Leadership Effectiveness and Influence Strategies

Part A

1. A leader’s effect the liveness as a lead the er and their ability to influence a specific situation (or context)

a. Introduction

Leadership is one of the crucial approaches that can be considered by an organization to attain growth and development in its business market (Achua and Lussier, 2015). I have chosen the topic of effectiveness and ability of leaders to influence a specific situation. Considerations behind the selection of this topic that a leader cannot be said to be effective if it cannot influence others. I am discussing this topic from my personal experiences and past situations faced by me as a leader. This reflective writing is all about why a leader should be influential and the effective.


b. Analysis

As far as the effectiveness of a leader is considered, I can say that must possess a personality that is highly influential to others. Their followers often acquire the personal attributes of a leader (Britt and Jex, 2014). Some of these attributes can be the joyful and positive approach towards difficulties, impressive speaking, motivational qualities and many others. In my school time, I used to to be a leader of student welfare society. There were several situations in which I felt that my leadership is influencing others. I used to give speeches to other students with a high level of confidence, which was a quality of influential speaking. Once upon a time in school, all the students were divided into different teams and given a task which was unconventional, and no students have performed it earlier.

For this reason, all the students in my team were de-motivated and had a negative opinion about the completion of the task. Since I was the leader of my team; therefore, I analyzed that certain motivation is required for my teammates for achieving success in the task. I analyzed that most of the teammates were looking at the negative side of the task.

For this reason, I considered taking initial steps, which could be motivating to other team members.

Along with this, I also considered highlighting the opportunities that might be achieved by the entire team if the task was completed. I also considered interacting with teammates with a positive attitude and provoking them towards achieving the task. However, in initial times, no teammate was willing to participate in the task; but, my approaches of leading became successful, and all the team members understood their contribution and participated in the task. As a result, it was found that our team won the best price for completing the task on time with the desired outcomes.

c. Conclusion/key learning.

This way, I can say that the ability to influence other is the key to leadership. Convincing others and influencing their opinion can allow a leader to target any target and achieve it eventually.

2. How ethics can influence leadership.

a. Introduction

Several factors can affect the outcomes of leadership (Burns, 2014). I can say that ethics is one of such factors, which include considerations from the perspective of other and acting accordingly without harming their emotions. I considered the topic of the role of ethics in leadership because it is one of the prominent factors that can determine whether a leader is influencing in nature or not. Discussion of this topic includes some of my experiences in which I felt the significance of ethics in leadership.

b. Analysis

As far as impacts of ethical leadership are considered, I can say that it is essential for a person to acquire ethical approaches for becoming an influential leader. Ethical approaches considered by a person or leader are highly accountable for upgrading his or her image among peers and colleagues (Chance, 2013). On the other hand, leaders cannot leave much impression of their followers if their approaches are unethical. In my school time, I had a subject of management in which there were descriptions regarding various leaders across the world. I always wondered why some leaders in organizations become so effective and influencing to others. I analyzed that highly ethics in the functionality of leaders is the key to success. I analyzed that according to social psychology, people tend to remain away from the people that are fake. Others highly admire leaders that always prefer ethics. According to social psychology, only a radical person can think about the benefits of others.

For this reason, I can say that ethical approaches considered by a leader can enhance his image among followers and can develop respect for him in the eyes of others. During my studies, I also found that there were certain leaders, which were reported for unethical approaches to lead others. I analyzed unethical approaches may appear effective for a short period. But, over the course of time, their charm among followers gradually decreases as the followers feel cheated or tricked (Drucker and Buford, 2010).

c. Conclusion/key learning.

From the above analysis, I can say that ethics play an important role in leadership. People who consider such approaches and lead others can attain high fame, recognition, and respect among their followers. On the other hand, I can also say that leaders with ethical approaches can lose charm over time as their followers might feel tricked or cheated.

3. How can an individual’s leadership capability be developed?

a. Introduction

Development of leadership capability is one of the processes that can bring high scale alterations in the functionality of a person. There are certain attributes, which are possessed by leaders and employees are required to acquire them to become a successful leader (DuBrin, 2012). I considered this topic for analysis as this topic will also be helpful for me in evolving my leadership qualities and proving out to be the best leader. Along with this, I can also say that the selection of this topic will allow me to evaluate myself and to enhance my leadership style by developing the attributes that I lack.

b. Analysis

Development of leadership capabilities is a highly debated topic among scholars. I found that there are many scholars, which consider that leadership capabilities are inborn within an individual and cannot be acquired. On the other side, certain scholars argue about the development of leadership qualities. As far as the development of such capabilities is considered, I can say that the environment and situations are entirely accountable for developing the capabilities of leadership in an individual. It is found that more exposure to challenging situations enhances the level of experiences of people, which gradually develops leadership capabilities in them.

Along with this, I can also say that with experiences risk taking abilities of the people evolve, which is one of the remarkable capabilities of successful leaders across the world. Theory of leadership indicates that regular provoking of the people for identifying opportunities within emerging challenges can also develop leadership qualities (Erdogan et al., 2015). I can also say that I was not born with leadership capabilities. There were many situations, which were faced by me and were accountable for altering my visions and attitude. During my studies, I used to analyze the leading style of my seniors and superiors. For example, I as an indivudal always deem to associate with challenging situations mainly in terms of managing people from different backgrounds and culture. Though I was not involved with managing people fromm practical field, my exepreince of dealing with people from different backgrounds can be a small but potential step of mine to develop leadership qualities within myself.

Along with this, I also tried several times to mimic their styles. I can say that this was the time since when my journey towards the acquisition of leadership capabilities started. Over the course of time, I felt that my behavior and attitude changed and people around me started admiring my approaches and styles. This is how; I acquired some of the leadership capabilities such as motivational speaking, risk-taking and many others.

c. Conclusion/key learning.

In conclusion I can say that leadership capabilities can be developed within an individual by regular exposure and willingness to acquire them.

4. How can different cultural settings affect approaches to leading others?

a. Introduction

Various leaders across the world face the problems of associated with cultural setting while leading others (Fairholm, 2009). I can say that it can be difficult for the leaders to lead the people belonging to different cultures and ethnic background. I have selected the topic about the role of cultural setting in affecting leadership as it will be very helpful for me to lead the people of different culture in future. Along with this, analysis of this topic will also provide information to me about the measures that can be taken by me for leading cross-cultural teams in the future.

b. Analysis

Theories of leadership are helpful in understanding that cultural settings play an important role in determining the success in leadership. The study reveals that leaders around the world feel comfortable with the people belonging to the same culture and ethnic background. It might be challenging to the leaders to manage and lead a team in which team members belong to different cultures. It is found that people belonging to different cultures have different working patterns and preferabilities. Avoiding information about such working pattern can create issues for the leaders and targeting objectives and attaining success. I can also say that body language and gestures considered by a leader for addressing a group of different people can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, approaches considered by leaders can motivate certain people in the team. While on the other hand, team members of different cultures might feel offended (Fischer-Wright and Logan, 2012). For example, as per my comprehension, managing people from different areas or background in terms of culture is one of the challenging aspects for a leader. In my perspective, dealing with such people will add to the expereince of a leader in terms of diverse teams in practical workplace.

For this reason, I can say that the cultural setting is required to be considered by leaders. For addressing such issues flexible and dynamic approaches can be helpful. Addressing individuals in the team as per their cultural needs can result in desired outcomes. During my studies, I was assigned a group presentation in which team members belonged to different cultures. Initially, I faced many difficulties in making people work collaboratively. Later on, I analyzed that identification of common practices in different cultures and addressing people as per their cultural needs was effective in completing the group task.

c. Conclusion/key learning.

I can say from the above analysis that cultural settings can bring remarkable vulnerabilities in leadership. It becomes essential for a leader to consider the cultural needs of the people in their team and address them accordingly. Along with this, analysis and consideration of common practices in different cultures can also be helpful to the leaders in obtaining desired outcomes.

5. To what extent does gender matter in leadership?

a. Introduction

Role of gender in leadership is one of the significant issues in organizations around the world. According to behavioral psychology, male and female leaders have different perceptions of organizations. For this reason, their way of addressing and leading the people differ drastically (Stacey et al., 2011). I have selected the topic about the role of gender in leadership for reflecting writing. Consideration of this topic will allow me to acknowledge the extent to which gender matters in leadership. This topic will provide information about differences in leadership styles of males and females in an organization.

b. Analysis

Research works in leadership are greatly helpful in understanding that there are certain differences in the leadership styles of males and females in organizations (Ganta and Manukonda, 2014). It is found that two genders have different perspectives and visions towards difficulties and challenges. I have personally felt the differences in the leadership style of male and female leaders. During my studies, there were different teams which were led by the male as well as female students. When a group task was assigned to different teams, there were certain differences in approaches as well as achieved outcomes. Upon further analysis, I found that approaches of female’s leaders were emotion driven to some extent.

Along with this, I also found that teammates of different gender are required to be addressed in different ways of motivating and leading them. Male team members are straighter and radical due to which lesser efforts are required to lead them in the right direction. For example, as per my understanding, gender equality needs to be one of the prime elements of leadership and people should be judged based on their skills and not on the basis of their genders. Likewise, I believe gender equality will primarily pave the way for more woman leaders in the workplace.

On the other hand, there are there female teammates, which can be affected negatively by the non-complying approaches. According to the theory of behavioral psychology, there can be different motivating factors for male and female team members, which are required to be considered by leaders. Approaches motivating the male team members can prove out to be worthless while motivating female team members. For example, criticism can be considered for motivating male team members by leaders. On the other hand, female team members require a verbal appraisal for being motivated. For this reason, it can be said that gender is also a considerable factor for the leaders.

c. Conclusion/key learning.

I can conclude from the above analysis that to some extent gender matters in leadership. For being successful in leading, a leader might require different approaches for motivating and leading the teammates of two genders.

Part B

This module was greatly effective in enhancing my knowledge about leadership and its implementation in organisations. Throughout the module I came across several new concepts and theories regarding leadership, which I had never encountered in past. Along with this, the module was also helpful for me in analysing the factor that can have great impacts over the leadership of an individual. Not only this, but, I also came across facts about significance of ethics in leadership.

Relevance of leadership theories to leadership in practice

While carrying out this module I analysed that there are number of theories that can be considered for leadership. Theory of leadership was highly effective in depicting that leaders in organisation can bring revolutionary changes in the productivity and profitability of an organisation (Cavazotte et al., 2012). Leaders in organisation are required to perform certain roles, which can include taking strategic decisions, inspiring teams and employees, adopting approaches of motivation, making the organisation to meet the strategic objectives and many others.

On the basis of leadership theory, I can also say that there are different types of leadership styles, which are followed by leaders across the world. These types of leadership can include autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, situational leadership, charismatic leadership and many others (Hair et al., 2012). The module was helpful for me in analysing that leaders are required to consider different styles of leadership as per the organisational structure, environment and objectives. Based on the learning regarding leadership, I can say that theoretical approaches of democratic leadership if applied in organisations can affect the satisfaction level of the employees resulting into immense productivity.

I also found that leadership theories can be applied to leadership in practice. Various team heads, leaders and other entities in different organisations can lead effectively and bring high scaled profitability and excellence. I found that it is not necessary that in real time only one style of leadership can be applied to the situations in organisations. Leaders can transform their style of leadership from one to another as per the business environment (Britt and Jex, 2014). Along with this, I also found that behavioural theories are also applicable in leadership in real time. Behaviour, attitude and perception of leaders also play a significant role in determining the success in operations in organisations.

Different factors and contexts which impact on leadership practice

The module was also helpful for me in analysing that there are number of factors that can affect the leadership and its outcomes ion an organisation. I found that culture setting is one of the prominent factors which are required to be considered by leaders in real time while leading teams. The module indicated that team members in an international organisation might belong to different cultures, religions, ethnic backgrounds and communities. Handling a task with such mix pool of employees can be difficult to the leaders and negative effects can be observed on the productivity (Achua and Lussier, 2015). For this reason, it becomes important for leaders to consider cultural negotiations while communication with team members and heading towards completion of the task.

Along with this, gender is also found a prominent factor by me during the mode which can affect the quality of leadership in an organisation. I can say that leaders are required to consider different approaches for motivating team members of different genders. Same approaches for leading and motivating male and female employees in organisation cannot be fruitful (Burns, 2014). I can also say that emotional aspect can also be observed in motivation measures for females in organisation.

Such analysis allows me to say that leader in organisation are required to consider such factors for driving excellence in performances.

Extent of leadership concepts and frameworks to solve problems in a range of different contexts

The coursework was also helpful for me in determining that leadership concepts can be used to resolve various problems in organisations. I can say that there can be various conflicts and challenging situations in organisation, which may require keen focus of management. If not solved effectively, these problems can affect the organisational performance in negative manner (DuBrin, 2012). For this reason, approaches of leadership can be applied to find feasible solutions and regaining the productivity. I analysed that motivation in proper direction and communication are the two keys considered by leaders in organisation for solving different problems. It is also found that leaders for solving various challenges can acquire situational leadership and target same objectivity.

Impacts of ethics on leadership and decision-making

Since, the module was entirely focused on leadership and factors affecting it in organisation in real time; therefore, I analysed that there is remarkable role of ethics in effective leadership. Theory of ethical leadership is helpful in understanding that if; leaders compromise ethical consideration while leading team in some organisation, outcomes and results obtained from operations can be different (Erdogan et al., 2015). Along with this, I can also say that team members pay more respect and honour to the leader that tend to work ethically and considers the perspectives of others. For this reason, leadership style with ethical approaches can be said to be highly influential and impressive. Such approaches are more likely to increase popularity of leaders and increasing his or her followers (Fischer-Wright and Logan, 2012). Plans in leadership that are established ethically are more likely to be fruitful. Moreover, team members and others participate in such plans with high level of interest and enthusiasm.

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As far as learning is concerned for me from this module, I can say that I have acquired numerous new concepts and information about leadership such as role of ethics, factors affecting leadership and many others. This way, I can say that I now have broader perspective of leadership. Considering the usability of learning from the module, I would like to say that I will utilise the learning in future in some organisation to manage the team with efficiency and supremacy. Application of such learning will open pathways for me in organisation to acquire immense growth and development with effective leadership.

Take a deeper dive into Management Leadership in International Business with our additional resources.


Achua, C. and Lussier, R. (2015). Leadership: Theory, application, and skill development. United Kingdom: Cengage Learning.

Britt, T. and Jex, S. (2014). Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach. 3rd ed. United State: Wiley.

Burns, J. (2014). Leadership. New York, NY: Open Road Integrated Media.

Cavazotte, F., Moreno, V., and Hickmann, M. (2012). Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 443-455. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2011.10.003

Chance, P. (2013). Introduction to educational leadership and organizational behavior. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Drucker, P. and Buford, B. (2010). Stuck in halftime: Reinvesting your one and only life. USA: Zondervan.

DuBrin, A. (2012). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. 7th ed. Boston, MA, United States: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. and Truxillo, D. (2015). Psychology and work: Perspectives on industrial and organizational psychology. USA: Routledge.

Fairholm, M. (2009). Understanding leadership perspectives: Theoretical and practical approaches. New York: Springer-Verlag New York.

Fischer-Wright, H. and Logan, D. (2012). Tribal leadership revised edition: Leveraging natural groups to build a thriving organization. Canada: HarperCollins Publishers.

Ganta, V. C. and Manukonda, J. K. (2014). Leadership During Change And Uncertainty In Organizations. International Journal of Organizational Behaviour and Management Perspectives, 3(3), 1183.

Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Pieper, T. M., and Ringle, C. M. (2012). The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in strategic management research: a review of past practices and recommendations for future applications. Long Range Planning, 45(5-6), 320-340.

Stacey M. C., Paul J. T., Alice C. (2011) Trust and distrust in safety leadership: Mirror reflections?, Safety Science, 49( 8–9), 1208-1214.

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