Education for Leadership and Management

  • 23 Pages
  • Published On: 25-11-2023


Organisational leadership and management is playing crucial role in strategising the company’s activities for sustaining in the business and fulfilling the aim and objectives. Through leadership and management, it is possible for the institution in the educational field to manage the organisational operations and secure future sustainable development by providing high quality educational program and training (Hoch et al., 2018). The study aims at identifying the intrinsic and extrinsic factors which influence the leaders and managers to choose good leadership style and develop proper organisational culture for better management of the educational sector. It is the role of the leaders to handle all the stakeholders and retain them for long run, so that productivity and performance of the institution can be maximised and it would be possible for the leaders to achieve future organisational success. Through this study, the workplace culture and leadership style of the ESOL educational institution will be evaluated for understanding the internal situation and working practice as an employee of the institution, so that the ESOL teaching staff can contribute efficiently in the organisation to achieve the aim of high quality education and training to the students. The study also focuses on evaluating the ethical leadership style for understanding the workplace culture where through this paper, it is also effective to discuss the internal process of the institution to motivate and lead the teaching professional’s towards success. The educational institutions are increasing at a rapid rate over the past few years and it is the role of the leaders and managers to strategise the learning and development activities for the students. The educational institutions mainly aim at achieving high competitive advantage and become a reputed organisation as a famous learning institution. They try to provide learning and developmental activities to the students and engage the parents in the system for better educational management. The educational organisations are also efficient to satisfy the students and parents, where the values of the students are improving over the period of time and the leaders are responsible to provide high quality learning and training program to the students as per the educational standard. The organisations are efficient to manage their workplace through maintaining the internal values and culture and retain the staff for long run. For those seeking guidance in this area, education dissertation help can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of leadership and management within educational institutions.


Impacts of extrinsic factors on leadership and management

The extrinsic factors can be analysed through PESTLE analysis framework, where it would be possible to identify the factors and evaluate the impacts of the factors on organisational activities. The extrinsic factors influence the business leaders and managers to develop suitable organisational structure and culture for leading the teaching professionals towards achieving the future success. Leadership and management play a crucial role in the organisation for tackling the internal activities and retaining the stakeholder for long run and thus analysing the extrinsic factors that have important impacts on leadership and management is mandatory to be evaluated further. Through the PESTLE analysis, it is possible to discuss the extrinsic factors that have impacts on organisational culture and leadership style of the educational institution.

Through the PESTLE analysis, it is possible to analyse the extrinsic factors that are useful to reshape the organisational leadership and management practice. The leaders try to follow the current market trend and strategize the educational activities successfully. The educational organisation is efficient to manage the staff members across the international markets of Europe and USA, where the ethical practices are effective. The practice of employment rules, copyright act and intellectual property rights are also effective for the educational leader to manage the ethical practice and run the institution legally. The rules and ethical practice are hereby helpful for handling the teaching staff and providing them monetary and non-monetary incentive for successful retention of the staff (Larsson and Vinberg, 2010). Hence, the organisation is able to develop fair treatment and equal opportunity for the teaching professionals, where they can work safely and gain rewards and benefits as per their working practice. The productivity and performance can also be improved through the ethical practice, where the staff become motivated and contribute positively with their full capabilities for teaching the students. As an employee in the educational institution, it can be stated that, the institution is good to create ethical leadership style and the recent ethical practice in the educational industry further influence the business leaders and management team to create fair workplace for the teaching staff. On the other hand, the political factors are also crucial to support the business leaders, where stability in political environment, intra country relationship as well as the practice of international trade are useful for the leaders to strategies their educational activities for retaining more students for long run. The leader of the educational institution also focuses on managing the stakeholders by providing high return on investment and satisfies those including parents, teaching professionals, investors in the educational institution and other management team. In addition to this, the economic growth and social, development is also crucial external factors, which support the educational activities in long run. The business leaders of the firm and managers try to follow the recent educational activities, GDP growth and social development to run their operations, make fair decision making behaviour and enhance organisational practice to manage the activities and ensure high quality educational program for the benefits of the students. Additionally, the leader is also successful to arrange the educational activities and provide fair treatment and support to the teaching professionals in long run. The educational institution is also efficient to contribute in social developmental projects and ensure business sustainability in long run. Hence, the external factors such as social development as well as environmental protection are effective to influence the business leader to run the activities efficiently and achieve the future success by providing high quality education to the students. The social activities influence the leader to acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the students and in this regard the institution tries to provide high quality educational training and developmental, programs at affordable price, so that they can afford the services and learn more for fulfilling their professional career aim. These are the major strategic planning which further influences the leader to develop fairness and sustainable solutions to run the organisation in the global educational sector. Apart from that, the sustainability practice also influences the leader to develop initiatives related to food waste management, contributing in huger management and organic farming and maintaining product quality, investment in local charity homes and educational programs. These are also successful factors that reshape the institutional activities to sustain in long run.

Effects on intrinsic factors on leadership and management of the educational institution

The intrinsic factors are also playing crucial role to reshape the business activities and SWOT analysis in this regard is effective to identify the intrinsic factors in the organisation. The educational firm is efficient to sustain in the international educational industry mainly the ESOL classes and expand their activities in long run and through SWOT analysis, it is possible to evaluate their activities in the market as well as acknowledge the future market opportunities and threats.

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As per the SWOT analysis, the major strengths of the organisation are such as Good training program related to ESOL, effective curriculum program, online planning, quality of education, cost effective strategy, retention of the students, reputation, and financial stability. The organisation is able to satisfy the participants by delivering high quality ESOL educational service, where the leader focuses on maintain quality standard of the education and training, and strengthen their position in the market. Organisational reputation and financial stability also influence the leader to strategise the institution and grab future market share in long run. The leader and the managers are also efficient to run their operations ethically which is helpful for the business to achieve the future sustainable development. On the other hand, the major weaknesses of the firm are lack of marketing activities, poor expansion strategy and lack of investment in international markets. The organisation must focus on mitigating the weaknesses and enhance their presence across the international markets. As per the major opportunities in the ESOL educational sector, the scope for the ESOL educational institution are such as further expansion in international markets, growth in online training programs, entering in emerging markets of Asia and Africa, educational service innovation, e-commerce growth, technological advancement. The organisation has the scope to strategize their operations and expand the operations across the international markets to improve ESOL educational activities. The market opportunities and external factors in this regard influence the organisational leader to develop good workplace with effective corporate culture and governance, so that the leader and management team would be able to handle the teaching staff and develop team work for achieving the future success (Larsson and Vinberg, 2010). The major threats of the company are such as stagnant domestic growth, recent pandemic situation and low demand for the products and services, low customers pending, intense competition and threat of substitute products in the market Stagnant domestic growth, recent pandemic situation, intense competition, threat of substitute services in the market, and it is the responsibility of the leader to mitigate the future threats for running the educational organisation smoothly. The organisation in this regard is able to expand their operations across the international markets and it further provides a scope to the leader to fulfil its mission and create values for all the students and teaching professionals, engaged with the business. Hence, the external and external factors have crucial impacts on business management and leadership style, and as per the analysis, it can be stated that, there are positive impacts of the recent market condition on the leadership and management style, where the leaders try to develop ethical leadership practice for creating good corporate governance in the ESOL department.

Leadership style at the educational institution

Leadership style is important to run the ESOL educational institution in a systematic process by engaging the stakeholders in the system and empowering them for better decision making practice (Buil, Martínez and Matute, 2019). In the recent era of globalisation, all the educational firms focus on developing transformational leadership style, in order to run the business activities successfully by empowering the teaching staff in the workplace and encouraging their creativity to make the quality educational system for the benefits of the students (Sumanasiri, 2020). As per the transformational leadership style, there are four major factors through which the leader can develop suitable workplace and lead the educational staff towards achieving the future success. Individualised organisation and characteristics is important, where the organisational culture, individual trait, and experience are mandatory to work in the workplace and contribute positively in achieving the success. Leader’s behaviour through inspiration, idealised attributes individualised consideration are also effective to support the workforce (Wu et al., 2020). Additionally, goal pursuit continuous communication and cooperation and motivation of the employees are also playing crucial role where transformational leader can create values for the employees and encourage them to show their creativity in the workplace.

Figure 1: Transformational leadership practice
Sumanasiri, 2020

The leader and management team at ESOL institution is effective to develop strong bonding among the teaching staff, where the leader supports the employees with adequate organisational resources and training programs to encourage their creativity (Edger, 2016). The leader also supports them by sharing the data and organisational information for further empowerment of the staff, at the place so that the staff members can make creative solution for fulfilling the organisational aim of providing good educational system (Sumanasiri, 2020). Additionally, the ESOL educational leader is also efficient to encourage their creativity and motive them by providing structured salary and performance related pay, these are effective for managing the staff to strengthen their activities. The transformational leader is hereby efficient to manage their large workforce and create values for them by fulfilling their basic needs and preferences at the workplace. Continuous support and motivation as well as encouraging creativity of the staff are fruitful for the firm to achieve future success by providing high quality ESOL education to the students (Rodd, 2013).

Impacts of leadership style

The transformation leadership style is beneficial where the leader is able to enhance creativity of the ESOL educational institution and ensure high level performance and productivity in long run, the leader is able to create values for the staff and retain the experienced teaching professionals for long run where they can contribute efficiently in the firm to work with full abilities and utilising the organisational resources to maximise the aim of the institution. Additionally, it is able to manage their operations across the international locations as well as maximise their economic return which further provides a scope to the brand to stabilise their financial position in long run (Liphadzi, Aigbavboa and Thwala, 2017). The monetary and non-monetary compensation are also effective where the transformational leader is successful to retain the ESOL teaching staff and secure future sustainable development by operating in the global educational sector creatively. Technological innovation and creative decision making behaviour are also other advantages of transformational leadership style at the educational organisation, which further provides a scope to the firm to manage their operation and expand the branches across the international countries sustainably (Bush, 2020).

Organisational culture

Organisational culture is important to be managed well, where it is the responsibility of the ESOL educational leader to create good workspace for the employees so that the staff members can contribute with their full potential for meeting the organisational aim. As per the Johnson and Scholes cultural web, the corporate culture depends on stories, symbol, control, rituals and routine, organisational structure and power structure (Wu et al., 2020).

Figure 2: Johnson and Scholes cultural web
 Liphadzi, Aigbavboa and Thwala, 2017

The leader of the ESOL institution is efficient to manage the workplace structure where hierarchical structure is maintained with senior managers in different department of the firm and staff members and the departments are such as educational operations, human resource, educational service, finance and research and development. There are senior managers and teaching staff who maintain seniority and make collaborative decision (Zuraik and Kelly, 2019). As per the power structure, the collaborative decision is made at the firm where the leader is efficient to empower the top managers and CEO as well as identify the staff decision and creative solutions for better organisational performance and productivity to support the students. In addition to this, employment rules and policies are implemented at the firm, where leader is able to maintain fairness and equality and develop respect and trust among the staff members (Liphadzi, Aigbavboa and Thwala, 2017). The leader is also efficient to maintain control and supervisory practice at the institution to manage the ESOL teaching staff and improve understanding to work collaboratively. Freedom to work as partnership working practice, internal communication and cooperation as well as harmony at the workplace are also there which provides a scope to develop good corporate culture and lead the employees towards achieving the future success.

Role of Ethical and moral leadership

Ethical leadership style is maintained at the ESOL educational institution, where the leader takes fair decision for the teaching staff and management team (Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, 2018). There is trust and respect for each other at the workplace, clear roles and responsibility are also declared in the workplace, where the teaching staff can follow their job role and perform as a team to serve better ESOL educational program to the students. Integrity and honesty are also managed by the leader to protect the employment rights and create values for them. The employment rules and minimum wage act are also beneficial, where the leader provides structured salary and incentives to the staff for encouraging their creativity at the workplace (Schedlitzki and Edwards, 2014). Ethical leadership practice is hereby beneficial for the ESOL educational institution to secure future sustainable development by managing their experienced staff and enhancing their overall performance.

Figure 3: Ethical leadership
Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, 2018

Additionally, the leader focuses on managing equality and diversity by implementing Equality Act 2010 as well as protects the personal data and information under general data Protection Act 2018 in order to support the workers and lead them efficiently (Siraj- Blatchford and Hallet, 2014). High internal communication, interdependence in the workplace and partnership working practice are also contributing factors where the leader is successful to lead the teaching staff towards technological innovation and educational service creativity to maximise their business objectives (Liphadzi, Aigbavboa and Thwala, 2017).

Ways to team development and motivation

The motivational activities are effective for the organisational leader to retain the teaching staff and create values for them in long run. The organisational leader is efficient to create good corporate structure and culture for encouraging the staff creativity and managing them in long run so that they can contribute efficiently and fulfil their roles and responsibilities in the educational institution (Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, 2018). As per the Herzberg’s motivational theory, there are two factors, one is motivational and another is hygienic factors. The leaders are concerned about the factors contributing in staff motivation. The leaders try to enhance motivational factors and the activities such as achievement, workplace recognition, clear responsibility, advancement and personal growth are important to motivate the ESOL teaching staff and retain them for long run (Arnold, 2017). The organisational leader can create values for them and strengthen the teaching staff base for managing the students. Continuous encouragement of showing own capability, empowering the staff in the organisational decision making practice, arranging training and developmental programs for personal and professional growth, workplace recognition and promotion are effective to create values for the teaching staff and encourage them to perform better to support the students (Liphadzi, Aigbavboa and Thwala, 2017). The ESOL teaching staffs also become interested to show their innovation and creativity for performing better (Choi et al., 2016). On the other hand, the hygienic factors are also important to create values for the teaching professionals and in this regard, the factors are such as working condition in the workplace, co-worker relation, policies and rules, supervisor quality and base wage and salary are important. The organisational leaders restructure the salary for the staff as per the job role and responsibility (Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, 2018). Apart from that, the co-worker relationship and workplace condition including working practice, flexibility, freedom to work and others are essential to manage the staff and create values for the teachers. The supervisor quality and internal policies and practice are also contributing factors in managing the staff and retaining the experienced staff for long run to support the students with high quality training and educational services.

Figure 4: Herzberg’s motivational theory
Choi et al., 2016

The organisational leader is efficient to manage their staff and there are strong teaching professionals who can manage the students with high quality educational activities and training programs (Choi et al., 2016). There is structured salary and performance related pay which is mandatory to retain the staff and satisfy them by fulfilling their basic needs. The organisational leader is also successful to provide structured salary as per their different job role and position in the organisation. The institution also provides performance related pay and rewards on yearly basis to retain the experienced staff members in the organisation (Arnold, 2017). In addition to this, the workplace culture is good, with freedom to work and flexibility in timing, in which the staff can choose their timing of teaching and contribute with their full potential for achieving the organisational success. The organisational leader and management team also hire good supervisor to support the staff and enhance their performance (Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez and Martínez-Lorente, 2018). The leader provides recognition, promotion as per the performance and productivity of the staff as well as there is training program for providing personal and professional growth. The firm is hereby able to manage their teaching professionals through monetary and non-monetary incentives. The leader also focuses on developing policies and practices, which are also effective for creating good culture and ensure ethical leadership at the organisation. Hereby, leadership and management style is effective to support motivational activities at the workplace for strengthening their teaching professional’s base and retain them for long run.

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Leadership and management is a crucial part for the educational firm, where the leader creates vision and provide resources and directions to the teaching professionals for achieving the future success. The organisation is effective to create good workplace with transformational leadership style. There are motivational factors and continuous support to enhance their creativity and support the students with high quality educational training program. The transformational leader is hereby beneficial to enhance internal communication and cooperation, where they can work as a partnership working practice. The ESOL educational institutional leaders and managers can collaborate and lead the teaching staff with clear roles and responsibilities, so that the organisational mission of delivering high quality educational services to the students can be fulfilled efficiently. The ethical leadership practice and suitable organisational culture are also beneficial for the leader to run the institution sustainably and ensure high performance and productivity of the students by providing good training program and engaging the parents with the educational activities. The structured salary, performance related pay as well as the employment rules, ethical practice of work life balance is also beneficial to manage the ESOL teaching professionals for maximising the organisational productivity in long run so that it would be able to fulfil their aim and gain high competitive advantage in long run across the global educational sector.

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Reference List

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