Foundations of Managing and Organising

  • 10 Pages
  • Published On: 25-11-2023


The power of leading groups of individuals toward achieving an organization's mission is known as organizational leadership and it has some skills included in it and those skills are in alignment with one's strength, creating certain strategic plans in line with the mission and also understanding the mission of the organization. The overarching field of a person is also known as organizational leadership, the strategic guidance of managing a bunch of people to meet a common goal. For those studying politics dissertation help, understanding these leadership skills is crucial for evaluating political dynamics and organisational effectiveness.

Theories related to the chosen aspects of managing and organising


The leaders of the organization focus on the company along with the individuals present in the company, also to be a good leader there are some skills like one should be clear with his or her vision and should always clearly define that how to achieve the goal that is set to its team, next is a good leader should always have strategies ready with with them for the betterment of the company and the team as well and then is the motivation a team leader should always motivate its own team members to work with their full efficiency and to never give up (Kaplan et al. 2019). When one employee or a company has the ability to influence the other stakeholder of the company or the organization is termed as organizational power, this power is for the leaders so that they can exert power from their own team to achieve the goal of the organization. Now this power is divided into certain categories those categories are the power in resources this is because the most power is shown in the resources as when it is often talked about the resources that the resources are in a philanthropic and nonprofit circles and according to this theory the first thing that hits a person is the money and the influence that is attached to it. Next comes the power in a structure. This is a structural power which is being used to show the rules and regulations, policies, grant agreements, and the design of the process of decision making, not only that the structural power has more in it which includes broader decision-making within the society as well. Next is the power which helps to identify the relationship, the identity of one and the relationship with that particular employee helps to provide some important source of power one's identity can be oppressed, may be hidden, or may be marginalized, visible or invisible aspects (Espada and Vasconcellos, 2019). Next comes the power of framing. It is a kind of power in which one can control or direct the outcomes of a change in the social efforts. The politics in an organization involves social networking and power within a workplace so that the organization can achieve the changes and that changes give benefit to the organization or to the individuals who are present within the organization. The politics in organization is a behavior of self service or self-serving that the employees often use for the increase of the probability of the organization obtaining outcomes which are always positive, the reason a organization should have organizational politics in it as there are many people who want and are genuinely willing to come under the limelight without giving much effort and these depends on the politics totally in other words politics is a short cut way for an individual to be in an organization also there are other individuals who attended offices just because they have to and they do not believe in hard working. Next comes the personal relation now what is the role of personal relationship in politics. The role of personal relationship in politics is that if one outsider is having a good relation with the one present in an organization he or she will help the outsider to get in the organization without doing much so by this personal relationship is also a part of politics. Next comes the blame games. Now in an organization no single employee is ready to take blame on himself or herself (Dokhnyak and Vysotska, 2019). At that point of time politics is used sobthst they can put the blame on someone else and be on the safer side. Next is lack of trust as in a organization there are various kinds of personality in face someone is good and in back someone is not good so a employee always have a trust issue with the other employees of the organization and also with the organization as well because often favouritism is being practice in the organization as well and because of this the employees have issue in trusting the other workers as well as the organization. Next point is manipulations in politics as when a leader has a manipulative nature he or she can easily achieve the goal by manipulating his or team so this is a quality which comes under the politics of an organization. Next is gossip. It is heard very often that people are gossiping about someone or something. This is a very common habit and is present in every individual. This gossip is also a part of politics because gossiping about someone intentionally or unintentionally targets someone in the organization.

The way the area of the chosen managing and organising is done at Amazon

The Hierarchical organizational structure is being used in Amazon. There is a team which is organized for Amazon and which is running each particular product or there is a business and also a not a function which is likely in marketing, engineering or products this organization is a structure in which it is controlled on a global e-commerce operations. The design and system of the firm is being established among the members present in it as it is the corporate structure of the organization. The structure of the Amazon corporate signifies how the managers of the company are being influenced in the operational activities in various areas of the business. Amazon is a leading retail business and so it must have to maintain the structure of an organization as it adequately is in the support in its expansion of every market reach (Goulding et al. 2019). Also there are other things as well which benefits Amazon as it adds more product randomly and gradually diversifies its business and it is known as an evolving corporate structure. The technological foundation of this business is being complimented by the design of its structure which this kinds if complementation the Amazon corporate structure depends on the determining of the factor that the company has the ability to stand on it words and the effects of its competitors, like Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, Google and several other business with non-online and online operations. Also keeping in consideration the aggressiveness of the competition, it is very crucial that the structural characteristics are to strengthen the company and also to ensure that it needs to continue in the e-commerce success market. The organizational structure enables managerial control and the strategic management is for the initiatives that are comprehensively being implemented by such controls. This structure has some characteristics of its own which is that it provides a necessary support for Amazon when the organization is launching a new product in the market of e-commerce, this is because the organization or the corporation diversifies its own operations. Based on the new components of the organization which helps in representing a more diversified corporation it is believed that in the future the elements of the organization of the corporate structure are expected to capture the business necessities (Jakimow et al. 2018). The functional organizational structure of Amazon keeps a focus on the functions of the business as the basis for the determination of the interaction between the various components that are being present in the organization. There are few characteristics of the functional structure and they are the global function-based on the groups of the Amazon corporate structure which is no doubt a most significant feature, next comes the Global hierarchy it is a hierarchical aspect of a location which is being identified as an asset in a part of a larger entity and the last one is the Geographic divisions of the amazon corporate structure. The functions which are based in groups are the strongest characteristic of Amazon's organizational structure. Each major business is always dedicated to a group or a team, and the senior manager is always with the team. The strategic objective of Amazon is to have strategic characteristics enabled in the Amazon so that it can facilitate e-commerce operations management which is successful throughout the entire organisation (Humphries et al. 2020). When taken into consideration the global expansion which is in an ongoing mode the company or the organization also grows with its features of the corporate structure in terms of establishing operations in new markets with an ease. The hierarchy is always a traditional form in the structure of the organization and its characteristics, according to Amazon this kind of characteristic is expressed only in terms of the global system that too of a vertical lines which are in command and also the authority by which the online retail firm is getting influenced. The geographic structure is also being involved in Amazon's organizational structure as the geographic groups are based on the regions which are generally related to the business goals and the use of these geographic divisions now it has become easier in the management of the ecommerce business which is based on the economic condition of certain regions.

Example of an organisation which takes a contrasting approach to Amazon

Another foreign based company Champalosa manages and directs its employees in a totally different manner compared to that of amazon and focuses on dedicating its authorities and responsibilities to the lowest of subordinates to help some creative input on various decision making policy of different departments present in the organization itself. This company champalosa inc. Also is in the same industry as that of the American gian Mnc Amazon inc but does not have luxury item s in its inventory or stock it mainly focuses on having budget friendly products be it the segment of clothing or in the segment of shoes or in the fast moving consumables good or other necessities which people from different works of life or people with different background can afford in the prising segment ir the proposing fund within having to compromise of good presenting any segment has its target audience mainly focused on the lower class nd on the middle class sector of the economy and does not aim to please the higher ent or the luxury sector or luxury sector or the rich people economy in which amazon aims a t cl. Inc is broadly known for promoting the seller or the products of the seller whose income level or revenue generation is above mark (Lima et al. 2021). The workplace or the work environment of this company is totally different or is a total contrast one can say opposites to the work environment or the work place of amazon though amazon leads in the retail segment of the the economy all over the globe or continues to aim to retain its leading position the later does not aim to compete this giant, rather comptees with the companies of its own level or the company just a level or two above it. The marketing of this company is not of top notch or that aggressive to that of amazon and does not claim to have marketing strategy or any kind of sales strategy in the near future it is primarily sales focused and generates revenue just enough so that it can meet the demands of its target audience and local people while making sure that it is earning enough profits so as to pay off its employes and have ample amount of capital so that the company runs smoothly and is able to withstand any kind of crisis ressention or during the time when the market is not stable or supply exceed demands.

Contrasting approaches taken by the two organisations

As amazon plans to expand its branches on to different sectors of the economy and to have a dominant grip over its customers or consumers over other global Mncs who deal with the same sought of retailship or sales this company has no objective of that sought and hence does not intent on making any adaptation of that sought are improvement or enhancement of that sought in its future strategies or policies that might help in the future advancement of the company. The company tough plans to tries to expand its business on to its neighbouring countries because of the demand it is receiving on various social media handles from those significant countries (Zacardi et al. 2020). Due to its lack of capital it cannot expand its reach into other continents or on to the totally different hemisphere of globe with the fear of facing Losses or the risk of having losses due to lack of availability of capital and the company can not withstand that loss. The company however have some strong strategies when it comes to enhancing its reach within the home country and has made sure to have its branches laid out onto different sectors of the economy making sure that the target audience get what they ask for or whatever they anticipate and also is able to meet the demands of its consumers and wants to surpass its competitor companies making sure it is able to establish itself as a recognised brand with a strong base or strong foundation in the continent where it is based and promises to establish itself as a known brand in that segment without having to face the risk of failing because of knowing how well it can surpass the minimal losses and also the fact that it has received a growing demand and petition in the neighbouring countries from the citizens of the countries (Pezzuti et al. 2018). The company is aiming to set up physical branches as well and whilst also strengthening its areas where it is reportedly facing backlash or poor feedback from its existing customers or consumers and the areas where the company through its internal meeting and creative inputs from employees of all levels and plans to improve them as well. It also is currently focusing on making its digital app more user friendly and to the pint and does not want to have any kind of complex ways of tracking order or placing order or tracking them and/or the part of payment and has partnered with some of the online payment making companies on making sure that the customers have a safe and reliable form of payment option without have to worry about losing their money due to any kind of cyber attacks or male wares or viruses. Over the period of time since its commencement. Champalosa has constantly evolved and has constantly kept advancing its firewalls against threats from online entities and has no controversies when it comes to keeping its consumer details safe that is it has received much positive feedback when it comes to privacy and security the app has also much user friendly interface and keeps on making improvement when it comes to customizing the app as and when according to the users intentions (Moreno-Gutierrez et al. 2020). The company has had much of a positive impact so far and received a good amount of appreciation promising users minimal to no negative interaction from the other end. With a steak this implosive the company will surely make it big in the longer run.

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From the above assignment it has been concluded that, The power of leading groups of individuals toward achieving an organization's mission is known as organizational leadership and it has some skills included in it and those skills are in alignment with one's strength, creating certain strategic plans in line with the mission and also understanding the mission of the organization. The overarching field of a person is also known as organizational leadership, the strategic guidance of managing a bunch of people to meet a common goal. As amazon plans to expand its branches on to different sectors of the economy and to have a dominant grip over its customers or consumers over other global Mncs who deal with the same sought of retailship or sales this company has no objective of that sought and hence does not intent on making any adaptation of that sought are improvement or enhancement of that sought in its future strategies or policies that might help in the future advancement of the company.

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Dokhnyak, B. and Vysotska, V., 2019 Intelligent Smart Home System Using Amazon Alexa Tools.

Espada, A.L.V. and Vasconcellos Sobrinho, M., 2019. Logging community-based forests in the amazon: an analysis of external influences, multi-partner governance, and resilience. Forests, 10(6), p.461.

Goulding, M., Venticinque, E., Ribeiro, M.L.D.B., Barthem, R.B., Leite, R.G., Forsberg, B., Petry, P., Lopes da Silva‐Júnior, U., Ferraz, P.S. and Cañas, C., 2019. Ecosystem‐based management of Amazon fisheries and wetlands. Fish and Fisheries, 20(1), pp.138-158.

Humphries, S., Holmes, T., de Andrade, D.F.C., McGrath, D. and Dantas, J.B., 2020. Searching for win-win forest outcomes: Learning-by-doing, financial viability, and income growth for a community-based forest management cooperative in the Brazilian Amazon. World Development, 125, p.104336.

Jakimow, B., Griffiths, P., van der Linden, S. and Hostert, P., 2018. Mapping pasture management in the Brazilian Amazon from dense Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment, 205, pp.453-468.

Kaplan, H.S., Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Mamany, R.M., Cayuba, M.G., Moye, L.M., Alami, S., Kraft, T., Gutierrez, R.Q., Adrian, J.C. and Thompson, R.C., 2020. Voluntary collective isolation as a best response to COVID-19 for indigenous populations? A case study and protocol from the Bolivian Amazon. The Lancet, 395(10238), pp.1727-1734.

Lima, M.D.R., Patrício, E.P.S., Junior, U.D.O.B., Silva, R.D.C.C., Bufalino, L., Numazawa, S., Hein, P.R.G. and de Paula Protásio, T., 2021. Colorimetry as a criterion for segregation of logging wastes from sustainable forest management in the Brazilian Amazon for bioenergy. Renewable Energy, 163, pp.792-806.

Moreno-Gutierrez, D., Rosas-Aguirre, A., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Bilcke, J., Barboza, J.L., Hayette, M.P., Contreras-Mancilla, J., Aguirre, K., Gamboa, D., Rodriguez, H. and Speybroeck, N., 2020. Economic costs analysis of uncomplicated malaria case management in the Peruvian Amazon. Malaria journal, 19(1), pp.1-16.

Pezzuti, J., De Castro, F., McGrath, D., Miorando, P., Barboza, R. and Carneiro Romagnoli, F., 2018. Commoning in dynamic environments: community-based management of turtle nesting sites on the lower Amazon floodplain. Ecology and Society, 23(3).

Zacardi, D.M., Santos, J.A.D., Oliveira, L.S.D., Cajado, R.A. and Pompeu, P.S., 2020. Ichthyoplankton studies as referential for the management and monitoring of fishery resources in the Brazilian Amazon basin. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 32.

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