Performance Management in the NHS

Executive Summary

In this assignment, the three key areas which are leadership and management, training and development and talent management that is related to performance management at the NHS is to be discussed. The leadership model used by the NHS is the Healthcare Leadership Model that is developed in 2013 by the NHS Leadership Academy. The Healthcare Leadership Model informs nine key dimensions of leadership to be followed which are inspiring shared purpose, lead with care, evaluate information, connect services, share vision, engage with team, hold to account, develop capability and influence results which are followed by the NHS leaders. If you require a HRM dissertation help, I can help you with that. The training and development of the HR process in the NHS involve increased job satisfaction, the capability of the staffs to manage technologically-updated medical equipment and others which in turn promotes performance management. In the NHS, the talent management is ensured by the HR through analysis of the critical activities along with other actions to be performed so that accordingly talent is recruited for assisting the work to be run smoothly without creating extra workload for others.


The National Health Services (NHS) is the main healthcare system of the UK which is publicly funded and has the key purpose of providing best valuable care to the people of the UK by using the finite resources in the most effective, sustainable and fair way (NHS, 2020). In this assignment, the three key areas which are leadership and management, training and development and talent management that is related to performance management at the NHS is to be discussed.


Leadership and Management

The leadership is referred to comprehend and making the employees in the organisation believes in the vision created by the leader for achieving the work goals whereas management is regarded as administering and ensuring everyday activities are happening properly in the organisation (Kantanen et al. 2017). In the National Health Services, various leadership models are developed and followed to ensure effective performance is managed within the organisation to deliver quality care to the service users and the public. One of the leadership models to be used by the NHS includes the Healthcare Leadership Model that is developed in 2013 by the NHS Leadership Academy. The Healthcare Leadership Model informs nine key dimensions of leadership to be followed which are inspiring shared purpose, lead with care, evaluate information, connect services, share vision, engage with team, hold to account, develop capability and influence results (, 2013).

In the NHS, the leaders are seen to promote shared purpose so that the medical staff's value service ethos, improve in patient care and services as well as behave in the way that reflects considering the principle of care made by the NHS (, 2013). This is because such action would lead diverse individuals in the NHS who are working differently to be inspired to work collaboratively so that the delivered benefits for the patients are of high-quality ensuring quality performance management. It is evident as collaborative delivery of services with shared intentions by leaders would help the medical staffs assist each other to overcome barriers to ensure set objectives and purpose of the NHS are met. The leading with care quality of leaders is required to help them have emotion and qualities of determining the needs of medical team to be fulfilled to assist them in showing proper effort to deliver care (Evans et al. 2016). The leaders at the NHS lead with care that assists in effective performance management as the leaders by understanding the problems faced by the medical staffs at work develop strategies to resolve them so that the staffs can work smoothly and with greater zeal to fulfil the purpose of the NHS.

The leaders required to evaluate information properly so that they can understand the ways to be implemented in making improvement at work (Leigh et al. 2017). The leaders at NHS by following Healthcare Leadership Model analyse information regarding the working activities and system in the organisation for determining the aspects and strategies to be implemented in making improvements in care (, 2018). This leads to effective performance management within the NHS as resources required to make changes and improvement in activities and system are available avoiding creating any hindrance in accomplishment of purpose of the NHS by the healthcare staffs. The sharing of vision and goals is to be properly made by the leaders for conveying an appropriate and attractive picture to the staffs regarding the achievements they are to make through effective working (Kumar and Khiljee, 2016). The leaders at the NHS share vision of the organisation with the healthcare staffs so that the key workforce is aware of the goals and purpose they are to achieve through their effort while providing care services leading towards effective performance management at the NHS. This is because shared vision makes the staffs avoid confusion and conflict regarding the achievements to be made at work to perform effectively in meeting the needs and purpose of the organisation and patients (, 2018).

The leaders through successful engagement of team at work lead towards sharing of valuable ideas, promoting excellence and innovation through collaboration, develop creativity, instigate improved decision-making and others at work (Misso et al. 2016). The leaders at the NHS ensures team members remain properly engaged with each other and have less conflicts so that their work activities leads to effective performance management within the organisation. This is because through engaging teamwork the leaders at the NHS allows the healthcare staffs to deliver excellent care services by sharing ideas and skills, in turn, leads to show proper performance in achieving the purpose of care. The leaders are required to clarify the goals as well as quality indicators at work and provide balanced feedback to all the staffs to make them with clarity and efficiency (Hargett et al. 2017). This is because without feedback the employees would be unable to determine the positivity and the changes required in their performance and the lack of clarified goals would confuse employees to perform properly hindering performance management at work. Thus, the leaders at the NHS deliver clarified information of goals and performance indicators to be achieved at work so that the healthcare staffs are directed and informed regarding the way to work for showing proper performance required in fulfilling the purpose of care mentioned by the NHS.

The leaders are required to develop capability among the staffs so that they are able to meet the future goals of the organisation (Hartviksen et al. 2017). This is because without proper capability development the staffs would not have the required skills and knowledge for efficiently accomplishing care support activities with proper performance. Thus, leaders at the NHS express their skills of leading medical staffs to develop capability in such a way so that improvement in their existing skills and knowledge is made to help them perform effectively in the present as well as for future delivery of quality care to the service users. The leaders are required to have the skill of influencing results at work and it is important so that they are able to develop plan regarding the way agreements are to be reached for priorities, resources are to be allocated or approaches to service delivery is to be made for successful performance management (Adams et al. 2018). The inability of the leaders to influence work results makes them unable to determine the plan to be followed and resources to be allocated for the work to be accomplished. The leaders at NHS are seen to have the skill of influencing results at work which make them capable to plan activities based on priorities and ensure allocation of proper resources, in turn, creating effective performance management within the organisation (, 2013).

Training and Development

The training and development of the HR processes are seen to be the key factor which leads to create effective performance management at work. The training and development are referred to the activities performed within the organisation for enhancement of the skills and knowledge of the employees while offering them information and directions regarding the way to perform in an improved way for specific tasks (Finlayson et al. 2017). In the NHS, training and development to the healthcare staffs are provided in various aspects such as health and safety, improving clinical skills, making effective communication, managing care services and others (, 2020). As mentioned by Phillips et al. (2018), training and development of the healthcare staffs regarding improvement of skills lead them to show effective performance and zeal to work. This is because the employee’s existing skills and knowledge to execute activities at work are improved and the skills gaps are resolved making them show better performance.

In the NHS, training regarding improvement of clinical skills at work is provided which is effective to promote positive performance management. This is because the training improves skills of the healthcare workers making them effectively meet the set objectives as well as outputs of the organisation’s goals in effective manner (, 2020). As argued by Sinclair et al. (2016), lack of training makes employee’s skills unable to be improved. This is because knowledge required for the improvement is not provided to the employees making them lag to show proper performance. The training and development lead to create greater job satisfaction and morale among the employee at work (Thompson and Walton-Roberts, 2019). This is because the barriers and problems experienced by the employees at work which leads to their frustration and lack of confidence are resolved to make them develop positive morale to show improved performance. In the NHS, the training and development regarding way to deliver appropriate care services are provided to the employees in which the way probable barriers and problems in the care are to be resolved is also instructed (, 2020). This leads the training and development established by the HR at the NHS to ensure better performance management. However, lack of training of delivery of care services has the ability to make medical staffs create error at work which hinders the performance management at work as the objectives and outputs are not fulfilled by the activities performed by the employees (Dev et al. 2019).

The training and development regarding health and safety informs the workers regarding the strategies and precautions to be implemented at work (Sun and Hussey, 2018). In the NHS, the training and development regarding health and safety at work to the medical staffs are provided to develop their skills and knowledge in protecting them from negative incidences and accidents at work. This is effective approach to influence positive performance management as the healthcare staffs execute their duties without fear or confusion regarding the negative effect to be faced at work that would be vulnerable to their life as they know the way to maintain safety and good health (, 2020). In the NHS, training is provided to the staffs regarding the way to operate new technological and digitalised medical equipment (, 2020). This relates to create better performance management at the NHS as the staffs are able to understand and have skills to operate the innovative equipment to be used in diagnosis and treatment of the service users in appropriate manner. The lack of training regarding the management of new medical equipment makes lower performance management at work as the staffs are unable to perform care activities that meet the determined outputs with the implementation of the equipment (Guise and Wiig, 2017).

Talent Management

Talent Management has the key focus to improve business performance through practices which makes employees be better productive. It is the commitment of the HR process for the organisation to recruit, retain, hire and develop effectively talented and superior employees from the job market (Turner, 2017). As mentioned by Dayel et al. (2020), talent management leads to create opportunity in attracting most efficient and talented employees. This is because HR selects the talents from the pool of efficient individuals present in the job market. In the NHS, talent management is ensured by attracting top talents from the industry through consideration of the priorities of the organisations by the manager (, 2015). This promotes effective performance management in the NHS as the best skilled and knowledgeable individuals are involved to work for improving and accomplishing care activities and management. The NHS through effective talent management creates employee motivation which results them to promote positive performance management at work (, 2014). This is because NHS invests effective resources to retain talented employees making the individuals motivated to work out of value shown towards their upgraded skills, in turn, making them perform more effectively so that the output determined for the organisation is fulfilled.

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The talent management helps to promote continuous coverage of the complex and critical roles at work (Dahshan et al. 2018). This is because talent management leads the organisations to have potential talents who are equipped to implement their skills in addressing the significant and highly specialised roles. In the NHS, the talent management is ensured by the HR through analysis of the critical activities to be performed so that accordingly talent is recruited for assisting the work to be run smoothly without creating extra workload for other (, 2014). This is related with creating positive performance management in the NHS as talented employees would execute critical tasks efficiently with the implication of their complex and critical thinking and knowledge. The talent management leads the organisation to develop systematic as well as consistent decision regarding the way employee development is to be made. This makes the employees remain more engaged as there is a fair system for their development, in turn, helping the organisation to retain employees (Boselie and Thunnissen, 2017). In the NHS, talent management is made by analysing the employee processes and system, in turn, making them develop activities that support employee needs. This promotes effective performance management in the organisation as retained talented employees provide effective contribution at work to fulfil the activities and outputs required for the institution (, 2014).


The above discussion informs that leadership influences performance management at the NHS by following the nine principles of leadership skills mentioned in the Healthcare Leadership Model. The talent management in the NHS is maintained through analysis of gaps, goals, priorities and others of the organisation which promotes effective performance management. This is because the talents are retained in the NHS in the process who invested their critical knowledge and skills to accomplish the activities and purpose at the work mentioned for the NHS ensuring positive performance.

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