Exploring Management Styles in Group Presentations Using Gibbs' Model


In this part, the workbook will state and examine the different sort of management style utilised by my group presentation and it also assess the utility of the style. I will utilise Gibbs reflective model (1988) to reflect what happened in my group, if that changed my viewpoint or not and in future. Therefore, during the discussion of this section, it will be helpful to share my personnel thinking and management style, which can be particularly insightful for those seeking business dissertation help.

Management is practically seeking order and stability, but leadership seeks adaptive and constructive change (Northouse, 2015). However, both leadership and management process inspire an individual or group to reach a goal. This section will examine the management style adopted by my group. Two management styles were applied in our case study Fayol some principles of management and theory X and Y of McGregor.

As soon the lecture share as a group of five persons, the Foyal principles of management was adopted even if everyone avoids being a team leader. Fayol states that, in his 14 principles of management theories, the spirit of cooperation, the unity and the team working includes communication are more crucial in organisation and group as the group worked (Fayol, 1916).

There are diverse types of management styles used by groups; however the management style that was employed by my group was the Laissez Faire Leadership Style management style. As everyone avoid being a leader of the group directly, but indirectly they try to be leader. In this management style, the leader trusts the team to do freely their jobs also the leader only focusses on the intellectual aspect of his work and does not focus on the management aspect and the team are welcomed to share their opinions and offer proposals, which are finest for organisational benefits. This style worked if team are skilled, royal, knowledgeable, and intellectual.


Applying management, the Laissez Faire Leadership management style could be perfect in certain cases, however not in this group presentation even though our goal was still accomplished at the end of the presentation, because when the leader is absent and trust the employee, but the team are not motivated to finish the tasks that was the case in the group presentation where everyone was doing the work not on time.

The group adopted the Foyal six primary principles of management of group development which are forecasting, Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordinating, and Controlling. (Fayol, 1916).

We began with forecasting the group first was the lecture stage after that we agreed together by swapping numbers for an arrangement of a group communication through What App, second days later, we began to share our strength and weakness about the presentation. Instructions and rules were set out for the team to abide, such as warning members of being absent and late on giving the tasks and being on time for group meeting and, we communicated about how we were going to achieve the presentation and the group achieved a successful goal at the final stage (Barr and Dowding, 2012).

This was the process of planning also organising what to do. We decided to share tasks to gain more time before choosing a group leader as everyone avoids being a leader directly, but we manage to coordinate the jobs but in the different meeting, there was a disagreement about tasks. Some meetings were face-to-face through video call, and all discussion was made through chat platform due to Covid-19. After all stages we achieved the goal, and the presentations were successful even the project success depends on different things to different people (Chan and Chan, 2004).

The use of Foyal six primary principles of management influenced to the type of management style that was applied. The planning was useful and this helps the indirect team leader to allocate the role or to share what to do to avoid confusion and disputes in the group even some misunderstanding happened. However, the conflicts always existed in human life and the method of managing it is to achieve fruitful resolution is important rather destructive results are more important for the progress of organizational (Kodikal, 2015).

The leadership style questionnaire at the first semester has changed my perspective way of the approach to management. My understanding was precisely with the democratic leadership style and the whole thinking of my understanding was known at the end of the group presentation.

I will focus now more into the situational management style. Situational leadership theory is influenced by the relative authority exercised by the team or engaged by the leader. Also, leader’s nature and enthusiasm to work affect by perceiving control and the way to give response to uncertain situation by maintaining a good relationship with the team members and to be more focus to achieve tasks, structure (Kelley and Loong, 2002).



I will reflect the way our group presentation managed the work and led. In the work, it is necessary to change different things or working in different manner such us someone to accept being a direct leader in the group. If you want to be a good leader in any organisation, accept first to take responsibility and charge, also be confident even you do not feel inside or to do so (Adair, 2019). The purpose of this second part will be highlighting on those parts. First changes will be linked to the theories studied in the class during the module then lastly the principles of positive change will be emphasised and done in my group links on Gibbs reflective model.

The presentation was reached the goal with success marks however this does not reject some ways and methods used. In the first time of the meeting the group result was good as we share everyone in the group according to everyone capacity to do the task. Also, the role task depends on your personality, aptitude, and self-management because self-assessment implicates anticipating and deciding who wants to be and what requirements to be accomplished in the future to achieve the role in the organization (Robert, 2003).

In part one as mentioned the group used laissez-faire management style which was not appropriate in the group presentation., if next time I doing another group presentation, I would like to change by chosen direct leader to maintain order and chosen another management style such as participative leadership style in which the leaders request and inspire the team members of the company to participate on decisions-making and produce a situation, where the employees are permitted to contribute in the decision making process. However the leader must decide what to do at the end. Many researchers reason that, participative leadership style is significantly hard but if the leaders accept the employee to participate the will be motivated, (Ismail, 2010).

As everybody was assuming the role of leader, they were some misunderstandings when someone removes the work without consulting the group or without permission. If the team leader would ask the group members, the way things must be done and if the ideas was not correct will be consulted the team in different way to have response to the change of slide presentation and the way to avoid misunderstanding. According to Belbin (2010), the manager or the leader must learn how to manage and recognise the problems in the beginning.

Another problem was regarding the way communication were utilised, we adopted technical communication than face to face because of the pandemic the Covid-19 and that method have affected the work as some of the members of the group was not participating in the meeting also no rules were being followed even the rules were fixed that everyone replying to the tasks and message in their homes most the time extremely late replies. If the organisational objectives are pulling in different ways or directions the disagreement and conflict will rise and the concert will may suffer or not giving a good result (Mullins and Mclean, 2019). The members in the group should adopted Hogan emotional intelligence such us interpersonal and intrapersonal to detect others emotional, when they were misunderstanding with empathy to have a great connection in the presentation meeting (Hogan, 2013).

More judgement was in the group, when the response was not on time, however as we are going to work in Health care settings, it should observe present-moment experience, acceptance, nonjudging, and nonreactivity. Also, acceptance is more crucial to mindfulness, however including in the capacity to take full attention to the current moment (Baer et al, 2008).

Based on Fiedler’s (1964) contingency model is founded on the premises of the relationship of the leader style to group the effectiveness is moderate by situational demands. (Yoram,1991) Divergent the situational theory of leadership, leader efficiency is depending on the leader's style corresponding to the situation, not familiarising to it (Fiedler, 1978). A leader is most dynamic once the characteristics and style of leadership is corresponding with the situation and environment around them. In other way a leader’s goals and motivation are partially determined by the situation and in part by the followers' perception of the situation (Yoram, 1991), Even every member of the group assumes the role of a leader in different way but it would have been motivated, if they lead one team who demonstrates a high level of capacity, commitment, and determination of duty but everybody reflects a good personality and quality of a leader in future, and we managed to obtain a common goal.

In conclusion, as stated before, I would like to lead situations and the presentations in different ways and strategies to have one team leader in the group presentations, but the objectives were achieved where we pass successfully with good marks and that was the main reason of our group presentation.



Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle model (1988), this part will explore the decisions involved while working in the group presentation also the way that the group was managed and controlled. This part will also discuss the theories of power studied on the module and demonstrate during the group presentation the way that leader utilised the important principles of success of the group presentation and the barriers to effective decision taking.

I have learnt the decision theory in the module after that I gained the knowledge how to make a good decision and the theories also examine the decisions. For instance, in Health care settings, the leader should decide in utilitarian idea, which is inspired out of an interest for the highest possible number of persons that also aims at their accomplishment (Udofia, 2017). It means leader should decide, or I have advice of majority before a final decision for the interest of all that was the case in the group presentation. Any decision was adopted after majority accepted with it. When taking any decision need to monitor what are you doing also make sure it is going well and has impacted to the people you led. Because Neuroscientific studies study the correlation relationship among an emotional reaction plus subsequent social decision even Classical models ignored the impact of emotions when making decisions (Sanfey, et al., 2007).

In our group, I made couple decision before the forming of the group and during the work presentation and my objective was the success of my group that was my first decision, because in the past I join a group and I was discounted from it due to the attitudes of some colleagues. Through the group performance, I completed my second decision to agreement that the leader recognise that, we required our opinions to be heard. When the employee participle in the decisions-making, there is higher success result and those result can be economic, social, and environmental development. And many managers approved that, contribution of participation processes will increase the organisational effectiveness and lead their organisation to realise a competitive advantage over other organisations (Ornoy, 2019).

After finishing our group presentation, I come to my decision I have some capacity to be a leader and I hope to be useful to work to the success of the organisation. As every leader have some qualities, everyone in our group had such as confidence, humility, and transparency. But lacky of communication and the used of personal power to each member of the group. Personal Power defined the influence capacity a leader arises from being understood by followers as likable and knowledgeable (Northouse, 2013).

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The person mentioned research on power is French and Raven (1959) and this work was based on social power. They identified five common and vital bases of power which are referent, expert, legitimate, reward, and coercive. We utilised legitimate and the reward power. As stated earlier, everyone reacted as a leader and legitimate power was to each member of the group. Legitimate power is the way that the individual get ability to influence performance because of the place or position that persons get in the group or organisation sometimes called is derived because someone has power given by others (Lunenburg, 2012). Each members of the group had the legitimate power to say what to do next or to gives advice. Many times, I was reminding everyone we need a favourable work to our assignments, and everybody was motivated. “Reward power defined as making an explicit or implicit promise to give a person something under the leader’s control for carrying out a request or performing a task” (Green, 1999, p,55). My understanding to those two powers was significantly compliant, as the legitimate applicable to each member plus the reward power utilised to boost everyone for having a good mark in the assessment. To make decision is overly complex and most people are committing the errors most of the times and they discover those mistakes and recreate to modify those errors in decisions making (Russo and Shoemaker 1990).

Misinterpretation in decision making was a barrier because of the feedback received of Quite a few slides omits the final line of text which was unable to view. The decision making was not appropriate to choose a person who has more knowledge in IT. These existed barriers that related significantly decision-making method.

To conclude, all parts of the presentation demonstrate visibly that new knowledge was gained after finishing the leadership and management style theory. And theory has just not been very educative but helps me to examine myself on how well I work in a group also in the future as a leader and now I have a reasonable idea of what must be completed and evicted from my next group work. Nevertheless, at the start of the module, I had a leadership style in my understanding. This attitude is not there any longer as currently I think each management style can be used based on the given situation in an establishment or group at a specific point in time.

Take a deeper dive into Exploring Diverse Models and Theories in Coaching and Leadership with our additional resources.


Adair,J (2019). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Fast, Effective Ways to Become a Leader People Want to Follow.

Adeani, I. S., Febriani, R. B., and Syafryadin (2020). Using GIBBS’ reflective cycle in making reflections of literary analysis. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), 139-148. doi: 10.25134/ieflj. v6i2.3382.

Baer, R. A., Smith, G. T., Lykins, E., Button, D., Krietemeyer, J., Sauer, S., Williams, J. M. G. (2008). Construct validity of the five-facet mindfulness questionnaire in meditating and nonmeditating samples. Assessment, 15(3), 329-342.

Barr, J. and Dowding, L., (2012). Leadership in Health Care. 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications, pp.82-83.

Burke,R and,Barron,S,(2014).Project Management Leadership: Building Creative Teams. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated

Chan,A.P.C. and Chan,A.P.L.(2004)."Key performance indicators for measuring construction success", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 203-221. https://doi.org/10.1108/14635770410532624

Fayol, H, (2016). General and industrial management

Fiedler, F., (1978). The Contingency Model and the Dynamics of the Leadership Process. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, pp.59-112.

French, J. and Raven, B., (1959). The Bases of Social Power. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2020].

Gibbs’ (1988) reflective cycle. Available at: Reflective Cycle Gibbs (ncn.ie). (Accessed 10 March 2021).

Green,D,R (1999). Leadership as A Function of Power. [online] Available at: https://www.apmp.org/pdf/fall99/54leadership.pdf(dr-hatfield.com). [Accessed 10 March 2020].

Hogan Assessment Systems. (2013). EQ technical manual. Tulsa, OK: Hogan Press.


Kelley, L, L, and Loong,L,K (2002).Turner’s five-functions of project-based management and situational leadership in IT services projects.

Kodikal, R. Ur Rahiman,H.,and Pakeerrappa,P.(2014).Conflict Management Strategies A Comparative Analysis of the Employees Working For Service Sectors. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal.

Lunenburg,F,C (2012).INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS, AND ADMINISTRATION. [online] Available at: Lunenburg, Fred C Power and Leadership-An Influence Process IJMBA V15 N1 2012.pdf (nationalforum.com). [Accessed 10 March 2020].

Mullins, J, L, and Mclean, J (2019). Organisational behaviour in the workplace. Publisher: Pearson education.

Northouse, P (2015). Leadership: theory and practice. London: Sage

Northouse, P. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. London: Sage

Ornoy,H (2019). Participative management: the effect of the exposure to and attitude of employees and managers towards participation in the management decision-making process a case study of a public organisation in Israel. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group

Robert W, Renn, David G. Allen, Donald B. Fedor,and Walter D. Davis (2005). The Roles of Personality and Self-Defeating Behaviors in Self-Management Failure. Journal of Management, Vol.31 No.5, October 2005 659-679 DOI: 10.1177/0149206305279053.

Russo, J. and Schoemaker, P., (1990). Decision Traps: Ten Barriers to Brilliant Decision-Making and How to Overcome Them. New York: Simon & Schuster

Sanfey,G,A,. Rilling, K, J., Aronson,A,J., Nystrom,E,L.,Cohen,D,J,(2007). Social Decision-Making: Insights from Game Theory and Neuroscience. Available at: sanfey07.pdf (stanford.edu). [Accessed 27 March 2021].

Udofia,A,C (2017). Leadership in the Health Sector: A Discourse of the Leadership Model of Utilitarianism. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 13(1). https://dx.doi.org/10.18785/ojhe.1301.06.

Yoram, B, T. (1991). FOLLOWERS' PHENOMENOLOGICAL FIELD AS AN EXPLANATORY FRAMEWORK TO FIEDLER’S SITUATIONAL FAVORABILITY DIMENSION. Social Behaviour & Personality: an international journal. 1991, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p165-175. 11p.

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