’s expectations for employees’ standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour.

Employer’s expectations for employees’ standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour are specifically guided by the needs in an organization. It has been observed that in most businesses personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour of the employees reflects their commitment and dedication towards the operations. In this connection, the employers of an organization expect the employees to operate with integrity and address the corporate culture through compliance with the for employees’ standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour. Therefore, the employers expect the employees to abide by the corporate culture and the values that are reflected through their commitment and trust towards fulfilling the employees’ standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour. According to GRAUSO (2020)every employer expects obedience and commitment of the employees while following the different aspects that are induced by the business management. Personal presentation of the employees contributes to professionalism and develops a formal attitude. On the other hand, it has been observed that the punctuality of the employees reflects their commitment and sincerity towards the operations which are integral towards the growth and development of an organization in the international markets. The behaviour of the employees and their commitment towards an organizational operation are specifically guided through their commitment towards ensuring the organizational growth (Kaidarova, Arynova and Smagulova 2019). Companies are required to treat their staff members fairly in order to sustain their reputation for growth and expansion of the organization. Fair treatment to the employees supports an organization in keeping the employees motivated and satisfied along with minimizing the degree of turnovers which greatly contributes towards the reputation and brand image of a venture. Standardized personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour acts as methods towards ensuring that the employees represent a better version of their organization to clients and customers while overcoming obstacles and contributing towards organizational growth. Therefore, it might be stated that the for employees’ standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour are important factors that are expected by the employers which supports in maintaining the continuity of operations while ensuring the fulfilment of the organizational objectives.

Activity 3.1.3

Describe the procedures and documentation that protect relationships with employees.

Transparent communication while recruitment and maintaining efficient communication are important procedures that are adhered by the employers while encouraging the active participation of the employees in the different operations. It has been observed that the insufficiency of communication on the goals and the expectations of the employers affects the capability of the employees in operating as per the strategic needs of an organization. It has been observed that issuing contracts of employment, offer letters, policies and procedures, grievance staff handbook acts as major areas which supports an organization in protecting relationship with the employees. Documentation of the above mentioned contracts and offers allows an organization in maintaining transparency of communication with the employees while ensuring that they are well aware of their responsibilities and rewards or benefits that might be accrued by the same. On the other hand, it has been observed that security measures are integral activities that might be considered by the employers with the purpose of maintaining efficient relation with the employees. Safeguarding the information that are shared by the employees and developing efficient security practices supports an employer in improving the trustworthy relation with their employees. In most cases, the loss of case sensitive information on the employees might affect the interests of the employees which might affect the relation between the employers and the employees (Nadiv, Raz and Kuna 2017). Therefore, the employers must take the initiative of maintaining transparency and secure the information of the employees from losses in order to retain efficient relation with the same. On the other hand, clarity of employment contract and discussion with the employees, with their consent, on the employment contracts are important steps that might be considered by the employers in order to reduce the instances of further conflicts. The conflicts might affect the capability of an organization in retaining the trust and commitment of the employees. Therefore, clarity of employment contract is a necessity that must be considered by the employers with the purpose of upholding efficient terms and relations with the employees while operating in the different markets.

Activity 3.1.4

Identify sources of information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities.

The major sources of information that might be used by the employees while educating themselves on their rights and responsibilities are the unions, the management of the organization and the HR departments. Gathering significant information on the rights and responsibilities of the employees guides their operations while addressing the different changing needs and requirements of the business. It has been observed that businesses operate on the basis of their own requirements and objectives. In this connection, a clear understanding on the rights and responsibilities of the employees are required in order to identify their position and interests that are aligned with the business. Major sources of information and advice can be found through consultation with the union, HSE, ACAS and ICO standards for equating the employment rights and responsibilities. The HSE, ACAS and ICO focuses towards ensuring the safe operational aspects. HSE focuses towards protecting the employees from the sufferings that might be caused through the accidents and ill health. Moreover, HSE also focuses towards reducing the rates of absenteeism and sick leaves in order to ensure the continuity of the business operations. On the other hand, the ACAS is focused towards training and developing the employees in order to reduce the instances of workplace accidents and threats. On the other hand, it has been observed that advices might be collected and data might be gathered through citizens with the purpose of developing clear documentation on the needs of change in the organizational operations for ensuring growth and progress. The major rights of the employees are fair employment opportunity, fair remuneration and safety at work. Most businesses take the initiative of delivering the rights to the employees with the purpose of keeping the same motivated and focused towards fulfilling the organizational goals. On the other hand, the responsibilities of the employees are to act truthfully, offering committed operations and meeting their targets with integrity and collaboration with the other people in the workplace. The major responsibility of the workforce of an organization is to achieve the strategic goals and standards that are emphasized by the business with the purpose of ensuring the fulfillment of the strategic objectives. The employees take on the responsibility of developing coherent processes in collaboration with the management with the purpose of ensuring the growth and development of the businesses while operating as per the strategic needs and requirements of an organization.

Activity 3.2.1

Explain the legal requirements that relate to the management of redundancy.

Redundancy is a type of practice where an organization fails to provide the employees with work for payments. In this connection, there are several legal requirements that must be followed by the businesses in order to address the security based requirements of the employees while operating in collaboration with the same (Shakil, Hassan and Qureshi 2019). In certain situations, mostly in the case of the pandemic, it was observed that businesses had to follow a notice period activity while making the employees aware of the redundancy. As per the legislation, an organization is required to provide the employees or an employee with a notice of a redundancy so that the same might search for any other job during the period. The typical 12 weeks' notice must be provided by the employer if the employee was employed for 12 years or more in the organization (De Stefano, Bagdadli and Camuffo 2018). A week’s notice is expected from an employer if the employee has been employed by the organization between one month and two years and a week’s notice must be provided by an organization if an employee was employed between two or twelve years. The major consultation period that might be considered for 20-99 collective redundancies at a time would be 30 days. On the other hand, in case an organization is planning on 100 or more redundancies the consultation must start at least 45 days before any dismissal is put to effect. Again consultation period for redundancies below a certain amount would be conducted with the purpose of addressing the organizational needs. Consultation periods would be classified and consultation process with HR and other important stakeholders might be considered with the purpose of ensuring the development of the business practices in a situation of large redundancy. The utilization of the notice period from the side of the employer is required to be made with the purpose of providing the employees with sufficient time to make a transition of their jobs while keeping the same aware of the different decisions that are being taken by the organization. The fulfilment of the legislative requirements is necessary in order to ensure the brand image and trustworthiness of the organization.

Activity 3.2.2

Redundancies mostly affect the morale of the workforce and resist their capability of acting as per the changing needs of the businesses. The decision of redundancies is mostly undertaken by the businesses in order to reduce their workforce with lower amount of work available. In several situations, it has been observed that the employees are threatened and gets morally weak and lower committed to organizations with greater number of redundancies which primarily affected the capability of the organization in improving their productivity and quality of the operations. It has been observed that redundancy situations in a workplace affect the capability of an organization in keeping the workforce motivated and focused towards their respective areas of operations (Kim, Su and Wright 2018). Businesses must take the initiative of avoiding redundancies in order to retain the company reputation. It has been observed that the increased rate of redundancies affect the capability of an organization in retaining their reputation in the global markets. On the other hand, redundancy affairs are costly which might account for an increase in the organizational expenses along with a unfruitful loss of time and energy. The redundancies also affect the capability of an organization in losing the key skilled personnel from their teams which might have a grave impact on the outcome or productivity. The loss of skilled workforce affects the capability of the businesses in ensuring the quality of operations and the productivity of the same while operating as per the strategic needs. Therefore, it might be stated that the businesses take on the responsibility of developing tactics to avoid the redundancy situations through recruitment of skilled workforce and maintain the continuity of the operations. The loss of morale and commitment among the existing employees of an organization through the redundancies affect the capability of the businesses in empowering the degree of their operations. On the other hand, it has been observed that redundancies curbs the capability of the businesses in ensuring growth and sustenance in the international markets. Therefore, the redundancies acts as a measure of reducing the profitability of businesses through lower productivity and affected commitment or trust of the employees.

Activity 3.2.3

The process of planning and managing a redundancy in an organization is specifically guided through an appreciation of the shifting needs of the business. It has been observed that the managers take on the responsibility of developing strategic interventions in order to reduce the rate of redundancies. At the first part the management of businesses takes the initiative of ceasing the external recruitments when they are quite sure on the lower amount of jobs or projects being available in the business. The operations manager must consult with the HR personnel and the different departmental managers or line managers in order to identify the critical areas where the workforce might be deployed. Consultation with relevant personnel supports in developing a comprehensive view on the areas of operations in relation to a redundancy and the manner in which the same might be managed efficiently through allocation of resources. Continuous recruitments are made by the businesses through the external markets with the purpose of influencing the continuity of their operations. However, in different situations when an organization fails to procure large amount of tasks or orders, the management must take the initiative of reducing or freezing the external recruitments (Hryhorenko et al. 2017). Moreover, the management also takes the initiative of stopping the voluntary overtimes that are undertaken by the employees in order to save on the existing projects lines from being completed before time. The reduction in voluntary overtimes allows an organizational management in reducing the scene of redundancy. Straightaway layoffs are again important strategies that might be considered by the management with the purpose of reducing the instances of redundancies. Layoffs supports an organization in reducing the impact of lower job rates while stopping over the short span of operations. The strategies are mostly emphasized by the business managements with the purpose of reducing the instances of redundancies and developing efficient processes. Businesses must take the initiative of identifying the areas where efficiency can be empowered and calculate on the savings that might be made by the same through avoidance of a redundancy. Moreover, the businesses must consult with the Unions and develop selection criteria for the redundancies in order to reduce the rate of mass redundancy which might allow a business in ensuring continuity of operations.

Activity 3.2.4

Redundancy affects the capability of an organization in several ways. It has been observed that Voluntary redundancy in an organization refers to the resignation of the employees being unsecured on the sustenance of their job or the designations in the organization due to the specific changes in the organizational environment (Çaliskan and Torun 2019). On the other hand, compulsory redundancy in an organization refers to the forced layoff of the employees by an organization while representing their incapability to provide with employees with sufficient work. It has been observed that in the case of voluntary redundancy the organization does not lose progress on their productivity while affecting the interests, morals or the commitment of the employees in the workplace. On the other hand, the compulsory or forced redundancy in an organization affects the morale, commitment and loyalty of the employees or the entire workforce towards the organization which might drastically limit the capability of the same in improving productivity or quality of operations (Varga, Rudnák and Szira 2017). The aspects of change in the organizational operations are based on the efficient functioning of the different systems while addressing the capability of its growth. Therefore, it might be stated that voluntary redundancy in an organization is different from that of compulsory redundancy which might limit the scope of growth and development of the business through committed and loyal functioning of the workforce.

Activity 3.3.1

The concept of redeployment is specifically based on the activity of moving people within the organization where there are excess of employees to departments with scarcity. It has been observed that businesses face significant concerns in allocating the resources equally while prioritizing the activities as per the strategic needs and requirements of the business. Therefore, businesses take the initiative of moving the excess of the people from units where there is an abundance of employees while placing the same in different departments which are lacking adequate employees in order to maintain the continuity of the operations while prioritizing the needs and requirements of the business as per the strategic objectives of growth and development (Baird and Parker 2018). Redeployment of the employees allows an organization in maintaining the continuity of the operations while leading the different departments towards meeting the strategic growth objectives. It has been observed that businesses allocates resources and labours as per the strategic orientation or the needs for operations while prioritizing every departments. In this connection, the activity of redeploying the employees supports the businesses in maintaining continuity of operations while addressing the strategic growth.

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Activity 3.3.2

Redeployment of the employees requires the employers or the organizations to follow a strict code of legislation in order to maintain the efficiency of operations and growth. it has been observed that in several cases, the business leaders mostly priorities the needs of the business operations over the interests, preferences or knowledge of the employees. In this relation, the leaders and the managers of an organization must take the initiative of developing policies and procedures in order to address the interests, preferences or knowledge of the employees before transferring them to a different departments (Khalaf and Al-Ross 2018). Consent taking is an integral legislative requirement that must be considered by the business leaders in order to facilitate the efficiency of the business processes and developments in the business. Therefore, the business leaders must take the initiative of developing efficient processes with the purpose of taking the consent from the employees before deploying them in different other departments. Moreover, the business leaders and the managers must take the initiative of providing complete training and development prospects to the employees who are to be deployed in the different departments that varies from the original department or expertise of their work. The provisions of efficient training and development activities would allow the managers and the business leaders in improving the performance of the deployed employees and retain their commitment towards meeting the organizational goals (Bourland-Davis and Graham 2017). The capability of the employees would allow the businesses in gaining a competitive edge over the other existing players while retaining the commitment of the same towards meeting the organizational goals.

Activity 3.3.3

The businesses and the leaders take on the role of planning and implementing several processes in order to maintain the continuity of the business operations. In this connection, the managers and leaders of an organization must take the initiative of consulting with the operations manager and the departmental heads with the purpose of gaining a knowledge on the skill shortages and excesses in the different departments. Efficient planning and allocation of resources are integral part of an organizational planning to ensure the continuity of operations and its growth. Therefore, consultation with the operational managers and the departmental heads supports a business in developing insights on the workforce based needs in the different departments and assess the excesses or shortages in the workforce in the different departments (Manivannan and Chithirairajan 2019). After the identification of the workforce based needs, the business leaders and the managers take on the responsibility of selecting employees from a department with excess resource, take their consent and conduct the redeployment activity to teams and depart nets encountering a shortage. The entire activity is considered to be complete when the feedbacks of the redeployed employees are taken and their concerns while operating in the new departments are resolved which supports an organization in retaining the trust and loyalty of the employees while empowering their committed activities towards the growth and expansion of the business activities.

Activity 3.3.4

The major advantages or benefits of redeployment are:

Reduction of costs: It has been observed that the utilization of the redeployment activity supports an organizational management in reducing the costs of recruitment while realigning the available resources and meeting the organizational priorities.

Creation of positive corporate culture: The redeployment activity in an organization develops a positive organizational culture and increases the brand repute in the markets while reassuring the employees of their job security which in return improves organizational commitment and productivity.

Improvement of relation with the employees: The redeployment activity in an organization improves the relation of the employees with the managers which induces a collaborative efforts towards ensuring the achievement of the organizational objectives and targets.

The major disadvantages or limitations of redeployment are:

Might end up with dissatisfaction among the employees: Continuous change in the working environment through redeployment might clash with the preferences or the skills of the employees which might affect their performance while addressing the shifting needs and priorities of the business. The activity might also create dissatisfaction among the employees and result to higher turnover rates (Jyoti, Chahal and Rani 2017).

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Baird, M. and Parker, J., 2018. The Big Issues in Employment: HR Management and Employment Relations in Australasia. CCH New Zealand.

Berber, N. and Lekovic, B., 2018. The impact of HR development on innovative performances in central and eastern European countries. Employee Relations.

Bourland-Davis, P.G. and Graham, B.L., 2017. Examining Public Relations’ Role in Shaping Organizational Culture, with Implications for PR, HR, and CSR/Sustainability. In Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethical Public Relations. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Çaliskan, E. and Torun, A., 2019. Individualized HR practices and idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) and the expected positive individual and organizational outcomes. Istanbul Business Research, 48(1), pp.36-63.

De Prins, P., Stuer, D. and Gielens, T., 2020. Revitalizing social dialogue in the workplace: the impact of a cooperative industrial relations climate and sustainable HR practices on reducing employee harm. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(13), pp.1684-1704.

De Stefano, F., Bagdadli, S. and Camuffo, A., 2018. The HR role in corporate social responsibility and sustainability: A boundary‐shifting literature review. Human Resource Management, 57(2), pp.549-566.

GRAUSO, S., 2020. Service idea e personnel idea, le politiche HR in un'azienda di servizi.

Hryhorenko, A.S., Vylusk, A.O., Isaenko, J.O. and Gridin, O.V., 2017. Conflicts at the system of HR.

Jyoti, J., Chahal, H. and Rani, A., 2017. Role of organizational learning and innovation in between high-performance HR practices and business performance: a study of telecommunication sector. Vision, 21(3), pp.259-273.

Kaidarova, L.K., Arynova, Z.A. and Smagulova, Z.K., 2019. MODERN METHODS HR-MANAGEMENT. OF SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES, p.170.

Khalaf, K.A. and Al-Ross, S.A.A., 2018. The Impact of the Contribution of Performance Measurement Tools; HR Balanced Scorecard and Metrics, in Enhancing Employees Performance" Empirical Study on the Investor Relations Departments in the Palestinian Public Shareholding Companies.

Kim, S., Su, Z.X. and Wright, P.M., 2018. The “HR–line‐connecting HRM system” and its effects on employee turnover. Human Resource Management, 57(5), pp.1219-1231.

Manivannan, N. and Chithirairajan, B., 2019. A Study on Successful HR (Human Resource) Strategies for Past, Present and Future Business Environment. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(12).

Nadiv, R., Raz, A. and Kuna, S., 2017. What a difference a role makes: Occupational and organizational characteristics related to the HR strategic role among human resource managers. Employee Relations.

Shakil, R.M., Hassan, M.A. and Qureshi, M.I., 2019. Understanding the Relationship Between HR Roles and HR Effectiveness: A Conceptual Review. Management Research Spectrum, 9(1), pp.78-82.

Varga, E., Rudnák, I. and Szira, Z., 2017. Correction: Competencies highlighted in HR and business trainings of higher education. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, (38), pp.307-316.

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