Training and Development in HR

Task 1

Compile a report with a critical view explaining:

a) The purpose of the HR function and its importance to the organization, given its current problems and future plans for further growth.

The human resource is of importance to ‘Say it with Chocolate’ in so many ways ranging from the recruitment process to the company’s image. If effective, the HR can greatly contribute to the overall company’s direction and accomplishment of its goals and objectives. Some of the functions the HR performs at ‘Say it with Chocolate’ include;

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Recruitment and Onboarding. The HR department is responsible for the recruitment process of employees which includes screening of resumes, scheduling interviews and determining the most effective method of recruiting applicants (Ruth 2018). The HR assists the owner and workshop assistant identify flaws in their recruitment process and advices them on what changes to make regarding their recruitment method.

Hiring process. The HR recruiters work together with the hiring managers to ensure that during the hiring process, the hiring decisions are based on the company’s workforce needs (Ruth 2018). The function of the HR is to provide guidance to the owner and the workshop assistant who aren’t familiar with hiring processes so as to know specifically what they are looking for in candidates. Hiring the right employees with the necessary skills set is crucial to the organization because they will help maintain the quality of the company’s products.


Training and development. HR professionals coordinate new employee orientation programs in which new employees are trained about the company’s culture, values, etc. This helps to develop a strong employer-employee relationship plus this training supports the organization’s fair employment practices (Ruth 2018).

Liability issues. The HR is responsible for minimizing the company’s exposure and liability issues related to allegations of unfair employment practices. It is the duty of the HR to identify, investigate and resolve workplace issues that could potentially lead to the company being involved in a legal case regarding anti-discrimination laws (Ruth 2018).

b) How you see your role and responsibilities as a Human Resource Officer.

My roles as HRO include recruiting, hiring, training new employees, monitoring staff performance and attendance and advising the management of ‘Say it with Chocolate’ on employment laws (Target Jobs 2016). Additionally, I also design plans for future hiring processes and how the current selection method can be improved to ensure higher productivity and employee retainment (Zip Recruiter 2018). It is my duty to determine recruitment processes that are most effective to the company and do not cost the company a lot of money. Also, it is my duty to hire candidates who have the right skill set to perform the job as well as the right attitude towards the company so as to reduce the high turnover. I also have the responsibility of training new employees according to the company’s practices and standards, for example, new employees have to learn how to maintain the long standing quality of the company’s product so as to ensure customer satisfaction.

c) The advantages and disadvantages of the current selection methods used by the organization and compare it to other approaches of selection methods.

The advantages of the current selection method of ‘Say it with Chocolate’ is; it is a more efficient and less-time consuming hiring process. Pre-employment tests that are done either online or in person save the company a lot of time spent going through resumes of candidates who do not qualify for the position (Criteria 2017). The company’s 50% cutoff score helps to significantly reduce the number of applicants who are shortlisted to participate in the interviews. Two, this type of selection method to some extent guarantees higher employee productivity (Criteria 2017). This is because, if done correctly, pre-employment tests have the ability of determining employee performance because they objectively predict the knowledge and skills a candidate has to perform certain tasks. The disadvantage of the company’s selection method is that these tests are not always reliable nor accurate (Home Care Pulse 2015). The test results need to accurately correspond to job performance before employers use them as a determining factor in hiring. Also the time allocated for taking the English and Math tests could be less leading to most candidates being disqualified for not completing the tests or having the opportunity to clarify their answers (Home Care Pulse 2015). Additionally, the informal interviews don’t test on the candidates skill set rather they are concerned with the personality of the candidate which may result in hiring employees with great personalities but no skills which explains the high turnover. Compared to other selection methods such as panel interviews, application forms and CVs and group exercises, the company’s selection method is quite an effective method of hiring employees however it needs to be done accurately and match the job performance of employees. Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Workplace Training to Foster Inclusivity and Respect.

d) Potential improvements that could be made to the current selection methods.

The first step is establishing a dynamic assessment plan that corresponds with the organization’s workforce needs (Assessment Training 2014). This involves identifying the organization’s shortcomings with regard to the recruitment process and how these shortcomings have affected their productivity and employee retainment. After identifying their mistake, they can then implement a standardized process so as to incorporate the identified issues in the recruitment process so as to accurately correspond the tests to the job performance by candidates. The second step is continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the new recruitment process to identify whether it has any impact or the results are still the same (Assessment Training 2014). The organization should maintain employees’ records of the tests and compare them to their job performance reviews so as to determine whether the new recruitment process is efficient or not.

Task 2

In the past, job vacancies have been circulated within the organization and on the jobs board outside of the main site. You feel that this is insufficient and intend to change this with the first vacancy that you need to fill - a Receptionist for the organization. Using the job description in Appendix 1 you should:

a) Create a person specification for the role


E= Essential, D= Desirable for applicants to meet the set standards.

b) Provide a rationale for a suitable medium for placing the advertisement.

A local newspaper or in an online job board. Local newspapers always contain the section where job-seekers look to find their next jobs. This would be a good medium for placing the advert especially since the position requires a local candidate who lives around. The disadvantage of using this medium is there often isn’t enough space to place the advert and idle people may call the number provided in the advert just to pass time or for amusement (Skills Road 2014). Online job boards are also a suitable medium for placing the advert because there are industry-specific boards that help narrow down the search and target the right candidate. The disadvantage of using online job boards is that they are accessed by so many people meaning the HR will be left screening through a pile of resumes before finding the right candidate for the job (Skills Road 2014).

c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the previous methods of advertising jobs in the organization.

The advantage of using this advertising method is it has a lower cost than advertising outside the company (Lorraine 2016). Recruiting external candidates means the advertising costs increase because of use of newspapers, magazines and websites to advertise the position. Additionally, the HR spends a lot of time screening the applicants unlike when the applicants are internal employees. Two, advertising jobs internally increases the moral of employees because promoting internal staff boosts the morale of fellow employees to work hard so as to fill the position the next time it is advertised (Lorraine 2016). Additionally, it reduces the stress of employers having to judge whether you are the right person for the job or not because they already know your character (Melissa 2015). The disadvantages of advertising internally includes; One, it creates conflicts amongst employees (Melissa 2015). Employers who advertise internally more often than not already have a candidate in mind for that position which could to enmity and jealousy between employees who feel they were better qualified for the position than the employed individual. Two, advertising and hiring internally hinders the opportunity of hiring an individual with fresh ideas which would revitalize the company (Melissa 2015). Lastly, advertising internally means the manager will have to hire someone else to replace the employee they promoted. This means the company has to spend resources and time training the new employee on carrying out their new duties (Melissa 2015).

d) Produce a minimum of 6 questions which could be asked at the interview for the Receptionist, which would help to improve the selection decision making process.

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

3. Why would you be the perfect candidate for this job position?

4. Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?

5. What attracted you to this company?

6. Would you describe yourself as a patient person? If so, please give an example of a situation at work in which you had to exercise patience.

7. How did you hear about this company?

8. Why are you leaving your current job?

Task 3

Provide a summary report which addresses the following questions:

a) Microsoft offer apprenticeship and graduate training schemes. Evaluate the benefits to both the organization and employees of such schemes.

Graduate training programs and apprenticeships are a great way of identifying top students and having them working for the company so it is a win-win situation for both Microsoft and the employees of such schemes. The company benefits by hiring top students who are talented and skilled in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) degrees who offer their services and skills to the company while the students get paid while still studying and receive other forms of benefits such as having their fees paid by Microsoft. Additionally, graduate training programs are important to the organization because it is easier to train young students than older people plus young people learn faster than older people so it is a win-win situation for the company too. Also, this is a way of giving back to the society by hiring young graduates and training them to face the challenges of the modern world. Moreover, apprenticeship results in better employee engagement. For example, based on the personal story of Helen who is a software development engineer at Microsoft, she explains that it is important to her to make a small impact on people’s lives through her job. This is a win-win situation for the company because through these programs, hired employees feel a sense of gratitude knowing their efforts impact the lives of Microsoft users while the organization gets a committed employee. Lastly, the company experiences reduced employee turnover and maximizes employee retainment while the hired employees are trained on skills that will help them throughout their lives and have the opportunity to advance in their careers and become future managers.

b) What developmental opportunities are available to staff once they are in a permanent job role?

Opportunities for Microsoft employees who are in a permanent job role include: frequent promotion opportunities, coaching on career development through frequent meetings with managers, on-the-job ‘stretch’ opportunities for advancement in one’s career, customized training for managers to sharpen their skills in coaching and mentoring, online training through mobile apps, podcasts and videos in multiple languages and continuous new employee orientation on a wide range of topics including training on the company’s values and culture (Microsoft 2018). Additionally, Microsoft also offers its staff competitive compensation and benefits packages such as the employee stock purchase plan that allows employees to own part of the company by purchasing Microsoft stock at a 10% discounted rate (Alison 2018).

c) Explain the benefits of the approach Microsoft has taken in respect of flexible working practices

Microsoft offers its employees flexible work options that allow employees the opportunity to work part time, job share, work remotely, adjust their work schedules or work compressed weeks. Creating a flexible working culture is based on the employer trusting the employee to get the job done without any supervision. The benefit of flexible working practices is increased productivity and lower expenses for the company. Some people are more productive at night while others are more productive in the morning, therefore, flexible working affords the company increased productivity since employees work when they feel most fresh (Jean 2012). Employees benefit from flexible working practices by having a more positive relationship with the employer as well a better work-life balance. Flexible working practices also increase employee’s loyalty to the company because through a work-life balance, employers have time to tend to their personal issues and perform their work duties. Flexible working practices contribute to a healthy working environment as well as a more diverse workforce. Through flexible working practices, Microsoft is able to effectively manage the diverse workforce it has making sure every employee is motivated to perform to their full potential (Jean 2012).

d) Explain how Microsoft motivates its workers through its job design and systems of reward

Apart from being recognized for innovation in software and technology, Microsoft is also remarkably known for its innovation in employee empowerment. In order to retain its employees, Microsoft ensures that its employees feel empowered and they achieve this through various ways such as: Microsoft values its employees so much to the extent that they entrust their current employees to recruit new employees. Microsoft trusts their employees to bring them the best qualified candidates for hiring and shape the future of the company (McLeish 2008). Microsoft’s mantra “Spread the Love” empowers and motivates its employees to recruit future employees which basically entrusts them with shaping the future direction of the company and that right there is empowerment at its finest. Another way in which Microsoft empowers its employees is by offering the employees competitive benefits and packages such as the outstanding stock options for employees. Nothing empowers employees more than allowing them the opportunity to own part of the company that they are working for because it makes them feel that they are not only working for the benefit of the company but also for their own good since they own part of the company (Alison 2018). By owning part of the company, employees remain loyal to the company and work even harder. Microsoft allows employees to purchase from 1-15% of the employee’s after tax salary to buy the company’s stock at a 10% discounted rate (Microsoft 2018). Other benefits that Microsoft offers its employees include life insurance, extensive health and wellness care including medical, dental, vision, on-site flu shots and a 24-hour health help line etc. This plays an important role in employee empowerment because it makes employees feel more secure about their personal and their family’s healthcare which empowers them at work and in their day-to-day lives. The company also offers childcare discounts, family care backup, disability insurance, retirement plan, parental leave, maternity leave, 15 paid vacation days, 10 sick leave days, dependent care flexible spending account and adoption assistance (Alison 2018).

Task 4

a) What is meant by the term employee engagement?

Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to their company and put maximum effort into their work. It is the extent to which employees feel enthusiastic about their jobs (Custom Insight 2013). Employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction because even though employees appear happy and show up to work without complaining does not necessarily mean they are engaged (Heryati 2016). Employee engagement is important to any organization because it drives employee performance (Custom Insight 2013). Companies whose workforce is engaged perform better than their competition because the employees take a positive action to further the company’s interest and image. An engaged employee does not just care about their next pay-cheque rather, they are more concerned that their efforts actually make a difference at their workplace (Heryati 2016). Better employee engagement means higher productivity for the company. Organizations whose workforce is engaged perform 200% better than organizations whose workforce isn’t engaged (Adam 2015). According to Adam (2015) low employee engagement costs businesses in USA approximately between $450 billion and $550 billion annually with absenteeism being the leading cause factor. If firms could take employee engagement more seriously, then this ridiculous high amount of money could significantly reduce and the American economy could invest this money elsewhere. Employees who are not engaged at work don’t value their work and which affects the overall performance of the company.

b) Why is employee engagement an integral strategy of employee relations?

Employee engagement is an integral strategy of employee relations because the more an employee is engaged in their work, the better the relation among him/her and other employees (Revie 2013). An employee engaged in their work has no time to engage in gossips or start office fights because they are focused on their work. An engaged employed is always busy with their work and avoids nasty office politics or getting in the way of another employee’s tasks. The saying “An empty mind is the devil’s workshop” is accurate even in at the workplace. This is because, an employee who is not passionate about his work does no productive work instead they look for opportunities to start conflicts at the office or spread rumors about other employees who are engrossed in their work. An engaged employee has no time to concern themselves with the personal lives of their colleagues because they are busy working and building the company’s image instead of participating in unproductive tasks. However, from a different angle, employee engagement also increases due to the employer-employee relations an employee has with their boss. An employer who invests in his employees by treating them more than just employees, provides feedback about their performance and shows recognition such as appreciation, a public raise and offers them rewards is more likely to get his workforce engaged at work than an employer who does not do any of these things (All about careers 2013).

c) Identify some of the key approaches to engaging workers discussed in the summit and explain their importance in terms of improving communication in the workplace.

Engage every employee in your organization. Microsoft uses Yammer to connect people across the organization. The firm updates employees through announcements and broadcasts videos using Microsoft Stream. Organizations should provide every employee starting from top to low management with a chance to share their suggestions, feedback and opinions about different company aspects so as to make them feel that their input is valued and appreciated.

Improve processes and inspire innovation. Microsoft uses Yammer, SharePoint and OneDrive to provide an open space for people to interconnect and work together. This is because every employee possesses valuable opinions or suggestions that can help improve the performance of the company but lack the space to share their ideas. Therefore, employers are motivated to provide spaces where employees can share their insights and recommendations without feeling judged. Additionally, these spaces allow for the management to make decisions faster and realize new innovations.

Engage in open and honest communications. Communicating openly and honestly helps to build a transparent and engaged workforce. This is because updating employees about any changes in the company makes them feel more than just workers but also shareholders and partners. Microsoft uses Yammer to engage in conversations with people and collect their opinions and feedbacks on ways to improve the company.

d) Identify the main pieces of employment legislation in the UK and explain how they influence human resource decision making (from recruitment, training and development and reward, to redundancy and retirement)

The Equality Act 2010. This Act protects employees from discrimination at the workplace. All employees regardless of their disability, age or sex are required to receive the same recruitment and training process like every other employee in the organization (The Equality Act 2010).

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National Minimum Wage Act 1998. The minimum wage varies per age group up to the age of 21. The minimum wage is currently £6.19 an hour and the maximum working hours are 48 hours per week. Employees are entitled to be rewarded for their services according to the minimum wage set in their employment contracts (National Minimum Wage Act 1998).

Working Time Regulations 1998. Employees are legally entitled to 5.6 weeks paid holiday per year which is the statutory leave entitlement. Workers should be rewarded for their services with time-off so as to cater to their personal matters (Amanda 2013).

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Trade Union and Labor Relations Consolidation 2013 Act. In the UK redundancies are implemented when employers determine that the company cannot maintain an employee and decide to terminate the employment. As from April 6 2013, if the employer wants to implement 100 or more redundancies, they have to use the 45-day minimum consultation period regarding this Act and consult with the employees first (Amanda 2013).


Alison, D. (2018). Microsoft career and employee information. The Balance.

Jean, P. C. (2012). Microsoft’s new world of work is all about work. BBC News.

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