Talent Management at Premier Inn


Resourcing and management of talent could be considered the most significant aspect concerning the ensuring availability of competent employees within the working structure of any business organisation. The primary benefit is the retention of customers as well as enhancement of service provisioning quality in a competitive manner against market rivals. The emphasis is on the obtainment of the organisational strategic intent and the requirements are reflected through the development of knowledge and expertise in terms of human resource management by individual organisations. According to Taylor (2018), the overarching objectives of human resource management are sustainable growth and efficacious performance achievement through a consistent reassessment of available skill sets in terms of human resources. In this context, the corresponding report would be reviewing the policies and practices of talent management and resourcing of the Premier Inn, the largest hotel chain in the UK, regarding operations of recruitment and retention of qualified employees. The report would further entail the development of certain recommendations to enable the selected organisation to enact the improvement of the existing practices and policies in the context of the current research.

Review of practices

According to premierinn.com (2019), the Premier Inn is the largest branded hospitality chain of UK, with 800 hotels situated globally including the UK, UAE, Ireland, Germany, and India. The locations of such hotels are primarily inclusive of airport vicinities, city centres, and metropolitan suburbs. The current headquarter of the organisation is located at Dunstable, United Kingdom. It is imperative for the Premier Inn to maintain the most optimised qualitative workforce with utmost skill thresholds so as to achieve successful offering of an extensive hospitality service ranges to ensure formulation of an effective competitive edge through progressively attracting hospitality service subscribers to undertake repeat visits to the hotels of the Premier Inn (premierinn.com, 2019a). According to Noe et al (2017), there are two significant aspects concerning the maintaining and management of human resources and associated talents. The initial one is the application of multitudinous recruitment strategies employed by the organisation under consideration. The second one is the institution of different skill development and growth perspectives concerning the employees of such hotels so that minimisation of attrition rates could become a possibility. According to Collings, Scullion, H. and Caligiuri (2018), the portfolio of highly skilled employees for the Premier Inn is composed of personnel such as services providers, HR personnel, service managers, chefs, and finance management employees. In this context, the persistent progression of employee development is key for the hospitality operator to ensure retention of the competent workforce personnel. The factors of significance, in terms of the task designations and talent management within the hospitality industry, are management of employee attitude, skills, quality and the required levels of motivation.


According to Deery and Jago (2015), factors such as customer base retention and expansion, services sales volume maintenance and brand image enhancement of Premier Inn, dictate the recruitment and retention methods which are currently employed by the selected hospitality service chain. In this context, Davis et al (2016), have observed that the Premier Inn has instituted certain recruitment sources for inducting new talent within the organisational workforce as well as to replenish the natural depletion of the employee base based on age and miscellaneous factors. Such sources are identifiable as traditional offline (print media-based), online, social media-based and digital platform-based methods for performing the HR functionalities. According to McDonnell et al (2017), the traditional methods also involve the internal sourcing of talent through promotions, demotions, and transfers as well as the contractual availing of occasional services of retired personnel who could have been employees of Premier Inn previously. The purpose of emphasising on this particular talent resourcing method is to highlight the particular benefits which the company obtains from the continuation of such methods of recruitment. According to Cooper and Davis (2017), the theoretical basis of such practices could be explained from the perspective of the Human Capital Theory. Thunnissen (2016) has outlined that this theoretical construct could be countenanced as the attribution of significance on the skill and knowledge-based dispositions of either any particular individual or a group of individuals in terms of their technical, vocational, service-based and experience related utilitarian value. In the context of the hospitality sector operatives such as the Premier Inn, this entails the perception that the hotel employees are the most valuable assets and the most effective, economical and profitable means of investment could be possible through investing in the skill and expertise measure improvement of the employees. Furthermore, Krishnan and Scullion (2017) have specified that the Human Capital Theory could be utilised to better evaluate and analyse the current practices at the Premier Inn since this theoretical construct outlines the individual personality based attributes, social preferences, stock of differential habits and knowledge of the individual employees and links such factors with the ability of such personnel to perform their hospitality responsibilities with varying degrees of efficiency. The ultimate objective is always to measure the economic value which could be generated through such practices so that the organisation could determine the exactitudes of tactical as well as strategic human resource development approaches through which the betterment of performance of such employees could be achieved in the long term basis. According to Sheehan, Grant and Garavan (2018), such approaches are indicative of the necessity for the Premier Inn to consistently formulate personnel development goals with special emphasis on fostering of individual innovativeness.

Organisational practices critical evaluation

According to D’Annunzio-Green (2018), in case of talent management and sourcing, the internal operations of the company under consideration could prove to be guaranteed measures of success in quality enhancement since such processes take into consideration the person who could be well acquainted with the specificities of the hospitality responsibilities undertaken at the respective hotels. Internal sourcing is also cost-effective and could provide an efficacious avenue of talent sourcing to fill up vacancies even when new talent and applicants could be in short supply. Furthermore, the familiarity measures associated with such placements could further the required levels of motivation amongst the existing employees of Premier Inn. As an instance, the vacancy of any service provider in any of the branches of Premier Inn could be filled through the transferring of redundant yet experienced employees of the same designation from other branches of the hotel chain. Another of the means which is available to the Premier Inn is the according of promotion to the relevant and existing employee to place the person at the required post designation. According to Chung and D’Annunzio-Green (2018), the current practices within the Premier Inn also involve the external sourcing of the necessary talent through the means of placing advertisements at various media outlets including the digital and print media sources. This method contributes to the attraction of a greater number of candidates for the advertised job designations within the hotel chain facilities. Apart from this, D’Annunzio-Green (2018) has averred that the organisational objective of formulation of a strategic depth of available and potential human resource capital, is also fulfilled through such advertising based sourcing of profiles of different candidates. Though only the required number could be selected as per the criteria fulfilment measures, the available applications are analysed by the company HR echelon to formulate possible enlistment of future human resources who could be contacted for hiring in terms of changing dynamics of necessities which might arise in future within the hotel chain services.

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According to Burke and Hughes (2018), the existing practices also involve the sourcing of talented and required personnel through the utilisation of Internet-based services such as evaluation of candidate profiles listed on online platforms including job searching sites and the utilisation of social media-based advertisements is also undertaken by the concerned HR department at Premier Inn. These methods further add to the existing capabilities of the company HR to manage the accuracy and suitability elements concerning the identification and sourcing of appropriate candidates, mostly inexperienced but promising ones, in terms of the existing hospitality service requirements. The most prominent benefit of online services based sourcing has been observed by Reilly (2018) to be the slender generation of associated costs and time requirements. Furthermore, Premier Inn utilises the external method of campus recruitment to source proper talent for the different hospitality facilities which it owns. This method, Gannon, Roper and Doherty (2015) have suggested, is greater in terms of time consumption in a comparatively manner with those of online advertisement and selection based methods. However, it has to be acknowledged that the strategic goal of the selection of appropriate personnel for the positions available could be better performed through such campus selection processes since this involves the utilisation of the brand value of the organisation to convince potential recruits to join the Premier Inn. Employee adjustment within the hospitality environment would be the most significant aspect since the appropriacy of candidature would be paramount in this context. According to D’Annunzio-Green and Teare (2018), the third party based placement agencies also play a vital part in terms of provisioning of the skilled and competent personnel to the Premier Inn. The significant benefit which could be derived in this context is identifiable as the absence of any active participation which the Premier Inn could have required to undertake if third party based organisations were not working in this context. This involves the minor measure of associated cost incurrence on part of the hospitality organisation and the company also does not have to invest any time to recruit those employees who are provided placement through independent hiring agencies. According to Jooss et al (2019), the suitability factor is also enhanced since the placement agencies generally keep track of the candidates who could be considered to be suitable in terms of meeting the needs of the hospitality industry and this ensures the inclusion of the most appropriate human talents within the employee reservoir of the hospitality organisation under consideration.

Apart from these, one other comparatively underperforming strategy of sourcing and talent management performed at the Premier Inn is the process of demotion through which the hotel management removes the personnel who are unsuitable to their posts. The adverse effect this imparts on the motivational levels of the employees contributes to the dearth of preference attached to it in terms of frequent utilisation.

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According to McCracken, Currie and Harrison (2016), the initial recommendation could be understood as the formulation of trust amongst the existing human resource capital so that retention of employees could be possible since the inter-organisational and interpersonal trust adequacy always contributes positively in the enhancement of the abilities of employees to cope up with the intensely demanding working environments of the hospitality industry. Furthermore, according to Tang et al (2018), the next recommendation would be the investment of greater effort and resources to the development of retaining talented employees by the Premier Inn. Bauer et al (2018) have specified that, this requires intense scrutiny of the existing work conditions within the large numerical range of hospitality facilities controlled by the Premier Inn and the investment of active attention of the organisational management echelons concerning the exploration of effective avenues of human resource management oriented towards facilitation of retention. The necessity is to highlight the feasibility of the continuation of work within the particular organisation to the relevant employees. According to Ladkin and Buhalis (2016), this involves the institution of higher wage thresholds, programs of employee welfare and various associated benefits for the employees with outstanding performance. Several motivational techniques such as rewarding the valued employees could be recommended in this context. According to Reilly (2018), rewarding techniques could involve both non-monetary and monetary measures. Apart from this, the factor of succession planning could be also recommended for Premier Inn concerning the ensuring of proper retention of talented employees. This method consists of strategies such as career management through proper training provisioning to the employees. The measures of succession planning could be outlined as a dual fold, namely the informal and formal ones. In the case of informal succession planning, the employees are recruited on the basis of their knowledge for their formal placement at certain task designations. On the other hand, regarding formal succession planning, selected employees could be provided effective training for the purpose of their future higher placement within the chain of hotels owned by the Premier Inn.


At the conclusive stage, it could be observed that the preceding report has delved into the multiplicity of factors which are associated with the human resource sourcing and talent management practices performed at the selected hospitality enterprise. The report has also highlighted the most relevant measures of improvement recommendations to be implemented at the organisation under consideration.

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Reference List

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