Advanced Clinical and Leadership Skills

  • 9 Pages
  • Published On: 9-12-2023

Clinical observations and patient diagnosis are crucial part of the health and social care management, where the health and social care professionals must focus on diagnosing the patients and observe their activities efficiently. It is also useful to anatomical and pathophysiological knowledge so that it is possible to identify the causes of the abnormal activities in body parts and analyse the internal issues of the individual through diagnosis and patient assessment (Ether, and Saif-Ur-Rahman, 2021). It is hereby beneficial to analyse the patients’ health condition before providing good health and social care services (Vestjens, LCramm and Nieboer, 2019). For business dissertation help, understanding these aspects can inform strategic decisions in healthcare organisations.

Hence, the anatomical and pathophysiological knowledge is effective for the health care service providers to manage the patient care and safety as well as provide the best quality health and social care services in long run. The health and social care managers at the care home in this regard play a crucial role in leading the care givers and social workers efficiently through good leadership and managerial practices where it is beneficial for the health care managers to manage the staff and promote patient care successfully (Kothiyal and Jauhari, 2019). The clinical skill and knowledge of the care givers are hereby mandatory to diagnose the patients, develop suitable care plan and treat the patients with the best quality care, therapy and medications as per the health needs of the individual (Argiriov et al., 2020).


The patient is a 32 years female working as an anatomical and pathophysiological knowledge, where she is quiet concerned about maintaining body fitness. She lives with her fiancé and one young child. The environment of the home is good and the patients’ lives at own home, refereed by the A & E Ambulance Crew. There is no such medication in the past as well as there is no medical history and allergies of the patients. However, both the parents of the patient have medical history. The major issue of the patient is that there is pain in the user right quadrant abdominal and it is radiating to the right shoulder. Primarily, she ignores the pain, but the pain has been there during past 7 days, and it is fluctuating. The pain has been increased usually after fried breakfast. The pain is now constant for the past two days. She also has the evidence of fever. It is hereby critical case, where she comes to the primary care for getting advice about the health issue and access good medical treatment and care. Moreover, as per the patient diagnosis and assessment, it has been recognized that, she smoke 15 cigarettes per day, which is quiet astonishing for the medical team, as she is working in gym and quiet concerned about body fitness. Moreover, she also uses alcohol, a glass of wine most of the evening (Vestjens, LCramm and Nieboer, 2019). These are the major activities which have been recognised through patient assessment. Hence, the assessment is effective to identify the life style of the patients and habit in daily lives. It is necessary for the care givers to diagnose the patients more critically and identify the health issues, for which she is suffering from user right quadrant abdominal pain with radiating to the right shoulder. As per the primary diagnosis of the patient, the patient is suffering from Cholecystitis, which is inflammation of the gallbladder. Gallbladder of the patient is small and pear shaped organ on the right side of the abdomen, beneath the liver (Vestjens, LCramm and Nieboer, 2019). The gallbladder mainly holds a digestive fluid that is released to the small intestine for digesting purpose. Hence, the inflammation of gallbladder hampers the normal system of digestive, which further raises pain in the user abdomen. It is a critical situation, where the patient needs to be diagnosed immediately to reduce the pain as well as take actions to mitigate the inflammation.

Anatomical and pathophysiological evaluation

It is hereby necessary to utilise the anatomical and pathophysiological knowledge to diagnose the patients and analyse the health needs after patient assessment. Acknowledging the actual health needs and personal preferences of the patients is mandatory and thus it is necessary for the health and social care professionals to communicate with the patients and identify their health issues and other symptoms in body. As per the patient diagnosis, there is user right quadrant abdominal pain and it is radiating to the right shoulder (Crinò et al., 2019). The patient is suffering from last 7 days, but last 2 days, the pain is constant and it is not possible to tolerate for the individual. Hence, the health and social care professionals must diagnose the patients and as per the diagnosis, it has been revealed that she is suffering from Cholecystitis, inflammation in gallbladder. Gallbladder is mainly release digestive fluid for digestion and if there is blockage in the tubes through which the fluid has been released, it is known as Cholecystitis. It is basically occurred due to blockage in the drainage system for gallbladder stone (Crinò et al., 2019). It may be acute or cause severe pain. For Cholecystitis, severe pain in the upper right belly and boating are the major symptoms of gallbladder stone which cause Cholecystitis. Other symptoms are such as jaundice, fever, chronic diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting as well as unusual stool or urine. The doctors may use abdominal ultrasound, abdominal CT, Magnetic Resonance cholangio pancreatography (MRCP) or nuclear imaging to diagnose the patient and identify the gallbladder stone or the drainage system of the gallbladder (Argiriov et al., 2020). These are the major medical equipment and strategy to diagnose the patients and identify the condition of the gallbladder through CT, ultrasound and MRCP. Hence, the patient diagnosis is important to treat the individual with quality care and treatment as per the health condition and personal preferences (Lisotti et al., 2021). As per the diagnosis, the patient is suffering from Cholecystitis due to unhealthy fried breakfast, smoking and drinking as well as unhealthy life style, form which the gallstone has been detected. It is hereby necessary to develop suitable care plan for the patient to treat her efficiently and guide her to live a healthy life style.

In this regard, patient safety and quality care are necessary to be maintaining efficiently by the Care Quality Commission, and the health care home must follow the guidelines to maximise patient care. The ethical practices are there to support the community care and as per the National institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines; there is community care and providing quality opportunity to all the individuals across the social communities. Hence, equality and diversity are maintained efficiently in the care home to treat the patients and improve their living standard (Crinò et al., 2019). For better management, the organisational health and social care management team try to enhance fairness and accountability in deliver quality care and treatment as well as the health and social care providers try to maximise communication and cooperation through partnership working practice for successful patient diagnosis and treatment. In this case, the patients are diagnosed through abdominal ultrasound and CT as well as other equipment for detecting the condition of the gallbladder (Lisotti et al., 2021). It has also been detected that, the patient is suffering from Cholecystitis, inflammation of gallbladder for which there is problem in digestion and she is suffering through severe pain. Since 7 days, she is suffering from pain and it is fluctuating, but during 2 days, the pain is constant and it is hard to tolerate. Hence, the patient needs urgent care and treatment as the pain is increasing and constant.


There are several treatment facilities through which the issue of Cholecystitis can be mitigated and in this regard the health and social care providers cooperate with the patient and guide them to live healthy life style with healthy eating habits. The major treatment for Cholecystitis are such as fasting to rest the gallbladder, pain medication, low fat diet and digestive medicines, antibiotics to treat the infection, through which it is possible to reduce the pain and guide the patients with healthy diet (Song et al., 2020). However, if the condition of the patient as well as the situation of the gallbladder is out of control, the doctors prescribe for laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallstone. For this, the anaesthesia safety and security are maintained by the NICE guidelines, as well as the WHO or World Health organisation also provide structured guidelines and ethical practices to empower the patients in the treatment and care plan so that it would be possible to develop patient centred care (Basnayake et al., 2020). Hence, the treatment facilities are effective to treat the patients and after the surgery, it is also important for the patient to follow the dietary plan, prescribed by the doctor and lead a healthy lifestyle. The NICE guidelines also supports community acquired pneumonia (CAP) which further helps to include the social communities in the care practices and empower the patients for developing an effective care plan. The activities of the NSH or National Health Service are also beneficial to promote patient safety and security (Kothiyal and Jauhari, 2019). As re the hospital statistics, there is 69,333 cholecystectomies performed in the UK in 2013/14, of these, 64,347 were laparoscopic cholecystectomies (Abdelwadoud et al., 2020). Hence, the cases of gallbladder stone and Cholecystitis are increasing at a rapid rate due to unhealthy lifestyle. The major causes of Cholecystitis are infection in gallbladder, blood vessel problems, malfunction of liver, unhealthy diet and tumour (Chan et al., 2017).

In addition to this, the NHS standard and code of practice proposed by care Quality Commissions are also effective to maximise the quality standard of the patients, suffering from Cholecystitis (Song et al., 2020). The ethical practices of managing hospital admission for the patients with severe pain due to Cholecystitis, readmission of the patient for gallstone, managing surgical complaints and providing safe environment to the patients, maintaining the quality of medical equipment and providing good circumstances to the patients to live healthily are effective to create values for the patients and fulfil their health needs and personal preferences. These are hereby beneficial to managing the patients and maximise quality care and efficient treatment to maximise the standard of living of the individual in the hospital (Abdelwadoud et al., 2020). In addition to this, there are legislative structure which support the health and social care services which includes Health and Social Care Act 2012, Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, Social Value Act 2012, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992, NHS and Community Care Act 1990, Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, National Assistance Act 1948, Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Act 2015. These are beneficial to involve the social communities and communicate with them or providing the best quality care and treatment, so that the individuals can overcome their health issues and maximise their wellbeing in long run (Abdelwadoud et al., 2020).

In addition to this, managing patient confidentiality by Data Protection Act 1998 as well as the Equality Act 2010 and Non-discrimination practices are effective to provide equal scope to the patients for accessing the best quality care and treatment to mitigate the issue of Cholecystitis. It is hereby necessary for the health and social care professionals including the social workers, doctors, nurses at the care home, other staff members, surgeons, general physicians and psychiatrics to manage the patient and diagnose her actual issue of upper right quadrant abdominal pain along with the right shoulder pain. The medical equipment are effective to diagnose the patient with ultrasound and CT as well as the doctors are also efficient to provide the best quality treatment to mitigate the health issue of Cholecystitis for maximising the well-being of the patient.

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The clinical staff members at the care home and the primary health care service providers must be knowledgeable and skilled to promote health and safety of the patients and diagnose their health condition efficiently by utilising latest medical equipment, such as x-ray, USG, blood test and others, so that the actual health issue of the patients can be diagnosed and it would be possible for the health care providers to develop suitable care plan for treating the patients with quality care and efficient treatment. Laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallstone as well as pain medication, low fat diet and digestive medicines are effective for treating the patient with quality care.

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Reference List

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