The European Convention on Human Right (ECHR), Article 10 provides for right to freedom of expression, which also includes the freedom to receive and also to impart information and ideas by broadcasting media. The freedom of expression, especially through the press, serves to impact the information and ideas that are of general interest and that is public is more entitled to receive. On the other hand, Article 8 provides for right to respect privacy rights.
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The idea of universal human rights emerged in the 20th Century with the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in Paris, France. Prott and UNESCO (2009) explicate that to the proponents of the idea of universal human rights; the 1948 declaration is a sacred document. The
View More >>The term ‘human rights’ can be stated as the primary rights that an individual should have in his lifetime
View More >>Today, the presence of non-international armed conflicts are much more than international armed conflicts. These conflicts can appropriately be found within the territorial jurisdiction of a state and its governance but is a conflict essentially between an armed group and state authority, which is not functioning under the direction of the state. Even though its functioning within a particular territory but the idea is refrained to be limited to just minor disturbances and acts like riots or so. The primary distinction drawn between the international conflict and a non-international conflict is definitely the participants of the actors which takes place internationally or between two different states in the first case whereas, in internal conflicts, the actors are in conflict within a state. However, not much development was seen in this area since the question of independence of sovereignty were raised and it could give rise to an unnecessary interference within the domestic affairs of a particular state.
View More >>The legal issue for the High Court was to in order to determine whether a person charged with an offence contrary to s 5 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, of consuming so much alcohol that the proportion revealed in his breath exceeded the prescribed limit, was the court entitled to restrict the meaning of ‘consuming’ to the act of drinking and to no other mode of introduction or injection of alcohol?
View More >>With regard to Amie and The Observant, the issue is whether there is a violation of their right to freedom of speech and expression under the ECHR. Article 10 of the ECHR explains the right to freedom of speech and expression and also the restrictions that can be reasonably imposed on the right.
View More >>The United Kingdom has had a history in identifying the need to establish rights of the people and ascertain
View More >>The state has the liability to protect the human rights of every individual irrespective of the class, colour, religion etc
View More >>The ECHR rights have been applied in the UK through the HRA 1998. As such, the HRA 1998 has also been considered
View More >>The heavy violence endured by the victims as opposed to the minimum sentence in prison or the lack of punishment given to the perpetrators suggest that justice was not served. Baha Mousa was detained by British soldiers; died two days after his arrest.
View More >>This essay discusses the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Rantsev v Cyprus and Russia. It critically discusses the right to life and right to prohibition of slavery and forced labour as it is engaged in the issue of human trafficking
View More >>Human trafficking is the process, through which the people are forcefully exploited for the purpose of economic gain (, 2014). While, it is possible for trafficking to take place within a country, most often trafficking involves the movement of individuals
View More >>Iraq has had a chequered history with implementation of international human rights law in the past; an important
View More >>The current crisis in Shunibia is a political and economic conflict between the Kuzas from the South and the Chens from the North. The government
View More >>On the 10th day of December 1948, the United Nations met in Paris France to adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration was conceived when the entire globe was recovering from the wants of horrific conflict and bloody Second World War,
View More >>Globally, there are approximately 450 million indigenous people, or rather, 5 per cent of the entire world’s population, spread in over 100 countries. This group of individuals have been present for many thousands of years, whilst focusing on preserving their traditions
View More >>Article 5 of the ECHR protects the right to liberty and security of the person and provides that except under the conditions provided in Article 5 itself, this right shall not be denied to anybody. The overarching principle is that the right to liberty and security can
View More >>The concept of living together has been identified by the Council of Europe as well as the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) as a legitimate measure of the rights of other individuals that are likely to legitimize restraints of different European
View More >>Employee engagement is one of the key drivers of enhancing organisational productivity and grabbing strong competitive position in international market. Key antecedent behind the employee engagement in an organisational are positive work culture,
View More >>The right to social security has been recognised as a fundamental human right in Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1984 (UDHR), which provides
View More >>Social security encompasses various elements, including economic and social aspects.This is the cause and thesolution to the problem associated with the right to social security. The right to social security is governed by international laws, conventions and treaties, such as European Social Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and national measures
View More >>The voting right poses as a significant right, which enables people to have faith in their projected future through their opinion and even their choice. However, it has never been regarded as an absolute right as there have been derogations towards this right during different times and for different category of people. Notably, it is often hard accepting the fact that prisoners, who have committed grievous offences ought to be permitted to vote. However, Europe, as literature often describes it has purposed to give the most significant and greatest gifts to all individuals in the world and that is democracy, and this is easily derived through the struggle for significant equal rights for both men and women
View More >>The European Court of Human Rights was established in 1959 with the express mandate to decide on either state or individual cases involving violations of the convention on Human Rights with regards to civil and political rights contained thereto. The decisions of the court are thus binding on member states. On the topic of hate speech, the European Court of Human Rights has had a chance, in fact, a number of chances and opportunities to pronounce itself on a number of cases that it has been seized with since its inception.
View More >>Morocco is concerned with cases of racial and religious hatred; severe human rights violation by the military troops resulting to alleged disappearances of persons and over 500 people being killed in Shunibia. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide criminalises genocide.
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