The Role Of Line Managers Global

Importance of employee wellbeing

Employee wellbeing involves companies to take initiatives for improving the health as well as happiness of the employees at the workplace and outside so that they remain motivated to perform in an effective manner (Saito et al. 2015). It impacts the organisation to deliver better quality products or services to customers due to high performing employees out of mental and physical satisfaction at work. This also impacts the organisation to have increased productivity with the ability to deliver innovative products within limited time ensuring them greater revenue earnings from the industry with better employee retention and performance (Gilchrist et al. 2015). For more insights into the relationship between employee well-being and organizational productivity, the HRM dissertation help can offer the most valuable analysis.

According to my perspective, I think line managers in global organisations are to be trained in such as way so that they can directly communicate with the employees at all levels within the organisation and understand their individual needs and demands for promoting this physical, mental and nutritional well being. Moreover, the managers in training are required to be taught the ability to anticipate the potential wellbeing initiatives to be taken for the employees in an organisation according to the changing environment in the organisation or in the industry. For instance, in Google, the managers communicate to all the employees through intranet facility to identify their demands regarding wellbeing and accordingly develop the wellbeing program (, 2018). (Refer to Appendix 1)


Identify level of successful employee wellbeing

In future, I aspire to work for Google due to their immensely effective employee well-being program that ensures better health and happiness of the employees with success. Google's employee wellbeing approach includes providing health insurance to employees; flexibility at work; support, collaborative and diversified work culture and others (, 2018). According to my observation, the approach at Google has led them to become one of the leading companies in technology industry with highest employee satisfaction making them be second leading internet service used globally in 2017 (, 2017). Moreover, it has led them to earn $100.8 billion US dollar in 2017 from $90 billion in 2016 informing they have earned greater revenue than previous year (, 2017). Google's excellent employee wellbeing has led them to be the one of the most demanded company among the candidates to get recruited with high demand of their services among the public informing their effective sustainability in the market. Further, Google’s approach to well-being has influenced me to regard them as a potential employer brand for whom I would wish to work for and suggest others to get involved to avail their excellent employee wellbeing services.

Competencies required by line manager for employee wellbeing

The competencies required by the line manager for generating employee wellbeing include effective knowledge regarding way to identify needs of key wellbeing for employees, proper leadership skills and polite and caring behaviour (Lo et al. 2015). This is because the knowledge would lead line manager effectively shape employee well-being programs for the staffs and leadership skill would lead them to manage and operate the program to reach each and every employee. Further, the polite and caring behaviour would lead the line managers to allow employees to inform them the nature of wellbeing they wish so that the changes can be made for better wellbeing programs. According to the mentioned competencies, I assessed that I have the strength of effective leadership skill as well as polite and attentive behaviour but lack knowledge regarding way to identify key wellbeing needs for employees.

The employee wellbeing is important for the organisation for their better productivity and performance in the industry as well as to retain employees and improving their morale. In this report, potential limitations and benefits of employee well-being are to be reviewed and brief information of employee well-being in England is to be discussed and recommendation is to be provided for better employee well-being in global organisations.

Review of potential benefits and limitations for employee wellbeing

In the 21st century, the global organisations such as Schneider Electric are focussing more on creating mental health wellbeing of the employees. This is because better mental health of the employees helps them to think and act properly to implement their efforts at work to show improved performance and increase work productivity. The mental health well-being is becoming an important aspect for the organisations in the 21st century because wide number of employees due to extreme work pressure, lack of work-life balance, complex job activities are others are facing depression, stress and other mental issues. (Refer to Appendix 2)

The development of mental health wellbeing program for the employees is going to benefit Schneider Electric to help the employees cope with work pressure and other factors that are leading them to experience mental illness (, 2018;, 2015). It is going to create effective employee engagement as the employees through the wellbeing program would feel that they are being valued by Schneider Electric as their health needs are being attended and resolved by the personal initiative of the organisation. The organisations through the mental health wellbeing program for the employees would benefit to create their sustainability in the industry as employees can be retained (Puig-Ribera et al. 2015). This is because mental wellbeing of employees would make them to feel relaxed and motivated at work thus avoiding them to turnover due to frustration or lack of motivation. Moreover, mental health wellbeing creates improved employee performance that benefits the organisations to deliver quality products to the customers (Milligan-Saville et al. 2017). This, in turn, improves Schneider Electric’s competitive advantage in the industry by helping them deliver better products and service satisfaction to the consumers than the competitors.

The limitation faced in mental health wellbeing program is that many employees fear to expose themselves to avail the program or do not even know they are suffering from mental illness thus avoiding to get involved in the program. This is because of negative stigma and lack of awareness regarding mental illness (Gaye et al. 2018). It would result Schneider Electric to face lower employee engagement as the staffs suffering from mental illness experience lack of motivation to work. Further, the lack of effective mental health wellbeing program would limit Schneider Electric to create sustainability in the market. This is because the employees due to mental issues turnover from work resulting in poor performance of the organisations to deliver products as demanded in the market to the consumers (Moen et al. 2016).

The lack of proper employee wellbeing would result Schneider Electric to create an unsatisfactory working environment. This is because the employees feel lack of value and remain mentally disrupted as well as face lack of motivation to work efficiently (, 2018;, 2015). The lack of sufficient attention to employee wellbeing results in increased employee turnover and lower productivity of the organisation like Schneider Electric (, 2018;, 2015). This is because employees do not get the motivation to work with efficiency to create quality products and services for the organisation to ensure their effective productivity.

Perception of employee wellbeing in England

The perception of employee well-being in England is that the organisations are to take initiatives in arranging strategies so that better health and happiness of the employees are achieved at work (, 2018). They are to execute it by arranging effective work-life balance of employees, flexibility at work, health insurance and others. In England, it is been reported that the average work hours of the full-time employees are 37.3 hrs in a week (, 2018). This abides the work hours indicated by the government where it is mentioned that a full-time worker is to work no more than 48 hours a week (, 2018). However, many employees working within various organisations have reported that they face increased work pressure due to which they are experiencing depression, stress, lack of work-life balance and others (Harvey et al. 2017). Thus, it informs that though work hours are compromised yet the organisations in England have not been able to create successful employee wellbeing because the employee reports of suffering mental issues due to pressure at work. However, in case of Schneider Electric, it is seen that they have extended knowledge of employee well-being which resulted them to involve lower work pressure, flexibility at work, health insurance of employees and others. This ensured them better productivity and 10% more employee engagement (, 2018;, 2015). (Refer to Appendix 3)

Appreciation Inquiry (AI) is referred to the approach used by the organisation to engage stakeholders in creating change (Ridley-Duff and Duncan 2015). There are four stages of Appreciation inquiry which includes:

Definition: In the definition stage of AI, it is seen that Schneider Electric has focussed on employee wellbeing on being a positive change. However, they also require focusing on the negative impact of employee well-being such as wellness programs may be expensive, hinder privacy of employees and others (Ridley-Duff and Duncan 2015). This is because it is the way in which a holistically successful wellbeing plan can be developed.

Discovery: In Schneider Electric, the manager to discover the aspects to be included in the employee well-being program implemented bottom-up approach initiative and arranged interviewing the employees (, 2015). This way of discovering employee wellbeing aspects would be reacted in a positive way by the managers and employees at the organisation in England because it is way in which the line managers in England would be able to understand what wellbeing initiatives are needed by the employees to be implemented for the effective employee wellbeing. However, the lack of this approach would not be supported by the employees in England as they would not be able to participate as well as inform about their needs to be implemented for framing a potential employee well-being program for them.

Dream: The Schneider Electric by introducing employee well-being program dreamt that in the future they would be able to derive better employee engagement along with productivity as the wellbeing program would make the employee feel being valued by the organisation. This is because employee well-being program helps to resolve hindrances faced by the employees at work with the initiative from the organisation (Guest, 2017). The employees being analysed in England would react in positive way towards the dream as they would be able to resolve the barriers or issues being faced by them at work through the program to deliver effective work performance. The line managers in England would react negatively to the dream as they understand that creating value for the employees through wellbeing program drives in more productivity but includes huge costs for setting such program.

Design: In Schneider Electric, the line managers implemented healthier behaviour as a potential employee well-being aspect (, 2015). The line managers being analysed in England’s environment may not feel the healthier behaviour to be an effective employee wellbeing aspect as they lack knowledge regarding its importance in motivating employees to work in the organisation with proper engagement and efficiency. However, the introduction of healthier behaviour is an effective health wellbeing approach to be considered by the employees in England as it is going to help them avail remedies for their stress, depression, sleeping problems and other health issues being faced due to work pressure. (Refer to Appendix 4)

Destiny/Delivery: The employee well-being program framed by the Schneider Electric is empowering employees to be improvised by analysing its impact on the employees. This is because without improvising the organisation would not be able to create better wellbeing of the employees by meeting their needs and demands.

In the organisations in England, it is recommended that by providing real-life instances of the before and after effects of employee well-being in global organisation the senior leadership teams are to be persuaded regarding the interrelationship between employee wellbeing and employee engagement, competitive advantage, employee engagement and sustainability. In order to investigate the employee wellbeing perception in a specific business environment or country, it is recommended that employee market analysis is to be done. Moreover, managers working in the environment or the country are to be surveyed to understand the perception they had regarding employee well-being programs in their organisations.

In order to include the key stakeholders for creating and implementing effective employee well-being, an interview session is to be organised. This is because in the interview session through discussion with the stakeholders their perception and ideas regarding employee well-being program can be identified which are to be implemented for creating better wellness of the employees. It is recommended that after implementing employee wellbeing, it can be evaluated by analysing the extent of engagement shown by employees and their level of satisfaction at work. Moreover, the employee well-being program is to be continuously monitored for its evaluation after implementation.


The above discussion informs that mental health wellbeing of the employees are the key focus of organisation like Schneider Electric in 21st century as increased reports of mental health issues are being informed by the employees to be experienced due to work pressure and circumstances at work. The perception of employee wellbeing in England is that it is secondary aspect to be focused on as the organisations are focused more on meeting the demands in the industry rather than improving the work environment for employees.

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  • Gayed, A., Milligan-Saville, J.S., Nicholas, J., Bryan, B.T., LaMontagne, A.D., Milner, A., Madan, I., Calvo, R.A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A. and Glozier, N., 2018. Effectiveness of training workplace managers to understand and support the mental health needs of employees: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Med, 75(6), pp.462-470.
  • Gilchrist, K., Brown, C. and Montarzino, A., 2015. Workplace settings and wellbeing: Greenspace use and views contribute to employee wellbeing at peri-urban business sites. Landscape and Urban Planning, 138, pp.32-40.
  • Guest, D.E., 2017. Human resource management and employee well‐being: Towards a new analytic framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), pp.22-38.
  • Harvey, S.B., Modini, M., Joyce, S., Milligan-Saville, J.S., Tan, L., Mykletun, A., Bryant, R.A., Christensen, H. and Mitchell, P.B., 2017. Can work make you mentally ill? A systematic meta-review of work-related risk factors for common mental health problems. Occup Environ Med, 74(4), pp.301-310.
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  • Moen, P., Kelly, E.L., Fan, W., Lee, S.R., Almeida, D., Kossek, E.E. and Buxton, O.M., 2016. Does a flexibility/support organizational initiative improve high-tech employees’ well-being? Evidence from the work, family, and health network. American Sociological Review, 81(1), pp.134-164.
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Appendix 1:

Moreover, the managers at Google by analysing the recent industry trends have identified that employees in global organisation are more depressed and stressed due to work pressure which is affecting their mental health. Thus, they have personally included greater focus on maintaining good mental health of each employees through their employee wellbeing program by arranging monthly mental health check-up, arranging therapies through a psychiatrist, developing mental health awareness among employees through conferences and activities and others (, 2018).

Appendix 2:

The mental health issues are also negatively influencing the physical health of the employees by making them unproductive resulting in hindered employee performance in the organisations (, 2018;, 2018). This result the organisations to face poor performance in the industry hindering their sustainability and competitive advantage. Moreover, due to the presence of stigma regarding mental health in the society many employees are seen to avoid reporting the issues out of fear of being discriminated or isolated at the workplace (, 2018). Thus, the organisations in the 21st century are focusing more on the mental health of the employees through wellbeing programs so that their employees can be motivated to work with efficiency and effort to ensure greater productivity of the company.

Appendix 3:

The organisations in England have also failed to ensure effective employee wellbeing because it is been reported that only 1/3rd of employees there are able to experience work-life balance with the initiative of their employers (, 2018). The work-life balance is a key part of the employee well-being program as it helps the employees to enjoy both their professional as well as personal lives. However, the lack of the integration of work-life balance in many of the organisation in England has resulted in hindered employee wellbeing making the organisation face issues with employee retention and engagement. However, Schneider Electric has effectively understood the extent of benefit of employee wellbeing and they have featured it in each aspect of their employee management which resulted them to experience satisfied employees with increased employee engagement who delivers better productivity for the organisation.

Appendix 4:

The flexibility at work is the other aspect of employee wellbeing being introduced by the Schneider Electric (, 2015). The line managers in England may accept this part to be implemented in the employee well-being program. This is because flexible working hours provides effective work-life to the employee thus allowing them the opportunity to manage professional and personal life accordingly by working in shifts without experiencing immense work pressure and no personal life (Schultz et al. 2015).

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