Enhancing Organisational Productivity Through Equality


Employee engagement is one of the key drivers of enhancing organisational productivity and grabbing strong competitive position in international market. Key antecedent behind the employee engagement in an organisational are positive work culture, supportive workforce, highly productive organisational framework and job clarity. EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are considered as the key antecedents of employee engagement in an organisation that assist the organisation to not only provide employees with equal facilities but also treat them with proper respect and dignity. Inclusion, equality and diversity are key aspects of any organisational framework that assist the company to have highly engaged, productive and motivated workforce. In todays highly modern business world, this report will discuss the strategic relevance of equality, inclusion and diversity to individual, organisation and HRM framework of XC Technologies, the global microchip manufacturer. The report will discuss that how XC technologies can redeem its interest in maintaining EDI in workforce by promoting employee engagement. In addition to this the report will also discuss how XC technologies will improve the overall management framework by determining strong link between employee management and EDI in workforce. Additionally, the report will also discuss the strategies that is going to be used by the HR team of this given company to have highly engaged workforce. With using relevant literature, the report will also analyse how diversity, inclusion and equality in workplace of XC Technologies can be linked to issues of employee engagement. Finally, the report will make suitable recommendation in terms of improve the proposed HRM policies of XC Technologies to make effective strategic implementation of equality, inclusion and diversity in workplace.


Exploring strategic relevance of equality, inclusion and diversity in organisational, individual and global human resources context:

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are three major aspects of any organisation, that assist an organisation to have high motivated, engaged and productive workforce. As mentioned by Akobo and Metcalfe (2019), Equality, diversity and inclusion are instrumental is developing highly competitive workforce that not only assist organisation to take modern as well as innovative business approaches but also assist organisational leaders to track the ever-changing market trend. In given case study, XC Technologies need to focus on proper implementation of EDI into its organisation framework to make relevant changes in the organisational, individual and HRM context. For students who are seeking HRM dissertation help, understanding the significance of EDI in organisational contexts such as XC Technologies is going to provide the most valuable insights for their research.

While discussing relevance of EDI in organisational context it needs to be mentioned that how much the organisation can implement the EDI concept into its entre work process. Based on current organisational situation it can be stated that in term of redeem the high-skilled and highly productive work culture in workplace this company needs to develop proper strategies to make proper implementation of EDI. As maintained by Ashe and Nazroo (2017), today’s business world is full of uncertainties and market challenges, which pose high level of obligations as well as responsibilities on any organisation. Dealing with these uncertainties and market risk can easily be handled of the organisation have strong, highly competitive and highly motivated workforces which is only possible by marketing perfect implementation of EDI into the workplace. The case study analysis of XC Technologies has highlighted the fact this company immediately needs proper strategies to make perfect implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion in entre organisation framework. On the contrary Bain (2017) argued that, sometimes relevance of EDI to organisational context is not only associated with developing proper strategies approaches to implement them effectively into organisation but also the organisation needs to have proper resources to make maintain the consistency f EDI process into the workplace. In this context, the relevance of implementing EDI into the organisation framework of XC Technologies will depend on its financial, technical and physical resources. Here XC Technologies needs a EDI director and high skilled HR manager will focus on perfect accumulation ad distribution of organisational resources to assist entire organisation to have relevant EDI framework.

While it comes to discuss the relevance of EDI inn HRM and individual context, it is important to understand that how much the EDI can benefit the HRM framework and individual staffs of any organisation (Booysen et al. 2018.). The current situation of XC Technologies has shown that there is an urgent need of implementing EDI in its workplace, which will not only assist individual staff to grab strong professional skills, knowledge and efficiency to stand on the company expectation but also assist HRM framework to come up with innovative strategies and ideas that will assist entire organisation to deal with current issues such as lack of employee engagement, poor management and lack of practicality in HR initiatives. On the contrary Fältholm et al. (2016) argued that, although implementation of EDI into workplace benefits a company to have highly productive staffs, it sometimes does not have any potential impact on overall HRM framework. On the other hand, it is acknowledged that based on the current poor HR framework and lack of individual productivity in workforce, it can be stated that, XC Technologies needs to implement EDI in its business such a manner that will not only benefit individual staffs to develop their won professional and personal skill but also develop potential HRM framework to enhance the practicality of HRM decision and viewpoint to develop highly reproductive workforces strategy.

Determining intersection as well as link between inclusions, diversity and equality and issues of employee engagement:

Employee engagement is strongly associated with implementing diversity, equality and inclusion in workplace. In case of XC Technologies, the organisation needs to set proper HRM polices that will prioritise implementation of EDI into workplace. The current organisational situation of XC Technologies can be managed and improved only by prompting employee engagement in workplace. As mentioned by Diburro (2018), employee engagement is one of the important aspects in any organisation that not only assist the company to have highly productive workforce but also allow organisational leaders to maintain well-organised and well-disciplined management framework. Here the employee engagement issues that XC Technologies currently faces are strongly associated with the failure of this company to maintain EDI in perfect manner in its workforces. In the context Mustika and Rahardjo (2017) mentioned that, having highly engaged workforce is important for a company to have productive, positive and innovative decisions that assist marketers to deal with changing market trend and grab strong competitive advantages in international market. XC technologies can redeem its strong as well as well-structured management system and highly productive workforces only by promoting positive employee engagement. In this context Kazi, et al. (2019), mentioned that there is connection between maintaining EDI in workplace and employee engagement. In XC Technologies, the marketers need to respect the diversity of ideas, abilities and skills in diverse workforce, which will encourage as well as motivate staffs to express their ideas and issues with their seniors. In additional to this, through maintaining equal values and bias-less work environment, XC Technologies can easily redeem strong and healthy relation of staffs with their organisation which will assist entire company to improve the brand reputation as well as competitive position in international market. Through implementing EDI into work culture, XC Technologies would be able to resolve employee engagement issues by providing equal opportunities to all staffs and respecting their diverse knowledge, skills and abilities. As mentioned by Fine-davis and Faas (2018), through implementing EDI into workplace, an organisation can be able to develop motivation in workforce by providing them positive work culture. In case of XC Technologies, this company currently faces the employee engagement issues that can only be solved by using EDI framework in its workplace which all the staffs are not only allowed to have equal official opportunities and resources, but also they are provided with opportunities to come up with new and innovative ideas that can be productive for entire organisation. As argued by Guillaume et al. (2017), EDI not only associated with maintaining diversity in workplace and providing equal resources to staffs rather it is also associated with providing proper training and skill development to each staff to enhance their productivity and provide them with positive organisational culture. Here in the case study, after 2016 XC Technologies faces huge dissatisfaction and lack of involvement of employee due to mismanagement, poor HRM policies and lack of employee-benefited work structure in workplace. In addition to this, the rotational shift in UK branch of XC Technologies enhances the level of conflict among staffs which spoil the positive employee engagement structure. The major decision that the HR team of this company needs to take is to make proper implementation of EDI into workplace, which will ,assist organisation resolving this issues by not only respecting decision, values and interest of each staff but also providing staffs with highly productive and creative work culture in which employees can make their professions development.

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Identifying key antecedents of employee engagement:

There are many key drivers of employee engagement in an organisation (Khurshid, 2018). Positive as well as supportive organisational culture is one of the most important key drivers of employee engagement of a company. XC Technologies needs to redeem the trustworthy relation of employees and organisation by developing creative, supportive and positive organisational culture, in which employee will not only have consistent motivation from senior officials, but also have opportunities of developing their skills, professional knowledge and individual efficiency. On the other hand, to deal with current employee engagement issues that XC Technologies faces in recent years due to poor workplace infrastructure, the company needs to have highly robust and supportive workplace in which the staffs can share their work-related issues with their seniors to resolve them. Another most important key driver for employee engagement in an organisation is transparent and highly organised management structure. From the case study it is seen that XC needs to work on its management process in terms of maintain transparency as well as clarity in overall work process. As opined by Potdar et al. (2018), transparency in workplace is important for promoting trustworthy relation between organization and staffs which encourage workforce to put best effort in achieving common organisation gaols. Performance management in a workplace is another important key driver of employee engagement that will assist XC Technologies to provide such a creative and supportive workplace to its staffs in which staffs are allowed to enhance their professional and personal skill in terms of enhance their overall performance standard. As argued by Kazi, et al. (2019), the idea of performance management in an organisation sometimes is associated with focus on developing skills of entire workforce rather than focusing on the individual productivity of each staff. Here in the case study, HR team of XC Technologies will develop such an workplace culture in which each staff would have facilities to develop their own skills , abilities and performance that will assist them not only to gain better designation in current company but also develop their abilities to get bright opportunities in future workplace. Reward management process is strongly associated with employee engagement in which organisation provides different types of rewards such as financial and non-financial rewards to impress and motivate staffs. In current organisational situation, XC Technologies need to modernise as well as modify the overall rewards management system in its workplace. Here the HR manager will provide remuneration, incentives and bonus as the financial reward and elevation of designation and appreciation as non-financial rewards to its staffs based on their preference standard.

Positive outcomes of engaged employee and how an organisation can adopt more strategic approach to implement inclusion, equality and diversity:

There are many benefits of an engaged workforce for a company (Mustika and Rahardjo, 2017). Through promoting employee engagement, XC Technologies can enhance the productivity of the entire organisation, by developing performance standard as well as processional skill of each staffs. In addition to this, engaged employees will assist XC Technologies to develop innovative as well as unique marketing approaches that are relevant to the current market trend. As mentioned by Diburro (2018) an engaged workforce can better understand organisational vision and mission, that assist them to set their skills as well as performance standard as per the needs of that organisation. Engaged employee, will assist managers and higher official of XC Technologies to enhance the core values, ethical understanding and moral beliefs in workforces which enhance their sense of liabilities as well as responsibilities towards their organisation. On the other hand, engaged employee will benefit XC Technologies in terms of having highly motivated workforce that are ready to take challenges in any market environment. In addition to this the engaged workforces will assist XC Technologies to track the current changes in market and set relevant strategies to cope up with these changes effectively in terms of grabbing strong competitive advantages in international market.

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For making better implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion in workplace , organisational leaders of XC Technologies need to take strategic approaches such as developing effective communication with workforce, developing transparency and clarity in overall work process, involving staffs in organisational decision making , respect diverse values, knowledge and skills of staffs and equal distribution of opportunities and organisational resources among staffs. As mentioned by (), for implementing EDI in workplace, organisational leaders need to take such approaches that will be relevant to current organisational need as well as the individual needs of each staff. In this context, HR manager of XC Technologies can conduct training and development program for each staff which will assist higher officials to determine the issues and abilities of each staffs. In addition to this, XC Technologies need to also focus on modifying overall work schedule for staffs which can reduce the stress and workload on them and provide them opportunities for professional development.


Following are the recommendation improving the HRM policies and practices in XC Technologies to make better implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion, in it workplace.

HRM policies of XC Technologies should focus on improving employee engagement through implementing the concept of EDI into workforce. HR mangers are recommended to set such policies that will maintain healthy connection between employee engagement and EDI in workforce, that will assure that all the staffs in the workplace are provided with equal facilities and their diverse abilities, skills and knowledge is treated with respect and dignity.

HRM policies set by XC technologies will be recommended to determine the actual link and intersection between EDI implementation and employee engagement that will assist HR managers to make proper modification in HRM policies to assist company to have highly engaged and productive workforce

The HR manager of XC Technologies is recommended to set such strategic HRM policies that will assist this company to gather all antecedents that are needed to have highly engaged workforces such as implementation of EDI in workplace, developing positive organisational work culture, developing supporting work environment and building strong connection between staffs and mangers.

XC Technologies is also recommended to modernise the performance appraisal system and performance management system that will provide career opportunities to each staff by shaping staff’s professional and personal skills.


From the overall discussion it can be concluded that equality, diversity and inclusion, are important aspects in any organisation. Through implementing equality, diversity and inclusion in workplace an organisation can develop productivity and skills of its workforces which assist it to cope up with ever-changing market trend. In addition to this maintaining equality and diversity assist an organisation to make proper employee engagement which is important to improve the overall organisational framework in current business era.

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Reference list

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Throughout the formation of this report, I have become able to develop my knowledge on diversity, equality and inclusion in an organisation. The research on different literature on organisational diversity, equality and inclusion, have assisted me to understand the importance of these three aspects for enhancing productivity and strength of an organisational. On the other hand, this report has assisted me to gain comprehensive as well as clear concept on what is diversity, equality and inclusion of an organisation and what are their potential impact on organisation, HRM and individual context. The report also has assisted me to make proper understanding on the relationship between employee engagement and EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion). Through using relevant evidence in this report, I have gathered proper knowledge on how EDI have posed positive impact on making highly productive workforce in any organisation. this report develops my understanding not only on the overall importance of EDI in an organisation but also assisted me to gather proper knowledge on how an organisation makes effective strategies and decision in terms of dealing with employee engagement issues. in addition to this, throughout the report, I have collected secondary resources on implementation of EDI in organisation, that not only improves my knowledge on impact of EDI on organisational productivity but also assisted me to develop my understanding on issues that an organisation can face while failed to implement the EDI in effective manner . the report assists me to learn the strategies that are important for any organisation to implement EDI into workplace such as better communication, clear work process, clarity in work schedule, transparency in organisational policies, rewards system and performance management system. in addition to this, I have gained knowledge on key drivers of employee engagements such as positive work culture, employee oriented policies, equal opportunities for staffs in workplace, respects and dignity in workplace and protection of staff from any kind of harassment and malpractices. While writing this report I gained knowledge on how equality, diversity and inclusion in an organisation are associated with overall sustainability of that organisation as by assisting the organisation to have high relevant marketing policies and high skilled workforces that make the organisational able to deal with any market situation. the recommendation section has assisted me to represent my own perspectives regarding the strategies that I think would be highly relevant and effectives for organisational managers of XC Technologies to deal with the current issues. in addition to this, the report has changed my viewpoint regarding importance of EDI in a workplace and its association with employee engagement.

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