Human Rights Poverty and Development

  • 17 Pages
  • Published On: 16-11-2023


The term ‘human rights’ can be stated as the primary rights that an individual should have in his lifetime. The rights include freedoms, nobility, equality, respect, etc. The explanation of human rights and its concept can have several outcomes at various angles in order to show up its relation to poverty. The acknowledgments, which are not capable enough to crush the rights in the trail of development and its improvement should provide proper focus on the unsafe and personalized quotidian abuses on the nobility of humans, which coincides with poverty. Most significantly, the rights not only focus on the assets but also at the abilities, opportunities, reliability as well as the power required to possess enough quality of living along with different others elementary rights regarding the social, financial, political, and civilized communities. The main basic human rights should be enjoyed by each and every individual can be divided into some categories. Firstly, the right to equality, which would not allow discrimination among individuals and the right to life that, takes an important position. The right to life includes the freedom of the individual and its personal safety measures. Each and every person has the right to give its own opinion in public matters. They must have equality before the law and legal systems. People should be allowed to practice their own religion and worship their own faith. Among various other such categories, the right to livelihood and occupation deserve mention. Livelihood and occupation play an important role in the control of poverty among the folks. All human beings cannot perform the same profession together. Everyone should have a discrete lifestyle. The professional strategies form the basic infrastructure of the economic characteristics of society as a whole. The better one can earn the more the poverty line goes down. Unemployment is a very crucial factor that prevents the occupational rights of human beings. It is obvious that the huge growth of population density in one area results in more unemployment. In such situations, individual businesses can sometimes help to get rid of the uncomfortable crisis. Small and micro-sized businesses are very popular nowadays. This adds up an extra income to the families in distress. It is very essential to reduce the poverty level of a country. Underdeveloped countries are featured in this issue mainly. The development of a nation comes along with the development of human rights poverty. HRM dissertation help explore all these interconnected dynamics deeply.

  1. Buhaerah, P., 2016. Poverty and Human Rights: New Direction in Poverty Eradication. Jurnal Bina Praja, 8(2), pp.221-230.
  2. Baagø-Rasmussen L, 'Business In Development: Diminishing Human Rights? Making The Case For A Human Rights-Based Approach To Corporate Social Responsibility' [2017] Deusto Journal of Human Rights


The concept of Human Rights and Development

The basic idea of human rights and its developmental procedures was initially declared by the UNGA as the resolution 41/128 in the year 1986. It came to be known as the Declaration on the Right to Development. The United States on the other hand did not support the election of the resolution, abstained from voting. The United Nations pointed out that there should be no ranking and grading system applicable to human rights. It indicates the value of maintaining equality and the interdependency of human beings on one another. These factors would provide the rights to developmental aspects that are assured to circumscribe with an outshine of other rights which does not allow any figure to stand up as trivial political longings.

Human rights and its development are considered as an absolute right in which all the individuals are qualified enough to take part in it and thus contribute to the economic, cultural, social, and political affairs. In order to improve human rights, some essential elements must be included for reaching the optimum outcomes. It incorporates the primary focus on human beings. It is thus mentioned that human being should be the main beneficiary of the developmental scenarios. The commencement towards the rights and its improvement particularly needs the development to be executed in such a way that every human right and the liberal movements are understood completely. The criteria must be free from all objectives, be meaningful and moral in sense. The maintenance of equality and its underneath causes require an equitable share of the advantages for the development. There should be no contradictory divergence so as to determine the racial, gender, linguistic, and religious discriminatory factors. The overview of the self-determining factors associates and integrates the whole supremacy over the assets for the integral elementary strand for the development.

  1. Miller, H., 2019. Human rights and development: the advancement of new campaign strategies. The International Journal of Human Rights, 23(5), pp.719-739.
  2. Bueno, N., 2017. Should We Have a New Human Right to Freedom From Work?. Latest Thinking,.
  3. Pace, M., 2019. The Human Right to Water from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the New Agenda for Sustainable Development. europa ethnica, 76(3-4), pp.162-170.

The rights should be shown as a communal right so that it is obligated to the groups as against the individual rights being applied and implemented. The people should be sanctioned rather than individuals for the rights of self-determining elements as well as towards the national and international improvements. A barrier for the rights can be in a tough context for defining the persons for the grounds of self-determination. Apart from this, the highly developed provinces and nations should raise their affections against the opposite effect of the various aims of global businesses, disproportionate ingressions in the technological features, along with breaking down the huge burdens of debts and thus keep an expectation to form irrevocable commitments for featuring the characteristics of improvement in a similar way. This can pursue the authorization and the legalization of the powers. The rights inaugurate some special attributes for the clarification of the inward meanings and specifications of the reduction in poverty. The characterized approach to the whole community for the unification of human rights should be in progress. The ultimate scenario must suggest a collection of better conditions in the financial relations of the countries which are under the process of development. The ideological aspect of social justice and maintenance of equality must include the roles of all the nations and thus share a proper advantageous developmental activity. This would draw the focus from the inhabitants who are peripheral in the society.

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Key Factors leading to poverty of human in society

Poverty in human society is one of the most tragic problems nowadays. Numerous factors influence destitution in local and communal societies. The key elements that lead to such problems can be summed up as follows:

Inadequate nutrition:

There are several cases where it is seen that the families or the communities do not get an adequate amount of clean water or nutritious food for their sustenance. Over two billion people across the world suffer from a supply of clean water in their communities and more than eight hundred million people die of malnutrition. The unsecured lifestyle where these people are deployed of their fundamental rights is a significant cause of poverty. Without enough nutritious supplements, people would be unable to have energy or power to work harder and earn their own living. Several diseases including diarrhea and typhoid spread among these communal groups causing their life to be endangered. The expenditure these families have to face over medicinal purposes stands as a burden in their daily life. Sometimes, they have to travel a long distance just to bring a bucket of clean water. This is mostly seen in the rural areas of the Asian, African, South American countries. In European countries, the severity is a bit less than the others.

  1. Christman, Russell, B., 2016. Readjusting the political thermostat: fuel poverty and human rights in the UK. Journal of Human Rights in the Commonwealth, 2(2).
  2. Frese, M., 2017. How Can an Entrepreneurial Mindset be Developed to Encourage Poverty Reduction?. Latest Thinking,.

Unemployment and scarcity of income sources

One of the basic human rights is the right to livelihood and occupation. It is widely seen that in many countries, people suffer from unemployment or scarcity of jobs. This is one of the biggest issues to result in poverty. Not only in rural areas but also in the urban and semi-urban areas this complication pursues. The increase in population is one of the causes of unemployment. In Asian countries, like India, the population is over one billion. The lack of jobs is thus a very common factor here. The economic system of these countries is feed upon its natural resources mainly. If there is a scarcity or no earnings at all, poverty is the only thing that can prevail. The government systems of the countries need to be stronger and free of corruption to handle these situations carefully.

Lack of proper educational infrastructure:

Educational qualification plays a vital role to eradicate poverty. Better educated people have more chances to opt for better jobs and can thus have a better source of income to feed their families. However, there are many countries where children are deployed in their primary education too. There are numerous children who are sent to workplaces instead of going to schools. Child laborers are found mostly in the South Asian countries and African nations. The financial conditions of these families are so poor that their parents or guardians are compelled to send the children to work thus they are deprived of their educations. The government should look into the matter to stop breaking the educational infrastructure of these communities. People from rural areas are mostly affected by this problem.

Climatic factors:

  1. Farley, I., 2016. State of the Net. The Leading Edge, 35(7), pp.627-627.

The climatic factors of some regions affect natural resources. Draughts, floods, and several other sudden seasonal changes have great impacts over the natural vegetation as well as the physical abilities of the local people of the regions. For instance, if there is heavy flood or drought, the crops get ruined. This devastates the income of the farmer communities.

Regional Conflicts:

Conflicts among the communities have great impacts on the economic graph of a nation. Most recently, it is seen in Syria that more than 70% of the total population suffers poverty in the country. The conflict between Syria with its allies is the main reason for this severe condition. The Syrian Civil War in fact destroyed the financial condition of the whole province all at once. Apart from these, a terrorist attack also stands as a cause for such problems.

Critical Evaluation of Theories of social development and human rights and Development

The theories of social development and human rights development originated when the domination of the economic structures of the states came to focus. The social characteristics were not the primary point to aim at the economic development and transformation which was taken as assured more effective utilization of resources, irrespective of the previous aim. The analytical developments went through a patterned shift. Thus, it is based on various disciplinary actions along with micro orientations. The basic plans expressed the social aims and the approaches of women which were mentioned in the schedule. The structural theories of the Neo Marx’s theories significantly affected the concepts and the orders of interlinks of the nations with their classes.

Article 10 of the Vienna Declaration on Human Rights (1993) explains the developing attributes as a non-separable part of the rights. This connected the rights and its improvement policies together. The approaches for a better understanding of the necessary activities are not well defined on the grounds of human rights. The other motives that can tighten the bonds between the human rights and the approaches towards its development can be treated as the growing pursuing authorization over the democracy of the developing course. This is what that can be figured out after the cold war. The main factor of this link should not only be the democratic form of government but also in the political fields and its various norms for individuals as well as communities. It should be protected and established for the procedures of the political movements.

  1. DONGES, J., 2017. How Do Climate Change Related Natural Disasters Potentially Increase the Risk of Armed Conflicts?. Latest Thinking,.
  2. Sinfield A, 'Building Social Policies in Fiscal Welfare' (2020) 19 Social Policy and Society
  3. Joseph, R., 2020. Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of Rawls’ Social Justice Theory in Social Work: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 5(3), pp.147-156.
  4. Winkler, I. and Williams, C., 2017. The Sustainable Development Goals and human rights: a critical early review. The International Journal of Human Rights, 21(8), pp.1023-1028.

When checked in more detail, the previous expositions for the improvement of human rights can be considered to have three different episodes. The initial one constituted the rights of political and civilian matters. The next stage described the rights regarding social, economic, and cultural strategies. After that, the solidarity rights deserve special mention. It involves developmental, environmental, and self-determination rights. This offers the plans of maintaining peace and tranquility hereafter. Most importantly, the main status and level of solidarity rights are not defined clearly in the context. These are the determining factors for better surroundings. Each and every class is defined with various color schemes that recognize its movements in its own grounds. These policies do not allow the separation from its roots. It is debated whether it is ethical or not. The governmental bodies of various nations have adopted it. These categorical developments in rights are considered to perform to accentuate some significant elements. This includes the continuous procedures of development as per the movements of world politics as well as its influence. The experts convince for the universal behaviors of human rights as a whole. It is the primary structure to influence the growth of the causes in practical movements.

The development of the social strata gives a complete qualitative analysis on the structural basis of the social scheme. This aids to understand the focal points of society much better. The growth and improvement can be stated as the behavioral approach in all the social as well as the different periods of the history depending upon the increasing movement that characterizes the higher levels of the productivity, its efficient norms, creativity, comprehensive development, energy, compound structural entity, and its achievement. The procedure is not just a set of policies and rules. It is a continuous process of change and alterations that set up the political, environmental, and social outcomes. The accelerating power deserves to be attached to it at every instance. The primary techniques that should be adopted for accomplishing such changes can help to develop the awareness that will result in a qualified society. It is indeed mentionable that when the chances for its development can result in higher organizational development, the exploitation of the recent openings can come up along with it. Such development can result in various elements. It can also have different motives to fight through and thus compete for the obstacles in its way. The development of human rights is not easy to be determined alone without its side perspectives. When these are noticed, the hierarchy orders of the social behaviors in the nations come to vision. The capitalistic amount spent, the expansion of the technological elementary structures as well as the organizational support and facilities must put their efforts to support.

  1. Joseph, R., 2020. Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of Rawls’ Social Justice Theory in Social Work: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 5(3), pp.147-156.

The issues relating to the poverty level of the nations can be stopped and thus eliminated by the systematic improvement of human rights. As the people get better inhabitation, proper food and water, and lead a regular life without poverty, social development will be impossible to prevent. The inhabitants of a society build social power. This would obviously include the economic elements also. The financial growth and the dignity of human beings are what a nation requires. Proper educational and health care systems are also very important. A developing country must look after these figures to commemorate the civilization ethics. Simultaneously, the developed countries must retain its qualities forever.

Ethical Considerations and its key impact on policies of Human Rights and poverty

The ethics concerned with human rights and poverty have been showing to bring equality among the communal groups. The ideas have been applied with very fewer practical applications and it connects the health, equality, and the rights that have not been analyzed in a systematic format. The analysis of the ideas of the above-stated matters and its interlinking system gives conceptual performance for the unique and worthy direction for the institutional workers. These perspectives can focus on the ability to tackle the impacts of human rights in various circumstances. On the other hand, it is important to control the allegiances thus made. The principles endeavor the discriminatory sufferings and aids to minimize it. As per the above discussion, it can thus be considered that the poverty and human rights have a very close relation. The primary focus must be done in a wider way to gain more benefits from equality. An ethical outcome would need to be evaluated upon the agreed terms and conditions during the process of contract between nations.

  1. Pollack, D., 2017. What Are the Effects of Religious Pluralism in Society on Individual Religiosity?. Latest Thinking,.

The impacts of human rights on different fields can be contemplated in the following way:

Syria real GDP

Economic Impact:

There are several instances that show the positive impact of human rights on the economic growth of the nations. The studies from different socio-economic structures define the steady graph of the development. In countries, where equality is maintained among the communities, the inhabitants get equal distribution of the resources and can follow their own livelihood and occupation. This helps to increase their earnings. The rural, as well as urban communities are facilitated by this process.

The capitalist countries have an unequal structure in their society. This causes division among the rich and the poor. In this respect, the poverty level increases although, there are several politicians and economic experts, based on whom decision-making processes may change some progresses. According to an argument, the inequality ratio can stimulate an economic growth. However, this is much debated. If there is inequality among the people, then only one section of the society can tend to be more financially approved. Other than that, inequality gives rise to conflicts among the communities. The conflicts break the economic chain of the state or the province.

This can be very notable during the French Revolution and the Syrian Civil War. These are the two instances from historical events that show inequality and conflicts among the communities have total power to destroy the economic bonding of the states. The GDP of Syria shrank by 53.7% during the war. The decline was recorded up to 79.8% fall. Thus, it is eminent from the above views that human rights development can impact on the economic structure of a country.

  1. Christman, Russell, B., 2016. Readjusting the political thermostat: fuel poverty and human rights in the UK. Journal of Human Rights in the Commonwealth, 2(2).
  2. Bertay A, Dordevic L, and Sever C, 'Gender Inequality And Economic Growth' (2020) 20 IMF Working Papers
  3. Cimino M, Syria: Borders, Boundaries, And The State (Springer International Publishing 2020)

Social Impact:

The social impacts can be treated, as the effects of human rights that exhale on the society alone. In fact, the local, regional, national, and even international social infrastructure can come under it. The communities can directly or indirectly suffer or face the impacts. The actions and working abilities of the constructive performances of the assignments are required to be observed with utter attention. Apart from that communal collisions circumscribe to the point on huge impacts that are linked to human rights. Maintaining a well-behaved communal harmony can intend a less but effective result on social matters. The relations should be given proper care by strengthening the roots. This may accompany the exertion of the segmented working situations that can stimulate the health, security measures, acquisition of land and property, social standards. The settlements among the people with the richness of the cultural heritages are justifiable equally. On the other hand, social evils like child labour, compelled labour, and other occupations that can threaten lives and hacks on the health and security define the negative side profusely. The risk-oriented systems can bring out severe consequences in this case.

Impact of Globalization on Human Rights

There has always been a considerable debate all over the world in order to justify whether globalization has a positive or negative impact on human rights. Now the optimistic view about globalization is that it has promoted human rights and has enhanced the economic benefits as well as it has assured more political freedom for everyone. Now the positive contributions of globalization have motivated some sections of the society that they have proposed to consider globalization as one of the basic human right. Now their demand has got more ground in general due to the fact the new trade policies forecast an overall positive global welfare due to globalization, which indirectly promotes the attainment of better economic conditions that are requisite for assuring the economic and social rights. It is the belief of many that due to globalization there has been a considerable change in the structure of the market as well as in the policies of liberalized trade which has led to an advancement of the living standards of people all across the world. Again some assume that economic immunity and free trade are necessary prerequisites for political freedom, or it may at least commit to the rule of law in order to guarantee it as a crucial part of human rights. Obviously, globalization has promoted international trade by lifting a number of restrictions allowing more nations to participate in trading between them by abolishing the confinement of a particular nation to trade within its own boundaries. This has ultimately led to enhanced availability and more optimal allotment of resources, more free and aggressive production, and augmented administration guarantees swifter growth and obtaining more basic rights. The Human Development Report concerning human development and human rights published in the year 2000 was promoted by the U.N. Development Program also highlighted the fact that globalization has indeed a huge impact on the human rights and social well-being. Now globalization has often been criticized for oppressing the human rights of many by understating the local decision-making process and the democratic involvement in policy framing in the presence of the global corporations. Again the unrestricted trading policies as encouraged by globalization has been a threat to the basic social, cultural, and economic rights by bringing about radical changes in order to reduce the public disbursement of funds for health and education programs. Again the increase in influence and revenue in the hands of the foreign multinational corporations has led to increased unemployment, poverty, and demeaning the vulnerable societies.

  1. PARK, S., 2018. Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing. Business and Human Rights Journal, 3(2), pp.233-255.
  2. Agasisti T, Johnes G, and Paccagnella M, 'TASKS, OCCUPATIONS AND WAGES IN OECD COUNTRIES' [2020] International Labour Review
  3. s Ana M. Ovejero Puente, 'New Instruments For Human Rights Protection In Globalization' [2020] The Age of Human Rights Journal.

Importance of Social Policy in building a Welfare State

There has been considerable change in social needs due to advancements and modifications in social life. As a result, the complications and their explanations have also altered. The industrial revolution which took place in the eighteenth century not only had a crucial impact on the economic life of the people but also on their social life. Now the main objective of it was to resolve the social issues prevalent in the society and to guarantee well-being by implementing social policies, which happens to be a multidisciplinary concept that led to the advent of a welfare state. The nations which practiced liberal policies and classical stability functions were able to reach a dominant position with an internationalist approach, underwent a huge transformation due to the social and economic developments which took place in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Now, this approach has often been criticized on account of the fact that due to enhancements of social expenses to appease the social needs by overlooking the economic aspects which led to the economic crisis during the times of globalization. The social problems generally change with change in factors pertaining to economy and environment, and these changes differ on the grounds of different social structures and state policies. Now it becomes quite crucial for social policies to comprehend these changes in order to provide effective solutions. Social policies are framed in order to create a welfare state that can assure the people the basic rights of freedom and equal opportunity besides taking care of their basic needs and ensuring equality for all. The welfare state helps in the growth and progress of its people by ensuring equal opportunities and liberal policies which promotes the sense of confidence and coexistence among the people. But economic slowdown and increased unemployment have been two of the major barriers in the path of establishing a welfare state and its ideals.

  1. Juliet Abah, 'Human Rights, Globalization And Development' [2019] SSRN Electronic Journal.
  2. (, 2020) accessed 4 September 2020
  3. Claudia Cinelli, 'The Impact Of Political Globalization On Human Rights Law' [2017] Deusto Journal of Human Rights.


The concept of human rights towards the development and well-being of society has often been an issue of debate across the world. The implementation of human rights within the framework of a nation has always been a challenge for the organizations working in order to protect and uplift the human rights. The changing dimensions of needs and demands of society have made it even difficult in order to realize basic human rights. The human rights guarantee the society of the basic privileges of food, education, employment, shelter, and opportunity which is crucial for the social well-being and progress of a society. Time and again human rights have played an active role in resolving global issues of poverty, unemployment, regional conflicts, and even climatic issues. The implementation of human rights is a multi-faceted issue that needs to be handled very delicately in order to give it proper justice. Human rights have also played a key role in ensuring social justice to the oppressed and help them obtain their basic privileges which they rightfully own and hence maintain a social balance in society. In other word, Human Rights have been considered, as an instrument in ensuring social peace and social integration, which is the key order of welfare state. Globalization certainly had a positive as well as a negative impact on human rights for which it has been appreciated as well as criticized several occasions. Now human rights have given the freedom to the society to exercise them their basic rights for their growth and well-being, this has indeed helped in the progress and development of a nation. But many times it has been misused in order to satisfy the selfish interests of a certain section of the society which had led to rising conflicts and increasing tensions due to which the vulnerable section of the society continued to be oppressed as well as exploited.

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  1. Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis and Stylianos Ioannis Tzagkarakis, 'Modern Welfare State And Social Democracy: Interdependence And Policy Importance' (2018) 05 OALib.
  2. Adrian Sinfield, 'Building Social Policies In Fiscal Welfare' (2020) 19 Social Policy and Society.
  3. Hanan Haber, 'Rise Of The Regulatory Welfare State? Social Regulation In Utilities In Israel' (2016) 51 Social Policy & Administration.

Take a deeper dive into Human Rights in the UK with our additional resources.



  • Cimino M, Syria: Borders, Boundaries, And The State (Springer International Publishing 2020)


  • Agasisti T, Johnes G, and Paccagnella M, 'TASKS, OCCUPATIONS AND WAGES IN OECD COUNTRIES' [2020] International Labour Review
  • Abah J, 'Human Rights, Globalization and Development' [2019] SSRN Electronic Journal
  • Bertay A, Dordevic L, and Sever C, 'Gender Inequality And Economic Growth' (2020) 20 IMF Working Papers
  • Baagø-Rasmussen L, 'Business In Development: Diminishing Human Rights? Making The Case For A Human Rights-Based Approach To Corporate Social Responsibility' [2017] Deusto Journal of Human Rights
  • Bueno, N., 2017. Should We Have a New Human Right to Freedom From Work?. Latest Thinking,.
  • Buhaerah, P., 2016. Poverty and Human Rights: New Direction in Poverty Eradication. Jurnal Bina Praja, 8(2), pp.221-230.
  • Christman, Russell, B., 2016. Readjusting the political thermostat: fuel poverty and human rights in the UK. Journal of Human Rights in the Commonwealth, 2(2).
  • Cinelli C, 'The Impact of Political Globalization on Human Rights Law' [2017] Deusto Journal of Human Rights
  • DONGES, J., 2017. How Do Climate Change Related Natural Disasters Potentially Increase the Risk of Armed Conflicts?. Latest Thinking,.
  • Farley, I., 2016. State of the Net. The Leading Edge, 35(7), pp.627-627.
  • Frese, M., 2017. How Can an Entrepreneurial Mindset be Developed to Encourage Poverty Reduction?. Latest Thinking,.
  • Haber H, 'Rise Of The Regulatory Welfare State? Social Regulation in Utilities in Israel' (2016) 51 Social Policy & Administration
  • Joseph, R., 2020. Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of Rawls’ Social Justice Theory in Social Work: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 5(3), pp.147-156.
  • Markard, N., 2017. Is It a Violation of the Right to Leave to Prevent Migrants from Crossing the Border to Another State?. Latest Thinking,.
  • Mavrozacharakis E, and Tzagkarakis S, 'Modern Welfare State and Social Democracy: Interdependence and Policy Importance' (2018) 05 OALib
  • Miller, H., 2019. Human rights and development: the advancement of new campaign strategies. The International Journal of Human Rights, 23(5), pp.719-739.
  • Ovejero Puente A, 'New Instruments for Human Rights Protection in Globalization' [2020] the Age of Human Rights Journal
  • Pace, M., 2019. The Human Right to Water from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the New Agenda for Sustainable Development. europaethnica, 76(3-4), pp.162-170.
  • PARK, S., 2018. Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing. Business and Human Rights Journal, 3(2), pp.233-255.
  • Pollack, D., 2017. What Are the Effects of Religious Pluralism in Society on Individual Religiosity?. Latest Thinking,.
  • Sinfield A, 'Building Social Policies in Fiscal Welfare' (2020) 19 Social Policy and Society
  • Winkler, I. and Williams, C., 2017. The Sustainable Development Goals and human rights: a critical early review. The International Journal of Human Rights, 21(8), pp.1023-1028.


  • (, 2020) accessed 4 September 2020

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