Leadership and management is the major phenomenon in the recent era of globalisation to lead the employees and the followers towards achieving success (Gill, 2011). Leadership is the art of motivating the followers and direct them efficiently to achieve future aims and objectives of the leader. The management team is also playing a crucial role with the leaders to fulfil its objectives and handle the working process productively (Gold, Thorpe and Mumford, 2010). The aim of the study is to analyse the roles and responsibilities of the leaders and the managers in the context of the business or the country as well as identify the suitable leadership approach for running the organisation or a country to achieve future success. The study provides a scope to consider three major leaders in analysing their practice and leadership style to achieve their success. The major leaders considered in this study are such as Pony Ma, Satya Nadella, and Jose Andres, who are successful to develop their ways and approaches to lead the employees. Through comparing the leadership styles of these leaders, it is possible to evaluate the skills and abilities of the leaders to develop suitable leadership approaches in the organisational context or in the context of the country and social welfare (Gill, 2011). In this regard, after analysing and evaluating of the leadership styles of the leaders, it would be possible to demonstrate the specific methods of leadership and management development that would develop for successful intervention of the leaders.
Roles and responsibilities of Leadership and Management
The leaders are responsible for guiding the people or the group of employees to complete the aim of the leaders and the managers and they are also responsible to develop and implement proper strategic planning to complete the task and achieve future success (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). The leader’s role is to make effective decision in the organisational context or ion the country context, where the leader aims at developing appropriate decision or the benefits of the organisation (Gill, 2011). The leader’s responsibility is to influence the team members or the followers and encourage them to participate efficiently in the project to achieve future success (Gill, 2011). The leaders are also responsible for developing suitable organisational culture and create team work in the workplace so that the leaders can lead the followers towards achieving future success. Leaders are inspirational and visionary where they are able to develop organisational mission and visions to achieve future success (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). The leader is also responsible for risk taking activities where assessing and analysing the roles and developing proper decision are the roles of the leaders to develop the wings for success. The leaders are also able to deal with the changes and change the organisational rules and legislations for better practice and motivating the people for managing their workplace and achieving future success (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). For motivating the people and encouraging their creativity, the leaders are playing crucial role in the organisational workplace where the leader try to support and direct them for the beginning to achieve future success by leading them efficiently (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). Inspiring achievement, energising the people creating strong bonding, coaching the followers and empowering the followers in the decisions making practice are also other roles of the leaders where the leaders try to manage their followers and lead team successfully (Daft, 2014). The leaders are also responsible to fulfil their commitment and create values for the people or the followers where inspirational activities, empowerment of the people as well as managing change through encouraging risk taking activities are helpful for the leaders to lead the followers and fulfil the organisational aims and objectives (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014).
On the other hand, the managers also play crucial role in the organisational context to achieve future success and in this regard, the managers are bound to be task oriented and develop skilled based practice in the organisational context (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). The managers are also thinking rationale and try to fulfil the leader’s vision and mission developing strategic planning and executing them in the organisational workplace (Whetten and Cameron, 2011). In addition to this, managing the people and organising the workplace are also the roles of the managers and they try to execute the mission and strategy set by the leader and they also follow the leader’s perspectives to manage their team members or the followers so that the leader’s vision can be achieved efficiently. Proper time management, executing the project and implementing the roles and employment legislations are also the roles of the managers where they try to be efficient to lead the people and develop strong bonding with them for enhancing the performance of the group (Western, 2013). The managers are also able to control the risks, seek and follow the directions of the leaders, control the people, provide proper instructions, enforce the organisational rules and work with effective system to manage the employee and lead them towards achieving future success. Hereby, the leaders and the manager are playing essential roles in the organisational context, where they try to work as partnership working practice and fulfil the objective of the leaders in near future (Northouse, 2015). The managers are hereby are also responsible to follow the directions and rules set by the leaders and develop tactics to fulfil the strategic objectives of the leaders (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014).
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Theoretical approaches to leadership and management
There are different leadership approaches, which are effective for the leaders to adopt particular style and trait to lead the followers towards achieving future success. As per the Kouzes & Posner's five traits, the traits are such as honesty, competent, forward looking, inspiring and intelligent (Northouse, 2015). The leaders must be honest to lead the team members where fulfilling the commitment towards the followers is the responsibility of the leaders (Parry and Jackson, 2011). In order to manage the followers, it is necessary to manage honesty and integrity and part from that, competency management is also essential for the leader to be successful. Intelligence and forward looking skill are also effective traits for the leaders where they try to utilise their skill and intelligence to restructure the organisational activities as well as make effective decision or better performance and higher achievement. Inspiring is another important trait, where the leaders try to motivate the people and encourage their creativity at the workplace (Northouse, 2015). The leaders try to lead the employees or the followers by giving them inspiration and motivation to perform productively. In this regard, the situational leadership style is one of the effective leadership styles, where there are four phases which are delegating, supportive, coaching and directive (Parry and Jackson, 2011). The leaders try to support the team members and direct them with proper knowledge and information which would be effective for the followers to improve their performance and contribute positively in achieving the leader’s aims and objectives. As per the situational leadership style, coaching leadership style is the successful one, where the leaders are highly supportive and highly directive (Parry and Jackson, 2011). The leaders in this regard try to support the whole team and direct them by sharing important information and organisational tactics which further inspire the follower to perform better and achieve future organisational success. Instead of making all the decision and delegating the tasks in the organisational context in the autocratic leadership style, the leaders under the coaching leadership style try to lead the team to get the best outcome where high empowerment of the followers are there (Parry and Jackson, 2011). This further helps the leaders to coach them and direct them positively as well as encourage their creativity to share their skill and creative thoughts to make final decision (Parry and Jackson, 2011). It is effective for the leaders to develop creative solutions to lead the organisation and fulfil the leader’s objectives and vision (Whetten and Cameron, 2011).
On the other hand, the transformational leadership style is another effective style, where the leaders are successful to lead the people in the recent era of globalisation (Parry and Jackson, 2011). The transformational leadership style is the successful one to manage the followers and develop strong corporate relationship with all the employees or the followers, where the leaders are also efficient to manage their commitment and fulfil their needs and preferences in the organisational context (Whetten and Cameron, 2011). There are four main characteristics of transformational leadership style which are individualised consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealised influence. In this regard, the leaders inspire, encourage and motivate the followers and support them unendingly to achieve future success. For individualised influence, the leaders try to create suitable organisational culture as well as manage the individuals experience to manage them in the workplace (Yukl, 2012). Under the leader‘s behaviour, the organisational leaders motivate the people, create intellectual stimulation by encouraging their creativity and innovation at the workplace. Proper empowerment of the individuals in the organisational context further helps the leader to manage the workforce and lead them towards achieving the organisational vision (Northouse, 2015). In addition to this, the transformational leadership style is effective where the leaders are able to enhance communication and cooperation among the followers and this further helps them to lead the people efficiently (Parry and Jackson, 2011). There is strong cooperation, where the leaders also focus on developing partnership working practice so that the members can collaborate and contribute as a team to achieve the leader’s vision. On the other hand, good communication and interaction among the member further raise their efficiency where they try to share each other’s skill and expertise for better performance management (Parry and Jackson, 2011). Hereby, the transformational leadership style is effective to provide the scope to the leaders to achieve future vision through enhancing performance and maximising group collaboration (Whetten and Cameron, 2011).
Comparing different leadership approaches
There are many successful leaders who adopt different leadership style for the benefit of the workforce and they are also successful to lead the people towards achieving future vision set by the leaders. Through comparing the leadership styles of the successful leaders Pony Ma, Satya Nadella, and Jose Andres, it is possible to understand their style to lead the people and achieve future success (Birkinshaw, 2018). Pony Ma is the founder and chief executive of the high tech firm Tencent, which is the best platform for the people to be one of the data treasure chests on the planet. The leader is successful to set up the business and enhance the growth and expansion of digital platform where Tencent is the collective answers to Facebook, Apple Pay, and gaming, WhatsApp, Spotify and Amazon. In 2017, Tencent is the first Chinese firm generating US$500 billion stock market valuation mark, overtaking Facebook (Birkinshaw, 2018). It is efficient to enhance the famous gaming activities and digital activities in the market, where the people are satisfied with the latest creation and technological innovation of Tencent. Agility is the one of the major leadership style of Pony Ma, where agility means the ability to move easily and quickly and this leadership style is the major success factor, where Pony Ma is able to achieve success through expansion of digital platform by implementing latest technology and creativity (Birkinshaw, 2018). Responding to change is very fast where the leader is also efficient to manage the workforce and lead them during the change. Proper communication and continuous support to the followers are effective where the leader Pony Ma is also successful to manage them during the change and convince them to participate actively to adopt change and enhance their performance for digital transformation through technological innovation and creativity in design mobile gaming applications and others (Birkinshaw, 2018). Empowering young employees is the major motive of the leader, where she told that employment of the young generation n the company would be beneficial for the organisation to enhance the skill and abilities and encourage more creative solutions for better product and service management. Hence, Pony ma is able to influence the young generations to take active participants for developing creative software applications for enhancing communication, gaming and other activities in the digital platform (Birkinshaw, 2018).
Openness is another leadership style, where the leader is able to invent, solve problems, and give freedom to complete the tasks in the workplace. The employees are feeling lucky to have such leadership style, where Pony Ma gives them freedom to work and show their creativity and innovation or better performance (Birkinshaw, 2018). Openness also means sharing where Pony Ma also shares the organisational important information to the followers as well as convince them to participate efficiently during the change to adopt new alternative ways to achieve future success (Birkinshaw, 2018). Innovation is another trait, where the leader tries to inspire the people for more innovation and creativity and in this regard the leader Pony Ma empowers the employees in the workplace and share their expertise and experience to manage the organisational performance efficiently. Continuous motivation and inspiring the employees and encouraging their creativity as well as giving them freedom to work are the major leadership approaches, through which Pony ma tries to lead the people towards achieving the objectives of Tencent (Birkinshaw, 2018).
On the other hand, Jose Andres is a Spanish-American chef and the founder of World Central Kitchen (WCK), which is the non-profit organisation to provide meals in the wake of natural disaster. The leader is also successful to manage the kitchen and maintain the activities of the non-profit firm to support the people who are in need (Jones, E. L. and Jones, R. C., 2017). These activities are great to support the people in the wake of natural disaster where the leader is successful to provide food to the people during the disaster. Flat management structure is the major strategy of the leader to maintain the kitchen, where the employees follow the management structure and respect seniors for better management of the kitchen (FSR, 2014). The leader is also supportive to lead the people towards achieving the organisational aim. Rapid response model of leadership is also the major strategy of Jose Andres, where the leader is able to support and direct the team with rapid response. The leader is trying to communicate with all the members and collaborate with them efficiently (Jones, E. L. and Jones, R. C., 2017). This further helps the leaders to improve response to the followers and share the information and skill to perform better for achieving the organisational vision (Jones, E. L. and Jones, R. C., 2017). Pony Ma focuses on inspiring the people and making it innovative, where Jose Andres focuses on creating organisational culture and develop flat management structure to manage the people in the kitchen and achieve future success. Continuous support and respect for all the followers are there in both the leadership style of Pony Ma and Jose Andres, where they are successful to manage the staff member with high cooperation and communication. Both the leaders also try to manage the followers by maintaining their commitment and supporting them with respect and integrity (Jones, E. L. and Jones, R. C., 2017). Jose Andres focuses on managing the kitchen with developing suitable organisational culture and there is freedom and integrity at the workplace and like this, Pony Ma also focuses on openness and giving them freedom to perform better in the organisational workplace. Hence, both the leaders are successful to utilise their intelligence and develop suitable organisational culture to manage their team members for achieving their strategic visions (Jones, E. L. and Jones, R. C., 2017).
In addition to this, Satya Nadella is another successful leader, who is the CEO of Microsoft. Nadella has been successful over the years for driving outstanding growth and profits. The company Microsoft is a successful organisation in the global business context and the technological field, where the major emphasis of the leader are on individual empowerment, empathy, positivity and growth through which the leader is successful to establish the company and make it world’s fourth most valuable company with more than $250 billion values (Business Insider, 2020). The leader Satya Nadella focuses on positivity and growth through employee’s creativity and technological innovation. There is individualised empowerment, where Satya Nadella aims at sharing the perception and expertise of each staff and empowers them in the organisational decision making behaviour (Fox, 2019). The leader is also efficient to provide the equal opportunity to the staff and followers to be empowered and share their opinion for enhancing organisational excellence to perform better with high technological innovation and creativity. As per the opinion of the leader, clarity, energy and success no matter the circumstances are important to achieve growth and future sustainable development, where the leader is successful one to lead their followers toward achieving future success (Fox, 2019). Satya Nadella also reveals that servant leadership style is followed in the workplace for better management and practice (Fox, 2019). As per the servant leadership style, the activities such as sharing powers, putting the interest and the needs of the employees first, helping the people to develop and perform as highly as possible are effective to lead the team. Satya Nadella is also efficient to manage their workforce and fulfil the needs and preferences of them which further provide a scope to Nadella to maximise employee’s values and encourage them to participate efficiently (Fox, 2019). Showing empathy, honesty and integrity as well as power sharing and empowerment of the staff are effective style of Satya Nadella through which the leader aims at managing the people and creating suitable organisational culture for achieving the future vision (Fox, 2019).
Here, it can be stated that, the Satya Nadella leadership style is related to servant leadership, where the employee’s values are maximised well as sell as the leader is able to fulfil the commitment towards their employees. Additionally, continuous motivation, empathy and honesty are there which helps Satya Nadella to manage the staff and fulfil their requirements and it further provides a scope to develop strong corporate bonding among the staff and the leaders and perform collaboratively of achieving as high as possible (Business Insider, 2020). On the other hand, Pony ma follows the transformational leadership style where individualised empowerment is there where organisational motivation and individual’s stimulation provide a scope to the leader to enhance the organisational performance creatively (Business Insider, 2020). Additionally, Jose Andres follow flat management structure as well as manage the people by fulfilling the organisational commitment (Fox, 2019). The strategy of flat management structure and effective response are beneficial for Jose Andres to support the staff members for achieving the visions and running the organisation successfully (Business Insider, 2020).
Analysing and suggesting skills and behaviours of a successful leader
For becoming successful leaders, the behaviour such as being grounded in ethics and integrity, honesty and respectful behaviour, mindfulness, bringing others along and building trust are beneficial for the leaders to manage the employees or the followers. In this regard, the above mentioned leaders are successful to develop their behaviour and create suitable organisational culture for leading the staff efficiently (Yukl, 2012). Moreover, inspiring those and continuous support and direction are also the behaviour of the leader, where the leaders try to cooperate with the staff and help them continuously to maximise their performance. In this regard, inspiring them and empowering the staff in the workplace are the behaviour, where the leaders become successful to manage change and develop strong bonding and trust among the staff to achieve future success (Oliveira, 2018). As per the skill of the leaders, the major skills are such as active listening communication, cooperative, abilities to learn, adaptability, problem solving and critical analytical skill, motivational skill. Through these, the leaders are able to inspire the team and help them to achieve future success. Problem solving skill and creative analytical skill are mandatory, where the leaders can analyse the present situation and acknowledge the existing problems so that it would be easier to develop effective decision for working better (Oliveira, 2018). The leaders also need to have strong decision making skill and develop strategic planning to achieve the organisational success and in this regard, the leaders such as Pony Ma, Satya Nadella, and Jose Andres are efficient to utilise their skill of communication, motivation, active listening and decision making to make proper strategic vision and create the wings of achieving success (Yukl, 2012).
Intervention for successful leader
For successful intervention of the leadership and management practice in the organisational context, the leader must be transformational or servant where the leaders can share their power and give values to the employee’s decision. Hereby, proper empowerment of the staff is mandatory to increase their interest for better performance and encourage their creativity to achieve higher (Yukl, 2012). The leader also must be communicative and maintain openness, respect each member in the organisation and maximise their values in long run, which further produces a scope to the leaders to handle the staff and inspire them to perform efficiently for achieving the vision, created by the leader (Oliveira, 2018). Through enhancing communication, the leader can encourage the followers for working efficiently and show their creativity at the workplace. The leaders in this context encourage open interaction, show positive body language as well as arrange group discussion for giving the scope to the followers to share their perception and experience (Yukl, 2012). The leadership skill is also mandatory, where the leaders must develop vision and manage the followers with developing strong bonding among them. The leadership skill includes emotional intelligence, personality trait and interpersonal relationship making behaviour, where the leaders can understand the followers and improve strong corporate relationship with them (Oliveira, 2018). Hence, managerial skill, problem solving and decision making skill as well as the skill of emotional intelligence are beneficial for the leader to lead the team members and achieve future success. In this context, the collaborative skill is also necessary for the leader to develop suitable group and enhance partnership working practice so that the leader can lead the followers and encourage them to perform efficiently by sharing their experience and knowledge (Yukl, 2012).
It can be concluded that, all the leaders are successful in managing their organisational activities and leading the people efficiently. The leaders Pony Ma, Satya Nadella, and Jose Andres mainly aim at inspiring the people and fulfilling their commitment towards the group members. Pony ma mainly follows the transformational leadership style for maintaining openness, sharing the information, maximising individualised stimulation and individualised empowerment, where Pony Ma is successful to lead the people and encourage their creativity for achieving the organisational strategic vision. On the other hand, Satya Nadella focuses on servant leadership to maximise employee’s values and share the power by empowering the staff to make the creative decision for the organisation Microsoft. On the other hand, Jose Andres is also successful through flat management structure, and following situational leadership style for continuous support and direction to encourage the group embers for better performance. Hence, proper communication, cooperation and team building activities through power sharing are effective to create strong bonding between the leader and the followers and work collaboratively for achieving higher.
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