Leadership in Strategic Planning for Conferences


Leadership and management are important in the organisation to develop effective strategic planning and implement it with technological advancement, reallocation of resources and capabilities and managing the workforce in order to achieve the organisational success sin near future (Renz, and Herman, 2016). The leaders are playing crucial role in managing the workplace and developing effective strategies to order to achieve future success. The aim of the study is to understand and evaluate the role of the leaders and the leadership strategic planning to organise the conference event in the Hilton hotel. Through reviewing the strategic planning of the leaders in the hotel, it is possible to acknowledge the impacts of the leadership planning on the customer service improvement where the leaders can manage the customers proficiently and improve their satisfaction level by delivering quality services at the conference. For students pursuing their management dissertation help, examining such strategic leadership practices can offer valuable insights into effective organizational management.


Leadership practice in event management

The leaders are trying to develop effective strategies to manage the event and arrange conference for the business clients after acknowledging their actual preferences ad needs at the venue (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). In this regard, the strategies of managing venue, providing amenities, managing staff members, monitoring food and lodging of the clients as well as managing customers service through technological advancement and continuous assistance of the staff members and managers are described further through which the leader of Hilton Hotel tries to arrange the conference successfully.

Managing the venue:

Managing the venue is necessary for the event managers and leader where the leader is concerned about noise at the place, availability of the space and interior decoration to improve corporate image of the venue (Thorpe, 2016). In this regard, availability of proper tables and chairs and interior decoration with availability of adequate services is necessary. Presence of CCTV cameras, proper monitoring process, fire extinguisher and emergency exit is necessary to provide safety and security of the business clients. Apart from that, the place needs to be clean so that the clients can feel safe in attending the conference successfully. In this context, the leader of Hilton Hotel tries to manage the business clients in order to improve their customer service by developing proper venue at the hotel where the clients can feel valued to attend the conference. The leader is also focusing on creating values for the client by presenting the place with corporate look were all the clients can tale active part in the conference.


The business clients are looking for best amenities so that they can feel valued and fulfil their requirements successfully and in this regard, the leaders are also concerned in arranging all the amenities at the workplace in order to manage the venue and provide the best possibility care and hospitality service to the clients (Jones, 2017). In this regard, free wireless internet through the venue is necessary and additionally, availability of conference room, personal meeting room need to be managed by the leader. Individually control, of heating and air conditioning as well as charging ports near the round tables for the tablets and smart phones of the clients are also necessary which are major amenities required by the clients at the conference room. Additionally, the information and Communication Technology (ICT) needs to be effective to enhance communication at the conference. In this context, the leader of Hilton Hotel is proficient to manage all the amenities for the client to improve their customer’s service and manage the clients successfully. The leader focuses on managing the round table and speaker and wireless microphone in order to have communication with other business clients. Availability of the amenities such as Wi-Fi, wireless microphones, speaker and charging ports further enhance the service quality of Hilton hotel where the leader is efficient to support the clients to attend the conference successfully.

Resource management:

Financial resource and human resource, both are necessary for the leader to arrange the event and in this regard budget planning for the event is necessary to reallocate the financial resources at the place to arrange the conference. Financial resource allocation in lodging, managing quality food, availability of warehouse for storing the food, maintaining availability of food, parking of the cars, managing transport at the place as well as investment At the place for interior decoration are effective to provide the best conference hall successfully (Lis, and Tomanek, 2017). Apart from that, managing the staff members for event management is necessary where the leader develops the strategy of working in partnership in order to develop an effective team where the members can work together to arrange the conference hall and provide all the necessities to the client. The leader in this regard tries to provide incentives and compensation to the staff member for encouraging them and motivating them for long run. Providing monetary and non-monetary rewards to the staff is effective for the leader to manage the crew members for arranging the event. The leader tries to empower the members and improve their creativity to arrange the place successfully. Managing the staff through showing respect and developing integrated workplace are also beneficial for the leader to manage the workplace and provide better care to the business clients at the conference. The staff members are well trained and manage the food and lodging for the clients successfully where the alder plays a crucial role to manage them and lead them towards achieving success.

Collaboration and communication:

Collaboration and communication are necessary to arrange the event where all the members need to cooperate with each other for providing better acre and service to the clients. The leader of the Hilton Hotel is proficient to develop an effective team where the members are working collaboratively. In this regard, the leader of the hotel provide microphone to all the crew members to get the job done within effective time where through microphone the members can communicate with each other and arrange the venue efficiently. Taking care of all the amenities can be done through communication among the staff members and crew where they are proficient to monitor the place and provide better care and hospitality service to the clients (Huertas-Valdivia, Gallego-Burín and Lloréns-Montes, 2019). While providing food and lodging to the business clients, the staff try to manage the stock of quality food and provide efficient service to the clients. In this regard, managing the hospitality service also needs proper collaboration and communication where all the members can collaborate and enhance their performance to satisfy the customers. The leader in this regard encourages cooperation and communication among the staff in order to improve their innovation and creativity to manage the event and arrange the conference successfully at the hotel.

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Developing organisational culture:

It is the role of the leader to manage the organisational culture for delivering efficient customer service and arranging the events successfully at the venue. The leader is responsible to develop suitable organisational culture where all the staff members are trying to cooperate and work collaboratively (Shamim et al., 2017). In this regard, managing transparency and accountability at the venue is beneficial through which the leaders can develop effective team and manage the team members positively. Managing ethics at the workplace and providing health and safety at workplace is necessary where the leaders can manage the workforce and improve trust and loyalty in managing the event. Moreover, providing proper training and development program to the staff is also necessary where the leader aim at providing skilled staff and technicians to arrange the event without any error. In this regard context, the leader of the Hilton Hotel is efficient to develop working in partnership practice and create suitable organisational culture where the leader focuses on motivating the staff and encouraging their creativity in achieving the aim of the organisation in arranging the conference. Additionally, the leader also focuses at empowering the staff members in the conference where they can create new ideas to satisfy the business clients where they are providing assistance to the clients continuously with proper technology and hospitality service.

Concept planning and stakeholder management:

For concept planning of the conference, it is necessary to have clear ideas about the conference where the leader tries to arrange a meeting with the head of the business so that it is possible to acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the business (Eva et al., 2018). Through communication and cooperation between the leader of the hotel and the business client, it is easy for the leader to identify the required venue, number of people present at the conference, requirements of food and lodging and other preferences of the conference. It further helps the leader to arrange the place as per the client’s requirement and satisfy the clients successfully. In addition to this, managing relationship with the stakeholders is required where the leader tries to manage all the stakeholders such as the business clients, employees at the venue, crew and staff members, suppliers of quality food, technicians and other whop are engaged with the event. In this regard, managing strong relationship with all the stallholders are necessary for the leader where the leader aims at creating values for all the stakeholders and maximise their satisfaction successfully.

Customer service management:

Managing customer service is important and the leader is responsible for delivering proficient customer service so that the organisation can create values for the customers and maximises their satisfaction level. In this regard, the leader of the Hilton Hotel is efficient to manage the customer’s service by providing the best venue, managing noise and providing proper conference hall with effective interior decoration where availability of round tables and chairs as well as the internet and wireless systems and laptop are effective to provide best service to the business clients. The leader is also concerned in providing quality food to the business clients and provides proper luxurious lodging to the clients so that the clients can stay safely at the hotel. Moreover, availability of transport, managing noise, availability of free Wi-Fi at the hotel and charging points at the tables are effective to provide efficient services to the clients. Moreover, the crew members are present at the conference hall continuously to serve the customers proficiently. In addition to this, managing the place where buffet system is arranged and availability of quality food and beverages further improves customer service at the Hilton Hotel where the leader is efficient to provide skilled staff members who are take care of the food and lodging of the business clients.

Impacts of strategic planning of the leaders at Hilton in improving customer service

The above mentioned leadership style and the skill and capabilities of the leaders at Hilton hotel is effective for the organisation to satisfy the clients who are present at the conferences. It has been stated that, managing the theme of the event and developing the business conference by taking care of the venue and other opportunities are effective for managing the clients at the event (Bayraktar et al., 2017). The leader of the Hilton Hotel is efficient to develop effective theme of the conference and arrange the business meeting well at the venue. The leader is efficient to cooperate with the business managers who are organising the event at the Hilton Hotel and through cooperation and collaboration. The leader of Hilton Hotel tries to acknowledge the business theme and decorate the venue as per the business needs and preferences. Corporate decoration at the value of the Hilton hotel further attracts the clients and satisfies the business managers who organise the conferences. Peaceful place, clean floor, silence venue further helps the managers to organise the event successfully where the business managers and other clients can concentrate on the business presentation and take active part in the conference. Hereby, the strategy of well decorated venue for the corporate conference is successful where the leader of Hilton Hotel is able to manage their clients and deliver suitable place for organising the conference successfully. According to Madera et al., (2017), the business leaders are trying to provide proper venue for event management where according to the client’s needs and preferences where all the facilities are managed well so that the client can organise the conference proficiently without any issues during the event. Event management is a complex task where all the managers, crew members and front line mangers need to be collaborative and they must work in partnership basis to make the conference successful. In this regard, it is necessary for the leader to develop effective strategic planning for the benefits of the customers. Leadership qualities of partnership working, motivation and supporting the staff at the venue are also contributing factor in organising the conference.

In this context the leaders of the Hilton hotel is also successful in providing better care and facilities at the workplace through delivering free Wi-Fi facility, quality foods and beverages, clean place and managing safety of the client by taking safety awareness of Fire extinguisher and emergency exit which in turn helps the leader of the Hilton hotel to satisfy the clients and improve the corporate image successfully. As stated by Vuksic, Bach and Tomicic-Pupek (2016), the leaders are responsible to organise the conference efficiently by fulfilling the requirements of the clients so that they can enhance the corporate image and contribute positively to make the event successfully. Ensuring safety and security of the client s is necessary while organising the conference at the hotel. In this regard, the strategy of the leaders in implementing CCTV camera, fire extinguisher, emergency exit ad proper monitoring process by the staff and crew members are effective for the whole team of the hotel to manage the safety and security of the clients and give them safe environment to conduct their business conferences. Hereby, the leadership style of the Hilton hotel is beneficial for them to maximise the customer’s satisfaction by improving the customer’s service where the managers and the leader of the hotel aim to develop effective strategic planning to manage the workplace ad deliver proper hospitality care and appropriate venue with safety and security and providing other facilities.

On the other hand, according to Noe et al., (2017), smooth execution and providing personal and professional opportunities to the crew members are also necessary to motivate them and lead them towards achieving success. In this context, the leader of the Hilton hotel is efficient to develop human resource strategy to manage their staff members and provide proper training and development program so that they are able to deliver efficient quality of customer’s service during the conference. Trained staff of the Hilton Hotel is successful in providing the best possible customers service to meet the needs and preferences of the clients at the conference where all the staff are present to fulfil client’s requirements through cooperation and communication. Polite and respectful behaviour with the clients during the event, supporting them with proper hospitality service as well as encouraging their activities are helpful for the leader to deliver quality care and services to the customers at the conferences. As opined by Vuksic, Bach and Tomicic-Pupek (2016), team management is necessary for the leader to enhance the performance of the staff members and achieving the aim of the organisation. In this context, the leader of the Hilton Hotel is efficient to manage the team members and develop working in partnership practice in order to serve quality acre and efficient hospitality service to the clients. The staff members are taking care of the food and lodging of the clients during the conferences as well as providing the best possible service to the business clients so that they can feel safe and concentrate on the conference.

In addition to the above discussion, the leader of the Hilton hotel is also efficient to monitor financial management and reallocates the organisational resources so that the conference can be arranged properly without any risk. Saving time and money through improving cooperation and time management by prioritising the task is necessary for the leader to arrange the conference at the venue. In this context, the leader of the hotel aims at managing the time and reallocates financial resources in order to organise the event proficiently. implementation of the technology, laptop and organiser for presentation, providing free Wi-Fi to the clients, continuous service to the clients, managing quality of food and lodging, providing best hospitality service and developing proper corporate decoration are effective to satisfy the business clients and motivate them to concentrate in their meeting and conference successfully. Hereby, the strategic planning of the leader at Hilton Hotel is beneficial for maximising the satisfaction of the customers where the staff members and the managers of the hotel are taking care of all the clients with safety and security. The leader is also proficient in delivering the facilities at the conference where they are successful in fulfilling the needs and preferences of the client. During the conference, the clients get continuous assistance from the staff, which is also attractive during the event where all the staff and trained and skilled to serve the business clients efficiently. This is beneficial to improve the corporate image of the hotel as well as satisfy the clients successful at the venue.

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Leadership style and the strategic planning of the leaders are playing crucial role in developing appropriate event and conference at the hotel where the leader is efficient to fulfil the requirements of the client. Providing proper facilities, decoration of the venue, providing corporate look of the place for business conferences as well as reallocation of resources and staff management are the major strategic planning of the leader to improve their customer’s service where they are successful to satisfy the clients during the conference by providing hospitably service and effective car to them. Continuous assistance of the staff members, cooperation with the clients are effective for maximising satisfaction among the business clients and apart from that, the leader of the Hilton Hotel is also capable of managing the venue and the staff members through developing working in partnership, supportive culture and motivating them to deliver the best quality care and services to the clients according to their needs and preferences so that it is possible for the leader to improve their customer service and arrange the conference proficiently in order to satisfy all the business clients, present at the event.

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Reference List

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